The Oscillatory Chamber - i.e. an energy storage of huge capacitance, and a magnetic propelling device
(bilingual, in English and
Polish )
12 December 2012
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Energy. We cannot see it, but we need it badly.
Actually, for our civilisation it is like oxygen.
We would die without it. But to have it, we
need to generate it, and then bring it to our
homes. This means unhealthy power-lines, dangerous
fuel tanks, bills, inflation, taxes, blackouts, economic
blackmail, dependency, aggression, wars, and so on.
But what would happen if we could pack pure energy into "tins"
and store it forever (like this was the case with
the Biblical Arc of the Covenant). Well, there
is already an invention which explains how to
accomplish it. It is called the "Oscillatory Chamber".
All what it takes now to have such "tins" for
packing and storing pure energy, is to build
working prototypes of these Oscillatory Chambers.
Part #A:
Introductory information about this web page:
What are goals of this web page:
The main goal of this web page and
illustrations included into it, is to present
to readers the explanation of what actually
is this so-called "Oscillatory Chamber"
and what benefits our civilisation accomplishes
through building this extraordinary device.
An additional goal of this web page is to reveal
that the official research on new energy devices
already has wandered into a bush. After all,
instead of "looking into the future", scientists
who carry out this research lately "look into
the past" - means they research, slightly improve,
and seek further uses for exclusively old ideas
and principles of operation which are known to
the humanity already for many years. In turn they
are scared to undertake any research on ideas
which still await to be developed in the future.
Thus, this web page illustrates that it would be highly
beneficial for the humanity to open a "competition"
for energy sciences, in the form of a "public
domain" research on energy - similar to this
which in recent years caused an immense
progress in informatics and in internet
(for details see item #M1 below). As it is
explained already in items #A1 and #A2
of the totaliztic web page
such "public domain" research and development
of energy devices would boil down to unleashing
of creativity and research inclinations of
ordinary people, through the scientific guiding
and coordinating of interested hobbyists from
the entire world to research and to develop
unknown earlier energy devices similar to
the "Oscillatory Chamber" described on this
web page.
Part #B:
Let me introduce the device presented on this web page:
What is this "Oscillatory Chamber":
Imagine a transparent cube of perfect form
which represents a new device for producing a super-powerful magnetic field.
It looks like a crystal of a regular shape made of some transparent mineral,
or like a cube cut beautifully from shiny glass and showing its content
through transparent walls. For dimensions not larger than those of a Rubik's
cube it could produce a magnetic field exceeding thousands of times the power
of fields able to be produced on Earth, including fields from the most
powerful magnetic cranes and fields from the largest electromagnets in
leading scientific laboratories. If we took this cube in our hands,
it would demonstrate extraordinary properties. For example, in spite of
its small dimensions, it would be unusually "heavy" and at its full magnetic
output even the strongest athlete would not be able to lift it. Its "heaviness"
results from the fact that the magnetic field it produces would attract
the cube in the direction of Earth's centre, thus the force of the magnetic
attraction created would add to its real weight. The cube would also oppose
our attempts to rotate it, and similarly like a magnetic needle it would
always try to point out in the same direction coinciding with the magnetic
north-south meridian. However, if we somehow could manage to turn it into
orientation exactly opposite to this natural alignment like a magnetic needle,
then to our surprise it would take off and begin lifting us into space (i.e.
it would "levitate" us in exactly the same way as the biblical "Arc of the
Covenant" used to levitate priests who carried it from place to place and
thus who used to be called "Levites"). In this way just on its own this
cubical "crystal" would be capable of propelling our space vehicles.
This extraordinary device is named the "Oscillatory Chamber".
It is described comprehensively in volume 2 of my newest
monograph [1/5]
and my slightly older
monograph [1/4] -
both entitled "Advanced Magnetic Devices" and available free of charge
through this web site. Alone, it can perform a number of very vital
functions which presently are performed by a whole range of
other technical devices. For example, it can serve as an energy
storage of enormous capacitance. It can be used as a propelling
device for magnetic space vehicles called the Magnocraft. It can
also replace our present combustion engines, air conditioners,
power-lines and energy transmission appliances, and many more.
The "Oscillatory Chamber"
is an extremely powerful device definitely worth our attention.
It is described on this web page. I recommend to have a look at
this extraordinary device, as perhaps in a not-too-distant-future
it will fulfil technical destiny of the human race.
This web page summarises the most vital
information about the Oscillatory Chamber.
Fig. #B1 (S6 (left) from [1/5]): The general appearance of the Oscillatory Chamber.
Shown above is the Oscillatory Chamber of so-called "first generation",
which is shaped like a transparent cube empty inside. With broken
line are indicated two square columns of the invisible magnetic
field which gushes from the floor and ceiling of this transparent
cube. This field expands along the magnetic axis "m" of the
Oscillatory Chamber. Letters N, S mark the polarity of this field.
Originally the above drawing was presented on
the left part of "Fig. S6" from monograph [1/5].
At our present level of technological development
this device can be constructed entirely out of
transparent materials. For example, already for
a long time are available transparent non-conductors,
which are also excellent robust construction materials
and are magnetically neutral. One of the most frequently
used examples of them is an ordinary glass or plexiglass.
If all six walls of the Oscillatory Chamber are made
of glass, then this device would look like a transparent
cube. It would reveal to the observer the processes
occurring in the interior of this device, e.g. the jumps
of electric sparks, the density of energy, the operation
of control devices, etc. Contemporary electronics has
also created a high demand for transparent conductors,
which can already be found in some watches and
calculators. The quality of these conductors will gradually
improve and we may soon expect their properties to be
comparable to those of metals. Let us assume that the
Oscillatory Chamber will be made wholly of such transparent
materials (i.e. both conductors and non-conductors).
Therefore the casual observer of the chamber in operation
will notice a typical transparent "crystal" lying in front
of him or her. It will take the form of a shiny transparent
cube nicely cut from a glassy material - see "Fig. #B1"
above or "Fig. #K1" below. Along the
inner surfaces of the plain side walls of this crystal cube,
bright gold shimmering sparks will flash horrizontally.
Although these sparks will flicker, they will appear to
be frozen in the same positions. From time to time they
will make rapid movements like tumbleweed of sleeping
fiery snakes. Their paths will closely follow the inner
surface of the side walls, because of the electromagnetic
containment forces pushing the sparks against the sides
of the chamber (these deflecting forces are described
in item #C1 below - see in there sub-item #1).
The inside of the cube will be filled with a dielectric gas
and an extremely concentrated magnetic field. This field,
when observed from the direction perpendicular to its
force lines, will be impenetrable to light, looking like dense
black smoke which fills the interior of this transparent crystal.
It is very noticeable in any scientific
exhibition or "open day" in a laboratory, that when a demonstrator starts
up an apparatus producing sparks, for example a Tesla coil, an Induction
coil or a Van de Graff machine, spectators irresistibly gravitate towards
the display. Claps of thunder and lightning flashes have always possessed
a kind of mysterious, hypnotic power which acts on everyone and which provides
memorable experiences. The power emanating from inside the Oscillatory
Chamber will similarly capture the attention and imagination of people
witnessing it. Future observers of the operation of this device will have
the impression that they are facing an unknown living creature, absorbed
in the fulfilment of its own fascinating and mysterious physiological functions,
rather than seeing a piece of machinery engaged in its ordinary process of
operation. The wealth of energy, trapped, curbed and waiting within the walls
of the chamber will fascinate witnesses, leaving them with a multitude of
vivid impressions, indelibly etched on their memories.
* * *
Observing this transparent cube, one will
find it difficult to imagine that to reach the
point of its creation, this device, so simple
in structure, required the accumulation of
over 2000 years of human knowledge and
* * *
Notice that you can see the enlargement
of each illustration from this web site, simply by clicking on this illustration.
Most of the Internet browsers that you may use, including the popular "Internet
Explorer", allow also to download
each illustration to your own computer, and then look at it, reduce or enlarge
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Monographs and source materials that describe the "Oscillatory Chamber":
At this moment in time, detailed descriptions
of the Oscillatory Chamber are disseminated
in three different generations of monographs
about this device. Because each one amongst
these generations of monographs was written
in a different time, while the Oscillatory Chamber
kept evolving and developing, the level of
novelty of these generations is different.
The newest, and thus also the most current
generation of monographs on the Oscillatory
Chamber, is the series of scientific monographs
which in all references is labelled with the symbol
It is entitled
Advanced Magnetic Devices.
(The symbol [1/5] explains that monographs from this
series belong to the group [1] of my most important
publications, and that in this group [1] they are
already the fifth edition [/5].) Monographs from
the series [1/5] went into updating and amending
in 2007, while the process of their improvement
lasts until today. In this series [1/5], the most
important monograph about the Oscillatory Chamber
is the monograph no 2 entitled "The Oscillatory
Chamber" - which explains all technical details
of this extraordinary device. Some topics of that
monograph no 2 are additionally extended in
monographs no 11 (the use of Oscillatory Chambers
in time vehicles), no 10 (the use of these devices
for energy generation), and no 3 (the use of Oscillatory
Chambers for propelling interstellar spaceship).
Slightly older generation of monographs on the
Oscillatory Chamber is the previous edition of
my most important monograph labelled with
the symbol
[1/4] -
and also entitled
Advanced Magnetic Devices.
It represents the previous, fourth edition for my
newest monograph [1/5]. That monograph [1/4]
is disseminated since 2001. Because its organisation
is symmetrical (and very similar) to the organisation
of the newest monograph [1/5], the part which
describes the Oscillatory Chamber is also
contained in volume 2 of that [1/4]. In turn
descriptions which complement and extend
main topics from volume 2, are also contained
in volumes 11, 10 and 3 of it.
The most old generation of monographs on the
Oscillatory Chamber includes my old scientific
monograph labelled with the symbol
[2e] -
and entitled
The Oscillatory Chamber, Arkway to the Stars (ISBN 0-9583380-0-0).
Originally monograph [2e] was prepared as the
first official textbook (monograph) for this device
It was disseminated since 1994. The Oscillatory
Chamber was also described in another my old
monograph labelled with the symbol
[1e] -
and entitled
Advanced Magnetic Propulsion Systems (ISBN 0-9597698-9-7).
It was disseminated since 1990. So when, in future,
the update of the entire series of monographs [1/5]
is completed, the Oscillatory Chamber by then will
evolve so significantly, that these [2e] and [1e] will
require a revision and update.
All these monographs on the Oscillatory Chamber
can be downloaded free of charge from this web
page, and also from any other totaliztic web page.
In order to download them it is enough to click on
their (green) links in the text of this web page, or
click on their items in the menu, and then follow
the instructions which are to appear on the screen.
The Oscillatory Chamber is also described on
numerous web pages. If there are NO handy
links to these web pages, then they can be easily
found through providing key words "Oscillatory
Chamber" to the search engine
Apart from this web page
oscillatory_chamber.htm - about the Oscillatory Chamber,
the largest amount of information on this subject
is contained also on totaliztic web pages
eco_cars.htm - about pollution-free cars of our future (see over there items #D1 to #D5),
immortality.htm - about the immortality and everlasting life accomplishable already at our level of development (see over there items #E1 to #G2), and
propulsion.htm - about advanced magnetic propulsion systems for flying vehicles (see over there items #D1 and #D2).
Still another source of visual information about
the Oscillatory Chamber is the video-report
prepared by the Italian developmental team which
works on research and development of the
Oscillatory Chamber. This video-report can
be viewed, amongst others, at the Internet address
Part #C:
Justification for the absolute need to build the "Oscillatory Chamber" for our civilisation:
Why Oscillatory Chambers must replace electromagnets:
When we observe the blinding achievements
in one discipline, without a delay we assume that our progress is equally
spectacular in all directions. However, if we examine the matter closely,
we may discover areas where almost no progress has been achieved in
the last two centuries, and where we are still treading in the same place.
In order us to realize one of the most frequently encountered areas of such
an inventive stagnation, let us ask now the following question: "What
progress has been achieved recently in the area of principles of the
controlled magnetic field production?". To our surprise the answer is "none".
At the beginning of the Mars exploration era we still use exactly the same
principle of the magnetic field production, as that one which was used over
180 years ago, i.e. the principle discovered in 1820 by the Danish professor,
Hans Oersted, and depending on the application of the magnetic effects
created by an electric current flowing through the coils of a conductor.
The device utilizing this principle, called an "electromagnet", is now
one of the most archaic inventions still in common use because of the
lack of a more suitable solution. We can realize how outdated its operation
is from the following example: if the progress in propulsion systems were
equal to that of magnetic field production devices, our only mechanical
vehicle would still be a steam engine.
