UFO explosion in Tapanui, New Zealand, 1178 AD
(bilingual, in English
and Polish )
3 November 2013
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Could you imagine a
cataclysmic explosion that occurred only around
830 years ago near a township of Tapanui in New Zealand,
and that destroyed a significant proportion of the human
population on our planet and brough medieval darkness
to the Earth, but about which almost no-one seem to know.
Could you imagine that countless evidence of this UFO
explosion still remains visible until today, but no-one
seems to research it. Could you imagine that this mysterious
explosion caused a rapid shift of Earth's poles by around
7 degrees, but you do not find any information about
it in university textbooks. Could you imagine that inertia
forces from the rapid Earth's crust motion caused by
this explosion caused, amongst others, the leaning of
the famous "Leaning Tower" in Pisa, northern Italy, as
well as the deformation of the dome in Aya Sophia in
Istanbul, but no tourist brochures even mention about it.
(Aya Sophia was build in 537 AD by Cesar Justinian -
i.e. the one who censored the Bible. Originally it was
designed and used as a Byzantine Basilica. Then it
was converted into a mosque, while lately converted
again into a museum. A brief description of an
extraordinary history and supernatural mysteries
surrounding this ancient building is presented in the
caption under illustration "Fig. #1c" from the web page
bible.htm - about the authorization of the Bible by God Himself.)
Could you imagine that the powerful motions of Earth
caused by this explosion induced tsunami waves, which
only in the area of Schleswig-Holstein of present Germany
totally wiped out around half of million of people, and which
permanently submerged the legendary island of "Veneta"
on the Baltic Sea, but no one learns about this in history
books. Could you imagine that the climate changes caused
by the same Tapanui explosion melted the icy bridge
that before 1178 used to span the Bering Straits allowing
Eskimo people to travel between East Asia and Alaska
on dry ice. Simultaneously the same climate changes
frozen to solid ice the previously green paddocks of
Greenland, together with the Viking colony in there.
It is very difficult to imagine all this. But it is all true.
This web page indicates evidence for all this.
Part #A:
Introductory information of this web page:
Maori legend from Mataura - means what motivated me to prepare this web page:
I wonder whether the reader believes in
a so-called "fate". In my case everything
seems to indicate that because of this
"fate" I was pushed to complete scientific
research that later eventuate, amongst
others, with writing this web page (and also
monograph [5]
on which this web page is based). The first
push of this "fate" I experienced in 1982,
when, as a Solidarity activist, I was
forced to escape from Poland where a
"witch-hunt" then started, means then started
persecutions of Solidarity activists.
I landed at a proverbial "end of the world"
means in the most south located city in
the world. This city is called Invercargill
and it is located at the southern tip of New
Zealand. By the action of this "fate" in the
vicinity of this Invercargill are positioned
most important places described on this
web page, namely Mataura, Tapanui,
Rakiura, etc. Therefore already in 1983
I heard for the first time a relatively well-known
in that area, highly puzzling Maori legend
about the origins of the name "Raki-ura"
(i.e. "Glowing sky"). This name "Raki-ura"
Maoris assigned to the oceanic island closest
to Invercargill and currently known under the
name of the "Stewart Island". Soon later I
learned even more meaningful legend about
the "Fires of Tamaatea" that originates from
a nearby small town named "Mataura".
These legends record the course of a
mysterious catastrophe to which the Maori
mythology refers under the general name
of the "Fires of Tamaatea". (My later research
established that this catastrophe was actually
the explosion of an extraterrestrial spaceship
that took place near the small New Zealand
town of Tapanui, on 19 June 1178.) Here is
the content of this old Maori legend from the
South Island of New Zealand:
"In the fortified Maori village
(now a small township), later named Mataura, all began as a
typical winter morning. This village was located in the far
south of the South Island of New Zealand. Placed on the top
of a local hill it overlooked a dense totara bush which extended
from horizon to horizon. The Maori warriors on guard heard
the loud calls of feeding Moa birds coming from this bush.
People had just finished their morning meal and looked for
shadowy spots to escape from the scorching rays of the sun.
The damp, sub-tropical air was still cool, but its temperature
was rising quickly. Unexpectedly, warriors on duty from the
observation tower spotted an almost vertical cigar-shaped
object. It was gliding silently on the western side of the
sky, glowing intensively. Warriors began to yell "Mataura",
"Mataura". In the ancient Maori language this was equivalent
to the present scream "UFO", "UFO". Everyone rushed to watch.
When observed from below the gliding cigar had the shape of
a huge column or a horn, with a disk-shaped base that glowed
like a full moon - see Figure below. It suspended
motionless just above the village. Its enormous shadow cast
far beyond the edges of the fortifications. After hovering
for some time, the object moved eastward towards the next
Maori village later named Tapanui. Its flight was watched
with pious attention by a large crowd of Maori. When it
reached the western slope of the hill called Pukeruau
(in Maori language "puke-ruau" means "the hill that
moved/shook the Earth"), from the cigar's upper end a
single vehicle tried to separate. But something went wrong
with this manoeuvre, because suddenly a blinding flash
erupted from the spaceship. For a large number of people
watching, this flash was the last thing they were to see,
because its power turned their bodies into ashes in a
fraction of second. The lucky ones, who stood shaded from
this killing light, rapidly began to experience what seemed
to be the end of the world. The Earth had rocked under the
blows of a series of seven powerful blasts. The air got
dense from the scorching heat. Everything around burst into
flames. The Maori people still alive rushed panicking into
a nearby river, but the water reached only a few of them.
Sparse survivors of the escalating destruction later kept
telling their descendants hair-raising stories about the
ocean of fires which extended from horizon to horizon and
digested everything around, about the hurricane that cut
down trees by their roots and pealed off the surface of
the ground, about a glowing mushroom-shaped cloud that
scorched their skin, about the burning dust that choked their
lungs, about red-hot stones as large as huts which, with
a terrifying whistle, kept dropping everywhere from the
sky, about huge waves from the ocean that climbed deeply
into the land, and about the many years of coldness, rain,
floods, hunger and death which came afterwards."
There is a unique monument of these
terrifying events left in New Zealand until now. This is the name of
the small township Mataura, which is an ancient equivalent to
the present term "UFO". Thus, Mataura is probably the only township
in the world whose name has such unconventional meaning and origin.
Stories similar to that presented
above are still told by descendants of Maori warriors from the Mataura
village. This legend is only a small example of the oral Maori
tradition concerning "Nga Ahi o Tamaatea", i.e. legendary fires
which in New Zealand written folklore are better known under their
English name of the "Fires of Tamaatea". The main hero in all
these legends is a mythical commander "Tamaatea" (the meaning
of the Maori name "Ta-ma-atea" could be interpreted as "the
powerful from space"), sometimes also called "Tamau". He originated
from stars, but frequently visited Earth in his discoidal spaceship
called "Mata-ura" or "Mata-aho" (the name "Mata-ura" can be
interpreted as "the glowing/radiant face or disk"). The
information which constitutes the main motive for all these
legends states that a huge vehicle of "sons-of-sky" commanded
by Tamaatea exploded in ancient times in New Zealand, spreading
fires, destruction and death that affected everything in New
What are goals of this web page:
The main goal of this web page and the
body of evidence which I present here,
is to document that there is a huge body
of evidence for the actual explosion on
the Earth of an extraterrestrial spaceship
(UFO), that this evidence can be verified
by everyone and cannot be scientifically
denied, and that this evidence is subjected
to intentional although secretive campaign
of hiding and denying carried out on
the Earth by some
evil powers.
The additional goal is to point the attention
of the reader, that since there is a tangible
and verifiable evidence for the existence of
a powerful UFO explosion on the Earth, in
fact this evidence is also a confirmation that
our planet is subjected to secretive activities
of UFOnauts - as this is described on the web page
evil.htm - about origins of evil on the Earth.
This web page offers also free copies of monographs
[5e/3] and
which detail the evidence on UFO explosion near Tapanui:
In May 2009 some totaliztic servers started
to disseminate free copies of illustrated version
of monographs
[5e/3] and
about the UFO explosion near Tapanui in New
Zealand. These monographs are already available
in the resistant to virus attacks format "Adobe PDF"
("PDF" - from the "Portable Document Format").
Unfortunately, because of the large sizes of files
with these monographs (around 5 MB each), NOT
all totaliztic servers managed to accommodate them.
Therefore, if it turns out that these illustrated
monographs are NOT available in the PDF
format on the server here, then I would suggest
to search for them on other servers listed in
"Menu 3" or "Menu 4". Here are links to web
pages which allow to download both these monographs
text_5e.htm - with [5e/3] in English, and
tekst_5_4.htm - with [5p/4] in Polish.
Part #B:
My search for the site of explosion that is described in Maori legends:
The first four years of my search for the explosion site:
A first such Maori legend on Fires of Tamaatea
I heard in 1983, means very shortly after I arrived
to New Zealand from Poland and took up
the position of a Polytechnic tutor in this most
southern city of the world called "Invercargill".
Immediately after hearing this legend, I initiated
my searches for the UFO explosion site that
these legends refer to. It took me 4 years to
find the explosion site. But after four years I
succeeded with these searches and in 1987
I actually found the huge crater formed by a
powerful explosion near Tapanui. This web
site is describing outcomes of subsequent
research that I carried out on the Tapanui
explosion from the first moment after I
discovered it.
Discovery of the Tapanui Crater:
In 1987 I discovered the centre of this
legendary explosion. It turned out to be
located in a huge Tapanui crater. This
huge crater remains until today near a
small New Zealand township called
Tapanui. The later research shown that
the crater was caused by the aerial
explosion of a stack of UFOs composed
of 7 vehicles of K6 type. The crater is
around 1 km in diameter. Here is how
it looks-like, when it is seen from the
eastern edge:
Fig. #1: A close-up appearance of the
Tapanui Crater, where a cigar-shaped
stack of 7 UFO vehicles type K6
exploded in 1178 AD.
This photograph was taken from the northern
end of the Tapanui Crater, means from a spot
exactly opposite to that one from which a similar
photo shown on the web page named
was taken. Note two huge, fully-grown pine
trees growing, one inside and one outside,
of this colossal crater. Note also blue sheds where
the private owner of this crater keeps his farming tools.
* * *
(Note that you can see the
enlargement of each illustration or photograph
from this web site, simply by clicking on this
illustration or photograph. When you finish with looking
at such enlargement, click BACK
to return to this page. You can also download each illustration
to your own computer, and then look at it, reduce or enlarge
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* * *
The size, and crater-like
features of the Tapanui Crater can be appreciated even better
when this crater is viewed from a distance. On the main road
from Gore to Tapanui there is a small hill near the so-called
"McPhil road junction". From top of this hill there is a superb
view of the entire Tapanui Crater. Here is the photograph which
illustrates how the Tapanui Crater looks-like from that junction:
Fig. #2: A distant view of the Tapanui Crater.
(Click on this photograph to view it enlarged.)
Note the huge pine tree standing near the centre
of the crater. This tree is also visible on other
photographs of this crater.
Various information about mysteries and strange
phenomena surrounding the Tapanui crater are
also discussed on the web page
newzealand.htm - about New Zealand.
What research revealed:
After I managed to discover the Tapnui
Crater in 1987, I started to research this
intriguing site in my free time. I did all
research on my own expense and in
my spare time designated for rest. The
research revealed, that the Tapanui
explosion was actually accomplished
through an intentional exploding of a
stack of seven UFO vehicles type K6.
Here is how this stack of UFOs approximately
looked like:
Fig. #3ab: Appearance, design, main
components, and the principle of operation
of a cigar-shaped stack of 7 UFO vehicles of K6 type.
(Click on a given drawing in order to see it enlarged.)
It was just such a stack of UFOs that in 1178 AD exploded
around 100 meters above the ground level near a small
township of Tapanui in New Zealand. Because filled with
magnetic energy Oscillatory Chambers of each of these
vehicles are positioned into the shape of a concave mirror,
the explosion of a pile of such vehicles formed a directional
shockwave of gigantic power, similar to shockwaves which
are formed by antitank cumulative charges. The final
effect of this enormous UFO explosion was the shift of
poles of the Earth by around 7 degrees. This in turn
caused catastrophic changes on our planet, about
which almost no-one seems to know.
Fig. #3a (left):
External appearance of the "cigar" composed of 7 UFO vehicles
of K6 type.
This configuration is formed by stacking a number of subsequent
UFO vehicles of the same type (illustrated is a stack consisting of
seven vehicles type K6) one on top of the other, like a pile of saucers
stored in a kitchen cupboard. (For more details see descriptions
in monograph
[5/3] - about the UFO explosion near Tapanui
and also Figures O4 and O5 from the monograph
[1/4] - about advanced magnetic propulsion systems.)
The manner of coupling UFOs into such a configuration is also
described on two separate web page, namely on pages
propulsion.htm and
Most probably just such a cigar of UFOs exploded
near Tapanui in New Zealand in 1178 AD, and
also in Tunguska, Central Siberia, in 1908. The
outer dimensions of a UFO type K6 are: D=35.11
meters, H=5.85 meters - see equations F13 and
F7 in [1/4]. After landing, n = 20 side propulsors present
in this type of vehicle scorches a ring on the ground having the
nominal diameter d = D/(sqrt(2)) = 24.82 meters – see equation
F9 in [1/4].
Contemporary military technology uses an advanced
type of missile containing so-called "cumulative
charges". Such cumulative explosive charges
are designed to produce directed shockwaves,
so that crushing of otherwise indestructible objects
(such as tanks, bunkers, shields, etc.) can be
achieved. These charges are formed in the shape
of a searchlight mirror, thus directing the shockwaves
like a mirror directs light. When the placement
of Oscillatory Chambers within the UFOs is
analyzed, it becomes evident that this placement
is equivalent to the distribution of explosives within
missiles with such cumulative charges. Therefore,
the explosion of UFOs also displays a cumulative
character in which shockwaves are channelled
into the direction perpendicular to the vehicle's
base. The devastation area near Tapanui displays
a wealth of evidence for just such a cumulative
explosion. Because cumulative explosions are unknown
in nature and must be caused by a technological
device, the wealth of evidence for the cumulative
explosion which still exists near Tapanui, is simultaneously
the evidence that just such a pile of UFOs exploded
in there.
Fig. #3b (right):
A vertical cross section of the cigar-shaped stack of 7 UFO vehicles
of K6 type showing the magnetic interaction of propulsors and the
relative positioning of the compartments in the coupled UFO vehicles.
Symbols: GS - the thickness of the complementary flange which is
equal to the gap between the flanges of two subsequent UFO vehicles
(because this thickness and the gap are equal to each other, a number
of such cigar shaped flying complexes can be further coupled rim to rim
into flying systems - see Figure F17 in [1/4]);
N, S - polarity of the subsequent magnetic propulsors.
The principle of operation with the use of which such magnetic vehicles
fly in space is illustrated and explained on separate web pages
magnocraft.htm - about the design and operation of Magnocrafts and
propulsion.htm - about magnetic propelling devices of space vehicles.
The exclusively sensational, instead of scientific, reception of the outcomes of my research:
The interest in the Tapanui explosion turned
out to be mainly sensation oriented.
People were interested in this site only because
an extraterrestrial spaceship exploded there,
and because there was evidence for it - e.g.
spaceship debris. But the scientific value of
this explosion site was completely ignored.
Actually apart for myself (i.e. Dr Jan Pajak)
practically no other scientist ever joined the
research on this fascinating remainder of a
powerful catastrophe that affected the entire
our planet. This is pity, because the site of
the Tapanui explosion is actually more rich
in evidence and more spectacular than the
Tunguska explosion site of 1908.
The denials and condemning actions of other local scientists, and the negative consequences of the lack of constructive handling of the Tapanui explosion:
In spite that there is so much of hard evidence,
which clearly certifies for the Tapanui explosion,
the reception of outcomes of my research was
rather hostile. I had a very hard time trying to
convince my colleagues from the University in
which I was working at that time, that there is
any merit in Maori legends. Various problems
that I encountered then, as well as the further
fate of my research on this UFO explosion site,
are described in subsection A4 from volume
1 of my monograph
available through this web site. At this stage
it is sufficient to just mention, that because
of this my involvement in researching the
Tapanui explosion site, in 1990 I actually
lost my lecturing job in New Zealand. In
turn this loss of job seriously impacted
my fate - see the web page about myself (Dr Eng. Jan Pajak),
as it forced me to seek my bread outside
of New Zealand.
The non-constructive and non-serious handling
of the Tapanui explosion by local scientists from
New Zealand is a source of undesirable consequences
not only for myself. Practically all people, who in
case of a constructive approach to this research
could benefit from the outcomes in various manners,
were disadvantaged by such a handling.
For example, my publications about this explosion
are NOT disseminated and read, because local
luminaries are competing with each other in
denying their merit. In turn, because these
publications are NOT read, at the lost is not only
myself and not only their potential publishers,
but also every person whose knowledge and
view of the world could be widened in the
result of reading them. The area of the Tapanui
crater is not visited by almost any tourist - so
this area still remains (as it was described by
a programme of local TV) a "wind-swept wilderness".
This is pity, as the promotion of outcomes of the
research on the Tapanui explosion could bring to
this area thousands of tourists and researchers
from the entire world. In the result, this region
could experience an economic revival. No-one
tries to repair the unhealthy consequences of
the Tapanui explosion, nor preserve evidence
of it to future generations.
In turn the human science is cut off from a hugely
interesting case of consequences of a powerful
explosion, which could be researched thus increasing
the knowledge of humanity.
More information about this blocking, silencing,
and denying the truth, and about consequences
of these, is presented in item #G5 of the web page
newzealand.htm - about mysteries and curiosities of New Zealand.
When I was carrying out the research on the
Tapanui explosion, in fact there was NO yet
a positive example how this kind of research
should be handled by other scientists and by mass media.
Such a case appeared only in 2008. It was the so-called
impact from Kofels in Austria.
This impact in fact represents a "carbon copy"
of my own research on the Tapanui explosion.
Namely, two scientists, i.e. Dr Mark Hempsell
and Alan Bond, started from contents of old Greek
myths, then they found a huge crater in Austria,
officially considered to be a "lanslide", which in
the light of their research turned out to be an
explosion site of some extraterrestrial object.
After deciphering an old Sumerian clay tablet
that described this event, they obtained quantitative
data about this explosion. Amongst others, they
established that the explosion took place at the
done on 29 June 3123 BC, and that the result of
it was e.g. the destruction of biblical Sodom.
Their results they described in the book entitled
"A Sumerian Observation of the Kofels' Impact
Event", which become a bestseller.
The positive and constructive manner on which
this research on the impact from Kofels was
welcomed, caused that all people linked to this
case benefited from it in various ways. For example,
because of the enthusiastic and "normal" promotion
of the Kofels impact, its authors received international
recognition, publishers of the book on the subject
have a good business and free publicity, inhabitants
of the vicinity of Kofels obtained an influx of tourists
who additionally improve the economy of these
areas, believers in God obtained one more case
of scientific evidence for the correctness of claims
of the
about the destruction of Sodom, while the human
science received an important case for research.
We could only wish that the
Tapanui explosion in New Zealand
was handled in a similar constructive manner.
As a curiosity it is worth to mention here, that for
some reason in New Zealand the information
about the impact from Kofels was disseminated
as if this was a "fools-day joke". For example, this information
was published in the tone of a joke in the article
"Asteroid recorded on tablet" from the "fools-day"
edition of the New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Tuesday, April 1, 2008, page B2.