Electromagnets possess a whole range of
inherent drawbacks, which make it impossible to raise their output above
a particular - and not very high - level. These disadvantages can in no
way be eliminated, because they result from the principle of operation
of these devices alone. Below the most significant of these inherited
and thus totally irremovable drawbacks of electromagnets are listed.
Their explanation with more details is provided in subsection F6 from
volume 2 of monograph [1/5]. (That subsection F6 from [1/5] presents
the way in which each of these drawbacks is eliminated in the operation
of the Oscillatory Chamber.)
#1. Electromagnets create powerful deflecting forces.
These forces in turn tense their coils in the radial
direction trying to tear these coils apart. These forces are
produced as the result of mutual interaction between the magnetic field
generated by an electromagnet, and the same coils of the conductor which
created this field. The field tries to push these coils out from its own
range (according to the action of the "left-hand rule" often called the
"motor effect"). Thus the deflecting forces so formed in coils are of
a type identical to the ones utilized in the operation of electric motors.
In order to prevent the electromagnet from being torn apart, these
electromagnetic containment forces must ultimately be opposed by some
form of physical structure. The mechanical strength of this structure
counter-balances the deflecting forces resulting from the output of
a given electromagnet. Of course, this structure significantly increases
the weight of any really powerful steady-field magnet. Furthermore,
when the current's flow in electromagnets exceeds a certain level,
the deflecting forces grow to such an extent that they are not able
to be balanced further by the mechanical strength of the structure.
Thus, the gradual increase in output of electromagnets eventually
causes coils to explode. In this way too high an increase in
the output of electromagnets results in their self-destruction via
an explosion. Such explosions of electromagnets are quite frequent
occurrences in scientific laboratories, therefore the most powerful
electromagnets must be placed in special bunkers which confine their
possible explosions.
#2. Electromagnets require the
continuous supply of electric energy if they are to produce a magnetic
field whose all parameters are controllable (i.e. a field whose
parameters can be changed in accordance with the application requirements).
If continuous energy supply is cut off, the control over the electromagnet's
field finishes. This requirement of controllability causes that during
the production of powerful magnetic fields, a single electromagnet
consumes the output from a whole electricity plant.
#3. Electromagnets cause significant
energy losses. The electric current flowing through coils of a
conventional electromagnet releases a vast amount of heat (see Joule's
law of electric heating). This heat not only decreases the energetic
efficiency of the magnetic field production, but also, when the energies
involved are high, it leads to a melting of the coils.
The superconductive electromagnet
removes the heating from a current flowing through resistance. However,
it introduces another loss of energy resulting from the necessity to
maintain a very low temperature of the coils. This also causes a
permanent consumption of energy which decreases the efficiency of such a magnet.
Moreover, it should be noted here that the high density of magnetic
fields cancels the effect of superconductivity and thereby restores
a resistance to the coils. Thus the superconductive electromagnets
are only capable to produce magnetic fields the density of which
is lower than the threshold value causing the return of electric
resistivity to their coils.
#4. Electromagnets are prone
to electric wear-out. The geometrical configuration of electromagnets
is formed in such a way that the direction of the greatest electric
field strength does not coincide with the path of the conductor through
the coil (i.e. forces of this field try to short-cut the flow of
current across coils, whereas the layer of insulation channel the
current to flow through the coils and along a spiral). This directs
the destructive action of electric energy into the insulation,
causing its eventual damage (i.e. short-circuit followed by an electric
breakdown) which initiates the destruction of the entire device.
#5. Electromagnets have a
limited controllability, e.g. can not be controlled by weak
signals. The parameters of their magnetic field can be controlled
only through the changes in the power of the electrical energy supply.
Therefore controlling the electromagnets requires the same powers
as those powers involved in the production of a magnetic field.
The only way to eliminate the
five disadvantages of electromagnets listed above is to apply a
completely different principle of magnetic field production. Such
a principle, invented by myself (i.e.
Dr Jan Pajak),
is presented
in later part of this web page. Because this new principle utilizes
the mechanism of oscillatory discharges occurring inside a cubical
chamber, it is called an "Oscillatory Chamber".
Part #D:
Principles of operation utilised in the "Oscillatory Chamber":
Principles of the Oscillatory Chamber's operation:
Principle of operation of the Oscillatory Chamber
is based on a well-known oscillatory circuit with
a spark gap. The discovery of such oscillatory
circuit with a spark gap was achieved in 1845
by the American physicist, Joseph Henry. He
noticed, that when a Layden jar was discharged
through coils of wire, the discharge and a
spark were oscillatory. A few years later Lord Kelvin,
the great English physicist and engineer, proved mathematically
that the discharge in a circuit so constituted must manifest
itself in the oscillatory form.
* * *
"Fig. #D1" below illustrates a conventional
configuration of the oscillatory circuit with
a spark gap, i.e. the configuration discovered
by Joseph Henry. The most distinctive
characteristic of this configuration is that it
is constituted by connecting together into one
closed circuit the configuration of three vital
elements, namely L, C1 and E, which have
the form of separate devices. These elements
(1) Inductor "L", containing a long wire wound into many
coils, which provides the circuit with the property called an
(2) Capacitor "C1", whose property, called a
"capacitance", allows the circuit to accumulate electric charges.
(3) Electrodes "E". Their two parallel plates "ER" and "EL",
separated by a layer of gas, introduce a "spark gap" to the
circuit (through this "spark gap" sparks "S" are jumping).
The oscillatory circuit with a spark gap represents
an electric version of the device which
produces one of the most common phenomena of nature, namely an
"oscillatory motion". The mechanical analogy of this device,
well-known to everyone, is a common "swing". In all devices of that type,
the occurrence of oscillations is caused by the action of the
Conservation Energy Principle. This principle compels the initial
energy provided to such an oscillating system to be bound in a
continuous process of repetitive transformations into two forms:
potential and kinetic. In the case of an oscillatory circuit the
"potential energy" is represented by the opposite electric charges
"+q" and "-q" carried within both plates of a capacitor - see
"Fig. #D1". The electric potential difference introduced by
the presence of these charges causes the flow of an electric
current "i" through the circuit. In a swing, the same potential
energy is introduced by slanting the arm of it away from the
vertical position. As a result, a load (e.g. a swinging child)
is raised to a particular height, later forcing its own acceleration
down into the equilibrium position. The second from of energy,
the "kinetic energy", within the oscillatory circuit manifests
itself in the from of a magnetic flux "F" produced by the inductor L.
In a swing this kinetic energy appears as the speed of a load's motion.
* * *
It is known that an electric spark
alone introduces a high electric inertia. Therefore a spark is
able to replace the inductor in providing the inductance to the
oscillatory circuit. But there are two conditions of such a replacement,
i.e. (1) that the spark must possess the appropriate active length,
and also (2) that its path must follow a course within the range
of its own magnetic field. To achieve both these conditions, it
is impossible to repeat the solution used in the inductor, for
the simple reason that an electric spark is reluctant to wind
itself into the form of consecutive coils. However, the same effect
can be achieved in another way. The required inductance can be
supplied by a whole stream of sparks jumping simultaneously
along parallel paths. Each single spark in such a stream will
be the equivalent of one coil of wire within an inductor.
Therefore, if the number of sparks reaches the required level,
all sparks will together provide the necessary inductance to
the oscillatory circuit.
In "Fig. #D2" below my modified version of the
oscillatory circuit with a spark gap is illustrated.
This modified version makes the use of the electrical
inertia of the stream of parallel
jumping sparks. The most distinctive characteristic of this
version is that all three vital components of Henry's circuit,
i.e. inductance L, capacitance C1 and spark gap E, are now
provided by a single physical device, which simultaneously
performs three different functions. The modified device consists
of only a couple of conductive plates PF and PB, attached to
the inner surfaces of two opposite walls of a cubical chamber
made of an electric insulator and filled with a dielectric gas.
Each of the plates is divided into a number of small segments,
each segment insulated from the other ones (in the diagram
from "Fig. #D2" these segments are marked by 1, 2, 3, ..., p). Each pair of
facing segments marked by the same number, e.g. "3" or "p",
forms a single elementary capacitor. In turn, after receiving
a sufficient electric charge, this capacitor transforms itself
into a couple of electrodes exchanging the electric spark, e.g.
"S3" or "Sp". The total number of all electric sparks jumping
simultaneously in the form of a single compact stream provides
the device with the required inductance.
To summarize the modification
described above, one can say that the three separate devices,
each of which has provided the conventional circuit with one
selected property, are now replaced by the single device (i.e.
a pair of plates each subdivided into a number of small segments)
simultaneously providing all three vital properties, i.e. L, C
and E.
* * *
The final form of the circuit considered here
is shown in "Fig. #D3" below. This is the form
to which the name "Oscillatory Chamber" has
been ascribed. The Oscillatory Chamber is constituted
by combining together two modified oscillatory circuits indicated
as C1 and C2, both identical to the one presented in the previous
paragraph and illustrated in "Fig. #D2". Therefore the
Oscillatory Chamber consists of four segmented plates, i.e. twice
as many as in the modified oscillatory circuit in "Fig. #D2",
indicated here as PF, PB, PR and PL (i.e. plates: front, back,
right and left). Each of these plates contains the same number of
segments "p", and faces the other identical plate, together with
this other plate forming one of the two cooperating oscillatory
circuits. Both of these circuits produce the four streams of sparks
marked as SR-L, SF-B, SL-R, and SB-F, which oscillate between
opposite plates. These sparks appear in succession, one after
the other, having the mutual phase shift between them equal to
one quarter (1/4) of a period "T" of their entire sequence of
pulsations (i.e. "(1/4)T").
Let us assume that the initial
charging of the Oscillatory Chamber is provided in such a way that
at the moment of time t=0 the stream of sparks marked as "SR-L" will
occur first, and then after a period of time equal to t = (1/4)T -
the stream "SF-B" will follow. Let us also assume that right from
this initial time t=0, along the vertical (magnetic) axis "m" of
the chamber already prevails the magnetic flux "F" produced by
this device. This flux pushes sparks against the wall located
at their left sides. After the initial charging of the C2 capacitor,
at the time t=0, the active stream of sparks "SR-L" will appear,
which will jump from plate PR to plate PL. These sparks produce
their own magnetic flux "ΔF" which is totalled to the flux "F"
already existing in the chamber. The flux "F" bends the paths
of all these sparks, pushing them close to the surface of their
left plate PF. At time t = (1/4)T the potentials of plates PR
and PL reach an equilibrium, but the inertia of sparks "SR-L"
still continues transporting charges from PR to PL, at the cost
of the kinetic energy accumulated in the magnetic field. Thus the
stream of sparks "SR-L" enters its inertial stage. At the same
instant (t = (1/4)T) the operation of the second circuit begins,
and the active jump of the "SF-B" stream of sparks is initiated.
Similarly this stream produces its own magnetic field "ΔF" which
adds to the entire flux "F" already prevailing in the chamber.
The flux "F" pushes sparks against the surface of the plate PL
located on their left side. So in the timespan t = (1/4)T to
t = (2/4)T = (1/2)T, there are two streams of sparks present in
the chamber ("SR-L" and "SF-B"), the first of which (inertial)
transfers energy from the magnetic to the electric field, whereas
the second (active) one transfers energy from the electric to
the magnetic field. At time t = (2/4)T = (1/2)T the plates PL and PR
reach a difference of potentials equal to the initial one (at t=0),
but with the opposite location of charges. Therefore the stream of
sparks "SR-L" disappears, whereas the stream "SL-R" jumping in
an opposite direction is now initiated. This stream is pushed
by field "F" to the surface of plate PB. At the same instant
(t = (2/4)T = (1/2)T) the plates PF and PB reach the equilibrium of
potentials, so that the stream of sparks "SF-B" passes into its
inertial stage. In the timespan "t = (2/4)T = (1/2)T" to "t = (3/4)T"
there are again two streams of sparks, i.e. "SF-B" and "SL-R",
the first of which - inertial consumes the magnetic field, whereas
the other - active produces it. At the instant t = (3/4)T the sparks
"SF-B" disappear and the sparks "SB-F" are formed (pushed against
plate PR), whereas the sparks "SL-R" are passing into their
inertial stage. At time t = (4/4)T = 1T the sparks "SL-R" also
disappear and the sparks "SR-L" are created (pushed against
the plate PF), whereas the sparks "SB-F" pass into their inertial
stage. With this the whole cycle of the sparks' rotation is closed,
and the situation at time t = (4/4)T = 1T is identical to the one
at the initial moment t=0. The process that follows will be a
repetition of the cycle just described.
The final effect of such a way of
sparks' jumping, is that a kind of rotary electric arc is produced
within the Oscillatory Chamber. This arc is composed from 4 bursts
of sparks that jump in succession around peripherals of a square.
It is this rotating electric arc that produces a powerful magnetic
field which constitutes the output from this chamber.
Evolution of oscillatory circuits into Oscillatory Chambers:
The Oscillatory Chamber in fact represents
only an altered version of an old oscillatory circuit that was discovered
by Joseph Henry in 1845. Here is how this old circuit used to loook like:
Fig. #D1 (F1(a) in [1/5]): It shows a conventional
form of an oscillatory circuit with a spark gap, as it was
discovered by Joseph Henry in 1845. Its three vital elements
(i.e. capacitance "C1", inductance "L" and spark gap "E")
are provided by three separate devices, i.e.: by a capacitor
"C1", by a coil "L", and by a pair of electrodes marked "E".
Originally this drawing is shown as part (a) from Figure F1
in monograph [1/5].
* * *
This conventional Henry's
oscillatory circuit can evolve into the Oscillatory Chamber.
The first phase of this evolution is the replacement of all
three vital elements with only a single device, i.e. a couple
of conductive electrodes "PF" and "PB" joined to the inner
surfaces of the two opposite walls of a cubical chamber made
of an electric insulator. Here is how the same Henry's oscillatory
circuit looks like, if it is transformed into such a modified
circuit (chamber):
Fig. #D2 (F1(b) in [1/5]):
It shows two flat electrodes marked
"PF" and "PB" assembled on opposite
sides of a cubical chamber, and
performing all functions of the Henry's
oscillatory circuit. Originally it is shown
as part (b) from Figure F1 in [1/5].
These "PF" and "PB" electrodes are
subdivided into several separate segments,
marked "1, 2, ..., p". In the real chambers these segments
are reduced to thin conductive needles insulated from each other.
The side dimension of the cube is marked by "a".
* * *
If two such modified oscillatory circuits,
shaped like two opposite walls of such a
cubical chamber are joined together, we
receive an Oscillatory Chamber. Here is
how this chamber looks like and operates.
Fig. #D3 (F1(c) in [1/5]): It shows an Oscillatory Chamber
formed by combining together two modified oscillatory circuits "C1"
and "C2" identical to that one presented in "Fig. #D2" above.
Originally this drawing is shown as part (c) from Figure F1 in [1/5].
The consecutive appearance of sparks labelled as "SR-L", "SF-B", "SL-R",
"SB-F" oscillating along the surface of the left-side walls creates
a kind of electric arc circulating around the inner perimeter of this
chamber. In turn this rotary electric arc produces a powerful magnetic
Part #E:
Attributes of the cubical "Oscillatory Chamber" of the first generation:
Why Oscillatory Chambers are better than electromagnets:
The complete elimination of drawbacks
inherent in the electromagnets is ensured by the following attributes
of the Oscillatory Chamber:
1.The neutralization of electromagnetic
forces acting on the structure of the chamber.
2. Leaving to the user's choice the time
and amount of energy supply (i.e. each portion of energy, whatever its
amount and whenever it is delivered, is collected by the chamber, stored,
converted into a magnetic field and released when necessary).
3. The recovery and conversion back
into electricity of all the energy dissipated by sparks.
4. The channelling of the destructive
consequences of the accumulation of huge electric charges into the direction
which reinforces the chamber's proper operation.
5. The independence of the power of
control devices from the power involved in field production (i.e. a weak
control signal causes a change in the enormously powerful field produced
by the chamber).
* * *
The Oscillatory Chamber displays also
the following unique advantages unknown in any other appliance built by
man to date:
A. Producing the kind of magnetic field
which does not attract, nor repel, ferromagnetic objects (i.e. which behaves
like a kind of "antigravity field", not a magnetic one).
B. The ability to absorb and store theoretically
unlimited amounts of energy (accomplished due
to the so-called "perpetual oscillations").
C. Full control over all properties
and parameters of the field produced, achieved without any change in the
level of energy contained in it.
D. Multidimensional transformations of
energy (e.g. electricity - magnetic field - heat) which allow the Oscillatory
Chamber to take over the function of almost every other conventional
energy-converting device (e.g. electromagnets, transformers, generators,
accumulators, cells, combustion engines, heaters, air conditioners,
and many more).
As the final result of such a formation
of the Oscillatory Chamber, this device, when completed, will be able to
raise the value of a produced magnetic flux to a level unlimited by
theoretical premises. Practically it also means that this source of field
will be the first one able to lift itself as the effect of a repulsive
interaction with the environmental magnetic field (i.e. the field of Earth,
Sun, or Galaxy). Thus the Oscillatory Chamber become our "arkway to the stars".
Why the Oscillatory Chamber does not attract ferromagnetic objects:
We are accustomed with the fact that every
source of magnetic field should attract ferromagnetic objects. Thus, when
we realize the power of the field produced by every Oscillatory Chamber,
immediately comes to mind the picture of our kitchen appliances, shavers
and coins flying to our neighbour because he/she decided to switch on a
powerful chamber just purchased. At this point it is the right time to
expel our fears: one of the most unusual properties of the Oscillatory
Chambers is that they are able to produce a magnetic field which does not
attract ferromagnetic objects, even if their output reaches the full
power required. This property causes the field produced by such configurations
of Oscillatory Chambers to behave rather like a kind of "antigravity"
described by authors of science fiction books, not like a magnetic one.
The following descriptions explain how it is possible to achieve this
unusual property of the magnetic field generated by Oscillatory Chambers.
The framed part in "Fig. #E2" below (which originates
from Figure F12 in chapter F of monograph [1/5])
shows approximately the curve of variation in time
for the typical field produced by a "twin-chamber
capsule", i.e. a configuration of Oscillatory Chambers
which is explained in item #F1 below and illustrated
in "Fig. #F1" or "Fig. #L1a" from this web page.
It takes the course of a "beat-type curve", containing
the constant component "Fo" and the varying component
"ΔF" (compare the framed part of "Fig. #E2"
below, with "Fig. #E3" on the web page
immortality.htm - about the immortality and everlasting life accomplishable already at our level of development).
It is widely known that the source of a constant magnetic field
attracts the ferromagnetic object in its vicinity. Therefore it is obvious
that the constant "Fo" component of the chamber's output will also cause
such an attraction. However, not many people are familiar enough with
magnetodynamics to know that a field varying in time with sufficient
frequency "f" induces in conductors the so-called eddy currents. These
currents produce their own magnetic fields which, according to the
"contradiction rule" applicable to electro-magnetism, are repelled from
the original field which induced them. As a result, fields of sufficiently
high variation in time repels metallic ferromagnetics. Therefore,
the varying component "ΔF" of the chamber's output causes repulsion of
all ferromagnetic objects found in the vicinity. This repelling force
grows with the increase of amplitude "ΔF" and also with the increase
of frequency "f" of the field variations. Therefore, if the control
of a configuration of Oscillatory Chambers changes the ratio "ΔF/Fo"
of the output, holding constant the frequency "f" of pulsations,
then three different kinds of force interaction with ferromagnetic
objects can be achieved - as these are illustrated on the diagram
from "Fig. #E2" shown below:
(1) When the varying component "ΔF"
dominates over the constant "Fo" one, then the total interaction with
such objects is repulsive.
(2) When the constant component "Fo"
is the dominating one, then the resultant interaction is an attraction.
(3) However, if balance between both
these components is reached, then the attraction and repulsion come into
equilibrium and neutralize each other. In this case no action of any
magnetic force is affecting ferromagnetic objects from the environment
of a given configuration of Oscillatory Chambers.
The curve of equilibrium between the attraction
and repulsion, shown in "Fig. #E2" below, frames
the main parameters of work of configurations
of Oscillatory Chambers. It is expected that in
the majority of cases the field produced by the
Oscillatory Chambers will lie on this curve. Such a field will not
influence in any noticeable way the ferromagnetic objects within its
range, but will still be able to perform all work imposed on it.
When used e.g. for propelling flying vehicles of the Magnocraft type,
such a field will cause their flight, but will prevent any force
interactions between these vehicles and nearby ferromagnetic objects.
Because of this property, outside observers of such vehicles, who have
no knowledge of this equilibrium of their magnetic interactions,
will probably be convinced that the propulsion of these vehicles
utilizes some kind of "antigravitational" field instead of a magnetic one.
In special circumstances, however,
the field produced by a configuration of Oscillatory Chambers can be
redirected into a chosen interaction. For example, if a militarily
oriented magnetic vehicle is chasing a missile or aeroplane, to
intercept it, it will change its neutral field into an attracting one.
Thus, its attraction force will disable and overpower the object pursued.
Similarly, when a magnetically propelled flying vehicle intends to
abduct a motor car and its occupants, it could simply pick it up
from the road by changing its own magnetic interaction from that
of equilibrium into an attraction. Of course, there will also be
situations when a repulsive magnetic interaction will be used.
For example, in free space the production of a repelling force
should be dominant. Then all dangerous objects, such as meteorites
(in most cases containing iron), cosmic dust, missiles or satellites,
will be repelled from the path of magnetic vehicles. Also, while
flying above a hostile planet where inhabitants are known to shoot
and launch missiles at any foreign vehicle, the crew of a magnetically
propelled vehicle could switch on the repulsive action of its field.
Then all bullets and missiles would be repelled from the vehicle
without having a chance of reaching and damaging it.
* * *
Fig. #E2 (F12 z [1/5]): The curve of the magnetic "interactions in equilibrium"
between the magnetic field produced by a twin-chamber capsule (of Oscillatory
Chambers) and all the ferromagnetic objects found in the range of this field.
Originally this curve is shown in "Fig. F12" from monograph [1/5]
and in "Fig. C12" from monograph [1/4].
As it is known, the constant magnetic fields attract
ferromagnetic objects. Therefore all fields in which
the constant (Fo) component dominates over their pulsating
(ΔF) component must attract ferromagnetic objects. The parameters of fields
whose constant component dominates lie under the curve from this diagram.
It is also known that pulsating magnetic fields repel all conductive
(ferromagnetic) objects found in their range. So the fields which the
pulsating component "ΔF") dominates over the constant one (Fo) will cause
the repulsion of all ferromagnetic objects. The fields with the dominating
pulsating component (ΔF) lie above the curve from "Fig. #E2". For the
parameters of fields lying exactly at the curve, the attraction and repulsion
components mutually neutralize each other. Thus such fields neither attract
nor repel any ferromagnetic objects in their vicinity. These fields behave
more like an "antigravity field" than a magnetic one.
The frame contains the interpretation
of all parameters of the pulsating magnetic fields involved in formation
of the curve of magnetic "interactions in equilibrium". (Note that the
symbol in text shown as ("Δ" in "ΔF") on the diagram is illustrated
as the Greek letter "delta".)
"Perpetual oscillations" - the key to unlimited energy capacitance:
Let us return to the example of a swing
metioned earlier, and consider what happens when we increase the kinetic
energy supplied to this device. The amplitude of oscillations increases
proportionally to the energy supplied. We may intensify this process to
the point when the top horizontal bar will prevent any further increase
of amplitude. If we still keep providing energy beyond this point, the
conventional swing will be destroyed, as its arm will hit the top horizontal
bar and one of these two parts must break.
The above design limitation in the amount of kinetic
energy that a conventional swing can absorb has already
found a technical solution. Someone has already dropped into the idea
of building a swing without a horizontal bar. Thus if we use a modified
swing of appropriate design (without a top horizontal bar, but having
a rotary horizontal axle instead), a further increase of energy will
lead to a unique phenomenon of "continuous oscillating" (which, because
of its uniqueness, in chapter F from monograph [1/5] is called "perpetual oscillating").
Swings built especially for high performance usually achieve this.
In the "perpetual manner of oscillating" the modified swing's arm follows a
circular course, instead of slanting back and forth like in a conventional
swing. The energy transformations still exist in it, but the whole oscillating
phenomenon obeys different kinds of laws. Thus, the most important attribute
of systems capable of perpetual oscillations is that their capacitance for
potential energy does not limit the amount of kinetic energy absorbed by them.