More information about the
impact from Kofels in Austria
and consequences of it, is presented in item #G5
of the web page
newzealand.htm - about mysteries and curiosities of New Zealand.
Part #C:
What kinds of evidence I managed to identify around the Tapanui Crater and what this evidence implies:
Complexity of the evidence:
Unfortunately, only in textbooks everything
seems to be simple and has just one aspect
to consider. After all, only textbooks can be
written after the event - when everyone
rapidly becomes "wise". But in real life
everything is very complicated. How much
complicated are events that take place in
the real life, textbook authors discover only
when some of them tries to predict something
that yet is to take place, e.g. the weather for
a next day, or the date and place of a next
earthquake, voulcano eruption, tsunami, or
any other cataclysm.
The Tapanui explosion was also one of these
highly complex phenomena, which combined
in itself several different components and occurred
simultaneously on several different levels. For
this reason it is convenient to prove separately
each component of this explosion. Also the evidence
which certifies for the existence of this explosion can be
subdivided into several different categories, which correspond
to these individual components of the explosion. Most important
categories of the evidence include:
The evidence that in fact there was a powerful
explosion near Tapanui in 1178 AD. After all, orthodox scientists
blame New Zealand Maoris for almost all consequences that the
Tapanui explosion brought to New Zealand (e.g. for burning
the New Zealand forests, for extinction of Moa birds and many
other local species, etc.). In turn the Tapanui Crater these
scientists try to explain as a huge "landslip".
The evidence that this Tapanui explosion caused Earth's
poles to shift by around 7 degrees. For example, orthodox
scientists try to explain all climatic changes that were caused
on the Earth by the polar shift resulting from this explosion,
as just natural "periodic changes of the Earth's climate" -
giving to these changes the scientific name "Little Ice Age".
At this point it is worth to indicate, that the polar
shift resulting from the Tapanui explision in the
scientific sense is immensely interesting and
should be vigorously researched (instead of
being ignored). The reason is, that it had a
chartacter of a long series of jumpy slips of
the outer hard shell of the Earth in relation to
the liquid nucleus of the Earth, taking place
around years 1202 and 1216. In addition, these
slips were propelled by the unique mechanism
of like a "magnetic spring" the wounding up of
which was caused by the Tapanui explosion
(which had a magnetic nature). This mechanism
is described in subsection D3 from my monograph
[5/3] "UFO explosion in New Zealand 1178 A.D. which tilted the Earth".
Furthermore, these jumpy slips were additionally
complicated due to mutual dynamic interaction
occurring between subsequent tectonic plates
of our planet. In the result, sometimes two relatively
close cities, for example Salamis and Famagusta
described in item #H3 of this web page, or Wineta
and Salamis described in items #H2 and #H3
of this web page, were affected by these slips
in different times or in completely different ways.
The evidence that this explosion was caused by
a stack of 7 UFO vehicles type K6, which exploded around 100
meters above the ground level. For example, these orthodox
scientists who are willing to accept that there was an explosion
in Tapanui in 1178, simultaneously try to imply that this
explosion was caused by a meteorite or by a comet hitting
the Earth over there.
The evidence that UFO vehicles which exploded in Tapanui
were actually the so-called "time vehicles" that can travel in
time (for more details on "time vehicles" see the web page named
or the web page named
The evidence that the Tapanui explosion was intentionally
"simulated" in such a manner as if it was caused on purpose
by parasitic UFOnauts in order to shift the humanity back
in the development (for more details on the "similations"
of activities of parasitic UFOnauts on the Earth - see the
web page named
Let us now briefly present
two most important categories of evidence from the above list.
But please note that a detailed presentation of the entire this
evidence is contained in scientific monographs [5/4], [5/3]
and [1/4] mentioned earlier and available via this web page.
Where is available this body of evidence that is ignored so-far by the present human science:
The extraordinary thing regarding the
UFO explosion near Tapanui is, that the orthodox science ignores the
existence of this explosion, in spite that there is a wealth of evidence
which conforms it. Actually I wrote an entire voluminous treatise,
which contains nothing else but the review of various items of evidence
certifying that this explosion in fact took place. This evidence
is presented systematically in my scientific monograph marked
[5] - about the UFO explosion near Tapanui -
downloadable from the menu on left margin of this web page.
You can download these monographs free of charge to your own computer
and then read them in your spare time. Furthermore, the summary
of this evidence is also presented in subsection O5.2 from volume
12 of another scientific monograph marked
[1/4] - about advanced magnetic propulsion systems,
which you also can download and read free of charge via this web page.
Part #D:
The body of evidence which certifies that near Tapanui some powerful explosion actually took place:
The wealth of evidence about the Tapanui explosion:
There is a wealth of evidence which
consistently certifies, that actually there was a powerful explosion
in 1178 AD near the New Zealand township of Tapanui. Let us list here
the most important items of this evidence:
#1. The existence of a huge crater, which you can see on
photographs presented here. Craters of that size do not appear from
nothing, and something must make them. Orthodox scientists claim that
the Tapnui Crater is simply a huge landslip. But their claims do
not hold water and are contradicted by the evidence present on
the spot. In the confrontattion with the topography of the Tapanui Crater,
these claims are simply ridiculous, if not childish. What is even more
interesting, they are disseminated by scientists, who actually never see
this crater with their own eyes, and even do not know where exactly this
crater is located.
#2. The existence of old tree trunks which are lying down
in a very meaningful concentric manner. They originally are so positioned,
that their trunks point at the Tapanui Crater. So they all indicate that
they were blown out from the surface of Earth by a blast from powerful
explosion. The carbon dating of all these uprooted trees indicates
that they all died simultaneously around 1178 AD.
#3. Eye witnesses. The flashes of the Tapanui explosion
were so powerful, that they were seen in monks from England, and by
Genghis Khan from Mongolia who even took them for a sign from God.
So now we have historic (written) records which confirm that this
explosion in fact took place.
#4. The Maori mythology. Maoris which inhabited New
Zealand at the moment this explosion took place, preserved in
their mythology the description of the Tapanui event. So this
explosion is well described by countess Maori myths on the
so-called "Fires of Tamaatea".
#5. Material remains. There are numerous material remains
left from this explosion, which can be found near Tapanui. These
include, amongst others: melted spaceship debris, fallout of gold
nuggets on the ground (gold was synthesised during this powerful
explosion, thus after the explosion a thin layer of gold dust
covered the ground near Tapanui), stones melted by the heat
of explosion - locally called "china stones", and many more.
To complement the above summary of the
evidence for the actual appearance of the
Tapanui explosion, I discuss below in more
details selected examples of this evidence.
For the comprehensive presentation of all
this evidence there is no enough space in
this brief web page. But those readers who
become interested in this evidence can
find the full presentation of it in the mentioned
before free monograph
[5] - about the UFO explosion near Tapanui -
downloadable, amongst others, via this web
Trees of majestic "totara" concentrically lied down by the blow of the Tapanui explosion and lying in such manner that their axes point at the Tapanui Crater:
The remains of charred trees spread around the Tapanui Crater display very characteristic radial order. These trees are lying parallel to each other, their trunks are pointing in the direction of the Tapanui Crater, and their roots are oriented towards the centre of the explosion - see Figure 11 in [5e]. The example of identically uprooted trees in Tunguska proved that the only cause for such a high order in tree layout could be a powerful explosion whose shockwaves felled forests within their range.
At the turn of the last century, the vast area around the Tapanui Crater was literally covered with such uprooted trees, the trunks of which were pointing to the same spot, i.e. the centre of the Crater. The appearance of these fallen trees, recalled by some elderly people, was resembling that of the Tunguska explosion. Early settlers in this area removed these trees, tidying up the land for livestock. The older locals still remember the amount of work this involved, as the surfaces of the trees were impregnated with grains of sand which blunted steel saws. At present only those trees buried underground or hidden in swamps remain.
Here is one of these tree trunks, sticking out from
a sandy bank of the nearby Black Gully Creek:
Fig. #4: Myself (Dr Jan Pajak) sitting on a trunk of huge
totara tree that was blown down by a powerful blast from
the Tapanui explosion. The photograph taken in 1988.
This tree originally was buried in the ground. But water of the Black
Gully Creek washed it out from the sandy bank, exposing the direction
in which it points (it points directly towards the centre of explosion,
i.e. towards the Tapanui Crater). From the sandy banks of the Black
Gully Creek many such partially burried trees were sticking out in times
when in 1987 and 1988 I intensively researched the Tapanui explosion.
Note from the description
that the age of this tree is such that the wood remembered times when
Jesus walked on Earth. Several years after taking the above photograph,
all trees of hardwood totara were removed from the sandy bank of
the "Black Gully Creek" and used for turning various useful objects.
Thus at present this trees do NOT exists there any more.
So-called "china stones" - means lumps of soil thrown into the air by force of explosion, melted by heat of this explosion, and aerodynamically shaped in the effect of flight in the hot air:
The so-called "china stones" are formed from big lumps of local soil, clay, native rock and other original materials which were blasted from the Crater by the power of the explosion, aerodynamically shaped during flight, baked (fired) by the heat, glazed on the surface, and then deposited as part of the post-explosion fallout. Examples of china stones are shown in Figure 15 of [5e]. China stones display many unusual features, some of which directly point to their origin as being from the Tapanui explosion.
Some chine stones display the presence of negative imprints of local leaves, trees, grass and other organic matter embedded inside of these stones. These imprints found in china stones resemble the imprints found at Pompeii near Vesuvius in Italy. They reflect an outer structure and shape of organic objects trapped in the stone. In most cases the original organic objects have decayed since the explosion took place, thus only negative copies of the objects' external shapes remain. But there are still some china stones left which contain raw/fresh (i.e. non-fossilized) organic matter trapped inside.
Here is how such "china stones" look like:
Fig. #5: The "china stone" from Roxburgh. It is
displayed by the Town Hall of that former gold-mining
township. It represents a lump of soil melted by heat of
the Tapanui explosion. In order to arrive at Roxburgh
from the Tapanui Crater it needed to fly over 50 kilometres
in the extremely heated air. This explains its aerodynamic shape.
Note the plate cemented under it. This plate tells the story of a whole
pocket of gold nuggets and gold sand that was found lying on the surface
of this stone. Because of this gold find, the stone become famous.
But almost no-one looking at that china stone wonders where this
gold originated from. After all, in order to be deposited on the upper surface
of this stone, the gold needed to "fall from the sky". Similarly gold which
constituted the New Zealand "golden fleece" must also "fall from
the sky". This New Zealand "golden fleece" was simply formed from
deposits of gold sand and gold nuggets that in past covered the surface
of the ground in the entire area of post-explosive fallouts from the
Tapanui explosion. This gold needed to be synthesised in the air
by some extreme conditions of the super-powerful explosion similar
to a thermonuclear explosion, means such as the Tapanui explosion.
After falling to the ground this "golden fleece" later become a reason
for the "gold rush" that gripped New Zealand in the last part of 19th
century and at the beginning of 20th century.
Such "china stones" were splashed radially from the Tapanui Crater.
They are simply big lumps of baked clay and soil lifted into the air by
the power of explosion, then melted and aerodynamicaly shaped
during the flight in hot air, and hardened after
falling to the ground. The largest of these stones tend to be spread
along the east edge of the post-explosion fallouts (the west edge tends
to have the fine "trinitite" deposits - see item #E2 below), probably
because of the clay and soil configurations inside the Crater. Some
"china stones" splashed from the Tapanui Crater flew as far as the
town of Hokitika, located around 400 kilometres away from the crater.
China stones display aerodynamic shapes and their properties
correspond to those of lumps of china.
Part #E:
The body of evidence which certifies that these were UFOs that exploded in Tapanui:
Summary of the evidence that these were UFOs that exploded in Tapanui:
These orthodox scientists who under the
weight of evidence are willing to accept that there actually was a
powerful explosion in Tapanui in 1178 AD, still are very reluctant
to admit that UFO vehicles exploded over there. The most frequent
statement they make is that "most probably it was a meteorite or a
comet" that exploded in there. Of course while making such a statement
they have no evidence in support of their claim. They just simply try
to avoid admitting that it could be a UFO which exploded over Tapanui.
But if one manages to overcome his or her prejudice towards UFOs
(means one recognises that there is already in power a
formal scientific proof for the existence of UFOs,
and also one recognises that there is accumulated a huge body of
authentic prohographs of UFOs),
then it turns out that there is a wealth of evidence which clearly certifies
for the UFO explosion near Tapanui. Here is some amongst this evidence:
Eye witnesses. A cigar-shaped stack of UFO vehicles
that exploded near Tapanui was actually seen by Maoris. Crew of this
vehicle was even talking before the explosion to Maoris from "Raki Ura"
(the present "Stewart Island"). Thus Maori descriptions of this UFO
vehicle survived until present times in Maori mythology.
The crater that bears all the attributes of an aerial
explosion. The Tapanui Crater has an unique shape. It is identical to
the area of fallen trees in Tunguska, Siberia, where a similar UFO
explosion took place in 1908 (see Figure C6 in monograph [5/4], and
Figure O5 in monograph [1/4]). Therefore the geometry and attributes
of the Tapanui Crater prove that it was a UFO that exploded in Tapanui.
The pollution of vicinity of the Tapanui crater with telekinetic
field and with disturbances in time continuum. Only
UFO vehicles can technically induce a powerful pollution
of the Tapanui area with telekinetic field that we observe
there at present. Also only UFOs working as so-called
"Time Vehicles" can induce disturbances of time continuum
that are noticeable near the Tapanui crater until today.
(These disturbances of time cause, amongst others,
temporary shifting of living Moa birds to our times - for
more details see item #D2 on the totaliztic web page
and item #D6.1 on the web page
as well as item #F2 below on this web page, and descriptions
in monographs [5/3] or [5/4].)
UFO debris. When first white settlers arrived to
present area of Tapanui, various melted remains of UFO vehicles were
scattered around. Some of these remains were picked up and now either
gather dust in private collections, or lie hidden in cellars of local
museums. For example between 1983 and 1988 the local museum in nearby
Invergargill exhibited a melted piece of a spaceship which was looking
like a half-melted gearbox from a present car. This piece was found
near Waikaka, means very close to the Tapanui crater.
I also researched a piece of melted UFO spaceship
found not far from the Tapanui Crater. It amazingly
contains grains of magnetised iron and grains of
pure aluminium (as we know, aluminium is not
appearing in pure form in nature; also Maoris did
not know how to manufacture metals). Here is
how this piece of a UFO spaceship looks like:
The existence of a metal that is unknown to present
science and that behaves like a "magnetised gold"
The most strange evidence that these were UFOs
that exploded near Tapanui, are unknown
materials with properties that cannot be explained
by present science. For example, when I lectured
at the University of Otago between 1988 and 1990,
the university had a miniature museum of geological
curiosities. Amongst many objects that this museum
kept, there was also a piece of "magnetised gold" - see
the photo below. This piece looked like a large gold
nugget, felt like a gold nugget, only that it was strongly
magnetised. It was found in Remarkables, means
on the main axis of splash of debris from the Tapanui
explosion. So almost for sure it was a part from a UFO
spaceship that exploded near Tapanui. According to
current science gold cannot be magnetised - so what
unknown on Earth material it was? Scientists from the
University of Otago were unable to establish what it was.
* * *
In order to complement the above summary
of the evidence that these were UFOs that
exploded near Tapanui, I discuss below in more
details selected examples of this evidence.
For the comprehensive presentation of all
this evidence there is no enough space in
this brief web page. But those readers who
become interested in this evidence can
find the full presentation of it in the mentioned
before free monograph
[5e] - about the UFO explosion near Tapanui -
downloadable, amongst others, via this web
Debris from UFO vehicles that exploded near Tapanui:
Around the Tapanui Crater unusual metallic splinters are sometimes found. The research of piece of such a splinter that is in my possesion proved that it consists of magnetized iron (about 30%), pure aluminium (around 10%) and silicone (around 60%). These debris look like pieces of a spacecraft, torn apart by the explosion, melted, mixed with molten local soil, magnetized, compressed, aerodynamically shaped during the flight, and then deposited in the vicinity of the explosion site. A photo of a sample of such a splinter is shown in Figure below. It is also interesting that the soil in the vicinity of the Tapanui Crater displays an excess of aluminium, while simultaneously some other micro-elements seem to be deficient there. It almost looks as if aluminium was spread on this soil from some large disintegrating body.
At this point it should be stressed that aluminium in pure form does not appear in nature. Actually this modern-age metal was not discovered until 1803 and not produced successfully in pure form until 1854. Practically, however, the technology of mass aluminium production was only mastered shorthly before the World-War 2. Today the process of extracting aluminium from bauxite is very complicated and involves the use of a Reverbier Oven, a refraction chamber and a regenerator, as well as electrolyses and temperatures exceeding 950 C. Thus one may ask the question how it could be possible that a pure aluminium is contained in debris spread around the Tapanui Crater, unless of course they are melted fragments from a spaceship manufactured by a technology even more advanced than ours.
Debris of UFO vehicles, and melted "china stones",
are NOT the only extraordinary substances that
remained after the Tapanui explosion. The drifting
mushroom of the Tapanui explosion spread also
several further unusual substances over the area
of New Zealand. The most meaningful out of
these is the so-called "trinitite" - means a kind
of solidified droplets of glass which are known to
humanity only from nuclear explosions. Other
substance spread over there is an extraordinary
"black sand", means a powdered iron which is
covered with a kind of glaze. Still another substance
that fell down from the mushroom of that explosion
was gold powder which was deposited in the areas
of post-explosive fallouts.
Independently from this web page, large debris
of a UFO vehicle found in the vicinity of the
Tapanui crater are also described on the web page
newzealand.htm - about mysteries and curiosities of New Zealand,
as well as in monograph
that is entirely devoted to descriptions of the
Tapanui explosion.
Here are photographs of two examples of debris
found in the vicinity of the Tapanui crater:
Fig. #6: A photograph which shows a small fragment
of an object that looks like a melted car gearbox.
It was found on a paddock of flat plains of Waikaka,
i.e. only around 20 km north-west from the Tapanui
crater. At the time of photographing it, the object was
on a display in museum from the city of Invercargill.
The surface of grassland where this object was found
is flat, just covered with soil and grass and deprived
any stones or large mineral deposits. Thus, the presence
of such a single object on the surface of ground in
that area is difficult to explain as a natural occurrence.
Unfortunately I needed to make this photograph
through a glass of display window, thus only the
above (rather small) fragment of it come out relatively
well visible. The entire object is larger, and the
shape of it suggests a technological origin which
was later distorted by action of heat from a powerful
Fig. #7: A melted piece of UFO vehicle found near
the Tapanui Crater. It definitely originates from a
technologically manufactured spaceship, as it
contains large grains of pure aluminium, while it is
known that pure aluminium does NOT appear in nature.
For idea of the size, a large NZ coin (50 cents)
is placed near to it. The coin is 32 mm in diamter
The spectrometric analysis revealed that this piece contains around 60% of silicone, 30% of iron, and 10% of aluminium.
(It is worth reminding that in its pure form aluminium does not appear in nature.) Iron is strongly magnetised. Also time
disturbances are frozen in it. Thus it provides various paranormal experience if put under someone's pillow.
Taking into account the melted surface, aerodynamic shape, compressed structure, turbulent magnetization,
and technological composition of this piece, it can be concluded that it definitely originates from parts of a spaceship which
were mixed with local soil, compressed, smoothed on the surface, and magnetized during this magnetic explosion. It should
be stressed that four chunks of such material were located by me so-far. Except for the one presented above from the author's
collection, another piece is held by my friend, Mr Ken Goldfinch. Further two such debris are on the display at the museum in
Invercargill. But I am aware that numerous such debris were collected from fields surrounding the Tapanui crater,
only that all these are now in private collections - thus rather difficult to locate.
Nuggets of the "magnetised gold", or rather pieces of extraterrestrial metal which still remains unknown to the present human science and which displays all attributes of gold:
It appears that one amongst by-products of
the Tapanui explosion takes the form of
pieces of mysterious metal which still remains
unknown to the human science. Splinters
of this extraordinary metal are indistinguishably
similar to "gold nuggets" - see "Fig. #8ab" below.
Only that they are magnetised. In turn it
is commonly known that noble metals,
do which gold belongs, cannot be magnetised.
In times when I carried out active research
on the Tapanui explosion, while simultaneously
I lectured at the
Otago University,
in the Geology Department of that university
existed a small museum with various geological
curiosities. Amongst the exhibits of this museum
from the Geology Department at the University
of Otago were two splinters of this extraordinary
metal. Both of them were similar size, looked
similarly, and both were similarly magnetised.
One of them I personally held in my hands,
checked its magnetisation, and photographed.
Photographs of it (showing it from both sides)
I am presenting below in "Fig. #8ab". For me
it was indistinguishably similar to a "gold nugget".
But then I had no research capabilities to check
from what metal it was formed. Interestingly that
in these times no faculty member from the Geology
Department even tried to establish from what metal
this splinter was made of. The piece which I
photographed was found on slopes of the
Remarkables mountain near Queenstown,
means around 150 kilometres north-north-west
from the Tapanui crater. Where the second
piece of this metal was found I am unable to
In 1909 near the New Zealand township called
Ross a "gold nugget" was found of the size of
a human fist. With the elapse of time it become
quite famous in New Zealand. It is called the
Roddy's gold nugget from Ross.
It weighted 2807 grams (i.e. 99 ounces).
Unusually, old-timers claimed that it supposedly
was "magnetised". But vital characteristics of this
nugget surely remained identical to these of gold.
After all, in spite of the supposed "magnetisation",
jewellers of that time qualified it as gold. Also as a
"gold nugget" it is described in all historic sources.
The township Ross is located around 350 km
to north-north-east from the Tapanui crater.
But it is still positioned within the range of splinters
from the Tapanui explosion. After all, sizable
"china stones" flown from Tapanui as far as
the town Hokitika, which lies behind Ross in
even further distance from Tapanui.
I am intrigued by the question what actually
these "magnetised gold nuggets" are made of.
Means, whether these are made of some
unique isotope of gold of the magnetic nature,
which was synthesised by the extreme conditions
of the Tapanui explosion. Or rather are made of gold-like
extraterrestrial metal used in UFO vehicles
which exploded near Tapanui. Perhaps this
secret is going to be explained one day.
After all, the Tapanui explosion splashed New
Zealand with a layer of gold nuggets that fell down
in the entire area of the post-explosion fallouts.
The majority of this "gold fleece" was already
collected during the "gold rush" from the end
of XIX century and the beginning of XX century.
However, "gold nuggets" are being found in various
corners of New Zealand still until today. Only
that typically no-one checks whether these
gold nuggets are magnetised. But perhaps
one day someone checks them, determines
that one of them is magnetised, subjects it to
more thorough scientific research, and discovers
something that will shock the entire world.
Objects that represent key evidence for the
explosion of an extraterrestrial spacecraft
near Tapanui are disappearing shockingly
fast in various mysterious ways. But one
would think that so precious exhibits like
"gold nuggets" or samples of "gold-like
metal" described here, should be protected
much better than trunks of old "totara" trees
or "china stones". But these gold nuggets
are disappearing equally fast and equally
mysteriously. I personally believe that this
escalating disappearance of the evidence
is secretly arranged by someone, e.g. by
creatures described on the web page
evil.htm - about origins of evil on the Earth.
After all, if one would consider these
disappearances just as ordinary "coincidence",
then there is too many of them to really be
just a coincidence.
Here is the photograph of this piece of mysterious
gold-like metal that apparently remains unknown
to our science.
Fig. #8ab: Mysterious magnetised "gold-like" metal left from the Tapanui explosion.
It looks like a "gold nugget", although it is not known whether it
actually is made of gold. (In times when I worked at the Otago
University, scientists over there have not even tried to establish
what kind of metal it actually is.) Both above photographs show
the same piece of metal, only photographed from two different
sides. To illustrate the size, a coin (of old) New Zealand 50
cents is placed near this "nugget". It is 32 mm in diameter.
Fast progressing vandalism of the evidence:
In recent times I live relatively far from the
Tapanui crater - namely almost 1000 kilometres
and also on a different island of New Zealand.
Furthermore, because of the chronic unemployment
(brought about on my head, amongst others,
through researching the Tapanui crater) I am
frequently forced to leave the country. Therefore to the
crater I travel lately rather infrequently - approximately
once per each around 5 years. What is always
shocking me during these visits, is the fast
progressing vandalism of the evidence.
In almost each next visit I find only around
a half of the evidence which I saw during a
previous visit. If it goes further like this, soon
all evidence becomes extinct, in spite that it
was so dominant when I initiated my research.
Part #F:
Consequences of the Tapanui explosion for New Zealand:
How the Tapanui explosion affected New Zealand:
The Tapanui explosion exerted an enormous
impact on New Zealand. New Zealanders endure numerous consequences of
this explosion even today, without actually knowing about them. Let us
list here the most important side effects of the Tapanui explosion,
that still can be noticed in New Zealand even today:
#1. The deficiency of
micro-elements in soil near the Tapanui Crater. The enormous
heat and radiation of the Tapanui explosion caused that all
radiation-sensitive micro-elements evaporated from the soil near
the Tapanui Crater. So now this soil has a deficiency of these
micro-elements, e.g. selenium or calcium. In turn the lack of these
micro-elements causes, that vicinity of the Tapanui are one of the
least healthy regions of New Zealand. Such unhealthy region it was
from the very beginning. To a very interesting evidence of this
unhealthy character of the Tapanui area my attention pointed one
of the local antics collectors. For example, according to his findings, if in
any other area of New Zealand people accidentally uncover old
rubbish dump, the dominating component of this rubbish are always
old bottles from alcohol - currently being desired objects for
numerous antics collectors. But if old rubbish is uncovered
in the Tapanui area, then it turns out that this old rubbish is
dominated by bottles from various medicines. Probably also a
strange "immune-deficiency" (i.e. the post-radiation type)
illness that appears near the Tapanui Crater, and that locally
is called the "Tapanui flu", is also a consequence of this explosion.
As it is easy to realise during contacts with inhabitants of the
vicinity of the Tapanui Crater, almost in every household someone
either was, or just now is, ill with this extraordinary and
mysterious illness.
The telekinetic pollution of New Zealand. UFO vehicles
which exploded near Tapanui caused a powerful flash of the telekinetic
field. (The "telekinetic field" is an accelerated magnetic field used to
trigger a technical version of telekinesis - for details see web page
In turn telekinetic field causes the accelerated growth of all living
organisms. This is why people and animals born and grown in New Zealand
are so "bulky". Also this is why various trees (e.g. pines or oaks)
grow in New Zealand around 5 times faster than in Europe.
#3. The appearance of gigantic
mutations of living organisms. The telekinetic pollution of New Zealand
during the Tapanui explosion caused in past, and still causes now, that
various organisms which live in New Zealand, or in nearby oceans, sporadically
mutate to gigantic sizes. The mechanism of this mutation is explained in
subsection JE9.2 from volume 9 of monograph [1/4]. Because of these mutations,
in New Zealand itself, and
also in waters around it, almost every animal appears in two sizes: normal
and gigantic. The gigantic size is from 5 to 12 times larger than normal.
Here is a photograph of the most famous of such gigantic mutantions
from New Zealand, namely the super-bird called Moa:
A long list of species of animals that have
these two sizes is provided in my scientific monographs [5/3] and [5/4].
But to mention here some examples that are already known throughout the
world, these include: Moa bird (normal size Moa was like a turkey, gigantic
size Moa was like a giraffe), recently famous "giant squid" or "aratupus"
a "baby" of which having almost 10 meters in length in 2003 was exposed
to public viewing in the
Te Papa
museum from Wellington, Kiwi bird, and many
more. What is even more interesting, until around 18th century the vicinity
of Tapanui in New Zealand was populated by a tribe of human
giants. They were called "Te Kahui Tipua" and they used to tower around
5 meters tall. Gigantic skeletons of these human giants still are being
found from time to time - unfortunately soon after finding they tend to
disappear mysteriously. More details on these gigantic mutations of living
creatures from New Zealand you can find on a separate page - marked
New Zealand
in the "Menu 1".
#4.Fluctuations of time. UFO vehicles that were
exploded near Tapanui represented the so-called
Time Vehicles.
In turn every explosion of a time vehicle induces
powerful disturbances in
thus also disturbances in the continuity of time on a given
area. Time starts to fluctuate there like water-waves
in a lake. This fluctuating time in turn has the ability
to brings to our times various animals (or people)
that normally live in other time periods. Because
such bringing already extinct animals to our times
is the most strange phenomena that takes place
in New Zealand, I describe it in more details in
a separate item #F2 below.
#5.Strange phenomena that still take place in
New Zealand. The polluting of vicinity of the Tapanui
Crater with telekinetic field and with disturbances of time continuum,
causes that near Tapanui an entire array of strange phenomena appears.
In order to mention some of these phenomena, in the Tapanui Crater itself
strange round spheres of light are seen at nights. They usually are size
of ping-pong balls, and they are able to penetrate through solid matter.
People explain them as spirits of those killed in the Tapanui explosion.
Also, in the area of Tapanui almost never typical lightning bolts strike,
but in turn there is a strange phenomenon of "curtain lightings" in there.
For more of such unexplained phenomena - see the separate web page
newzealand.htm - about New Zealand,
or see my monographs [5/4] and [5/3].
#6. The existence of surface
gold deposits in New Zealand. The telekinetic flash that accompanied
the Tapanui explosion caused also the mass fusion of gold dust. Thus just
after the explosion, the surface of New Zealand was literally covered with
a thin layer of gold dust and gold nuggets. Pockets
of gold were lying even on the surface of stones, as this is explained for the
china stone from Roxburgh, the photograph of which is shown on this web page.
This surface gold dust caused a famous "gold rush" in New Zealand of late 1800.
In turn the "gold rush" lied a historic foundations for present New Zealand economy.
An interesting attribute of gold dust that used
to lie on surface of New Zealand soil, is that it changed properties concentrically
with the distance from the centre of explosion. Therefore during the gold rush
people were able to say where a given gold comes from just by one look at it.
The lack of forests in central part of South Island of New Zealand.
The Tapanui explosion uprooted trees from almost a half of New Zealand. These trees
were also burned out. So there were no seeds to start germination of trees after the
Tapanui explosion. This is why the central parts of the South Island of New Zealand
had no forests when white settlers arrived in there around 1840s. But it was all covered
by trunks of old trees, that were uprooted by the blast of this explosion. By now
the majority of these tree trunks are removed. However, some of them still can be
found in various remote areas.
The mass extinction of various animal species in
New Zealand, including the famous Moa super-bird, local
"harpagornis moorei" giant eagle - with the wingspan exceeding 3 meters,
small local species of kiwi bird, and many more. It was the Tapanui explosion
that wiped out all large and small animals of New Zealand, that used to
live there before 1178.
#9. Trees that remember times of Jesus.
The Tapanui explosion in 1178 uprooted huge jungles overgrown with thousands
years old hard-wood trees, locally called totara. Totara is a very slow
growing tree. Trees growing before the Tapanui explosion used to take around
1000 years to grow to the diameter of around 1 meter. Partially scorched logs
of these magnificent trees remain in various remote parts of New Zealand until
today. Some of these logs are 2 to 4 meters in diameter. This means that they
already were growing thousands years before Jesus come to Earth. Local entrepreneurs
use the red, beautiful wood of these ancient trees, to make various tourist
souvenirs out of them. So if you are lucky enough to find such a local
entrepreneur for just a few dollars you can
buy in New Zealand a beautiful souvenir made of the red totara wood, which remembers
times when Jesus was walking on Earth. Of course, this your purchase
would be also your personal favour contributed towards our civilisation. This
is because when people finally realise the significance of the Tapanui explosion
for our planet, scientists will be able to research your well preserved souvenir.
* * *
In order to complement the above summary
of consequences of the Tapanui explosion
that affected New Zealand, I discuss below
in more details selected examples of these
consequences. Unfortunately, there is no
enough space in this brief web page for the
comprehensive presentation of all these
consequences. However, those readers
who become interested in these consequences
can find the full presentation of these in the
free monograph
[5] - about the UFO explosion near Tapanui
mentioned before.
Waving of the so-called "timespace" and repetitive appearances in present New Zealand fauna from the past which is already extinct in there for a long time, e.g. moa birds:
The waving of the "timespace" caused by
the exploding of a "time vehicle" near
Tapanui has numerous consequences.
(A "time vehicle" is actually a UFO vehicle
of the third generation. It is described in
chapter N from volume 2 of the monograph
[1/5] - about advanced magnetic propulsion systems.)
For example, the ability of the "timespace"
to shift living organisms to different times,
in future can even be utilised by people for
building advanced time vehicles
described in item #D1 of the web page about the
Time Vehicles.
If the waving of the "timespace" described here
by a chance brings some animals to our times,
then after a short time in our times these animals
are taken back by a next wave of the "timespace"
to their own times. So due to these fluctuations of
time caused by the explosion of time vehicles near
Tapanui, in New Zealand quite regularly various
prehistoric animals appear in our times. People
see these animals relatively frequent, sometimes
these creatures even hunt and eat individual humans.
Then these strange prehistoric animals are taken
back to their own times.
The most frequently appearing such prehistoric
animals that appear in New Zealand due to waving
of the "timespace" are huge moa birds. Every now
and again people see these birds in New Zealand,
or find tracks of their footprints - in spite that moa
birds are completely extinct since 1178, i.e. since
happened this UFO explosion near Tapanui. Thus,
one day people meet them and see them, other
day they cannot be found there any more. The
newest case when two Australian researchers
have found fresh track of so-called "scrub moa"
in the New Zealand bush near Urewera, was
described in the article entitled "Urewera moa
'probably emu' ", that was published on page
A5 of the New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Wednesday, January 9, 2008.
The same footprints of moa are also described
in another article entitled "Big birds puzzle experts"
which appeared on page A8 of the New Zealand newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Thursday, January 10, 2008.
At this point it is worth to realise, that time
fluctuates near every explosion site of time
vehicles. In history of our planet many such
time vehicles exploded in various areas of the
globe (for details see monographs [5/3] and [5/4]). Therefore such
prehistoric animals keep to appear and disappear in various other
areas of Earth as well, not just only in New Zealand. The most
well-known of them include famous "Nessie" from Loh Ness in Scotland,
and the dinosaur-like monster from the lake Cini in Malaysia.
Fig. #9ab: Two photographs of the gigantic
mutation of Moa birds from New Zealand.
Although these my amateur photographs leave a lot to wish for (actually the right
one was taken through glass), they quite well reflect the huge
size of this particular mutation of Moa - when it is compared
to an adult human figure. Notice that all gigantic
subspecies of Moa originally mutated from a bird of the size of an
average turkey, that in New Zealand usually is called "bush moa".
Around 100 000 years old and well preserved complete skeleton of
such turkey-sized bush moa was uncovered in the Centennial Park
in Timaru - a site of this discovery is still marked over there
until today (although the skeleton itself is well hidden from the
public viewing in cellars of the Canterbury Museum from
Christchurch, and possibly is going to mysteriously disappear
one day - similarly as this happened with a skeleton of around
8 meters tall human giant also found in Timaru - for details of
this giant see item #I2 from the web page
Part #G:
Consequences of the Tapanui explosion for the entire our planet:
World-wide impact of the Tapanui explosion:
The Tapanui explosion exerted a
powerful influence on the entire our planet. Let us list here these
consequences of the Tapanui explosion, which we can observe even today.
The shift of Earth's poles by around 7 degrees.
After the Tapanui explosion occurred quite a complex
mechanism of a "magnetic spring", which caused "jumpy"
(i.e. highly destructive) polar shift of the Earth's crust.
This mechanism is described in subsection D3 from
the English monograph
together with countless evidence which proves that actually
there was a recent polar shift on Earth after 1178 Tapanui
Powerful tsunami waves in Europe and sea floods in
Asia. Gigantic tsunami waves caused by the Tapanui explosion
were that largest waves the description of which was recorded
in human mythology. Amongst others these waves destroyed
the city of Salamis in Northern Cyprus (the one in which was
invented the production of sausages in many countries until
today called "salami"). On western coasts of Schleswig-Holstein
in present North-West Germany these tsunami waves killed
countless people. Furthermore, these waves also totally
destroyed the famous island which in German is called
"Vineta" (in Polish it is called "Wineta" while in Latin and English -
on the Baltic Sea, known from its wealth and from highly
decadent life, and described by numerous myths.
The freezing of Greenland together with
the Viking colony that was settled in there by the legendary
Viking explorer named Eric the Red.
The melting of ice bridge over the Bering Straits.
This in turn removed the dry connection that existed
since ancient times between North-East Asia and the
North America.
The arrival of the so-called Little Ice Age to Europe
after 1178 AD, combined with the drastic cooling of climate
of Europe after 1178 AD.
The resonation of the telepathic noise in the Earth's
atmosphere. In turn this resonation caused the degeneration
of humans subjected to it. The final outcome was that the
Tapanui explosion brought the darkness and ugliness of the
Medieval period to Earth. It should be mentioned
that UFOnauts who exploded their UFO vehicles near Tapanui
knew about all these undesirable consequences. But still they
exploded their UFO vehicles on purpose, to shift humanity
back in the development.
The extinction of entire nations in Europe. The rapid
cooling of climate, plus unrecognised yet by the orthodox science
consequences of the Tapanui explosion, such as the rosonations
of the telepathic noise (described in item #K2 below), pollution
of the air, and destructive post-explosive fallouts that followed
the Tapanui explosion, caused the subsequent extinction of
entire dynasties, families and nations in Europe and in other
parts of the world. It was in that time that "flat-headed" Europeans
got extinct and were replaced by present "round-headed".
For example, in Poland of that time the dynasty (and family)
of Polish kinds called "Piasts" got extinct (they belonged to
this weaker race of "flat-headed" Europeans). It was also at
that time that various profane changes took place in the entire
world. For example plains in Nasca got dry just at that times.
Also the green paddocks from the empire of Anastazjas from
central America turned into desert at that time.
Various damages to several monuments in Europe
(e.g. the Leaning Tower from Pisa, Italy, or the Aya Sophia
in Istanbul, Turkey). For example, movements of the Earth's
crust that were triggered by the Tapanui explosion caused
the leaning of the famous "Leaning Tower from Pisa". In turn
in the Basilica Aya Sophia from Istanbul, Turkey (shown in
"Fig. #10" below), the same series of movements of the
Earth's crust caused by the Tapanui explosion deformed
the upper dome.