If we now analyse the work of a conventional
oscillatory circuit with a spark gap, we notice that it behaves in a way
identical to the conventional swing described above. Thus such a conventional
circuit is the equivalent of the swing with a top horizontal bar. If we
start adding magnetic energy to its inductor, then the growing amplitude
of oscillations will lead to breakdown within the capacitor and to the destruction
of the circuit. The Oscillatory Chamber, however, is the equivalent of
the modified swing allowing for perpetual oscillations. If we add further
magnetic energy to the energy contained in a stream of sparks (jumping let
us say from plate "PR" to plate "PL") then this stream will not terminate
at the moment when the opposite plates reach the breakdown difference of
potentials "U". This is because the inertia of the stream will still keep
"pumping" electrons from plate "PR" to plate "PL", until all the magnetic
energy transforms itself into the electric field. However in this instant
both plates also start a discharge in the opposite direction, i.e. from
"PL" to "PR". Therefore there will be a period of time when two sparks
jumping in opposite directions will appear simultaneously between the
same pair of segments. The first of them - inertial - will jump from plate
"PR" to "PL", whereas the other one - active - will jump from plate
"PL" to "PR". This simultaneous appearance of two sparks jumping between
the same pair of electrodes will be the electromagnetic equivalent
to perpetual oscillating. Because the completion of this unique phenomenon
is only possible if various rigorous design conditions are met, the
Oscillatory Chamber is the first and so-far the only circuit which allows
for the appearance of such phenomenon.
In general we can assert the definition
that "the perpetual type of oscillations are attributed only to those
oscillating systems whose ability to absorb the kinetic form of energy
significantly overcomes their capacitance for potential energy". Such
an ability is purely an attribute of design. It is conditioned by the
selected parameters and the appropriate structuring of the system.
In the case of the Oscillatory Chamber it will be determined by the
number of sparks which the device is capable of creating. This number
in turn depends on the number of segments "p" separated within the plates.
Unlimited energy capacitance of the Oscillatory Chamber:
The perpetual oscillating described
in item 13 above introduces the ability of the chamber to absorb
theoretically unlimited amounts of energy. This property, combined with the
capability of the twin-chamber capsule to extinguish completely the
produced field (i.e. to turn its entire magnetic energy into the
circulating flux - as described before), enables Oscillatory Chambers
to be enormously capacious accumulators of energy. The appropriate
calculations completed for the Magnocraft can be useful for
illustrating what level of capacitance this device provides.
For example, the author has determined the amount of energy contained
in the field of the Magnocraft type K3 (compare subsection
G5.5 from monograph [1/5]). The result, obtained on the assumption
that this vehicle produces only the starting flux, was 1.5 TWh
(Tera-Watt-hours) - i.e. the present equivalent of two months'
energy consumption for a whole country such as New Zealand.
Because in the K3 type of Magnocraft the total volume of its
Oscillatory Chambers is about 1 cubic meter, this enormous energy
will be stored in a device approximately one cubic meter in size.
If such a capsule measuring one cubic metre explode by accident,
then the destruction caused by the release of magnetic energy it stores
would be en equivalent to the exploding of one megaton of TNT.
The magnetic field is already
recognized as a perfect means of collecting and storing a large
amount of electrical energy. By using cryogenically cooled
conductors, even contemporary inductors can store huge amounts
of energy for a relatively long period of time. There are a
number of research projects investigating this possibility (e.g.
Australia National University in Canberra, The University of
Texas at Austin, USA). One of the commercial applications seriously
considered was to build a heavy cryogenic electromagnet near Paris,
which would accumulate electric power in no-load hours
and release it to the city at peak-consumption hours.
The ability of the Oscillatory
Chamber to store energy completely resolves the problem of energy
supply during its operation. For the majority of applications it
will be sufficient to charge it fully at the moment of production,
and then simply use the device until this energy is fully withdrawn.
The amounts of energy able to be stored in such devices allow
them to be continuously operative for hundreds of years without
the need for recharging.
Multidimensional transformation of energy:
The energy within the Oscillatory Chamber
co-exists in three different forms as: (1) an electric field, (2) a magnetic
field, and (3) heat (i.e. a hot dielectrical gas filling the inside of
the chamber). These three forms are in a state of continuous transformation
from one into the other. Furthermore, the Oscillatory Chamber is able to:
(4) produce and absorb light, and (5) produce or consume motion (i.e.
mechanical energy). Finally the chamber can also (6) accumulate and store
huge amounts of energy for any length of time (i.e. work as an enormously
capacious accumulator of energy). Such a situation creates a unique
opportunity for the chamber to be utilized in many different ways (not
just only as a source of magnetic field), while one type of energy is
supplied to it, another type is obtained from it. The following kinds
of energy can be supplied to, or obtained from, the Oscillatory Chamber:
(a) electricity transferred in the form of an alternating electric current,
(b) magnetic energy transferred through the pulsations (changes in density)
of a magnetic field, (c) heat accumulated in a hot gas, (d) mechanical
energy transferred in the form of the motion of the chamber in relation
to another chamber or in relation to the environmental magnetic field,
and (e) light which either can be absorbed by the circulating flux of
the chamber (see the description of astronomical "black holes" provided
in subsection JB6 of monograph [1/5]) or produced after turning the
Oscillatory Chamber into a kind of a fluorescent bulb (see descriptions
in subsection G1.3 of monograph [1/5]). Depending on which one of these
forms of energy is supplied to the chamber, and which one is drawn from
it, the Oscillatory Chamber can act as almost any energy producing (or
converting) device built to date, e.g. as a transformer, generator,
electric motor, combustion engine, heater, photo-cell, searchlight
supplied with its own battery lasting for thousands of years, etc.
Table F1 from monograph [1/5] combines the most utilitarian applications
of the Oscillatory Chamber, exploiting its capacity for multidimensional
transformations of energy.
Amplifying control of the period of field pulsation:
The Oscillatory Chamber will manifest
a very high controllability. As in more details this is explained
in subsection F7.1 of monograph [1/5], the key to controlling the
entire chamber's operation is the period "T" pulsations of its output.
Through changing this period also all other parameters of the chamber's
operation can be altered. Practically the whole activity of controlling
the Oscillatory Chamber will be reduced to influencing the value of period
"T" of the chamber's field pulsations.
The final equation (F7) discussed in subsection
F5.6 of monograph [1/5] shows how easily the value of "T"
can be controlled in the Oscillatory Chamber. At the exploitation stage
it is sufficient to limit the entire controlling activities to the change
of the "s" factor. By changing the pressure of the gas filling the chamber,
or by altering its composition, the "s" factor is influenced. The change
in "s" factor in turn introduces the changes in period "T" of the field's
To illustrate the essence of the above
principle of the chamber's output control, we would need to imagine a
hypothetical electromagnet in which all configuration parameters, i.e.
the resistivity of wire, the number of coils, and also the geometrical
make-up of a conductor, could easily be changed during its operation.
Only such an imaginary electromagnet would allow for the output control
in a manner used by the Oscillatory Chamber, i.e. through the appropriate
manipulation of its configuration parameters, and without the necessity
of controlling the power of a current supplied to it. Of course, in
reality such an electromagnet is impossible to build. This in turn
realizes how much better is the principle employed in controlling the
Oscillatory Chamber in comparison to that employed in controlling
The above illustration shows that
the chamber uses a very different (and much more convenient) control
of oscillations than the one used in real electromagnets. In the Oscillatory
Chamber the changes of the dielectric gas constants: O, µ and e - causing
the change of "s", are not dependent on the necessity to manipulate the
amounts of energy contained in the electric and magnetic fields.
Therefore in this device all controlling activities no longer involve
wrestling with the power contained inside the chamber. As a result, the
power of the control devices is independent from the power of
the produced field (i.e. weak control devices can effectively alter
the parameters of a powerful field). But in electromagnets every
change in a magnetic field requires manipulations to be conducted
on highly energetic currents. Thus control of electromagnets involves
the same powers as that required for the field production.
Independence of the magnetic field production from the continuity
and efficiency of the energy supply:
One of the most basic attributes of the
oscillating systems is their capability for the discrete absorption of
the energy supplied, which is then bound into a continuous process of
oscillations. An example of this is a child on a swing, which, once
pushed, then swings a long time without any further work. Practically
it means that energy once supplied to the Oscillatory Chamber will be
tied up within it for a period of time until circumstances occur which
will cause its withdrawal. As is explained in subsection F6.3.1 of
monograph [1/5], such withdrawal can appear only when the
chamber is involved in performing some kind of external work.
The other attribute of the oscillating
systems is their ability to change the level of energy accumulated in
them by periodic totalling of further portions of energy to the resources
already stored. In the previous example of a swing, to cause the slanting
of a child at a particular height, it is not necessary to apply all
effort at once. It is sufficient to keep pushing gently over a longer
timespan to periodically maintain this addition of energy. The consequence
of this attribute will be that the Oscillatory Chamber will not require
the supply of its full reserve of energy at once. The energy supply to
this device can be gradual, spread over a very long period of time.
Together both of these attributes
give us a practical chance to supply any quantity of energy that may
be required for the production of a magnetic field, without introducing
any requirements or limitations concerning the source and the channel
which provide this supply.
To help us realize the advantage of
the above method of supplying energy to the Oscillatory Chamber over
the one used in electromagnets, we should consider the following
example. A child on a swing and an athlete both try to lift a heavy
load to a specific height. The child does it almost without effort
by accumulating the energy during consecutive oscillations, whereas
the athlete needs to use all his/her strength and still may not achieve his/her aim.
Part #F:
Configurations of "Oscillatory Chambers" formed to increase their controllability:
The "twin-chamber capsule" - the most important configuration of Oscillatory Chambers:
The output from a single Oscillatory Chamber
would be quite difficult to control. After all, such a chamber is filled up
with enormous amount of magnetic energy. Therefore, for the purpose of better
controllability, two unique arrangements of Oscillatory Chambers, are
used. These are called (1) the "twin-chamber capsule", and (2) the "spider
A "twin-chamber capsule" is shown here in "Fig. #F1",
while described in subsection F7.1 of monograph
[1/5] and in subsection F6.1 of monographs [2e] and [1e]).
Such a capsule is composed of a larger outer (O)
Oscillatory Chamber, inside of which a smaller inner
(I) Oscillatory Chamber is freely floating. Magnetic poles N/S of the inner
chamber (I) are reversed in relation to magnetic poles of the outer chamber
(O), so that outputs from both these chambers mutually subtract from each
other. In the result, the part of the output (C) from the chamber with the
larger output, is bend back and circulated as input directly to the smaller
output chamber, thus forming the so-called "circulating flux" (C) that never leaves
the interior of the twin-chamber capsule. Only the excess of the output from
the chamber with larger yield is forwarded to the environment, thus forming
the so-called "resultant flux" (R) that represents the useful output
from this capsule. The division of the magnetic energy contained in such a
capsule into the "resultant flux" (R), and the "circulating flux" (C), allows
the extremely fast and effective control over the output from such a capsule,
without the need to change the amount of energy contained in such a capsule.
This control depends on the simple change of mutual proportions between the
flux (C) that is circulated inside of such a capsule, and the flux (R) that
is directed to the environment from this capsule. Thus, there is a possibility
to control the operation of this capsule, so that to the outside is directed
no output at all (this happens when the entire magnetic field produced by
both chambers of such a capsule is trapped in the "circulating flux"), or to
cause that the entire magnetic energy of the capsule is directed outside.
It is also possible to accomplish fluently any state between these two extremes.
In turn this effective control over the output from such a capsule, allows
to precisely control the flight of the vehicle that is propelled by the
"resultant magnetic flux" (R) directed by this capsule to the environment.
Fig. #F1 (F5 and C1(c) in [1/5]): A configuration of two Oscillatory
Chambers of the first generation called a "twin-chamber capsule".
Originally this configuration is shown and explained
on "Fig. F5" and "Fig. C1(c)" from monograph [1/5].
This is the basic arrangement of two
Oscillatory Chambers, formed to increase their controllability.
The twin-chamber capsule is formed from two oppositely oriented
chambers placed one inside the other. Because of the need for
free floating of the inner (I) chamber suspended inside of the
outer (O) one, the side edges "a" of both Oscillatory Chambers
must meet the equation: ao=ai(sqrt(3)) - see equation F9 in [1/5].
The "resultant magnetic flux" (R) yield to the environment from
these arrangements is obtained as a difference between outputs
from chambers having opposite orientation of poles. The principles
of forming this "resultant flux" are illustrated in "Fig. #E3" from
the web page
immortality.htm - about the immortality and everlasting life accomplishable already at our level of development.