Fig. #10: Aya Sophia and Dr Jan Pajak - means
a photo of myself which I took in 1993 in front of the famous
"Aya Sophia" from Istambul. (Click on this photograph to
enlarge it.) Until today there is a folklore opinion that this Basilica
was build with the aid of supernatural forces. More information
about the supernatural character of this basilica can be found
in the caption under illustration "Fig. #1c" from the web page on the
Bible authorized (inspired) by God.
Aya Sophia is practically one of the oldest buildings
in the world, which still are used until today. It was
initially build as a Christian Basilic, finished in 537 AD,
while now serves as a mosque. The dome of this building, formed
into a shape of a spherical dome of K8 type of UFOs, was deformed
just in the effect of earth movements caused by the Tapanui explosion
of 1178.
Wiping out the legendary city of
(also called Vineta and Wineta)
from the surface of Earth:
In southern part of the Baltic sea, near present
coasts of Germany and close to the present
Polish city of Świnoujście, before 1178 AD
existed a legendary island with an independent
city-country, in German called Vineta, in
Polish - Wineta, while in Latin and in English called
Inhabitants of that island and city were famous
from the immense riches and from the decadent
style of living. Their culinary skills, feasts, and
inclinations to gorge with food were just legendary.
Unfortunately, in the result of the tsunami waves
induced in northern seas by the Tapanui explosion,
this island-country vanished completely from
the surface of Earth. Legends which describe
the destruction of it are discussed in item #H2
below on this web page. By today diminished
even the knowledge where exactly this legendary
island was located.
An intriguing question which one may ask in
connection with reasons for eventuation on
the Earth of legends about cities of the kind of
Wineta described here or Nineveh described
in the Bible, is whether any present cities, e.g.
Christchurch or Petone from New Zealand,
also are just earning the chance to become
legends for the future generations - as regarding
this matter may puzzle us e.g. the introduction
to the web page named
or item #G2 from the web page named
As a curiosity I should mention, that the island
of Veneta was NOT the only well-known island
of the world which rapidly disappeared without
leaving a trace. About another such an island
writes the article "Search for Mexican island
continues" from page B2 of New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Monday, September 7, 2009.
This article describes the Mexican island called
"Bermeja" from the Yucatan coast, which also
mysteriously vanished quite recently - as if it
never was there. But this particular island was
shown on many maps published not long ago.
Finding it turns out quite important because on
the basis of its existence Mexico extends its
territory onto a huge area of sea rich in natural
oil, which is over 80 miles wide, but for which -
after the disappearance of that island, the appetite
(and legal basis) have now also the United States.
Part #H:
The use of the Tapanui explosion as a tool for elimination of
parasitic communities:
There is a valid reason why we never hear about the destruction by cataclysm of a morally acting city or community,
while all cataclysms about which we learn always hit into areas widely known from immorality and from spreading harm."
If in people we see just their physical bodies -
as we are used to do this in present times,
then all humans appear to be equally healthy.
But if we carefully inspect human the so-called
"true morality" (i.e. the morality defined
in item #B5 from the web page named
then it turns out that souls of some people
are ill on a kind of infectious "moral leprosy"
or "moral rot" - which on the totaliztic web
pages and publications is called the
philosophy of parasitism.
These leprous souls are incurable. Thus,
the only manner of preventing the rest of
society from being infected with their
immorality, remains to eliminate them.
If the universe is deprived of
God -
as it is claimed by the official old
so-called "atheistic orthodox science",
then such individuals and communities with souls
infected by this "moral leprosy" could live amongst
other people without any problems and could
infect all others with their immorality. But in the universe
created and wisely ruled by the omnipotent God,
in which we really live according to the formal
proof from items #B1 to #B3 from the web page
these people and communities with leprous
moralities must be discreetly eliminated - so
that they do NOT infect others. But because
their open elimination would deprive the rest
of people of so-called
free will,
the removal of these ill people and ill communities
from the rest of humanity must be camouflaged
in various ways. For this reason, it is so "simulated"
that it becomes presented to people as cataclysms,
catastrophes, accidents, epidemics, action of blind
forces of nature, terrorism, wars, etc. -
i.e. not as a selective elimination of
individuals and communities infected with the
philosophy of parasitism -
as we are warned by fates of Biblical cities of
Sodom, Gomorrah, and Nineveh.
In case of individual people it is very
difficult to notice any regularities in their accelerated
departure from the world of living. For example,
today it is almost impossible to establish whether
there is any link between the morality and philosophy
which a given individual practices, and a manner
as well as age, by which he or she departed
from this world. (But this did NOT stop me from
completing such research and publishing the
results in item #G1 from the web page named
After all, even if someone has an
accident or dies in a catastrophe, then because
of so-called "privacy laws" other people do NOT
have a chance to establish what kind of morality
and philosophy this someone practiced in his
or her private life. But not always was so. In
past our ancestors used to know jolly well that
there is a tight link between someone's length
of life and his or her morality. For example, in
the Polish editions of the Bible which in Polish
is named the "Biblia Tysiąclecia" (Wydawnictwo
Pallottinum, Poznań-Warszawa 1980 i 1990,
ISBN 83-7014-218-4), to verse 6:3 from the
"Book of Genesis" an old commentary was added,
stating - quote: "With the increased moral
decadency the vitality of people decreases"
(in the original Polish language: "Wraz
z postępującym zepsuciem moralnym
zmniejsza się witalność ludzi.") A similar
belief have also the Chinese folklore. Even
until today, when someone gets sick in a
Chinese family, others usually comfort this
family with words: "You do not need to worry -
he is a good person". In the content of this
comforting lies that deep belief of Chinese,
that people with untarnished morality live
very long and die with dignity from "old
age" in their own bed, surrounded with
their family (i.e. they die only when they
themselves are ready to depart into afterlife).
Thus, even if in the meantime some amongst
them get ill, they always are healed from their
But in case of entire communities, even in present
hypocritical times their morality and the philosophy
that they practice cannot be hidden so easily with
any "privacy laws" (although politicians, and also
these communities themselves, do everything
in their powers to hide somehow their real morality
and philosophy). In the result, almost every
rationally thinking person is able to notice the
highly shocking regularity, namely that practically
all cataclysms and catastrophes
affect exclusively immoral communities which slipped
down to the lowest level of the
philosophy of parasitism,
while communities which practice moral lives are
by these cataclysms selectively omitted.
This shocking regularity everyone can check for
himself both, on the historical cataclysms (for
example on the eruption of Vesuvius which destroyed
the immoral Pompeii but left unaffected the city
of Naples which lies much closer to this volcano),
as well as on present examples - of the kind of
what is happening in countries that practice terrorism,
or even what I described in item #I3.1 from the web page
I already documented this regularity in a number
of totaliztic web pages, for example in web pages named
katrina.htm, etc.
What even more meaningful, moral analyses of
consequences of cataclysms and catastrophes
that affect such parasitic communities, reveal that
individuals who live amongst them and who practice
high morality and totaliztic behaviours, are always
saved from these cataclysms and catastrophes.
The saving comes to them even if these morally
acting people live inside of parasitic communities -
and thus during cataclysms they find themselves
in the middle of destruction, and even were
unpleasantly affected.
If one carries out moral analyses, then
he discovers that times described e.g. in the
when immoral communities were openly punished
in the style of destruction of "Sodom" and
"Gomorrah", are gone long ago. After all, such
open interventions of God would deprive people
of their "free will" and would paralyse their initiative.
So instead of being capable of own thinking and
acting, such communities openly punished and
destroyed by God would turn into kinds of "slaves
of God" which would be too scared to do anything
from their own initiative, while the entire time and
energy they would devote to flatter and to please
God - as this is explained in item #F2 from the
totaliztic web page named
and item #A2 from the totaliztic web page named
Therefore, in the meantime God improved His
methods. If presently He decides to "eliminate"
a community which slipped down too much into
the philosophy of parasitism, then He does it in
a highly "anonymous" and "discreet" manner,
sending to it some natural cataclysm, catastrophe,
Act of God, war, revolution, act of terrorism, etc.
In fact, in present times practically every event
in which dies a lot of people, is used
by God for, amongst others, such a discreet
elimination of communities and individuals infected
by the philosophy of parasitism. In this way God
is able to correct morally communities which
deviate towards immorality and towards the philosophy
of parasitism, but simultaneously He does NOT
deprive people of their "free will" through revealing
His actual existence and actions. In turn, for the use of these
sparse individuals, who already are ripe for accepting
the truth on this subject, God still supplies a
sufficient amount of evidence, to keep them
in their faith. For example, He allows them to
read my publications like this web page - in the
merit of which the majority of atheists and
those still unready for truth simply do NOT believe.
Furthermore, for opening their eyes to facts, God
prepared in the history of our civilisation a
number of "historic examples" when just such
parasitic communities were openly punished
and wiped out with various cataclysms. Several
out of such historic examples I am going to describe
below - because in the mechanisms used for
causing these events were very similar to these
which caused the UFO explosion near Tapanui
discussed on this web page. All these examples
illustrate an open and selective elimination by God
of the morally degenerated communities that in past
lived in cities, the information about immoralities of
which survived until the present day.
The destruction of the immoral Baltic city
known from legendary wealth, in Polish called
"Wineta" (in German - "Vineta", in English - "Veneta"):
"If you seek evidence that immorality is always punished - check the morality of communities destroyed by cataclysms."
Until around 1202 AD on the Baltic Sea existed
an island with the immensely wealthy city which
in the Polish language was called "Wineta". (In
German it was called
while in Latin and English - "Veneta".) This city
was an ancient equivalent of present Singapore.
Even its weather was then similar as the weather
from today Singapore. After all, before the Tapanui
explosion, the Baltic Sea and Poland were located
around 7 degrees closer to the equator than
currently. The inhabitants of Wineta were of
various nationalities. This additionally stimulated
its economy, level and quality of life, and the
growth of wealth - similarly like multi-nationals
stimulate the wealth of the USA and Australia
at present. Wineta lived from trade which
brought immense wealth to its inhabitants.
Winetans bathed in wealth and debauch.
Just for an entertainment they practiced
every deviation and every kind of sin in
existence. They lived in luxury homes,
wear precious clothing, ate the most
expensive meals, their wives and women
were famous from their flings, their men
behaved like sex maniacs, although Wineta
had numerous churches and temples - in
fact Winetans were atheists (like a large
number of present people), there was no
such form of debauchery and relish which they
would not practice for fashion, prestige, or
just for pleasure. For example, amongst
surrounding nations they were famous,
amongst others, from eating also human
flesh - NOT because of a hunger, lack of
food, or necessity, as this was done e.g.
by New Zealand Maoris (as I described this
more comprehensively in item #K1 from the
web page
but because of a simple depravity and curiosity.
No wonder that when around years 1202 and
1216 the outer shell of the Earth experienced
these jumpy skips caused by action of
the Earth's magnetic field tensed by the
Tapanui explosion like a huge spring in
a clock, Wineta was washed out from
the surface of Earth by powerful tsunami
waves induced by these rapid jumpy
skips of the planetary crust. Until today
only numerous legends survived which
describe immoral lives of Wineta inhabitants,
as well as descriptions of Wineta's destruction.
Relatively frequent are seen also phantoms
of that city - means seen ghostly manifestations
of a dying city, brought to our times by the
periodic fluctuations of the software time.
(Such fluctuations of time and their observable
consequences are discussed also, amongst
others, in item #D2 of the web page
By the southern coasts of the Baltic Sea today
several areas exist, about which surrounding
inhabitants claim that ruins of Wineta supposed
to be located in deep waters in there. One amongst
such frequently indicated places lies by the northern
coasts of the island called Uznam. (From the
rubble of stones that exists in there and that
looks like remains of a destroyed city, building
materials were taken, amongst others, to construct
the piers for the Polish port city of Świnoujście.)
But so far our knowledge about the true location
of Wineta is almost on the same level as our
knowledge about the location of Atlantis. Here
is the description how the destruction of Wineta
looked like:
"For a number of years, these sparse inhabitants
of Wineta, whom still obeyed principles of moral
behaviour, warned their countrymen to cease the
debauchery and to return to moral life. After all,
the Bible already available at those times warned
against immorality through examples of Sodom
and Gomorrah. But Winetans would NOT listen.
So finally arrived the day of God's punishment.
To leave an example for the future generations, the
destruction was sent an early morning on the first
day of Easter. When this tragic Easter approached,
several more moral inhabitants of Wineta called
for spending it respectfully, visiting families or friends.
But only those most moral listened to this recommendation
and departed from the city to visit their relatives
or friends. The rest stayed in the city, waiting for
announced Easter celebrations in the city which
provided them with a good excuse for submerging
in special orgies and pleasures. So when the morning
of that tragic Easter has arrived, a majority of
inhabitants of Wineta still was sleeping. They
were awaken only when the deafening bang
could be heard. At that moment a powerful force
thrown them out of beds and smashed against
southern walls of their bedrooms. The Earth
started to wave, firstly raising upwards, and
then falling down. But after it fell down, it did NOT
return to the original level. Buildings of the
city started to disintegrate and collapse. The
majority of people were crushed to death by
the falling rubbles. These few who somehow
still lived, with the terror noticed how from the
nearby sea which surrounded the city, a huge
wall of black, roaring water rose up. This wall
then pounced on the disintegrating city. A few
inhabitants who still were alive tried to swim.
But their eyes were blinded with sand mixed
with water which looked as if it boiled, while their
bodies were chopped apart by sharp debris
and beams. There was nothing nearby that they
could grab and lift themselves from the water.
Even the air become sticky and almost impossible
to breath in. So last people still remaining
alive were fast overcame by whirlpools of water
that behaved as if it was boiling. Fragments of
their dismembered bodies were later eaten by
fishes, or waves spread these bodies over nearby shores.
In order other people are reminded on the example
of the tragic fate of that city, what are consequences
of immorality and deviations, repetitively from
time to time, the phantom of Wineta is showed
to selected individuals. Also from time to time
selected people can hear screams and sounds
of destruction of inhabitants of Wineta who
are suspended in time and in their suffering."
The spectacular destruction of the city of Wineta
occurred for several vital reasons. One of these
was to provide future generations with warning
where leads the practicing of immorality and adhering
to the philosophy of parasitism. After all, the danger
that people will again slip down into claws of
parasitism remains always actual. Especially
clearly we can see this in present times - when
immorality of a noticeable number of cities in
the world gradually approaches the level which
was practiced in the city of Wineta. Similarly
like in Wineta, in many present countries
and cities people practice countless forms
of deviations, gluttony, lying, chasing money
and sex, homosexuality, addictions, cheating,
exploitation, injustice, racism, impiousness,
etc., etc. Although, as so far, inhabitants of these
cities or countries do not eat human flesh, it may
suffice that rapidly food disappears permanently
from their supermarkets because of a cataclysm,
and we may be shocked to see what then will start to happen.
So in order to clearly warn future generations,
where leads the immorality and the lack of breaks,
the tradition of Wineta must remain alive all the
time. In fact, it is kept alive until today with the
use of several different mechanisms. Two most
vital out of these mechanisms include (1) legends
and oral traditions about Wineta, as well as (2)
phantom manifestations of destroyed Wineta.
Legends and oral traditions on the subject of
Wineta originate from the opinion that surrounding
nations had about this rich city, and also from
memories of these Winetans who survived the
destruction. After all, NOT all inhabitants of
Wineta died in the cataclysm. Those more
moral amongst them left the city for the duration
of that tragic Easter, to visit friends or families
that lived on the solid land.
Thus, the ones who survived the destruction
initiated later a tradition of Wineta's remembrance
in many surrounding settlements - amongst
others in the Polish city of Świnoujście. This
is because, according to the God's promise
expressed, amongst others, in content of the
Bible, people who live moral lives are saved
from cataclysms and catastrophes. The task
of their saving constitutes even a separate
stage in the standard procedure of unleashing
cataclysms - for details see item #B5 on the web page
Therefore, the morally behaving inhabitants of
Wineta received earlier an inner command to leave
Wineta before that fatal Easter and to visit their
friends or families - thus saving their lives that
way. Later they were able to initiate traditions
of Wineta's remembrance in many surrounding
human settlements. These traditions were added
to the knowledge and memory of Wineta which
existed in these places since a long time. Thus,
such traditions can now continually remind further
generations what happens with immoral communities.
An excellent example of oral tradition that until
today maintains memories of Wineta, are stories
of Vikings from the area of present Sweden,
about a golden bell entirely made as a huge
gold casting. Such a bell supposedly existed
in one amongst temples of this extremely
rich city. Swedish Vikings for centuries
were tempted by this golden bell. After
all, it was located just in front of their noses.
So to rob it, they would not need to organise
long expeditions to distant countries - as typically
they used to do. Unfortunately for them, when
Wineta still existed, rulers of that city had
sufficient funds to hire the best soldiers of
their times, which in turn did not allow
Vikings, as well as any other robbers, to even
come near that city. Only when Wineta was
destroyed, Swedes organised several searching
expeditions, which tried to find and to recover
this bell made of solid gold. In these expeditions
they managed to locate and to fish out a number
of bells from Wineta. But the one made of solid
gold turned out to be impossible to find. Thus,
until today it lies somewhere in depths of the
Baltic Sea, still awaiting for someone to discover
it. The inaccessibility of it so mentally tormented
Vikings, that on the subject of this golden bell
a number of stories was told in Sweden.
On the basis of these stories, the Swedish
writer, Frans G. Bengtsson, wrote even a
novel, entitled "The Long Ships". Of course,
to make it more attractive, and to not
repeat literally the legends of Vikings, he located
its narration far from Wineta. But the thread of
the golden bell from Wineta is still present in it.
Later this novel was altered even more, providing
a script for an adventure film. The film, entitled
"The Long Ships - Golden Bell" was recorded in 1964.
Although the scenario of it deviates quite far from
real efforts of Vikings in the matter of getting hold
of that golden bell from Wineta, still the film is worth
being seen. After all, it reflects relatively well the
atmosphere and the kind of desires, which surrounded
this precious bell. It is also worth watching whether
the golden bell of Wineta is ever going to be retrieved
from the Baltic Sea. This is because the finding of
it would be an equivalent to the rediscovery of the
actual ruins of Wineta. Thus, it would also mean the
initiation of underwater archaeology on that legendary
The second vital mechanisms of maintaining alive
the tradition of Wineta, is the software work of
time in which we all live. This software time causes
that until today Wineta itself appears to selected
people in the form of a phantom-city. Of course,
Wineta is NOT the only phantom-city which
appears to selected people. In fact the software
time in which we all live and act, allows that
any object and any event from past could be
recreated many times and shown to especially
selected people. Furthermore, it is because
of this ability of software time to recreate
objects and events any number of times, that
is possible to shift people back in time and
make immortality accessible for them by
allowing that they live again through the entire
their lives - as this is described on the web page
It is also because of that ability of software time
to be recreated many times, that selected New
Zealanders see in our times birds called
"moa" which are extinct a long time ago - as this
is described in item #F2 above on this web page,
and in item #H2 of the totaliztic web page
Also for that reason inhabitants of many countries
still see various already extinct "monsters" (of the
kind of "Nessie" from the Scottish lake "Loch Ness") -
described e.g. in items #E1, #E2 and #F4.2 from the web page
and also in subsection V5.4 from volume 16 of free monograph
It is also such recreating of objects and events
from past, that in a significant number of countries,
selected people rapidly see cities, settlements,
and buildings, which in our times do not exist
any more. Some amongst those people even
enter such cities, settlements, or buildings, take
part in events which occurred in them long ago,
and then tell to other people about their incredible
sightings and experiences. (I myself also lived
through a situation of visiting a church in Warszawa
which in present times does not exist in Warszawa
any more - for the description of this event see
item #D6.1 from the web page
and items #E3 and #E2 from the web page
One amongst manners on which is utilised this
ability of software time to recreate any events
and any objects that existed in past, is to renew
the people's interest in vital topics through showing
to selected individuals e.g. phantom cities such
as Wineta, or phantom events such as the destruction
of Wineta. In Poland, sightings of phantom Wineta
or phantom destruction of Wineta, supposedly
can be experienced relatively frequent in the
city of Świnoujście. Only that NOT every person
is selected to see such phantom objects.
As research on such cases seems to indicate,
phantom objects are shown only to people who
later make a vital use of their sighting, and thus
who utilise somehow their sighting for the advancement
and good of people. An interesting attribute of
such phantom objects and events is, that if someone
gains a courage (and has such a possibility) to
approach them, then he or she discovers that
they do NOT differ at all from real objects and from
current events. Thus - if they are e.g. buildings or cities,
then people to whom they show themselves are
able to touch them, to enter them, and even to
take part in events that take place in them. If in
turn they are e.g. monsters, then a not careful
witness may even be eaten by them.
The fate of Wineta represents another one amongst
most fascinating puzzles of history, morality,
and philosophy, the explanation of which intrigues
increasingly larger number of people. Already
several towns in the world have museums of
Wineta (Vineta) - including in this number
also the Polish Wolin - see the web page
A growing number of web pages appears also
in the internet on the subject of Wineta (Vineta) -
as an example see the Polish web page
The legend on the destruction of immoral city of Salamis in Cyprus:
In the north-east part of Mediterranean island
of Cyprus, around 10 kilometres to the north
from the present port city of Famagusta, a
legendary ancient city of Salamis used to exist
a long ago. For over two thousands of years it
experienced huge prosperity and wealth. It
was one amongst the most important supplies
of bronze to the ancient world, thus it constantly
grew in wealth and in power. Its inhabitants
were widely known from their ostentatious wealth,
decadent lifestyle, and immoral behaviours.
They gorged in luxuries, and for pleasure
they practiced almost all existing sins. In
the history they are immortalised because
of the invention of sausages based on the
garlic which wildly grows in Cyprus
(until today in some languages, e.g.
English, sausages are pronounced "salamis" -
like the name of that city). Its magnificent ruins
occupying the area of several square kilometres
constitute now one amongst biggest tourist
attractions of the northern part of Cyprus.
When in years 1992 and 1993 I carried out
in Cyprus a one-year professorial contract, I
was shocked to hear a local legend, that Salamis
was spectacularly punished by God for sins
and immorality of its inhabitants. It was washed
out completely from surface of the Earth by
three huge waves of sea "tsunami" that occurred
in times soon after the Tapanui explosion (i.e.
around years 1202 to 1216). What even more
intriguing, the nearby city of Famagusta, distant
by only around 10 km from Salamis and lying
on the same sea shore and the same plains as
Salamis, remained intact by that tsunami. Thus,
the destruction of Salamis
emphasizes this selective and intelligent elimination
by God of only immoral communities - onto which
selectiveness I am trying to direct the attention
of the reader in my publications, e.g. above in
item #H1, or in item #I3.1 from the web page named
(after all, the knowledge of this selective destruction
indicates to us the effective methods of defence
from cataclysms). So here is a loosely
written content of that legend from Cyprus about
the destruction of the immoral city of Salamis:
"On that tragic day there was a beautiful evening
in the ancient city of Salamis located at the north-eastern
coast of Cyprus. No one amongst inhabitants knew
that the time of the city is just running out. Sun slowly
approaching the west eased its radiation, encouraging
citizens for leaving houses. After a hot day the air
became cool and inviting for outdoor activities. Most
of citizens went outside enjoying the weather, walking
along trading merchandise, or taking an evening swim
in the sea. Unexpectedly the Earth moved. A powerful
force threw people into a southern direction. Simultaneously
a roaring noise arose as if the mother Earth herself
cried out with pain. Buildings began to crumble to and
disintegrated towards the south. From nowhere a
powerful northern typhoon appeared which started
to peel the surface of the ground. Simultaneously
horrified people saw the sea water rising upwards
high into the air and falling onto the disintegrating
city. Those ones who were still alive tried to swim, but
swirls and rushing water carrying wood debris quickly
overcame them. Soon afterwards, the place where
just hours before there was a city teaming with life,
now looked like a huge sea swirl, with giant waves
and powerful winds tossing around debris, human
bodies, animals. Then darkness fell. Those still alive
clinging to pieces of wood had a horrifying time,
with water and winds hurling them around in pitch
darkness. Finally water withdrew back to the sea.
The next morning sparse survivors could not recognize
their city. Salamis was completely covered with sand,
dirt, debris. No single building remained intact. The
only logical thing to do was to move to Famagusta
where the damage seemed to be less destructive.
During a next few years two further similar floods
plagued the already abandoned city. In each of
these three subsequent floods, sea water raised
so high that waves rolled over the highest peaks
of the nearest 'Three-Finger' Mountains. When
finally the disasters ceased, Cypriots noted that
their island significantly drifted southward from
the mainland which at present is Turkey. Before
the floods, the mainland Turkey was easily
visible from the northern coast of Cyprus, but
afterwards the mainland could only be seen after
someone climbed to the top of a high mountain
'Three-Fingers' which spread along the northern
coast of Cyprus."
More information about the ancient city of Salamis
on Cyprus with morally degenerated inhabitants,
and about the dramatic destruction of it, is provided
in subsection D3 of my monograph
[5e/3] "The New Zealand explosion of 1178 AD which tilted the Earth" (ISBN 0-9597946-7-0).
In turn the content of the above legend was published
on Cyprus in Turkish in two-part article [1#H3]
of my authorship, entitled
"Salamis'in yıkımı Yeni
Zelanda'dan mı?" (i.e. "Salamis: could
the destruction come from New Zealand"),
daily magazine (Dr. Fazıl Küçük
Bulvarı, Yeni Sanayi Bölgesi, Veteriner Dairesi
Yanı, Lefkoşa, North Cyprus, Mersin 10, Turkey),
no 1404 on 29/06/1993, page 18; and no 1405 on
30/06/1993, page 18. (Notice that in the title of the
article [1#H3] is used four times the Turkish letter
"ı", means like our "i", but without the dot -
which is pronounced approximately like between
our "y" and "w". The correct spelling on this Turkish
title is also used in chapter T (part "t") from monograph
The legend about the destruction of immoral city of
from the medieval Netherlands:
To the number of seaside cities, which were
destroyed by God after their inhabitants slid
to the incurable level of the
philosophy of parasitism,
also should be included the city called "Saeftinghe"
from the medieval Netherlands. It was destroyed
in 1584. The location of it is the eastern province
Zeeuws-Vlaanderen, near Nieuw-Namen, within
the border of present Netherlands. A folk legend
about reasons and manner of destruction of that city,
in February 2011 was disseminated in Internet at the address
If one analyses this old Dutch legend about the
destruction of the city "Saeftinghe", then it
reveals all typical elements described below, which
always are present in practically every case of
the destruction of a city by God - carried out as
a "punishment for immoral ways and behaviours".
These elements are described more thoroughly
in the "standard procedure of destruction by God"
discussed in item #B5 of the web page named
Let us describe here the most important out of these.
Reasons. In case of the city "Saeftinghe",
reasons of the destruction included the combination of
"excessive wealth" with "greed", "lack of compassion",
"stinginess", "disrespectfulness" and "pride" -
means with all characteristic signs of practicing the
"philosophy of parasitism".
For example, the abovementioned legend states
that its inhabitants were so rich, that they dressed
silk (at that time silk was extremely expensive, as
it was imported from as far as China), while thresholds
of their homes were made of solid gold and their
horses wore silver harnesses. But simultaneously
they never supported poor people, while when
someone asked them for help, then they chased
him with sticks or with dogs.
The warning, which always proceeds
the destruction of an immoral city by God, for
"Saeftinghe" appeared in the form of a "mermaid"
which was caught by a fisherman from that city, and
which warned the fisherman that the destruction is
coming - if the city inhabitants do not change their
immoral ways. Ignoring the warning As it
is always the case when people leave NO other option
to God but to destroy the city as a "punishment",
the legend emphasizes the ignoring of that warning -
e.g. instead of being grateful, the fisherman "yelled"
at the mermaid. The destruction. For passing
the message that it is a "punishment", the destruction
was send during the religious day of "All Saints" in
the form of sea wave which flooded the city and drowned
all inhabitants of it. The moral lesson for next generations
about the fate of "Saeftinghe" was passed NOT only
in the form of legends, but also in the form of visually
visible remains of the city. For a long time afterwards,
towers of that city were sticking out above the level of
salty sea mud that covered the city entirely.
Historical records of destruction of the immoral city of
Port Royal in Jamaica:
The city named "Port Royal" existed on the
eastern coast of the island of Jamaica until
1692. It is historically well known and widely
described. On the basis of it were even filmed
numerous movies - like "Pirates of the Caribbean".
On the Internet, readers can find English
descriptions of that city at the address
It is also described in different languages -
e.g. for descriptions in the Polish language see the address
Unfortunately, that city was the lair of sinners
with a very notorious fame, because it become
the major port for pirates and the hideout for
criminals, smugglers, and thieves. Thus, in
a broad daylight, on June 7, 1692, God sent
into this city a massive earthquake and a high
tsunami wave. The city was flooded with sea
water, while the entire part of the coast, where
it was located, sank into the Caribbean Sea,
killing almost all of its inhabitants. The population
of the city on the day of this catastrophe was
around 7000 people. A few ones who survived,
told later with the fear about a giant tsunami
wave which they saw collapsing onto that city
destroying everything in its path.
Human settlements destroyed by Acts of God in most recent times:
"Submerges and collapses of ancient times taught people to obey physical laws,
revolutions and popular uprisings of medieval times taught them to obey also social laws,
while cataclysms of present times teach, that in order to lead prosperous, peaceful, and
happy lives, people must also learn to obey moral laws ordered to them by God."
In the preceding items of this "part #H" are
described cities that in old times God destroyed
with cataclysms because their inhabitants
disobeyed the definition of "true morality"
provided in item #B5 from the web page
So it is a turn for this item to also indicate towns
which were destroyed with cataclysms by God
already in most recent times, and the author
of this web page managed to learn about their
The first town destroyed by God in relatively
recent times, about which the author managed
to learn by a pure "coincidence", is "Epecuen" from
Argentina (not far from Buenos Aires). On 10th
November 1985, it was flooded with waters of a
salt lake, to emerge again after 25 years. With
photographs and descriptions of this town the
author firstly got acquainted by the article
[1#H6] entitled "Tourists wander the
ruins as lost town surfaces again", from pages
A22 and A23 of newspaper
The New Zealand Herald
(issue dated on Monday, May 13, 2013). But
the more precise information on the subject of
it the author managed to find
on the internet.
Another town about which the author also learned
recently, that it was ravaged by the 9-meters high
wall of ice that climbed onto the shore of the
"Dauplin Lake", crushing everything in its path,
was the Canadian resort named "Ochre Beach"
from Manitoba. The first brief description of it
the author found in the article [2#H6] "Around
the world - North America", from page A22 of newspaper
The New Zealand Herald
(issue dated on Tuesday, May 14, 2013). However,
the more detailed descriptions of it the author also found
on the Internet.
When analysed are descriptions of cities and
communities destroyed by cataclysms, (a)
in old times, and (b) in most recent times,
then drastic differences in terminology used in
these descriptions may hit and shock us. These
differences reveal, that starting from the Biblical
times, until relatively recent times, people naming
the truth were NOT forced to close mouths -
like their mouths are forced to be shut at present.
Even still in times of my childhood, means
in 1950s, immorality, fornication, sexual pleasures,
sodomy, robbery, greed, and all other immoral
behaviours of people, were called by their
names, as they deserved - for examples
see the web page named
So if a town or a person behaved in
an immoral way, then everyone knew it.
Hence, there was no difficulty in establishing
the cause-effect link between immoral
behaviours and punishments that God served
to immoral people.
In most recent times, however, the situation has
changed. After all, the power and money frequently
gain rather immoral people. So in order no-one
kept reminding them how their behaviour should
actually be named, they introduced various limitations
on telling the truth, of the kind of so-called "privacy
laws", sending to court for defamation, name suppression
orders for criminals, etc. As a result, today almost
no-one has the courage to say, that a city or a
community practices immoral living. Thus, instead
of the disclosure of e.g. immoral towns or behaviours,
at most, these are described with the use of misleading
names of a completely different (innocent) meanings,
e.g. as purveyors of some "attractions", or "services",
or are described with newly made-up words which do
NOT have defined meaning yet, for example "bunga bunga".
Thus, e.g. prostitution and brothels, can be cautiously
called e.g. massage parlours or baths. Places of sex
or sodomizing can be described as holiday camps or
entertainment centres. Etc., etc. Results of this is, that
people ceased to notice the direct cause-effect link
between immoral behaviour of people and cataclysms
or other punishments that God send to these people.
So in order to also in present times notice this link,
it is necessary that during reading about towns or
communities hit by various cataclysms, the reader
is translating the present diplomatically-confusing
terms like "pleasures", "tourist attractions",
"massage parlours", "baths", etc., onto formerly
used descriptive equivalents of these names, for
example onto "sodomy", "prostitution", "brothels",
etc. Only after such translation one can understand
what actually was happening in these towns, and
why they were treated with cataclysms by God.
Of course, no matter how at present people call
and hide immorality, God knows exactly who and
where breaks laws that He imposed onto people.
In turn, if God discovers, that somewhere this
breaking of His laws exceeds the level which
still can be tolerated, then God sends a cataclysm
in there. As a result, a noticeable regularity seems
to emerge from such research, namely that if
a city is destroyed by a cataclysm in present
times, then in spite of the "collusion of silence" that
now surrounds the immorality, thorough analyses
of what in this city was going on, still reveal that
in fact through the level of immorality the population
that inhabits this city as a group deserved what
has happened in there. In other words,
also in present times, the old saying that
everyone gets what he or
she deserves seems to express an
objective truth. After all, living in the world created
and justly governed by all-knowing God (i.e. living
in the world described in item #B1 from the web page
people in fact have NO evidential basis to claim
that "life is NOT fair". Only that in order to
understand how much at wrong are persons who
do NOT notice that "everyone gets what he or
she deserves", one needs to know principles
that God uses in His actions, means learn e.g.
the emphases which God places onto the group
responsibility (highlighted e.g. in item #I3.1 from the web page
methods of God in shaping the future
(explained e.g. in item #C3 from the web page
moral principles that apply to so-called "group
intellects" (see item #E2 from the web page
and several yet further principles of God's
action discovered only recently by the new
so-called "totaliztic science". In turn,
when these principles of God's action once
are learned scientifically, and learned is
also the body of evidence which confirms
that these principles control cataclysms,
then the defence against cataclysms
becomes easy. This is because in order to
be defended from cataclysms it suffices to implement
in own city or community one amongst these based
on morality methods described e.g. on the web pages
and on several further web pages which disseminate
discoveries and findings of the new "totaliztic
Part #I:
How to recognise the "simulated cataclysms"
formed intentionally for correcting the immoral influence of
parasitic communities:
The "simulated" cataclysms have at least three well-documented explanations:
"Do undertand your God, and you will understand the reality which surrounds you."
Everything that God organises in person,
is done with really Godly knowledge and
perfection. For example, if God organises
a cataclysm or a catastrophe, He always
embeds into it at least three sets of equally
valid evidence, which allows that it can be
explained with equal convictions in at least
three different ways - as this is explained
in more details in item #C2 on the web page named
Thus, the existence in a given cataclysm or
a catastrophe such three different, although
equally valid, sets of evidence, is always a
proof that it was intentionally organised and
"simulated" by God. People, nor "blind nature",
have no means nor the required knowledge,
to shape real events with such a high intelligence.
Because these three equally valid kinds of
"simulated" evidence are described relatively
well in items #C2, #J1 and #J2, and in caption
under "Fig. #D8" from the web page
I am NOT going to discuss these again here.
In present times increasingly larger number of cities
and countries become lairs for practitioners of the
philosophy of parasitism -
similarly as Wineta and Salamis used to be:
The fate of Wineta and Salamis become
increasingly more actual in present times.
After all, from times of the destruction of
these cities, the morality of people make
a large circle and presently it returns again
to the situation of Wineta and Salamis. So
again emerges the necessity to correct this
morality through the removal from the Earth
a significant proportion of inhabitants which
already fell into claws of the
philosophy of parasitism.
So unavoidably approaches the time described
by an old Polish prophecy stating that our
Earth is going to be so depopulated, that these
sparse people who survive are going to kiss
the ground when they see on it footprints of
another human - for descriptions of this
prophecy see item #H1 on the web page
While the majority of humans laboriously brings cataclysms
on themselves, individual people received a chance for
saving themselves:
In its blind and thoughtless pushing towards
the destruction, the humanity as a whole does
not listen to so-called "voices of reasoning".
Thus it is like a speeding train which already
reaches the end of rails, but it does NOT
intend to slow down. In this situation, many
individual people, seeing where the situation
goes and having appropriate resources, already
started their private attempts to save themselves.
They build shelters. Accumulate food. Shift
to areas which provide them with a higher
chance of survival. Etc., etc. Unfortunately,
for various reasons NOT all of us can afford
to prepare themselves in that way. After all,
to accumulate food supplies one needs to
have storage facilities and money for purchase.
To build a shelter, one needs to have his or
her own section of land, building materials,
labour, and money. To shift to other place,
one cannot be dependent on work, flat, or
family. So does the lack of possibilities and
funds mean, that these ones who have no
the required means and money, have also
no chances nor way to undertake their own
self-defence against the inevitably approaching
The answer is, that practically every person
received a chance to defend himself or herself.
After all, the
continually emphasizes, that God takes special
care of poor people. Also the barbaric conditions
of concentration camps revealed for us the regularity,
that in dramatic situations rich people who are used
to comfortable life, are dying as first ones - in spite
that usually their bodies have large reserves of fat
which should keep them alive longer without food
(it, means in reality happens opposite to the Polish
saying "before the rich slims down, the poor dies" -
which probably refers to economy not to life).
But cataclysms are send to given communities
mainly because the majority of people amongst
them practices the highly immoral
philosophy of parasitism.
Thus, in order to defend ourselves effectively
as individuals, it is NOT necessary to accumulate
food and to build shelters (although it helps - as
"God helps those who help themselves"), but
one can also just change his or her everyday
philosophy onto the most moral at present
philosophy of totalizm.
In turn this change into practicing the highly
moral philosophy is going to eliminate the need
for being disposed of. This is because, as it
explains item #H1 of this web page, cataclysms
and catastrophes hit only these ones who must
be disposed of because they slipped down into
claws of a parasitic philosophy. In turn people
who practice the moral philosophy are saved
from such cataclysms and catastrophes. So when
the situation does NOT allow us to build shelters,
to accumulate food, or to shift to areas that look
more safe, our self-defence can limit itself just
to trusting the promises of
and thus to undertaking only the practicing of the
philosophy of totalizm -
as this is explained in item #B5 on the web page
and also in items #G3 and #I3 on the web page
We should also realise, that the change of own
philosophy into a more moral one, is able to
accomplish every person - no matter whether
he or she is rich or poor, having university
diploma or just a rational way of thinking.