The twin-chamber capsule allows full control over
all the attributes of the produced magnetic field. The subjects of
control are the following properties of the "resultant flux" (R):
(1) strength of the field (fluently controlled from zero to maximum),
(2) Period (T) or frequency (f) of pulsations, (3) ratio of the
amplitude of the field's pulsations to its constant component (ΔF/Fo
- see "Fig. #E2"), (4) character of the field (i.e. constant,
pulsating, alternating), (5) variation in time (i.e. linear, sinusoidal,
beat-type curves), (6) polarity (i.e. from whichever side of the
arrangement the N and S poles prevail).
Symbols: O - outer chamber,
I - inner chamber, C - "circulating flux" trapped inside the capsule,
R - "resultant flux" yield from the capsule to the environment.
The "spider configuration" - still another configuration of Oscillatory Chambers that allows for easier control over all parameters of these devices:
The twin-chamber capsule is not the
only configuration into which a number of Oscillatory Chambers can
be arranged in order to increase the controllability of their "resultant
flux" (R). The other configuration displaying even wider possibilities
is the so-called "spider configuration", shown below in
"Fig. #F2". In the spider configurations the chambers
are arranged so that one of them, called the main chamber (M), is
surrounded by the four side chambers indicated by the letters U, V,
W, and X. Each of these five chambers possesses the same cross-section,
but the volume (thus also the length) of the main one is equal to the
sum of the volumes of all four side ones. The magnetic poles in the
main Oscillatory Chamber (M) are directed in opposition to the orientation
of the poles in the side chambers (U, V, W, X).
Fig. #F2 (F9 in [1/5]): A standard arrangement of five Oscillatory
Chambers of the first generation, called the "spider configuration".
This configuration is mainly used as a propulsor
for the four-propulsor spacecraft (shown in
monograph [1/5] as Figure D1). It is formed from
five Oscillatory Chambers having the same cross area.
The four cubical side chambers (marked U, V, W and X)
surround the oppositely oriented main chamber
(marked M) which is four times longer. The total
volume of all four side chambers must be equal
to the volume of the main one. This arrangement
is the simplified model of the Magnocraft's propulsion
system. The resultant magnetic flux (R) yield to the
environment from the spider configuration is
obtained as a difference between outputs from the
main chamber and the oppositely oriented side
chambers. The principles of forming this resultant
flux are similar to those illustrated in "Fig. #E3" from
the web page
immortality.htm - about the immortality and everlasting life accomplishable already at our level of development.
* * *
The control over the value of a field produced
by the spider configuration is almost the same
as it is in the twin-chamber capsule. In a similar
manner this configuration will produce a circulating
flux (C) and a resultant flux (R). Both these fluxes
are circulated through the environment and thus
the only difference between them depends on the
paths their force lines cross, and on the number
of chambers they circulate through (a circulating
flux "C" loops through two chambers - main and
side, whereas a resultant flux "R" through the main
chamber only - see "Fig. #F2"). Therefore
the magnetic field yield from the spider configuration also displays the same
control over all its properties and parameters as the field from the twin-chamber
capsule. The only additional capability of spider configurations which does not
appear in twin-chamber capsules is that spider configurations are able to
produce a whirling magnetic field, whose axis of rotation lies on the magnetic
axis "m" of the main chamber (M). The production of such a whirling field is
explained for the Magnocraft in subsection G7 of monograph [1/5], therefore
this explanation will not be repeated here.
The spider configurations, however,
display a significant drawback in comparison of the twin-chamber capsules,
which will decide their limitations. This drawback is that the magnetic
field they produce can not be "extinguished" entirely and must be circulated
through the environment. Therefore, even if the entire output of a spider
configuration is bound in the circulating flux "C", this flux is still
looped through the environment (i.e. can not be locked inside the configuration
as is the case with twin-chamber capsules). For this reason spider configuration
cannot be used in numerous applications in which the presence of the magnetic
field is undesirable (e.g. as energy accumulators or energy supply).
Part #G:
Experimental development of the "Oscillatory Chamber":
Accomplishments in the development of a working model:
Since the Oscillatory Chamber was invented
on the night from 2nd to 3rd January 1984, numerous R&D attempts were undertaken
to complete this wonder device. Although these R&D attempts always were carried
out exclusively by enthusiastic hobbyists, and so-far no research or scientific
institution got involved into the development of this chamber, still - as for
hobbyists, accomplishments in the completion of this device are amazing.
By now already several prototype models of this device were completed,
and many key features of the operation of it were tested in practice.
Below some photographs from volume 2 of monograph [1/5] are shown,
which report on accomplishments in completing this device to-date.
Fig. #G1 (F13(a) in [1/5]): It shows one of models of the
Oscillatory Chamber photographed in darkness. It reveals the fascinating
appearance of streams of rotating electric sparks. This photograph was
taken in May 1987. Originally this photograph is presented in part (a)
from Figure F13 in [1/5].
Fig. #G2 (F13(b) w [1/5]): It shows a Polish hobbyist
who worked on the research and development of the Oscillatory Chamber,
together with his experimental research station composed of: one of
his prototypes of the Oscillatory Chamber, an impulse generator
(of his own construction) that supplies electric power to the chamber,
deflecting electromagnet, and the measuring equipment.
Photographed in August 1989. Originally this photograph
is published as part (b) in Figure F13 from monograph [1/5].
As this is visible from the photograph, he did all
his experiments in the living-room of his city
apartment, to the disgust of his wife. Later he
ceased these experiments because his wife
threaten him with a divorce.
I am always wondering: if a single
hobbyist could accomplish so-much in the practical development of this
device, while all what he had in his disposal was just a set of kitchen knifes
and a corner of his living-room, how much could be accomplished if this
device is allowed to be completed officially in a well equipped scientific
laboratory (unfortunately, so-far this wonder device never get a chance
to be officially researched and developed).
Accomplishements of an Italian developmental team:
Intense research and development works
aimed at building the Oscillatory Chamber
carries out also the Italian team of researchers.
This group also managed to accomplish the
rotating electric spark that spins around
peripherals of a cube.
Outcomes of research and development of
this Italian team is shown on a whole series
of videos. These videos in 2009 could be viewed in
Internet, amongst others, at the following addresses and
Part #H:
Sources of technical information about "Oscillatory Chambers":
Oscillatory Chambers are already used on the Earth:
Fig. #H1: A photograph which illustrates
how scientific research on UFOs can help
us in much faster completion of our own
strategic devices - in this case in the
completion of the
Oscillatory Chamber of the first generation.
I have chosen this particular example, because
it does NOT require much explanations to illustrate
its high usefulness and to prove the direct link
between UFOs and the subject of my research.
However, photographs of UFOs working in the
"convention of time vehicles" also hide numerous
data and clues, only that explaining these here
would require long descriptions and a lot of theory.
(Click on the above photograph to see it enlarged.)
The above photograph shows magnetically
scorched grass from a "landing site" of a UFO
of the first generation, type K5, oriented in
a "hanging position" (i.e. with its dome directed
towards the ground). In the centre of this UFO landing
site is visible a square mark which perfectly illustrates
parameters of the outlet from the twin-chamber
capsule of central propulsor in this UFO. This
capsule has the design explained in "Fig. #F1" and "Fig. L1a".
In order to illustrate dimensions of this mark,
near it is placed a white "reference ring" of an
exactly one meter in diameter - the arrow of which
points at the magnetic north. This square mark
from the twin-chamber capsule of the first generation,
scorched magnetically in the grass by the magnetic
field bursting to the environment from outlets of
this capsule, provides us with a whole range of
quantitative data that allow us to verify the validity
of my theories concerning the design and operation of the
Oscillatory Chamber,
as well as the design and operation of the interstellar
spaceship called the
Magnocraft -
which utilises this Oscillatory Chamber for propelling
purposes. For example, this mark allows to determine
exact dimensions of the Oscillatory Chambers from the
central capsule of this UFO type K5, it allows to determine
that during the landing this capsule operated in so-called
"mode of the outer chamber prevalence", and also allows to
confirm that both Oscillatory Chambers from twin-chamber
capsule used in this UFO fulfil the equation (F9) from
"Fig. #L1a", of the form: ao=ai(sqrt(3)).
Please notice that the above photograph is also
shown and explained on the web page
in "Fig. #G2" from the web page
as well as in chapter S from volume 15 of monograph [1/5]
and from volume 14 of monograph [1/4].
Oscillatory Chambers were used on the Earth also in past:
In subsection S5 from volume 15 of
monograph [1/5]
is documented, that the ancient device called
the "Arc of the Covenant" (that one described
in the Bible) was in fact an Oscillatory
Chamber. Oscillatory Chambers were also
used in the Far East (i.e. in India and Tibet),
as this is illustrated in item #D3 from the web page
where until today survived technical drawings of
these devices (e.g. consider the technical drawing
of the ancient device called "thangka" shown
in photographs from Figures #D2a, #D2b and
#D2c of the abovementioned web page named
Part #I:
Applications of "Oscillatory Chambers":
Huge scope of practical applications of the Oscillatory Chambers:
There does not exist to-date any other
technical invention which has altered the state of our technical environment
to the same extent as the completion of the Oscillatory Chamber will.
The impact this device will have on the materialistic aspects of human life
can be compared only to the effect of the introduction of computers
in the intellectual sphere. It is a high chance that by the year 2084
(i.e. in one hundred years after the chamber's invention) almost every
active device used by people will consist of some form of the Oscillatory
Chamber. Many structures which at present are passive, such as furniture,
buildings, monuments, etc., will be transformed by the Oscillatory Chamber
into active ones, i.e. moving, altering orientation and adjusting their
location to the changing requirements of their users. Let us briefly
review the main applications of the Oscillatory Chamber, trying to forecast
what impact they will have on particular fields of human activity.
The area where the introduction of
the Oscillatory Chamber will have the most significant impact, is our
use of energy. This device will completely transform all present methods
of energy production, storage, distribution, transformation, and consumption.
After the Oscillatory Chamber if fully developed, the vast range of
different devices which are presently used for these purposes will be
replaced by a single type of twin-chamber capsule which, after appropriate
change in control, will be capable of performing numerous different functions.
In order to realize the total transformation that the landscape of our
planet will undergo after the introduction of these devices,
it is sufficient to realize that for example all current powerlines
(both, high and low voltage) will disappear completely, and the energy
will be distributed directly to the consuming appliances after being packed
into "tins", i.e. small, light, handy, and re-chargeable twin-chamber capsules.
Totally new horizons in the energy
production will be opened due to the potential of the Oscillatory Chambers
for multidimensional transformation of energy. It can be predicted that
systems of Oscillatory Chambers will replace all other present devices
which serve the production or transformation of energy. So the present
combustion engines, generators, photo- and thermo-cells, transformers,
motors, etc. - all these will be replaced by systems of Oscillatory
Chambers (as shown in Table F1 from monograph [1/5]).
Because of the
high efficiency of these new devices (i.e. the operation almost without
losses of energy), they will provide our civilization with the required
energy in a manner much less destructive to the natural environment and
much more efficient than currently.
The Oscillatory Chamber will also
make possible and economically viable the development and the introduction
to common use numerous new, "clean" methods of energy production. Such
devices as telekinetic generators of free energy (described in chapter LA
of monograph [1/5], and also on separate web pages) and generators of
clean energy (making the use of solar radiation, wind, ocean waves, sea
tides) can become extremely efficient and independent from the weather
caprices if they employ Oscillatory Chambers as their energy gathering
components. In effect the clean energy production most probably will be
so effective that combustion engines and combustible fuels will be totally
eliminated from use as damaging unnecessarily the natural environment.
Future numerous applications of the
chamber can be predicted in the area of energy accumulation. These
are connected with the ability of twin-chamber capsules to store huge
amounts of energy. To get an idea of what kind of potentials are involved
here, it is enough to realize that the energy needs for today's factories,
towns, big ships or aeroplanes can be satisfied by a twin-chamber capsule
of a pin-head size - if, of course, this device could only be built in
such small dimensions. All present batteries, accumulators and electricity
transmission lines (powerlines) will be replaced with light, much more
efficient, and rechargeable Oscillatory Chambers. Built as twin-chamber
capsules, they will not yield any magnetic field when used for energy
Because of the enormous potential to
accumulate energy, Oscillatory Chambers will entirely change our system
of energy distribution. Instead of the centralized energy distribution,
as is used presently, the Oscillatory Chamber will make possible an
individualized distribution. In this futuristic type of distribution
twin-chamber capsules will be assembled directly inside of energy consuming
appliances, thus saving on inconvenience (e.g. juggling with cords, using
extensions), preparation time (e.g. plugging in, switching off), materials
(e.g. cords, plugs, home wiring, powerlines), costs, maintenance,
workmanship, etc. As this already was mentioned before, the final effect
will be that all our present means and types of energy supply will
completely disappear, and only small, rechargeable Oscillatory Chambers
will be used for this purpose.