Part #J:
How the Tapanui explosion was "simulated" -
means the reconstruction of mechanism of the
Tapanui explosion from the available evidence:
Where all this energy comes from:
In order to cause such a powerful explosion,
an enormous amount of energy was necessary. As it turns out UFOs store this
energy in a device called the
Oscillatory Chamber.
The name "Oscillatory Chamber" is assigned to a device that is
used by UFOs for propulsion and for storing their energy reserves.
The Oscillatory Chamber is not
just only an "engine" for UFOs, but it also stores the entire
energy for these vehicles. It stores UFOs' energy in the
purest form, namely as magnetic energy. As my calculations
reveal, the smallest UFOs type K3, store in their Oscillatory
Chambers a magnetic equivalent for at least 1 megaton of pure
energy per each UFO vehicle. In turn the middle-sized UFOs of
K6 type, that exploded near Tapanui, store at least 10 megaton
of this pure energy per each single vehicle. Since near Tapanui
a stack of around 7 UFOs type K6 exploded, it means that
this explosion had at least the yield of 70 megaton of TNT
(most probably it was much more powerful).
The huge amount of energy that can be accumulated in
Oscillatory Chambers,
allows these chambers to also be used as enormously
capacious batteries or accumulators of energy for cars
of the future. After all, this is just for inventing a battery
for cars that would display attributes of such "Oscillatory
Chambers" that Senator McCain (i.e. 2008 Presidential
candidate from the USA) promised to grant a prise
amounting to 300 millions of dollars - for details
see item #D2 on the web page
eco_cars.htm - about zero emission cars of the future.
A version of the Oscillatory
Chamber was already invented on Earth. Even there were attempts
taken to build it. It was invented to represent an "engine"
to a new type of Earth's flying vehicle named the Magnocraft.
Such an "engine" is the most important device for this vehicle.
After all, it is to constitute a magnetic propulsor, which
is to lift the Magnocraft to stars. From the operational point
of view, "Oscillatory Chambers" are simply extremely powerful
"magnets" (or to be more exact: "electromagnets"). They are
so strong, that they produce the output in excess of the so-called
"starting flux". The value of this starting flux is around
F=3.45 [Wb/kg] - if calculated for the area of Poland. Every
controllable source of a powerful magnetic field, the output
from which exceeds the value of this "starting flux", is able
to lift into the space both itself and also the hulk of a heavy
spaceship attached to it. It just simply repels itself from
the Earth's magnetic field and ascends to stars. Oscillatory
Chambers are the first modern devices on our planet, which
actually produce the output in excess of this starting flux.
(Note that in antiquity there was also a device on Earth, called
the "Ark of the Covenant", which also was producing the powerful
magnetic field in excess of the starting flux. Therefore it was
able to levitate in the air together with ancient priests called
"Levites" who used to take care of it.) Therefore Oscillatory
Chambers can be used as major components of magnetic propulsors
for the Magnocraft. More details about Oscillatory Chambers,
including their principle of operation, design, and the
advancement of research on their completion, is provided
in chapter C of monograph [1/4], and also in chapters F
of English monographs [1e] and [2e] (all these monographs
are DOWNLOADABLE free of charge via this web site,
and also via several other web sites listed in the Menu).
As it turns out, Oscillatory Chambers
invented in order to propel our Earthly Magnocraft, are already
used by UFOs. There are even photographs of these devices taken
while their operation was clearly visible on UFOs. Here are two
photographs of square outlets from the cubical Oscillatory Chambers
assembled in hulks of UFOs of the first generation. These photographs
are published on Figure S5 from chapter S of monograph [1/4].
Notice that because of the right one of these two photographs
was taken during a night, the black square in the centre of
the outlet blends with the black background of the sky.
Below these two photographs of UFO chambers, the predicted
appearance of outlets from Magnocraft's Oscillatory Chambers
is also illustrated.
Fig. #11abcd: Appearances of oscillatory chambers
from UFOs and Magnocraft of the first generation,
when witnessed in two different modes of operation.
Shown are:
(a - top left) A day photograph of the outlet from UFO's Oscillatory Chamber of the first generation, working in the mode of inner flux prevalence.
It was taken by a teacher in Hawaii and subsequently published in the book, "Into the Unknown", Reader's Digest, Sydney, Australia, 1982, ISBN 0 909486 92 1, page 315. In higher quality copies of this photograph, the cone like column of a magnetic field yielded by the inner chamber can be clearly distinguished. This cone conceals the outlines of the remaining two edges of the capsule located behind it. The magnetic field bent by the outer chamber into the circulating flux acts as a trap for light, producing a blackened area visible.
Please notice that both photos shown here were taken in circumstances of active the so-called "magnetic lens" explained
in item #21 of the web page about the
when the photographer only sees the main twin-chamber capsule, whereas the remaining parts of vehicles are invisible.
The evidence that these are twon-chamber capsule provides, amongst others,
is the thickness of the space between the inner and outer Chambers which for both capsules fulfil the equation: ao=ai(sqrt(3))
explained in item #8 of the web page about
Oscillatory Chambers.
(b - top right) A night photograph of the outlet from UFO's Oscillatory Chamber of the first generation, working in the mode of outer flux prevalence.
It was taken by a newspaper reporter over Clovis, New Mexico, on January 23, 1976 see the book by Joshua Strickland, "There are aliens on earth! Encounters", Grosset & Dunlop, New York, 1979, ISBN 0 448 15078 6, page 49. Here the resultant flux yield to the environment by the outer chamber strongly ionizes the air, thus in night photographs it appears as thick, glowing edges of an outer diamond. On the other hand the circulating flux produces a black inner diamond, which - when photographed at night, is not distinguishable from the similarly black background. Because of the orientation of the above capsule, two rear glowing edges of the outer diamond are hidden behind the non transparent column of a magnetic field yield from the capsule. Therefore the above picture reveals only two front glowing edges of the outlet from a twin chamber capsule which from a distance appears as a half diamond.
(c - down left) A drawing of the Magnocraft's Oscillatory Chamber of the first generation, working in the mode of inner flux prevalence.
In the inner flux prevalence the resultant flux (R) is produced here by the inner chamber (I), whereas the entire output of the outer chamber (O) is turned into the circulating flux (C). Because a strong magnetic field produced in both capsules is translucent only when observed along the field force lines, the curved force lines of circulating flux (C) are non transparent to the outside observer, causing the space between the inner and outer chamber to be impenetrable to light and appear as a totally blackened area.
(d - down right) A drawing of the Magnocraft's Oscillatory Chamber of the first generation, working in the mode of outer flux prevalence.
In the outer flux prevalence the resultant flux (R) is produced here by the outer chamber (O). The inner chamber (I) supplies only the circulating flux (C) that entirely curves itself back into the outer chamber. Therefore the cross area of the inner chamber is totally blackened here.
Please notice that the above illustration is also
discussed on "Fig. #10abcd" from the totaliztic
web page
and also on "Fig. #C9abcd" from the web page
explain.htm - about scientific analysis of authentic photographs of UFOs,
where the reader can learn further details about the
appearances of the Oscillatory Chambers illustrated
By realising that Oscillatory
Chambers are already build and used by UFOnauts, we accomplish a
reassurance that our completion of this device is feasible and
that it bears a potential for a certain success - if we decide
to construct it. Therefore we should roll our sleeves up, and
start to complete this revolutionary device. After all, it not
only is able to lift us to the stars, but also allows to free
ourselves from the occupation by evil UFOnauts.
Furthermore, due to our knowledge
of the operation and properties of Oscillatory Chambers, now we
know "what" and "how" caused this enormous explosion near Tapanui
in New Zealand.
As it turns out, the Magnocraft is not just
an invention accomplished on Earth only.
Actually it turns out that Magnocraft-like
vehicles are already flying above Earth.
People describe them under the name
of UFOs. That "UFOs are Magnocrafts
which were already constructed by some
other extraterrestrial civilisations", it is
conclusively proven with the use of a
formal scientific proof for the existence of UFOs.
In order to realise how close is the appearance,
and thus also the operation, of a UFO and
the Magnocraft, have a look at the following
two illustrations. The upper one of them presents
a photographs of a smallest UFO type K3.
In turn the lower one presents a drawing of
the Magnocraft shown from the same angle
as this UFO. Here they are:
Fig. #12ab: Photographs of the smallest UFO vehicle type K3.
For reasons explained comprehensively on the web page about the
origins of evil on the Earth,
owners of UFO vehicles continually hide from people. Therefore
a clear photograph of a UFO vehicle, like the one above, is an
extreme rarity.
Shown are two photographs of the same smallest crew-carrying
vehicle type K3, popularly known as a UFO type K3. On left the
UFO is shown in the "black and white" photographing technology,
while on right the same UFO vehicle is shown in colours - as it
originally was taken. This UFO vehicle uses the same type of
magnetic propulsion system as the
does. Thus the so-called "Theory of the Magnocraft" provides
a perfect explanation for the operation and properties of UFOs.
(The above photographs originally are shown on Figure P1 from
monograph [1/4]; also on Figure J1 from monograph [1e], and
on Figure K1 from monograph [2e].)
The above UFO photograph was selected from a sequence of four
colour pictures taken by Augusto Arranda near Yungay, Peru, in March 1967 -
see the book by Ronald D. Story (editor): "The Encyclopaedia of UFOs",
New English Library, London 1980, ISBN 0 450 04118 2, page 39.
It illustrates the total match between external shapes of Magnocraft and UFOs.
The whole sequence of Arranda's photos presents two UFOs type
K3 captured in various stages of decoupling and separating (initially
these UFOs flew coupled together into a spherical flying complex
illustrated in item #24 of the web page about the
Both these UFO vehicles fly in the throbbing mode of operation, thus their
shape is clearly visible. The geometrical analysis shows the striking similarities
of these K3 type UFOs to the Magnocraft type K3 - see the next Figure
on this web page. The general outline of this UFO reminds us of an
inverted saucer. In its centre the topside convex is clearly distinguishable
(in the Magnocraft it houses the crew cabin and the central propulsion
compartment with the main propulsor inside). The UFO also possesses
a lens shaped flange which fastens around the vehicle's base. These
flange contains so-called "side magnetic propulsors".
Please notice that the above illustration "Fig. #12ab",
as well as the next illustration "Fig. 13", are also
discussed on "Fig. #9ab" from the totaliztic web page
and also in "Fig. #C1ab" on the web page
ufo_proof.htm - about the formal scientific proof for the existence of UFOs,
where the reader can learn further details about both
vehicles illustrated here.
Fig. #13: A side view of the smallest crew-carrying
type K3.
Figure O1 (framed) from monograph [1/4], also G4 from monographs
[1e], and G4 from monograph [2e] (all three monographs are downloadable
free of charge from this web site). This Figure presents the
appearance of a smallest Magnocraft type K3 illustrated in the
position as the above UFO does. (Magnocraft type K3 is the one
for which the ratio "K" of the outer diameter "D" to the total
height "H" is equal to "K=D/H=3").
The above Figure was drawn so as to the Magnocraft fulfils exactly
the set of mathematical equations which describe the general shape
and design of this vehicle (these equations are derived and explained
in volume 3 of the monograph [1/4]).
The formal proof that "UFOs do exist and they are Magnocraft":
There is a formal scientific proof already
developed and published, stating that
"UFOs are already operational Magnocraft,
only that build by different civilisations".
Originally this proof is published in chapter
P from monograph [1/4] and also in chapter
J from monograph [1e]. In turn in Internet
it can be reviewed on the web page
ufo_proof.htm - about the formal scientific proof for the existence of UFOs,
while its extension by further authentic photographs
of UFOs is shown on the web page
explain.htm - about scientific analysis of authentic photographs of UFOs.
This proof justifies why UFOs and Magnocraft must have identical
propulsion system, shape, capabilities, and attributes. It also provides
us with the powerful tool for understanding properties and operation of
UFOs. This is because whatever we know about the Magnocraft, we now can
apply to UFOs. Actually because of this knowledge of the Magnocraft, the
details of the Tapanui explosion could be researched and identified so
This formal proof was accomplished
with the use of extremely reliable formal scientific methodology
called the "method of matching attributes". This method is also
described in subsection P1 of monograph [1/4]. It simply depends
on theoretical deducting 12 classes of attributes that must characterise
Magnocraft, and then confirming on the existing evidence that all
these attributes appear
also in UFOs. The types of attributes used in this formal proving
methodology includes such things as: geometrical shape, ability to
couple together, magnetic propulsion system used, phenomena produced,
and many more. Since no-one managed to abolish this formal proof
for the existence of UFOs, it remains
in power all the time, and it should terminate the previous period
of arguing about the existence, or non-existence, of UFOs. Now we
should start the period of time when we thoroughly research these
extraterrestrial vehicles and their evil crew members. After all,
such researching of UFO technology may accelerate on Earth the
completion of technical devices which UFOnauts already use, but
which still remain unknown for our civilisation. Examples of such
devices include: magnetic propulsors, telepathic communication
devices, time vehicles, moral energy extractors, and many more -
for details see subsection D10 in monograph [8] downloadable from
this web site. In turn researching evil crew members of UFO vehicles
will accelerate our understanding of reasons why UFOnauts exploit
people, and why from time to time they intentionally explode their
vehicles on Earth. This in turn may help humanity to free itself
from claws of these cosmic parasites.
If UFOs are Magnocraft, then why UFOnauts do not give us their technology:
It turns out that UFOnauts are actually our
biggest enemies. They exploit us and draw countless
benefits from our planet. But at the time when we accomplish
their level of technology, UFOnauts loose all these benefits.
Therefore they not only do not allow us to have their technology,
but actually they hide from us practically everything, including
their continuous presence on Earth. Furthermore, as all oppressors
do, UFOnauts hold back our development, e.g. by hidden murdering
our best brains, and by intentional exploding their vehicles on
Earth in order to shift us back in the development. Therefore
practically we need to bit UFOnauts militarily, in order to free
our civilisation from their hidden occupation. But in order
to start fighting with UFOnauts, we firstly need to build our
Magnocraft. Only then our technical level become equal to theirs,
so we start to have a real chance to win the fight for our planet.
If we believe in ancient prophecies, e.g. these ones which are
contained in the Bible, the time is coming now, when we start
to defend ourselves successfully from UFOnauts. Only when we
remove these invisible oppressors from our planet, these
promised 1000 years of prosperity and happiness is going
come to Earth. For more details on UFOnauts see web sites
changelings.htm, or
ufo.htm - about UFOnauts.
The evidence indicates that this UFO explosion of 1178 AD near Tapanui that slanted the Earth was carried out on purpose:
The powerful explosion which caused all
the destruction listed above, and much more,
took place in 1178 AD in New Zealand.
To make it more strange, it was blasted
on purpose. Someone caused it through
a purposeful detonation of a cigar-shaped
stack of 7 UFO vehicles of the third generation
called time vehicles. (UFOs which
travel as "time vehicles" are shown on
photographs and explained with descriptions
in "part #G" of the totaliztic web page named
and in "part #F" of the totaliztic web page named
On the other hand, "time vehicles" have this
attribute that in their trips they continually shift
their crews to future and to past. So if such
vehicles would to explode by a pure accident,
their crews would know it in advance and
would prevent such a catastrophe from happening.
Thus the only manner to explode these vehicles
is their detonation on purpose. Because near
Tapanui a wealth of evidence is present that
these were time vehicles which exploded in
there (for details of this evidence see chapter
H in the Polish-language monograph
[5/4] -
a small part of which is also presented in chapter
H of much older English-language monograph
this is the proof that the explosion of these UFOs
must be carried out on purpose. Please notice
that the purposeful causing hugely destructive
explosions of UFOs have a long tradition on the
Earth. For example, still another such purposeful
explosion of UFOs, completely independent from
two explosions described on this web page which
took place near Tapanui in 1178 AD and in
Tunguska forests in Siberia in 1908, is documented
on the totaliztic web page named
Where else UFO vehicles have exploded (apart from Tapanui):
As it turns out, owners of UFOs acquired
this bad habit, that they continually torment
people by exploding their UFO vehicles
every now and again. The most recent UFO
explosion took place in China on Monday,
12 May 2008. It is described more
comprehensively in item #E3 of the web page
katrina.htm - about hurricanes formed technically by UFOnauts.
In turn the previous UFO explosion, which killed
around 300 000 people, was carried out on 26th
December 2004 near the Island of Sumatra.
This Sumatra UFO explosion is described in
details on a separate web page entitled
I strongly recommend to have a look at this web page.
Especially that it contains a prognosis about dates
when we could expect next UFO explosions on the
Earth (except that after publishing the web page
"day26.htm", whoever was doing this exploding
of UFOs, now seems to purposely avoid exploding
further UFO vehicles in these particular dates).
There is also a vast evidence which informs that
numerous UFO explosions took place even in more
historic times. Some amongst these historic UFO
explosions were described in
monograph [5/3].
Their excellent example is the UFO explosion of
1908 which took place in remote corner of the
Tunguska taiga forest from Siberia (by the official
human science it is described as the "Tunguska
Another highly intriguing explosion in the Earth's
history (probably also that of a UFO vehicle) was
described in the article "Aborigines may be earliest
astronomers", from page A16 of newspaper
The New Zealand Herald
issue dated on Thursday, December 31, 2009.
This article describes legends of Australian
Aborigines about the star that fell from the sky
into a waterhole, then exploded with a powerful
bang and lightning flashes. In this legend
the information was contained which strongly
suggests that the "star" in fact was a UFO vehicle.
Namely, this "star" landed in a kind of flooded
underground tunnel which in Australia is called
a "waterhole" - the appearance of which is
illustrated on photographs "Fig. O6 (b) in [1/4]"
shown in the web page
and in volume 12 of monograph [1/4], while which
is described in subsections F10.1.1 and O5.3 from
volumes respectively 3 and 12 of monograph
(as well as practically in almost entire Polish treatise
From the modern research on UFOs it stems,
that these vehicles are typically parked just in
such underground tunnels - so that they remain
in there hidden from the sight of people. An Australian
scientist who encountered this legend examined
thoroughly photographs of the surface of Earth
available in the "Google Earth" and discovered
in the indicated place a large bowl crater. This
crater is located in the Palm Valley to the west
from Alice Springs, Australia. But what is highly
intriguing in it, that the research at the spot
revealed that the crater was formed several
millions years ago. On the other hand the oldest
evidence of the existence of Aborigines in
Australia suggest, that they did NOT populated
Australia earlier than around 50,000 years ago.
This means that judging from a conventional dating
of both these classes of evidence, Aborigines who
exist only since around 50000 years, normally
could NOT see the moment of formation of the
crater which according to the same dating was
formed several millions years ago. Thus it remains
a highly intriguing mystery on what basis Aborigines
described origins of that crater from the Palm
Valley in their legends. Interestingly, this discrepancy
of dates in an intriguing manner confirms the
thesis that is documented on the totaliztic web page
According to this thesis, the entire physical world
was created by
only around 6000 years ago. But in order to inspire
human searches for truth, and also for several other
reasons, wise God intentionally created and
inserted into the world which He created, a whole
array of "evidence" that the universe already
exists supposedly since around 14 billions of years.
Part #K:
How the Tapanui explosion explains the present arrival of "neo-medieval epoch" to the Earth:
What so-called "Middle Ages" really were:
If we ask someone learned what the so-called
"medieval epoch" was, then he (or she) will
provide us with some cleverly sounding definition
in which emphasized will be the period of time
in history of the Earth during which this medieval
period prevailed. But if we consider the matter
thoroughly, then we discover that the essence
of the "medieval epoch" was not the time in
which it occurred, but almost proverbial behaviours
of people who lived in these times on the Earth.