The multidimensional energy transformation
capabilities of Oscillatory Chambers will have a significant bearing on
the methods of energy transformation utilized in the future. Almost all
forms of energy transformation will then involve Oscillatory Chambers.
This not only includes the replacement of present electrical transformers
with two sets of independent twin-chamber capsules which exchange their
stored energy directly from one to other, but also various other transformations,
for example: magnetic field into heat (Oscillatory Chambers will be employed
as ordinary heaters or air conditioners), magnetic field into light
(Oscillatory Chambers will operate as fluorescent bulbs), magnetic field
into motion (Oscillatory Chambers will operate as electric motors),
and much more - see Table F1 in monograph [1/5].
Due to the Oscillatory Chamber the
transformation of energy in the future will also replace today's
transformation of motion. Future mechanisms will be much simpler
and lighter, because they will be released from all the devices which
presently produce and transform motion. The motion will be created in
the location where the work is to be done and in the exact form that
is required. For example if a future hobbyist were to build a copy of our
present car, he/she would produce the motion right inside the wheels,
therefore the whole engine, gears, and transmission would be eliminated.
The unique advantages of the Oscillatory
Chamber will result in this device completely taking over the present
functions of electromagnets. Research laboratories, capable of using
magnetic fields of strengths unattainable today, will be able to wrest
a number of secrets from nature, introducing a significant step
forward in our science and technology. Industry, utilizing technologies
that are based on the application of super-strong magnetic fields,
will provide us with a number of products of as yet unattainable quality.
For example, we could produce indestructible rubber and clothes, objects
made completely of monocrystalls, concrete stronger than steel, etc.
Also a new type of magnetoreflective material, suiting the magnetic
requirements of the Oscillatory Chamber, will supersede those in use at present.
The Oscillatory Chamber will eliminate
not only the electromagnets used as separate devices, but also all
those which make up parts of other devices, e.g. from electric motors,
electricity generators, etc. Advantages of the chamber, such as: high
power-to-dimensions ratio, ability to introduce long gaps between the
time of energy supply and the time of energy consumption, controllability;
will result in the wide application of this device for building light
vehicles, pumps and generators working far from an energy supply and
civilization centres, ship and aeroplane engines, medical instruments, etc.
The twin-chamber capsule providing
a constant magnetic field will replace some present-day permanent magnets.
Therefore future models of our speakers, bearings, clutches, grapples,
rails, etc., will all employ Oscillatory Chambers.
The Oscillatory Chamber will also
introduce a completely new fashion, which at present has no appropriate
technical back-up. It will be the fashion to suspend objects in space.
It should be expected that future furniture, household devices, machines,
and even buildings or elements of architecture will hang in space,
supported by the invisible force lines of a magnetic field. For example,
such a piece of furniture as a couch or a sofa in future will be floating
in the air. A computer built into it for control will analyse the spoken
commands given by a person who sits on it, shifting this person into
the required place, changing his/her orientation, height and slanting,
and adjusting the couch shape to the type of resting position that this
person wishes to experience at a given moment. One of the consequences
of this fashion will be the complete disappearance of the wheel, as all
present rolling movements will then be replaced by soaring in space.
Of course, enormous potential is
involved in the military applications of the chamber. This device
can either enhance and multiply the capabilities of already existing
weapons, as well as make new and yet unknown kinds of weapons. In order
to illustrate the chamber's possible contribution to the already existing
kinds of weapons it is sufficient to realize that the amount of energy
accumulated in a twin-chamber capsule of a dice's size is sufficient to
keep a bomber in the air for a number of years without the need for it
to land and to refuel, to encircle our globe in a submarine a few hundred
times without the need to emerge onto the surface, or to drive without
stopping a military tank at a distance greater than the distance from
Earth to Sun. In order to illustrate potentials of the Oscillatory Chamber
to make a new types of weapons, it is sufficient to mention that a
system of these devices producing whirling magnetic fields will be
able to form barriers and mine fields which in seconds may explosively
vaporize every object entering into their range made of a good electric
conductor. Missiles containing systems of chambers may cause instant
evaporation of huge constructions made of steel, such as bridges,
factories, ships, aeroplanes, rockets, satellites, etc. The rapid release
of the energy stored within a chamber (e.g. through its
detonation - for details see a separate monograph [5/3]) will cause
an explosion comparable in effect to the use of a thermonuclear
super-bomb. The only difference will be that the chamber will not
pollute the environment by any radioactivity. Because of the capability
of Oscillatory Chambers to pack huge amounts of energy in small spaces,
the potentials for forming the devastation equal to that given by a huge
thermonuclear bomb will be provided by a miniature chamber
able to fit inside a rifle bullet. Of course, Oscillatory Chambers
are not only capable to destroy, but also allow us to protect ourselves
from being destroyed. The simplest of such protections would depend on
providing our security objects or military vehicles with chambers
the fields of which will form repulsive or attractive interactions
with ferromagnetic objects in their vicinity (see "Fig. #E2" shown
before). In this way our objects and vehicles will be able to repel
(or - in the appropriate situations, also to attract, demobilize,
and intercept) vehicles or missiles of the opposite side. Even the
more unusual potentials of Oscillatory Chambers results from their
ability to form a configuration of the magnetic field called the
"magnetic lens" (see the description of this lens provided in
subsection G10.4 of monograph [1/5]). Our soldiers, vehicles,
aeroplanes, ships, and other objects which are wrapped with this
lens become completely invisible to the opposite side.
The most promising prospects,
however, are connected with using the Oscillatory Chamber for the
purpose for which its principle was originally invented - i.e.
for the magnetic propulsion of flying vehicles, called the
Other pages of this web site available via
"Menu 4",
are devoted to the description of just such applications of the chamber.
At the conclusion of this review
of future applications of the Oscillatory Chamber it is worth
stressing that all these different applications and functions can
be fulfilled by the same twin-chamber capsule which depending on
circumstances is only provided with a slightly different controlling
system/program. Therefore in the sense of universality of applications
the Oscillatory Chambers will resemble present computers in which
a simple change to the program is able to transform them for example
from a typewriter into a musical instrument, automatic pilot, road
map, casino of games, or a measuring instrument.
Independently from the significance of the
Oscillatory Chamber in practical applications
(which is outlined above), the completion of
this device will also have enormous exploratory
meaning and learning consequences. This is because the Oscillatory
Chamber is going to be the first "magnetic resonator" build on our planet.
This resonator will be capable of producing its own magnetic
oscillations (vibrations) as well as reacting to oscillations
(vibrations) produced by other sources. Although the Earth's science
is just at the beginning of learning about the capabilities and
significance of magnetic oscillations, my own theory called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity (described in chapters H and I
of monograph [1/5]) already realizes that they provide a key for
enormously rich variety of phenomena still unknown for us. In order
to list here some of these phenomena, they include the telekinesis
and time travel described in chapters H, L and M, telepathy postulated
by the Concept of Dipolar Gravity, control of people and animals'
behaviour at a distance (e.g. instant paralysing someone's movements,
instant hypnotizing with a device, erasing someone's memory, etc.),
transformation of some elements into others, extraction of environmental
energy described in chapter LA from volume 10 of monograph [1/5],
and much more. Therefore, in the exploratory and learning sense,
the Oscillatory Chamber will be
the founder and a prototype for a whole series of incoming devices
which are to produce, detect, process, and measure the magnetic
oscillations. In this way in the future it will contribute to the
formation of the whole new scientific disciplines and directions
of technology. For the next generations of scientists and engineers
on Earth the exploratory and learning significance of the Oscillatory
Chamber will probably be equally important as the significance of
Henry's oscillatory circuit was for today's electronics, cybernetics,
and communication.
The use of Oscillatory Chambers for energy supply:
Amongst numerous applications
of the Oscillatory Chambers discussed near the end of this web
page, probably the leading application is to be as a means of
energy supply. After this chamber is development, it is going
to eliminate and replace all old ways of energy supply that were used so-far.
So it is to replace not only present power-lines and current mains in
our homes, but also petrol from our cars and aeroplanes, diesel
from our boats and trains, coal and gas from our burners, etc.
The use of Oscillatory Chambers for energy supply
to pollution-free cars of our future are described in
items #D1 to #D5 of a separate web page
The use of Oscillatory Chambers as magnetic propulsors for space vehicles:
If "twin-chamber capsules" are assembled
into spherical casings, and furnished with appropriate control devices
that allow to manipulate the direction and the amount of the magnetic
output (and thus also the direction of magnetic thrust forces), we
receive a "magnetic propulsor". Such a propulsor is simply a
powerful magnet with a strictly controlled output, which is capable
to lift itself into space simply
due to repulsive interaction with the Earth's magnetic field. In
turn if we assembly together several such magnetic propulsors,
providing them with a crew cabin, we receive a space vehicle,
which on this web page, and on other related pages is called the
The complete description of the
is provided on separate web pages available via
"Menu 4"
from the left margin.
The principle of operation of Magnocraft
is utilising mutual force interactions (i.e. attraction and repulsion) between
two systems of magnetic fields. The first one, out of these two systems of fields,
are natural fields that always exist in our environment, means Earth's magnetic
field, or solar magnetic field, or galactic magnetic field, etc. In turn the second
one out of these two systems of magnetic fields that can mutually repel each other,
are technical fields produced by appropriately constructed magnetic propelling
devices. These devices are Oscillatory Chambers described on this web page, while
their version utilised for propelling of space vehicles is called here "magnetic
propulsors". Here is how such a "Magnocraft" propelled by magnetic propulsors
is going to look like:
Fig. #I3 (C1(b) in [1/5]): It shows the smallest discoidal
Magnocraft, called the K3 type because the ratio factor "K" of its
outer diameter "D" to its outer height "H" amounts to K = D/H = 3.
Originally this is part (a) in Figure C1 from monograph [1/5].
The Magnocraft resembles an inverted saucer. Its propelling devices take the
form of spherical "propulsors" which in Magnocraft of the first generation
host cubical twin-chamber capsules. The Magnocraft type K3 has a single
lifting propulsor located in its centre, and eight stabilizing propulsors
placed in its side flange, all nine of them loaded with magnetic energy.
The vehicle's shell is made of a mirror-like material whose degree of
transparency and light reflectiveness can be strictly controlled. Thus,
when the crew makes this shell transparent, elements of the internal
structure (e.g. propulsors, compartments, separatory walls, etc.) can
be seen by an outside observer. In the above illustration seven spherical
side propulsors (out of a total number of n=8) placed in the horizontal
flange are visible. Each of these side propulsors shows inside a cubical
twin-chamber capsule composed of two Oscillatory Chambers. The eight
vertical partitions divide the vehicle's flange into eight separate
chambers, each housing one side propulsor. The horizontal separatory ring
placed at the top-half of the flange separates both magnetic poles
(N and S) in each of these side propulsors, thus forcing the magnetic
field which is produced to circulate through the environment. On the upper
part of the flange three lamps of the SUB system (i.e. equivalent to the
position lamps in present aeroplanes) are indicated. In the centre of the
vehicle the single main propulsor and its twin-chamber capsule are also
shown. Within the ring-shaped crew cabin a pilot's seat is visible.
The use of Oscillatory Chambers as magnetic personal propulsion systems:
It's easy to predict that one day Oscillatory
Chambers will be miniaturized to the size of
only a few millimetres, without
any significant decrease in the output. Therefore, the propulsors of the
Magnocraft can be built small enough to allow for their assembly into articles
of human apparel (i.e. belts and shoes) without causing any noticeable discomfort
or change in the size and weight of these articles. In this manner a new type
of the propulsion system will be obtained, which is called here "magnetic
personal propulsion system". This new propulsion system will provide all
the advantages of the Magnocraft, simultaneously its propulsors hidden inside
of the garment will remain almost unnoticeable for an outside observer. Thus,
without the use of any visible vehicle, it will provide the wearer with the
ability to fly in the air or space with a speed limited only by the performance
of physiological functions (especially breathing), with enormous physical strength,
with invisibility, and with protection from the action of any weapon that could
be used against him/her.
The following elements compose a standard
garment of a personal propulsion system. Shoes (1) contain miniature magnetic
propulsors built into the soles. These are called "main propulsors". Apart
from them, the personal propulsion garment uses another eight miniaturized
propulsors assembled into a segmented belt (2). These are called "side"
propulsors. The garment also includes a kind of magnetoreflective "skin".
This "skin" consists of a one-piece costume (3) with a protective hood (5),
and gloves (4). These are worn to prevent the magnetic field from looping
through the person's body. The hood (5) and gloves (4) are so designed that
they hermetically join with the costume (3), thus forming a single-piece
garment. At the back of the user's neck a controlling computer and sensors
which reads the controlling signals directly from the head's bio-currents
are build in.
Fig. #I4 (E2 in [1/5]): It shows components and
general appearance of the standard magnetic personal
propulsion garment. Originally this is Figure E2 from monograph [1/5].
Wearers of such
magnetic propulsion system will be able to fly noiselessly in the air,
walk on the surface of water, become resistant to gunfire, be invisible,
etc. This garment contains: (1) shoes, whose soles contain the main
magnetic propulsors; (2) the eight-segment belt carrying the side
magnetic propulsors; (3) the one-piece garment made of magnetoreflective
material, which includes a hood (5) or a helmet; (4) the gloves with
web-like connectors between the fingers. All of this is complemented
with the graphite-based cream that coats the uncovered parts of the
skin to protect them from the strong magnetic field, and the controlling
computer fastened to the back of the neck,
which reads the bio-signals and converts them into propelling actions.
When a heavy job needs to be done, additional bracelets containing
enhancement propulsors can be worn on the wrist joints (shown as (3)
in Figure E4 "a" from monograph [1/5]). These propulsors will cooperate
with those from the belt and shoes, thus giving the user almost
supernatural strength, e.g. enabling him/her to tear trees up by the
roots, carry huge boulders, knock down buildings, etc.
Further details about the design and operation
of magnetic personal propulsion system are
provided in chapter E from volume 2 of monograph [1/5].
Part #J:
Possibility of a military abuse of "Oscillatory Chambers":
We should also learn about the danger of abuse of the Oscillatory Chamber for
military purposes
and for extermination of people:
The Oscillatory Chamber already by
itself is an extremely powerful bomb.
With a small sizes able to fit into a
small suitcase or even a woman's
handbag, it has the capability to
accumulate in itself the amounts of
energy even larger than the energy
content of largest present thermonuclear
bombs. In addition, apart from the
telepathic signals, which until the time
of constructing devices described on
web pages about
Zhang Heng seismograph or about
telepathic waves,
our Earth scientists are unable to detect,
the handling of the Oscillatory Chamber
(and thus also a bomb) by someone
remains undetectable for the Earth's
science. So no-one would have a
smallest difficulty with delivering it
to a place of explosion. In case when
someone detonated this chamber, the
outcome would be similar to the one
which humanity had opportunity to
investigate in the site of the New Zealand
explosion near
or the Siberian explosion from
The danger of abuse of this chamber for
military purposes is additionally enlarged
by the fact that it is very simple in design.
Even ancient Israelites were able to build
it over 3000 years ago - for details see
subsection S5 from volume 15 of
monograph [1/5].
The chamber can be constructed entirely
from acacia timber and a good electrical
conductor, e.g. copper or gold. The building
of it does not require any special materials
or isotopes. In fact, it can be constructed
not only by any small country, such as
Luxemburg or Lichtenstein, but actually
even by an individual hobbyist with a well
equipped workshop and slightly better
technical capabilities.
Fortunately, the use of the Oscillatory
Chamber just as a crude bomb would be
only a complete waste of huge military
potential of this device. After all, even
greater military capabilities and destructive
than in the use as a bomb, such Oscillatory
Chambers obtain when they are assembled
into a space vehicle called the
The Magnocrafts are so advanced vehicles,
that for present people from the Earth nearby
use of these vehicles become completely
unnoticeable. After all, Magnocrafts can
become invisible to human sight, fly in
complete silence, and are able to fly
through walls or soil. If someone does
not know what to take notice of, then the
manifestations of a nearby use of Magnocrafts
become indistinguishable from acts of God.
This attribute of Magnocrafts is lately
abused by these ones who already
have working Magnocraft in their disposal.
Namely they utilise Magnocrafts lately
on Earth on a massive scale to exterminate
large numbers of people. For example,
they evaporate buildings with the use of
Magnocrafts, collapse roofs of homes,
bridges, and sections of highways, they
induce with them destructive tornados
and hurricanes, they use them secretly
to form landslips, mudslides, and snow
avalanches, they explode them underground
thus forming devastating earthquakes and
tsunami waves, etc., etc. More information
about such secretive military and destructive use
of Magnocrafts which are propelled by Oscillatory
Chambers described here, is provided on the web page
I recommend to have also a look at these
web pages. After all, they open our eyes
on what really happens around us lately.
Of course, I explained the above only for
a scientific exactitude. After all, bad people
are able to abuse practically everything
that does exist. However, the fact that
someone may one day abuse the Oscillatory
Chamber should not stop us from building
this device. After all, the Oscillatory Chamber
is going to provide people with a powerful key
which is to open the entire universe for the
human access and exploration.
Part #K:
Octagonal Oscillatory Chambers of the second generation:
Three generations of Oscillatory Chambers:
The Oscillatory Chamber is going to be build in
three different generations - see "Fig. #K1".
Each one amongst these generations of the
Oscillatory Chamber will have a different shape.
For example, the Oscillatory Chamber of the
first generation is going to have the shape of
a transparent cube. The name
Oscillatory Chamber of the third generation
is assigned to the most advanced generation of
this device - which will be able to shift time back.
Thus, the Oscillatory Chamber of the third generation
is going to be the "heart" and the most important
component of every time vehicle.
The design and principles of operation of the
Oscillatory Chamber are described in details
in volumes 2 of two my scientific monographs,
namely the newest
and the slightly older
Briefly this chamber is also summarised on
several web pages of the Oscillatory Chamber, for example
on the web page devoted entirely to it and named
oscillatory_chamber.htm - about the Oscillatory Chamber,
as well as in part #D of the web page
eco_cars.htm - about pollution free eco-cars of our future.
Therefore, on this web page I am NOT going to
repeat these descriptions.
Fig. #K1: The external appearance
of Oscillatory Chambers of the (a) first,
(b) second, and (c) third generation.
The continuous lines mark the appearance
of the Oscillatory Chambers themselves.
These chambers are transparent and
empty inside. Thus they show the rotation
of strands of electric sparks, which spin
along inner peripherals of side walls of
these devices. In turn the broken lines
mark on this figure small sections of
columns of precisely controlled magnetic
field (N, S) gushing to the environment
from the floors and ceilings along magnetic
axes "m" of these chambers. Notice that
for practical reasons, on the above drawing
these columns of field must be cut off at
some distance from outlets of the Oscillatory
Chambers. But in a real life these columns
are forming closed circuits of force lines of
magnetic field - only that these circuits are
too huge to be fully shown on the above
(Click on this drawing to see it enlarged.)
The Oscillatory Chamber of the first generation
which has the shape of a transparent cube that
is empty inside. Around side walls of this cube
thick strands of bright electric sparks are visible
in rotation.
The Oscillatory Chamber of the second generation
which has the shape of an octagonal, transparent
box (i.e. a section of an octagonal rod). Also in
this chamber strands of bright shimmering sparks
are to be visible are they rotate around the side
peripherals of it.
The Oscillatory Chamber of the third generation
which has the shape of a transparent box with 16
side walls. Because such a box looks almost like
a round one, this most advanced generation of
Oscillatory Chambers will look like a section of a
transparent pipe, around the peripherals of which
spin strands of bright, regular, and evenly thick
sparks. The columns of precisely controlled magnetic
field generated by this Oscillatory Chamber will
gush to the environment from both ends of it, i.e.
from the floor and from the ceiling.
Part #L:
Sixteen-sided Oscillatory Chambers of the third generation:
The use of Oscillatory Chambers in "time vehicles" and the tough requirements that it imposes onto them:
The Oscillatory Chamber of the first generation
is going to take a cubical shape - as this is
shown in "Fig. #B1" and "Fig. #K1" above.
Its construction will allow people to learn
phenomena and principles which are vital
for the implementation of its principles of
operation. After being constructed this
Oscillatory Chamber will find countless
applications. For example it is going to
be used as the propelling device for building
magnetic starship of my invention, called
It is also to be used as a perfect battery
for accumulating energy in so-called
zero pollution ecological cars.
Empirical experience gathered during the building
and use of cubical Oscillatory Chambers of the first
generation will allow humanity to build also octagonal
Oscillatory Chambers of the second generation.
Oscillatory Chambers of the second generation
will be utilising a different control over the rotation
of electric sparks than the one used in the first
generation. This in turn will allow to use it for the
generation of more precisely controlled magnetic
field which will be capable of generation of so-called
"Telekinetic Effect". Therefore such Oscillatory
Chambers are to find use in so-called "telekinetic vehicles"
described in chapter M from volume 11 of
monograph [1/5].
In turn experiences gathered during the building
and use of the octagonal Oscillatory Chamber of
the second generation will allow the humanity to
build also the sixteen-sided Oscillatory Chamber
of the third generation. The Oscillatory Chamber
of the third generation will use still another principle
of control over the rotation of electric sparks than
the Oscillatory Chamber of the second generation.
This in turn will allow it to generate magnetic field
which will be controlled even more precisely than
the magnetic field from chambers of the second
generation. In the result, Oscillatory Chambers of
the third generation will be able to cause changes
in the elapse of time - e.g. shift time back. This is
why such Oscillatory Chambers will find application
in "time vehicles" described more comprehensively
in chapter N from volume 11 of
monograph [1/5].
Fig. #L1a-c: The side appearance
of so-called "twin-chamber capsules"
composed from two Oscillatory Chambers
of (a) first, (b) second, and (c) third
generation. These capsules are formed
through placing a smaller "inner" Oscillatory
Chamber "I" to the empty interior of a
much larger "outer" Oscillatory Chamber
"O". Both chambers, i.e. inner "I" and
outer "O" have opposite orientation of
their magnetic poles (N, S). In the
result, their magnetic outputs subtract
from each other splitting themselves
into two magnetic streams. The first
"C" amongst these two streams
circulates just between both chambers,
while the second resultant "R" amongst
these two streams is yield to the
environment by such a twin-chamber
capsule. Thus these capsules allow
very precise control over all parameters
of the generated magnetic field. This is
why they are going to be used in propulsors
of the future
of all three generations - in this number also
"time vehicles".
(Click on this drawing to see it enlarged.)
Fig. #L1a (left):
The cubical "twin-chamber capsule" of the first
generation. It represents the basic arrangement
of two Oscillatory Chambers of the first generation
combined together in order to increase their
controllability. This capsule illustrates the general
principle of formation of such arrangements from
Oscillatory Chambers of all three generations. Namely,
all the twin-chamber capsules are formed from two
oppositely oriented chambers placed one inside
the other. Because of the need for free floating
of the inner (I) chamber suspended inside of the
empty outer (O) chamber, the side edges "a" of
both Oscillatory Chambers must meet strict
mathematical relationships - e.g. for the Oscillatory
Chambers of the first generation must meet the
equation (F9) from volume 2 of [1/5]: ao=ai(sqrt(3)).
(These relationships can later be verified and
confirmed on authentic photographs of UFOs -
e.g. see "Fig. #C9" on the web page
or on marks lefts on the ground during landings
of UFO vehicles - see "Fig. #H1" on this
web page.) The resultant magnetic
field (R) yield to the environment from
these capsules is obtained as a difference
between outputs from two chambers having
opposite orientation of their magnetic poles.
The principles of formation of this resultant
field (R) are illustrated in "Fig. #E3" on the web page .
immortality.htm - about the access of people to immortality and to everlasting life.
The twin-chamber capsule allows full control over
all the attributes of the produced magnetic field.
In the twin-chamber capsules of the first generation
subjected to such a control are the following
properties of the resultant magnetic field (R):
(1) strength of the field (fluently controlled from
zero to maximum), (2) Period (T) or frequency
(f) of pulsations, (3) ratio of the amplitude of the
field's pulsations to its constant component
(ΔF/Fo - see also "Fig. #C5" on the web page
(4) character of the field (i.e. constant, pulsating,
alternating), (5) field's variation in time (i.e. linear,
sinusoidal, beat type curves), (6) polarity (i.e. from
whichever side of the capsule the N and S poles
of the resultant field (R) prevail).
In turn in capsules of the second and third
generations controlled are also parameters of the
magnetic field that are to decide about the ability
to form telekinetic effect and changes in the elapse
of time (these parameters still remain unnamed by
present human science).
Symbols: O - outer chamber, I - inner chamber,
C - circulating flux trapped inside the capsule,
R - resultant flux yield from the capsule to the
Fig. #L1b (middle):
An octagonal twin-chamber capsule of the
second generation, shown in a side view.