This is because people of medieval times behaved
differently that people from any other epoch
on the Earth. Words which could correctly
describe their behaviour include: abnormality,
cruelty, psychopathology, deviations,
greed, etc. Therefore, the correct definition of
medieval period should place emphasis just
on these deviated behaviours of people. So
it should state, for example, that the name
"Middle Ages" is assigned to a period in
history of the humanity during which behaviours
of people were characterised by a range of
glaring abnormalities demonstrating that people
were ruled by feelings, emotions, desires, etc.,
instead of minds, knowledge, logic, deductions,
or other qualities of their intellects - and which
abnormalities most strongly manifested
themselves in the area of morality, attitudes
to others, systems of values, religion, taste,
understanding of beauty, art, etc. In
other words, if the definition "medieval epoch"
was developed by present psychiatrists instead
of historians, then they would state that it was
the epoch in the history of Earth when almost
all people were "psychologically sick" and had
a version of "psychopathology".
If we would try to provide here examples of
deviations in behaviours of medieval
people, then the most representative amongst
them would include: continuous wars, social
terror, spreading cruelty, religious hysteria and
fanaticism, greed of high society, putting down
of lower classes, common devaluation of human
dignity, oppression, decay of culture, deviations
of artistic taste, deterioration of health (e.g. famous
epidemics), decrease of fertility of people and
a rapid diminishing of population, complete
extinction of many known families and dynasties,
anarchy and decentralisation tendencies (e.g.
the disintegration of empires into small countries),
and many more. All such deviations prevailed then
in practically the entire our planet - including islands
that were isolated from rest of the world, such as New
Zealand (where in the medieval period cannibalism
emerged). Such a wide spread of abnormal behaviours
in turn means that their reasons had a global
character. To provide here examples, it was just
in the medieval period that a husband certified in
Inquisition against own wife accusing her of witchcraft,
a brother killed a brother for a throne or inheritance,
sisters were given to enemies to earn a few years
of peace, while a deviated understanding of
beauty by medieval painters caused that they
filled up their paintings with deformed monsters
instead of beautiful people.
Why it is vital to emphasize abnormalities in the behaviour of people
while defining the medieval epoch (instead of emphasizing the span of time):
"The most effective destroyer is the one which cannot be heard nor seen."
If we accept passively the definition of "Middle
Ages" developed by modern scientists - in which
the emphasis is placed on the period of time
in the history of Earth, then overlooked is the
fact that this "medieval period" was caused
by something. In other words, such scientific
definition implies "between the lines" that the
"Middle Ages" arrived purely automatically and
then also automatically disappeared - as it always
happens with time and with epochs. But if the
"medieval epoch" is defined as I did it in the
previous item of this web page, means with
emphasizing the abnormalities in behaviours
of people, then immediately it hits our eyes
that at that time there needed to be in action
on the Earth some health or biological factor which
caused all these deviations. After all, behaviours
of people NEVER become deviated and abnormal
just by themselves, but always there is some
factor which causes them to be such. Thus, my
definition of the "Middle Ages" inspires the search
for this factor which caused such abnormalities
in human behaviours lasting for several
While searching for the factor which caused such
persisting abnormalities in behaviours of people,
we surely can eliminate a whole range of "natural"
factors, such as the composition of the air, water,
the parameters of light from that time, etc. After all, such
natural factors acted upon the humanity in the same
way for periods longer than the length of the Middle
Ages. After eliminating these natural factors, it is
worth to take notice of the so-called "telepathic noise"
induced technically - which is known from various paranormal
researches as the source of strong deviations in human
behaviours. (What is "telepathy" and this "telepathic
noise" unperceived conscientiously by people, but
intercepted by them subconsciously, it is explained
briefly on the totaliztic web page
while elaborated in more details in volume 4 of monographs
[8/2] and
Here it suffices to mention, that another name for it
used in radiesthesia and in water divining is the "negative
green" vibration. The "telepathic noise" most frequently is
detected in some areas of pyramids, over underground
water streams, over the geopathic "Swiss net", and when
emitted by various totems and cult objects used in "black
magic".) After all, right before the Middle Ages appeared,
on the Earth took place a giant explosion near Tapanui
in New Zealand in 1178 AD - described on this web
page. In turn, the mechanism of that explosion supported
the generation of large quantities of just such "telepathic
noise". Thus, that particular explosion not only that took
place in the year which was a beginning of the arrival
of the Middle Ages, but in addition it was sufficiently
powerful to jam the entire planet with the telepathic
noise. After all, its physical consequences devastated
the entire globe, while numerous cases of destruction
that it caused are visible in the Europe even today.
These and other premises indicate unambiguously
that the arrival of medieval epoch to the Earth
was caused by the "telepathic noise" that resonated
in the Earth's ionosphere for several centuries and
that was induced by a giant explosion of 1178 AD
which occurred near the town of Tapanui in New Zealand.
The comprehensive analyses and deductions which
led to the establishing this fact (i.e. that these
immensely detrimental for human health "resonations
of the telepathic noise" in the ionosphere of Earth
caused the arrival of medieval epoch), is
discussed in subsection D4 from the Polish monograph
(but just mentioned in an older English monograph
When one analyses the influence of the resonations
of telepathic noise on the health, wellbeing, and
behaviours of people, then it turns out that such
noise induces in people exactly the same consequences
that historic sources describe as dominating during
the medieval epoch. For example, in spite that the
telepathic noise remains unperceived in a conscious
manner, in fact it is intercepted subconsciously
by humans (this is why it is detectable e.g. with methods
of radiesthesia). Thus, under influence of it, people
become irritated and angry, while being such, they
easily show rapid reactions, aggression, have no
breaks in their brutal actions, everything irritates
them, they loose the sense of humour, become intolerant
towards everything, etc., etc. - means they are exactly
such as we know that people were in medieval times.
In the area of physical health, the excess of telepathic
noise decreases the resistance of bodies to illnesses,
and in males decreases the sperm counts. In the
result it causes all the effects which we know from
the medieval period, such as epidemics and plagues,
complete extinction of entire families and dynasties,
disappearance of human population from entire
countries, etc., etc. Of course, the telepathic noise
deviates also the understanding of beauty and the
ability to think rationally - this explains the "sick"
paintings from medieval times, and numerous medieval
abnormal ideas of the kind of fanaticism, separatism,
martyrs, self-destruction, etc.
The destructive "resonation of telepathic noise" is also induced
by every nuclear explosion - what this means for the humanity:
During years from 1945 till around 1970, the
generation of people who then ruled over the
Earth (named in item #K5 below on this web page)
carried out numerous tests with exploding nuclear
weapons. As it turns out, each such a testing explosion
of nuclear weapon generates a significant amount
of that "telepathic noise" which is so detrimental
to health and wellbeing of people. What even
worse, the attribute of this "telepathic noise" is
that it can accumulate - means that the noise-generating
effects of each subsequent nuclear explosion
add themselves to effects of previous such
explosions. Thus, the result of such tests with
nuclear bombs carried out on the Earth in years
from 1945 till around 1970, was that the total
amount of this telepathic noise so immensely
destructive for human health is at present
equal, if not larger, than the amount of
resonating telepathic noise that prevailed
in medieval times. In turn, the consequence of
such a large accumulation of telepathic noise
can only be one - namely these nuclear
explosions already carried out, initiated in people
deviations of behaviours which manifest themselves
at present as a sliding of the entire humanity into
another "neo-medieval epoch". Of course, similarly
like inhabitants from the original "medieval period"
were unaware that they live in the "Middle Ages",
while their sick and abnormal behaviours become
recognised only by inhabitants of other, more
healthy epochs, also present inhabitants of the
Earth have no idea that they just slide down deeper
and deeper into the "neo-medieval epoch". However,
if one carries out the comparisons of behaviours
of the generation of people that currently dominates
the Earth, with behaviours of people from the
"medieval epoch", then the similarities are hitting
our eyes. Therefore, when today one looks carefully
around, then without any difficulties should
be able to notice that the "neo-medieval epoch" is
already on the Earth and that it started to trouble
people increasingly more starting from around
the year 1995 (I try to document it in item #K6 below).
Which facts prove to us, that we really have already on the Earth another "neo-medieval epoch":
By the term "neo-medieval epoch" one
should understand the period on the Earth
which is just arriving. This period was induced
by the long-term action of the "telepathic noise"
which is extremely detrimental to mentality
and to health of people. The noise was induced
by tests with nuclear bombs carried out in
years from 1945 till around 1970. Similarly
to the original "medieval epoch", this new
period is characteristic by abnormal deviations
in behaviours of people. There are numerous
attributes which characterise this period.
The most vital amongst them include, amongst
others: (1) people being directed in everything
by feelings, desires, laziness, averse to think,
jealousy, fashion, bad examples from celebrities,
etc., instead by knowledge, mind, logic, evidence,
etc., (2) people are giving out to inclinations, temptations,
addictions, deviations, etc. - means people practice
on an everyday basis the destructive philosophy called
(3) the morality is falling down fast, and people
increasingly less listen to whispers of their
conscience, (4) rampant are religious fanaticism,
love of force, the fascination with body, muscles,
weapon, etc., (5) dominant are egoism and self-centring
of people who take care of exclusively themselves,
(6) there is a galloping greed and materialism,
(7) we see social insubordination, unrests, splitting
of empires and countries, terrorism, pirates,
etc., (8) illnesses and plagues are rampaging
(e.g. see item #B1 on the totaliztic web page
there is already a decrease in sperm count and
slow extinction of dynasties, soon we will see the
depopulation of the Earth, (9) we can notice
deviations in artistic taste and in views of the
world - which manifest themselves, amongst
others, in "sick" kind of art and music, (10)
there is a global diminishing of happiness
and sense of humour - causing that people
almost everything consider to be an offence,
that they stop laughing, that they always appear
to be angry and in a state of permanent depression,
and that increasingly more difficult is to find
something that could make people laugh; that
they are prone to commit suicides, etc., etc.
(notice that there is even more similarly abnormal
attributes and behaviours of people).
Much more information about the "neo-medieval
epoch" that currently is settling over the Earth
is presented in subsection D4 from the Polish
monograph [5/4]
(in English a part of it is available in a slightly older
monograph [5/3]).
Generations which actively contributed towards arriving of the "neo-medieval epoch" to the Earth:
The generation of people which dominates
the life on the Earth, and which controls this
life, changes every around 25 years. (Notice
that by the term "generation" we
understand here a group of people of similar
age which grew up in similar times thus
experiencing very similar environmental
conditions, so that their behaviours and
characteristics contain trends that are
common to almost all of them.) Thus,
each such a "generation" in the duration
of its domination shapes the life on the
Earth in a slightly different manner - which
is unique and characteristic just to this
particular generation. The generation of
people which as the first was exposed to the
destructive action of the resonating telepathic
noise from nuclear explosions, is the generation
to which I also belong. This generation in past
was called "baby boomers". But I prefer to call them
jocosely the "emotional" generation - because
this destructive telepathic noise caused that
instead of being governed by mind, logic,
evidence, etc., it started to be governed
by emotions, desires, feelings, views, etc.
This "emotional" generation dominated the
life on the Earth since around 1970 till around
1995. After it, the Earth was taken under
control by the generation of their children,
the governing of which over the life of
the humanity extends since around 1995
till around 2020 - means also at present.
Let us now carry out the review of such
attributes of each generation that contributed
towards the arrival of the "neo-medieval epoch"
to the Earth, which attributes had main influence
on the appearance and escalation of this
"neo-medieval epoch". Please notice, that
to each one out of these generations a jocose
name is assigned, which in my opinion should
make us laugh, and thus should be easier for
referring, but which also should characterise
better the essence of behaviours of a given
Of course, in order to characterise briefly subsequent
generations, it is necessary to use a high level
of generalisation. In turn, as it always is the case
with the generalisation, it indicates only the most
common and the most representative tendencies.
As such, it does NOT consider exceptions from
the tendencies described here - which in real
life always exist, nor considers any individual
people or specific families. Thus, in spite that
the essence of what is written here really applies
to the entire generations indicated here, it NOT
necessarily and NOT always applies to each individual
person nor to each individual family from a
given generation.
The generation of "aggressive panic-mongers". It is
the generation of fathers of my own generation. The
Earth was under their control since around 1945 till
around 1970. This generation lived through the World
War Two and with their own eyes saw the terror of wars.
Thus, it was panicking of another world war. In
order to prevent a war, according to the saying of
ancient Romans that "when you wish to have a
peace then prepare to a war" it was manufacturing
the multitude of weapons and used to shake its weaponry
in front of noses of its enemies. In turn to have the
most powerful arsenals of the time, it continually tested
nuclear bombs. Tests of nuclear weapons of that generation
of "aggressive panic-mongers" were the ones that
generated "telepathic noise" which since then continually
resonates in the Earth's ionosphere - similarly like sounds
resonate in the resonance chambers of musical instruments.
Thus, the generation of "aggressive panic-mongers" is really
responsible for bringing to the humanity the present
"neo-medieval epoch".
The "emotional" generation (i.e. "baby boomers")
to which, amongst others, also I belong. It ruled over the Earth in the
period from around 1970 till around 1995. It was the
sub-conscience of this generation that, for the first
time since the end of original "Middle Ages", was
deviated again by resonations of the "telepathic noise".
Therefore, the most vital attribute of this generation
was that instead of following the knowledge, mind,
logic, deductions, evidence, traditions proven in action,
etc., it for the first time since many centuries started
to listen in everything mainly to feelings, impulses,
desires, unverified views, fashion, example of its
celebrities, etc. In this way the "emotional" generation
broke the tradition and trends to-date. Simultaneously
it was this generation that caused the next one (i.e.
caused children of my generation) to be brought up
as "Midases in reverse".
The generation of "Midases in reverse" - i.e. the
generation of children of my generation. It assumed the
power over the Earth from my generation around 1995
and it is going to rule till around 2020. Thus, at the moment
the humanity and the Earth are under its control and
All of us probably know the myth from ancient
Greece about the kind Midas from Phrygia - i.e.
the one who turned into gold everything that he
touched. Therefore, one amongst most serious
deficiencies of my "emotional" generation could
be described as the upbringing the generation
of our children to become just such "Midases in
reverse" - after all, "whatever they touch it immediately
turns into sh..." Remembering that the generation
of "Midases in reverse" took the control over the
Earth from my generation around the year 1995,
let us list here several examples of their "touch of
Midas in reverse". Well, already around two years
after they assumed the power over the Earth, the
so-called "Asian crisis" appeared which destroyed
many currencies and economies of the world
(it also depleted my overseas earnings).
In around 6 years after they took the rules, their
"touch of Midas in reverse" manifested itself in
the form of so-called "9/11". Then these Midases
in reverse initiated two wars for which until today
they did not find a way how to stop these and make
a lasting peace. In 2008 they started the world's
economic crisis - which they make increasingly
deeper now instead of eliminating it (i.e. this crisis
was caused by the greed of bankers from that generation,
who wasted on themselves funds that they supposed
to lend to poor, and this crisis is now "eliminated" by
politicians of that generation through giving to these
bankers in "care" even more money which are taken
from poor people via taxes). On 7th till 19th December
2009 leaders of all countries of the world from the
generation of these "Midases in reverse" organised
in Copenhagen the world climate conference
"COP15" - about which they earlier bragged that
they solve on it all problems with the climate and
nature. But it solved nothing - as was correctly
noticed in the article "Climate deal waits for another
day" from page A2 of the newspaper
The New Zealand Herald
(issue dated on Monday, December 21, 2009). So
the only thing which this conference produced was
a lot of bad air. Etc., etc. - examples of the "touches"
of these "Midases in reverse" could be listed
In my opinion there are two main reasons for which
the generation of "Midases in reverse" has just such
"opposite to king Midas" effect on everything that
it touches. The first one out of these two reasons
is the fact that these destructive resonations of telepathic noise
continually deviate their morality, attitudes, feelings,
desires, greed, mind, habits, etc. The second
reason is that they were brought up by the "emotional"
generation which was already deviated with such
resonations of telepathic noise, and thus which
rejected and devalued the methods of upbringing
which were proven in action during thousands
of years of continuous practice - as this is described
in item B5.1 of the totaliztic web page
Therefore, this generation of "Midases in reverse"
already now illustrates to us what in the future is
going to be the mechanism of "snowballing effect" in
cumulating the destructive consequences of
"neo-medieval epoch" - if people ignore again the
information and recommendations indicated in
item #K8 below. (This avalanche-like cumulating
of consequences may cause, that if the outcomes
of the "neo-medieval epoch" are not understood
and thus escape from human control, then the Earth
soon may turn into a real hell.) Because the deviations
caused by resonations of the telepathic noise
were already discussed in previous items #K2
and #K3 of this web page, below I am going to
concentrate on discussing mainly consequences
of abnormal upbringing of the generation of
"Midases in reverse".
So this second main reason why the generation
of children of my generation grew up into such
"Midases in reverse", was that controlled by feelings
instead of intelligence (after all, in my generation
the intelligence was already suppressed by
telepathic noise), my generation rejected and
devalued traditional methods of upbringing
children. For my "emotional" generation it
become insignificant that such traditional methods
of upbringing have proven their correctness in
action during thousands of years of their use.
Simultaneously the unchecked methods of upbringing
which due to using feelings instead of logic and
intelligence my "emotional" generation introduced
to use for the first time in history, led to grooming
too high proportion of children into egoists, snobs,
mamonies (Italian for old brats), softies, clumsy misfits, bullies, terrorists,
etc. The "emotional" generation to which I belong
had rather a hard childhood and young age. Thus,
is understandable why, when finally with own hands
it managed to build the largest period of prosperity
and stability in to-date history of the humanity, fruits
of this prosperity it started to unconditionally splash
on its children. In addition, the common use of feelings
instead of logic and wisdom caused that my generation
continually tried to purchase the love of its children,
instead of training them in traditions, morality,
principles, discipline, responsibility, and other
attributes that are required for the young generation.
It was just during the domination of my "emotional"
generation that its children kept receiving cars,
computers, and most modern toys, completely
without moving even their fingers. It was my generation
that introduced to the use soft and comfortable
undergarments, single use panties, laws that forbid
serving smacks to children when these are naughty,
and persuasions for teachers to use psychology
instead of duties, homework, and punishments.
It was also the "emotional" generation that allowed
its children to spend parents salaries on most
fashionable clothing, most known hairdressers,
and the best cosmetics. In the result, the generation
of its children got used to the idea that the entire
universe rotates just around them, and that in the
life it is OK to just take and never give anything
in return. In this way, according to laws of life
described in item #A3 from the web page
the "emotional" generation groomed its successors
at misfits and egoists, who know how to take but
are unable to give, who are able to promise, but do
not know how to deliver, who learned to destroy,
but are unable to build with success, who instead
of peaceful and effective negotiations use force
and destruction. In the approach to upbringing of
the next generation, the "emotional" generation
ignored thousands of years of experience of the
humanity, that in order to acquire the required
attributes of character - according to clear recommendations from
expressed in the
the youth must be brought up "like the steel is hardened"
(as this is explained in item #B5.1 from the totaliztic web page
In the result, representatives of this new generation of
"Midases in reverse" which currently prevail over the
world, in their ignorance and egoism probably will not
be able to even secure for their parents the decent
retirements. So in old age their parents will be harvesting
fruits from the fact that as a generation they "failed"
to groom correctly the next generation. Fortunately,
in the long-term "there is no such bad that would not turn
into good". This ignorance and egoism of the generation
of "Midases in reverse" causes, that the generation
of their children again is going to have a "hard life"
which perhaps manages to "harden them like steel" -
as such hardening was taking place in my own generation.