It is composed of two Oscillatory Chambers
having octagonal cross-section, i.e. a smaller
inner chamber (I) and a larger outer chamber (O).
Fig. #L1c (right):
A 16-sided twin-chamber capsule of the
third generation, also shown in a side view.
It is composed of two Oscillatory Chambers
with 16-sided cross section, i.e. inner (I) and
outer (O). It is this capsule that will be used
in time vehicles to shift time back.
Time vehicles that use Oscillatory Chambers of the third generation, and the access of humanity to technological immortality:
The Oscillatory Chambers of the third generation
will allow for such a precise control over the
magnetic field which they generate, that this
field will be able to shift resonance point in
DNA spirals (which spirals in living creatures
are storing and running the so-called "programs
of life and fate"). This in turn will allow such
Oscillatory Chambers of the third generation
to shift time back. So at the moment when
they are to be build, the humanity will gain
the ability to construct "time vehicles" which
will be able to shift back in time every person
which accomplish the old age. Thus, after
constructing such time vehicles, the humanity
obtains the access to so-called "imprisoned
immortality" After all, then every person will
be able to infinitively extend his or her life -
for more details on this subject see the totaliztic
web page named
Part #M:
About the time to create a "public domain" in research on new energy devices:
Let us be honest: there are huge problems with official research on energy devices, and a "public domain" research would address these problems:
In order to reveal the seriousness of problems
which trouble official research on energy
devices, and also to illustrate how my
proposal of "public domain" research
project on new energy devices would
solve these problems, let us consider
here an example of a simple device of
the type of "perpetual motion" which I
already described in my "public domain"
web pages for the public completion
and research. This example originally
is published in item #A2 from the
totaliztic web page
and in item #G2 from the web page
The point of this example is to illustrate here the urgent need for such an unique "public domain" research project which I am developing and scientifically coordinating, as well as to illustrate the detrimental traditions developed because of the present monopoly of professional (paid) scientists for energy research, and which disallow scientists to even consider research on energy projects that may bring unimaginable benefits to our civilisation. This example indicates also a possibility of building an entirely new class of "devices for clean energy generation from self-renewable and incessant natural phenomena". Namely, let us assume for a moment that there exists an invisible kind of "wind" about the existence of which present science still does NOT know. If this (yet unknown and invisible) "wind" blows continually, steadily, and strongly for, let's say, one million years, then the "windmill" which such a "wind" would propel, would become a device which could be named with this extremely "unfashionable" today terminology that was used by classical energy researchers, i.e. named a "perpetual motion device". After all, this invisible and unknown to the present science "wind" would propel the "windmill" perpetually for countless number of years, while present science would NOT know why this device works and why it generates energy. Unfortunately, we also know that NO present scientist would ever have the courage to carry out any research on such a supposed "perpetual motion" device - simply because he would be "lynched" by his professional colleagues who unconditionally believe in the statistic predictions called the "laws of thermodynamics". (These "laws" state that a "perpetual motion" device cannot be build.) After all, with present traditions of "peer reviews" in the science, there is NO chance that any research paper on a "perpetual motion" device would obtain a favourable reference and could be published or presented on a scientific conference. In turn, any research which would suggest that such a "windmill" provides over 100% energy efficiency would be considered to be an error of measurements. Therefore, such a "windmill" which would work on invisible and yet unknown "wind" cannot be researched and developed by any paid scientist, as for such a scientist it would means the "professional suicide". But the research on such "invisible and yet unknown winds" can easily be carried out and scientifically supervised by projects like my "public domain" research project - and this exactly what my project is doing. Then, when such a project is successful, the outcomes of it can be transferred to the domain of official science. Interestingly, the above example of a "windmill" on invisible and yet unknown "wind" is NOT as purely hypothetical as it may sound. Various sciences already know numerous "winds" that "blow" continually and steadily for millions of years. To indicate here some examples of such "winds", these include: the rotation of our planet Earth, the motion of Moon around the Earth, the magnetic field of the Earth, waves of a "cosmic noise", temperature differences between surface of the Earth and e.g. the absolute zero of cosmic space or coolness of upper atmosphere, various behaviours of elementary particles, a reversal of friction, and many more. The only problem is that so-far no-one had the courage (as well as knowledge and motivation) to develop principles and devices with the use of which energy could be harvested from such "incessant natural phenomena" (i.e. everlasting invisible "winds"). But the human inventiveness has no limits. Thus, for each such a phenomenon a principle can be invented, which would generate energy or everlasting mechanical motion from it. The only barrier is that people (and scientists) need to firstly overcome the psychological barrier which obstruct their thinking and which keeps them "looking backward" for principles and for phenomena, instead of "looking forward" into the future. So let us explain here a simple example how we could generate e.g. "perpetual rotational motion" from one of such incessant and invisible "winds" - i.e. from the gravity field and the Earth’s rotations. If, for example, we construct a mechanical "flywheel", which meets following technically easy-to-fulfil conditions: (1) it has the so-called "momentum of inertia" larger than its "friction torque", (2) it is perfectly balanced - so that the gravitational field of the Earth does NOT influence its angular orientation, and (3) it is so assembled in a given location that the axis of rotation of this flywheel is exactly parallel to the axis of the Earth’s rotation; then such a flywheel should create an everlasting motion in relationship to the Earth, with the speed of one rotation per day (or more strictly, this flywheel would remain motionless in relationship to our solar system, while the Earth would rotate around it once per each day). So such a flywheel - if constructed and provided with an appropriate gearbox linked to a pointer, could prove empirically that a "forward looking" synthesis is able to develop principles of operation which allow the harvesting of motion and energy from the "rotational motion of our planet" - which represents one amongst such "invisible and everlasting winds". In turn, when further such "incessant natural phenomena" (or invisible "winds") are identified and principles are developed which allow the generation of clean energy from them, this would have enormous implications for all areas of science and technology. For example, it would provide the society with a rather illustrative example that vast amounts of energy can be generated without causing any pollution. It would also change our entire civilisation, as it would pave the way for the development of various principles that would allow to draw free clean energy and everlasting motion from various perpetual "winds". In turn implementation of these principles would allow the humanity to generate vast amounts of energy without any consumption of fossil or nuclear fuels (and thus also without causing pollution) from phenomena for which currently no scientist have an inspiring example nor courage to investigate because for innovative ideas in energy technologies the present tradition orders us to rather "look back into the past" instead of "looking into the future".
In order to initiate my long-term project on "public domain"
in energy research, I prepared several web pages
which are widely available in Internet. On these
web pages I described thoroughly a number of
new energy devices, appealing to the hobbyists
from the entire world to produce these devices,
to research them, and to freely exchange information
and research findings about them. Simultaneously,
I voluntarily (and free of charge) guide and coordinate
these developments from the scientific point of view.
An example of energy device which so-far accomplished
the highest success in the "public domain" project
described here, is the "telekinetic heater" - see
the description of international efforts to build and
research it presented in items #G1 to #G5 from
the totaliztic web page
Also the "Oscillatory Chamber" described on this
web page displays first successes and accomplishments.
Illustrations of progress to-date in its research and
development within the "public domain" project are
available in the internet, amongst others, at addresses: and
Independently from this web page, other web
pages which also provide ideas and devices for
the "public domain" research project include,
amongst others:
telekinetics.htm, or
Part #N:
Summary, and the final information of this web page:
Summary of this web page:
There is much more to the Oscillatory Chamber
than this brief web page can explain. After all,
our civilisation does not know any other advanced
device like this one. So it is worth to spend some time
to learn further details about this unique energy storage
and generator of extremely powerful magnetic fields.
This learning can be carried out from volume 2 of the
monograph [1/5] entitled "Advanced Magnetic Devices",
which is available free of charge via this web page, and
via many other web pages listed in menu.
Blogs of totalizm:
It is also worth to check periodically the blog of
totalizm now available at address and
(Notice that all these addresses hold the same
blog with the same content of messages.)
On this blog many matters discussed here are also explained with
additional details written as new events unveil before our eyes.
Attention these readers who wish to discuss
any aspect of discussed on this web page.
Public discussions of almost all topic that
I researched currently, including many of
my devices and inventions, are carried out
in the Internet for a long time. Addresses of
subsequent threads in the Google discussion
groups, where these topics are exposed to
public comments, are listed in item #E2 of
the totaliztic web page
Readers who have constructive comments
about any matters relating to my research
and inventions, are encouraged to find
addresses of these Google threads from
item #E2 of that web page "faq.htm",
and then voice their constructive opinions
at these addresses.
How with the use of web page named
one can find totaliztic descriptions
of topics in which he or she is interested:
A whole array of topics equally interesting
as these from the above web page, is also
discussed from the angle that is unique to
the philosophy of totalizm. All these related
topics can be found and identified with the use of
content index
prepared especially to make easier finding
these web pages and topics. The name "index"
means a list of "key words" usually provided
at the end of textbooks, which allows to find
fast the description or the topic in which we
are interested. My web pages also has such
a content "index" - only that it is additionally
supplied in green
which after "clicking" at them with a mouse
immediately open the web page with the topic
that interest the reader. This content "index"
is provided on the web page named
It can be called from the "organising" part of
"Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would
recommend to look at it and to begin using it
systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds
of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to
(Fig. G1 from the Polish treatise [4b]): Dr Jan Pajak,
means myself - the author of this web page,
shown on the background of pristine New Zealand
landscape. Until the most recent redundancy from the job, I lectured
computer science in a New Zealand polytechnic. I specialised in Web
Technologies and in Information Processing using Web Technologies.
Before that I worked at two universities as Associate Professor of
Mechanical Engineering. From old times I have also quite a good
knowledge of engineering, sciences, and mathematics, towards
which my education and a significant proportion of professional
experience was oriented. However, my so-called "hobby" research,
carried out continually since 1972, amongst others, is aimed at
the development of new ideas and new directions for technologies
and human outlooks of the future, including new futuristic
propulsion systems, new energy generation and storing devices,
new communication devices, new systems for remote detection of
impending earthquakes, new advanced earthquake warning systems,
and many more. Unfortunately, this research is my "hobby" not
by the own choice, but by necessity, or by "must". This is because
my over 30 years long searches for a research institution
which would accept my continually open offer of official
researching these topics, so-far are unsuccessful (i.e. it well
may be that at the moment there is no such institution on our
planet - if by any chance you accidentally find or create one,
please make sure to let me know). Also the name "hobby"
completely does not fit to the subject area of this research.
After all, it implies the orientation mainly towards gaining various
personal benefits. However, what kind of personal benefits one
may accomplish through building a starship, an accumulator of
energy of a huge capacitance, or an alarming device that
warns of an impending earthquake. Because, as so-far, an
institution on Earth does not exist that would be interested in
sponsoring this research, to earn somehow for the financing
of this research (and also for my own living), until the time
when I lost my most recent job on 23 September 2005, I used
to do a basic lecturing and research in any area for which I
was hired to work. In turn funds that I managed to earn, and
almost the entire spare time I have in my disposal, I devoted
to this "hobby" research on technologies and philosophies
of the future. (Since the time I become unemployed, I have
even more of free time which I can designate for this "hobby"
research. Unfortunately, now the financing begins to be a
serious problem. This is because according to the New
Zealand law I am not eligible for any unemployment benefit.)
For more details about the course of my life and fate, see the web page
about me - Dr Jan Pajak.
Emails and contact details to the
of this web page:
Current email addresses to the author of
this web page, i.e. officially to
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak,
at which readers can post possible comments,
inquiries, or replies to questions which I ask on
my web pages, are provided on the web page
about me (Dr Eng. Jan Pajak).
That page also provides other commonly used
contact details to the author.
The author's right for the use of courteous
title of "Professor" stems from the custom that
"with professors is like with generals", namely
when someone is
once a professor, than he or she courteously
remains a professor forever. In
turn the author of this web page was a professor
at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them,
from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998,
as an "Associate Professor" from English-based
educational system, while on one university as
a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till
31 December 2007 - means at the last place
of employment in his professional life).
However, please notice that because of my
rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly
reply to emails which contain JUST time
consuming requests, while simultaneously
they document a complete ignorance of their
author in the topic area which I am researching.
Therefore, if the reader sends a request to me,
I suggest to let me know somehow that he or
she actually went through the trouble of reading
my web pages and learning what these pages
try to say.
If you prefer to read in Polish
click on the flag below
(Jeśli preferujesz czytanie w języku polskim
kliknij na poniższą flagę)
Date of starting this page: 27 September 2004
Date of the latest updating of this page: 12 December 2012
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)