Thus, if conditions stated in item #K8 below are to be
met, still there is a chance that after the fall down and
destruction of the period of prevailing the "Midases in
reverse", perhaps again to the Earth is going to return
a slightly better period build up by the generation of
"decision makers". But this is to happen only if we manage
to pass to these "decision makers", before we extinct,
how vital is the hard and moral upbringing of their own
children and teaching these children to take notice of
all aspects of the life which have the significance for
suppressing the present escalation of the "neo-medieval
The generation which I call the "decision makers",
but which by other researchers is called meaningfully
the "Me Generation" (for reasons which are described
below). This is the generation of grandchildren of the
generation to which I belong (means, these are children
of "Midases in reverse").
It is going to take the humanity and Earth under its
control starting from around 2020 until around 2045.
The reason for which I jocosely call this generation
the "decision makers" is that to them is to belong
the undertaking and implementation of the most
vital decisions of their millennium - from which will
later depend the fate of humanity for further several
hundred of years. Namely, these "decision makers"
with their decisions and actions are to undertake
and implement either the ignorant (but even more
greedy, inhuman, and egoistic) decisions of the kind
similar to decisions of "Midases in reverse" - which then
will extend the duration of the "neo-medieval epoch"
for several further centuries (thus turning the Earth
into a kind of hell), or they rationally implement the
knowledge which, amongst others, this web page
is trying to pass to them, and acting wisely and
morally they will suppress the duration of "neo-medieval
period" by restoring the path of humanity to morality,
use of intelligence, implementation of peace,
cultivation of traditions, etc.
What kind of decisions of that "me generation"
most probably is going to make, it can be deduced
already now from outcomes of research on the
philosophy which this generation practices -
which is reported, amongst others, in the
article "Heed wisdom of Bible before it's too late",
from page A11 of newspaper
The New Zealand Herald
issue dated on Thursday, June 3, 2010. This
article reports, amongst others, outcomes of
research on behaviours and moral values of
that "Me Generation". Here is a quotation of
one sentence from that article: "Comprehensive
studies of 14,000 odd American university students
over the past 30 years, the researchers said, revealed
that they were the most self-centred, narcissistic,
competitive, confident, and individualistic human
being of modern times." So how to come to terms
with egoism, self-centring, greed, ruthlessness,
demands, etc., of that generation. After all, already
now the danger is clear, that when this generation
takes power over the Earth, then under the greed
and vices of it the societies simply are to crumble.
Why the generation of "Midases in reverse" escalates the "neo-medieval epoch":
Oppositely to the "Medieval Ages" - in which
people were ruled almost exclusively by
emotions, further generations of the humanity
worked hard to restore on the Earth the
use of knowledge, wisdom, evidence, logic,
deduction, and other similar advantages of
the human intellect. Fathers of my generation
(i.e. "aggressive panic-mongers") almost
completely implemented everyday use of
these qualities. For example, their marriages
almost exclusively were based on the logic -
this reduced their divorces to almost zero.
Their attitude towards God, religion, ghosts,
or unexplained phenomena was exclusively
based on the intelligence, not on feelings
(after all, it was during the life of fathers of
my generation that for the first and last time
in to-date history of the humanity were carried
out official research on UFOs, ESP, telepathy,
etc.) Family life had a logic, structure, and
responsibility, because there was a head of
family and everyone knew his or her place,
because there was a clear division of roles,
because they followed the tradition and proven
in practice methods of action. Children were
punish or rewarded accordingly to their behaviour
and accomplishments, because everyone
knew that if their characters are deviated
because of the lack of moral role models,
principles, limitations, duties and discipline,
then the portion of pain and struggles which
was destined to them is going to be served to
them in an older age. In times of my ancestors
when someone was in need then all others understood
that they must help in person. Dignity, honesty,
morality, honour and acting for the good of own
country still then were noticeable in politicians
and in decision makers. If someone wanted to
purchase something, then was earning in a
moral manner and saved money for accomplishing
the goal. In turn free time was spend then on
activities inspiring thinking and intelligence,
on socialising, on prayers, or on talking to
members of older generations.
When the mind almost completely triumphed over
feelings, the life was overtaken by my "emotional"
generation. Dazed by the telepathic noise which
irritated our sub-conscience, we exploded with
contradiction and anger "to hell with wisdom and
tradition - let us take life exclusively on feelings".
So we finished with consulting the mind when
we choose our life partners, but we listened
exclusively to whispers of love. Unfortunately,
love passes fast. The outcomes included
marriages just for the duration of good weather,
deterioration of families with the arrival of first
problems, and snowballing increase of divorces.
Instead of researching rationally the unexplained
phenomena, God, UFOs, ghosts, ESP, etc.,
and instead of considering the evidence in
existence on these matters, we started to
act on emotions and feelings following the
prevailing fashion, and thus ignoring these
subjects and burning on stakes people who
still researched them. Instead of grooming our
children accordingly to methods proven in
thousands of years of use and recommended
by the Bible, we started to save children
from pain and effort, comfort them that stupidity
and recklessness also deserve prizing, reward
them for even eating their meals, flood with
gifts for doing nothing, gave them diplomas
and medals just for taking a part, and etch
into their memory the belief that they are a
centre of the entire universe. In our everyday
life we eliminated roles, positions, and traditions,
so that everyone could do whatever wanted,
no-one experienced any structure, discipline,
limitations, nor responsibilities. Instead of
listening to people who have something to say,
we started to listen to those who were the most
loud. Instead of naming everything correctly,
we started to introduce a new terminology so
that no-one could feel offended. Instead of
praying, we started to be ashamed of our God.
Instead of pinpointing and fighting whatever is
bad and immoral, we introduced "privacy laws"
or "civil unions" which allowed to hide it or to
legalize it. Instead of condemning and punishing
people deviated, degenerated, and deprived
moral breaks, we turned them into our celebrities.
It was in my "emotional" generation that instead
of helping people in need, we invented various
institutions to which we could shift the responsibility
for help, while ourselves we could play gapes.
It was the "emotional" generation that eliminated
the mentally inspiring evening socialising and
talks to older generations as well as philosophically
orienting prayers, replacing them with thoughtless
viewing television or raising brutality through
computer games. It was this "emotional" generation
that started to employ for "WHOM someone knew"
not for "WHAT someone is able to do".
But the worst is that the next generation of "Midases
in reverse", which my "emotional" generation
was spoiling instead of grooming, after taking
the planet from us actually escalated further this
our relying solely on feelings and desires instead
of mind and knowledge. In the result, this unruly
generation of "Midases in reverse" transformed
our relying mainly on feelings, into the presently
prevailing epoch of immorality, greed, deviations,
abnormalities, bullying, aggression, terrorism,
crime, unemployment, fall down and hunger.
And so, these misfits escalated the greed to
the level of absurd. Thus, their politicians instead
of asking "what it does to our nation or country",
started their rules from asking "what (or how
much) is in this for me". This next generation
of "Midases in reverse" their custom of getting
everything for free turned into permanent
"life on credit". It was this generation that instead
of paying proportionally to the contribution, invented
millions for CEOs and hunger rations for
workers, premiums worth thousands of salaries
for management, and redundancies and unemployment
for workers. It is this generation that tries to restore
10-hour long working days for workers, shortens
holidays and weekends, reduces unemployment
benefit, and extends the age when oldies are
entitled to the retirement. It is this generation
that eliminates God from life, but introduces the
cult of money and fast pleasure. It is this generation
that in people sees just body and muscles, while
in nature it sees just a potential for making fortune.
Etc., etc.
In past of our civilisation already once existed
a period of time when people ceased to listen
to mind, knowledge, evidence, logic, voices of
rationality, or whispers of conscience, thus
starting to escalate various deviations when
relying exclusively on emotions, feelings, desires,
etc. This period was called "Middle Ages".
Through the permanent implementation into
life a new trend to ignore morality, tradition,
knowledge, logic, evidence, and voices of
rationality, while listening exclusively to our
feelings and desires, my "emotional" generation
created on the Earth conditions that allowed
our successors to restore that dark Age. Thus,
in the times of prevailing of my "emotional"
generation a process was started on the Earth,
which our ignorant "Midases in reverse" deepened
later into the presently escalating "neo-medieval epoch".
In turn when such abnormalities of the "neo-medieval
epoch", and
all immoral consequences of "neo-medieval epoch",
once completely take over the Earth, it probably
will be needed the effort many future generations
of people to restore the use of morality, knowledge
and mind on the Earth.
The beginning of "witch hunting" in the official human science - means the return of medieval behaviours and "scientific neo-inquisition":
The date of 3rd February 2010 probably is
going to be remembered as the date of official
birth of neo-medieval "scientific inquisition".
This is because on that day the entire world
learned from television news about the first
case when scientific research were revoked
and symbolically "burned on stake" on the
principles of action known from the "medieval
inquisition". Thus, on that particular day the
Earth's science started again the official
"witch hunt" which was so characteristic
for the real medieval epoch.
This first symbolic "burning on stake" of results
of official scientific research, together with the
author of this research, carried out the British
medical journal called "The Lancet". After the
elapse of 12 years it withdrew and revoked the
article which was published in it still in 1998,
and which concerned the link between preventive
vaccination for so-called "measles", and so-called
"autism" in children. Details of that invalidation I
learned a day later from two New Zealand newspaper
articles, namely from the article "Dishonest vaccination
study revoked" from page A6 of New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Thursday, February 4, 2010,
and the article "Vaccine link to autism dismissed",
from page A4 of newspaper
The New Zealand Herald
issue dated on Thursday, February 4, 2010.
I personally was hit in these two articles by
the lack of scientific reasons for which this
research was revoked. The revoking of it was
justified solely by non-scientific reasons (for
example by the lack of agreement for this
research from an ethics commission, by the
lack of agreement of parents for taking blood
samples from children, by not referring children
for further research, etc.). In other words, like
in true inquisition, this neo-medieval "scientific
inquisition" again ceased to take notice whether
the accused is really guilty or not (i.e. ceased
to judge his results exclusively on the grounds
of scientific evidence and findings), but ordered
a symbolic "burning on stake" of these results
and him only because this burning turned out
to be beneficial for influential people and for
politicians of the present world.
Of course, I personally know about the existence
of this "scientific neo-inquisition" for a long time.
After all, my own scientific research are symbolically
"burned on stake" by this neo-inquisition since
the beginning when I tried to publish it. This is
because of the action of this neo-inquisition I never
managed to publish my theories and findings in
any scientific journal - in spite that I tried countless
number of times. It is also because of the activities
of this "scientific inquisition" that many present
opponents of my theories and findings for the
lack of scientific argumentation resort to the
use of childish attacks. For example, they
refuse to call me a "scientist" and scream
that I am just a "pseudo-scientist", resort to
swearing and calling me names, etc. All this
is done in spite that results of my research from
the scientific point of view are much better
documented and have much wide evidential
confirmation than the majority of commonly
adhered present official theories and findings.
Can somehow the sliding of humanity into the "neo-medieval epoch" be stopped,
and negative consequences of the resonations of telepathic noise be neutralised:
Yes, it can!
But it would be necessary that people fulfilled
following conditions: (1) were aware that they
just are going through this destructive period
of time, (2) knew what caused this period, (3)
were familiarised with manifestations and manners
on which it works, and (4) knew findings of the
philosophy of totalizm and the theory named the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
which explain how to lead our lives in a moral manner
that would eliminate consequences of evil behaviours
of people.
Unfortunately, it is highly doubtful whether people
ever fulfil above conditions, and thus manage to
stop the snowballing escalation of the "neo-medieval
epoch". The reason is, that about the arrival of
the "neo-medieval epoch" I am warning people
for a long time, yet almost everyone seems to
ignore my warnings. My publications on this
subject I prepared a long time before first
symptoms of arrival of the "neo-medieval epoch"
become visible. After all, soon after discovering
in 1987 the global consequences of the Tapanui
explosion, and subsequent discovering the destructive
action of the telepathic noise induced by this
explosion, I started to warn vigorously people
about what is to come, in two-language series
[5] of my monographs (e.g. in subsection D4 of
[5/4] and
Unfortunately, in spite that these monographs about
the Tapanui explosion are disseminated for almost
a quarter of century, so-far almost no-one seems to
pay any attention to what they try to warn us against.
Therefore, it is quite a vital that people finally started
to take to heart the knowledge and information contained
in this part of the web page, and started to disseminate
them amongst interested readers (so that these could
be learned, amongst others, by the generation of
"decision makers" who could in the future utilise them
in their decisions and actions).
In our attitude towards the matter of arrival of
"neo-medieval epoch" it is also worth to take
under considerations mechanism of actions of
the universe. This is because such mechanisms
cause that "truth always finally prevails" -
as indicated in chapter N from monograph [5/3].
Thus, the more we are going to hide and ignore
the fact that our civilisation is just sliding into the
"neo-medieval period", and the less we are going
to do to stop this sliding, the more clearly future
generations of people will see from fruits of our
actions, that such a barbaric epoch existed on
the Earth staring from present generations. Thus,
even if in the future this epoch may NOT be called
the "neo-medieval epoch", the fact will remain that
they will consider it to be the age when the humanity
should already represent a high level of civilising,
but in reality it behaved like barbaric psychopaths
in almost all areas of human activities.
Part #L:
Summary, and the final information of this web page:
Summary of this web page:
About the Tapanui explosion one can take
any possible stand. For example, one can
ignore this explosion and consequences of it,
one can be shocked that never have heard about
it, one can feel a disappointment towards New
Zealand scientists that they refuse to research
this explosion and inform the world about it,
etc., etc. However, in my opinion the only
constructive stand towards this explosion
depends on getting organised and starting
to investigate it personally - and all this
as soon as possible, before the evidence
concerning it is vandalised to the complete
Should you wish to visit the Tapanui Crater:
The existence
of the UFO explosion near Tapanui is vigorously
denied by New Zealand scientists. One could
even state that these scientists (similarly like
the majority of scientists all over the world
at present) display a kind of allergic reaction
to everything that concerns this particular UFO
explosion site, or UFOs in general. Therefore,
should you wish to carry out your own
research on this UFO explosion site, you
cannot count on any assistance or cooperation
from local institutions or local scientists.
The researcher wishing to investigate
the UFO explosion site near Tapanui
must be prepared to do everything on
his or her own. For this reasons it is
advisable that before one visits this
extraordinary explosion site, one reads
carefully the following publications (in that order):
subsections A3, A4, and O5.2 from monograph
then the entire monograph
All these scientific publications are available
free of charge via this web page - see items
Text [1/4] and
Text [5/3]
in Menu from the left margin. In order to download the publication
that you choose, just click any item marked e.g. "Text [1/4]" in
the Menu listed on the left margin of this web site. Then choose
illustrations or content of the volume that you are interested in.
Notice that the Tapanui Crater is located
on a private property of Mr Rex Hellier.
(Address: Mr Rex L. Hellier, Pukerau, 1 R.D., Gore, New Zealand.)
Therefore, before visiting it, you need to
write or ring to the owner to get a permission
to enter his land. Possibly you also need
to purchase in advance good maps of the
area, as the crater is located (as it was
stated in the TV programme on this crater)
on "a wind-swept wilderness". Here is an internet
site of the New Zealand Government, that
contains maps and aerial photographs of
the area of the Tapanui Crater
- see there square G45 and compare it with
Figure 3 from monograph
Fig. #14: Mr Rex Hellier and Dr Jan Pajak -
means the owner of the Tapanui Crater (Mr
Rex Hellier - the one wearing the hat), and myself
(Dr Jan Pajak -
the author of this web page). This photograph
was taken on 7 February 2008. It illustrates,
amongst others, a section of the Tapanui Crater
taken in the direction from south towards north.
(Click on this photo to see it enlarged.)
The Tapanui Crater remains in family ownership of Helliers
since 1940s, when the father of the present owner purchased
it with the intention to search for coal in it. The bottom of the
crater was then paved with a layer of decaying tree trunks,
thus suggesting that in the crater deposits of brown coal could
be accumulated. The intriguing thing can be, that in times
when first European settlers arrived to this area around
1840s, in the vicinity of the crater there was NO even a
single tree. Thus all people were puzzled where comes
from this layer of decaying tree trunks on the bottom of
the crater. Please notice that independently from this web page,
the Tapanui Crater and various consequences of the UFO
explosion taking place in it, are also described on the web page
newzealand.htm - about mysteries and curiosities of New Zealand.
How with the web page named
one can find totaliztic descriptions
of topics in which he is interested:
A whole array of topics equally interesting
as these from the above web page, is also
discussed from the angle that is unique to
the philosophy of totalizm. All these related
topics can be found and identified with the use of
content index
prepared especially to make easier finding
these web pages and topics. The name "index"
means a list of "key words" usually provided
at the end of textbooks, which allows to find
fast the description or the topic in which we
are interested. My web pages also has such
a content "index" - only that it is additionally
supplied in green
which after "clicking" at them with a mouse
immediately open the web page with the topic
that interest the reader. This content "index"
is provided on the web page named
It can be called from the "organising" part of
"Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would
recommend to look at it and to begin using it
systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds
of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to
Current email addresses to the author of
this web page, i.e. officially to
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak,
at which readers can post possible comments,
opinions, descriptions, or information which in
their opinion I should learn, are provided on the web page named
(for its version in the HTML language), or the web page named
(for the version of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.pdf"
in safe PDF format - which safe PDF versions
of further web pages by the author can also be
downloaded via links from item #B1 of the web page named
The author's right for the use of courteous
title of "Professor" stems from the custom that
"with professors is like with generals", namely
when someone is
once a professor, than he or she courteously
remains a professor forever. In
turn the author of this web page was a professor
at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them,
from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998,
as an "Associate Professor" from English-based
educational system, while on one university as
a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till
31 December 2007 - means at the last place
of employment in his professional life).
However, please notice that because of my
rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly
reply to emails which contain JUST time
consuming requests, while simultaneously
they document a complete ignorance of their
author in the topic area which I am researching.
This web page is also available in the form
of a brochure marked [11], which
is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document
Format") - currently considered to be the
most safe amongst all internet formats, as
normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This
clear brochure is ready both, for printing,
as well as for reading from a computer
screen. It also has all its
green links
still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer
screen connected to internet, then after clicking
onto these green links, the linked web pages
and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because
the volume of it is around a double of the volume
of web page which this brochure publishes,
the memory limitations on a significant number
of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to
offer it from them (so if it does NOT download
from this address, because it is NOT available
on this server, then you should click onto any
other address from
Menu 3,
and then check whether in there it is available).
In order to open this brochure (and/or download
it to own computer), it suffices to either click on
the following green link
or to open from any totaliztic web site the
PDF file named as in the above green link.
If the reader wishes to check, whether some other
totaliztic web page which he or she just is studying,
is also available in the form of such PDF brochure,
then should check whether it is listed amongst links
from "part #B" of the web page named
This is because links from there indicate all totaliztic
web pages, which are already published as such
brochures from series [11] in PDF format.
I wish you a fruitful reading!
Jeśli preferujesz czytanie po polsku,
kliknij na polską flagę (if you prefer reading in Polish
click on the Polish flag)
Date of starting this page: 10 October 2003
The most recent update of this page: 3 November 2013
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)