Clouds which hide UFO vehicles
(bilingual, in English and
Polish )
12 December 2012
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Welcome to a web page which illustrates
another amongst many paradoxes which
surround UFOs. It reveals, that in UFO
matters one may be completely wrong
and simultaneously be right. For example,
one may be completely wrong when in
UFO matters he or she plays a "sceptic",
a "close-minded", or a "devil’s advocate",
and stubbornly denies the existence of
UFOs, and claims that all UFOs sightings
are illusions, fakes, or clouds. Simultaneously,
in such a denial of UFOs one may be
right, because - as this web page explains
and illustrates it, many UFO vehicles form
technological clouds around themselves,
so that they can hide in these clouds from
the human sight. So in fact, in many cases
UFOs look like clouds, while clouds hide
UFOs inside. From this finding stems the
content of this web page. The page presents
photographs, attributes, and circumstances
of photographing, for a special kind of clouds
which are formed technologically by UFO
vehicles. UFOnauts generate these clouds on
purpose. They hide from the sight of people
their UFO vehicles inside of such clouds.
Thus, in the interest of people lies that we
begin to take notice of these extraordinary
clouds, and initiate our research to learn
truths which these clouds are able to revealed
to our civilisation.
Part #A:
Introductory information about this web page:
What are goals of this web page:
We are proud of the level of advancement
of our present civilisation. After all, instead
of chasing mammoths with spears, we carry
our bottoms on leather sits of modern limousines.
But are we really so civilised? If so, then
where these entire nations dying from hunger
come from? What causes these astronomical
differences between the highest and the
lowest earning people - could it be that
some are lesser humans than others?
Who instigates these wars which almost
continually are troubling our civilisation?
What causes this increasingly more
dangerous warming of the Earth's climate?
What causes the so-called "ozone hole"?
Where this dangerous economic crisis
comes from - which was initiated around
a half of 2008? Why a group of rational
scientists organised in the "Club of Rome"
already in 1972 needed to prepare a report
"the limits of growth" which foretells the
collapse of the entire our civilisation not
later than by 2030 - and why the existence
of this report is not commonly known and
taken notice of? The reply to all these
"Wh" questions is very simple.
It states: because as a civilisation we
continually live in lies. These lies of
our entire civilisation begin from a supposedly
"insignificant matters". Their example
can be the official denial that
UFOs do exist.
We know that such denial is a lie, because
in spite of it, there is no such a day that
a newspaper somewhere in the world, or
a television of some country, wouldn't inform
about another UFO sighting carried out by reliable
eye witnesses. Another example of lives on
an ivory tower of lies are scientists denying that
God does exist.
After all, in spite of this denying we have a number
of huge religious institutions on the Earth, which
could be organised and can act only because
God continually manifests His existence to various
people. In addition, only naming subsequent
categories of scientific evidence for the existence
of God occupies a whole web page
god_proof.htm - about scientific evidence that God does exist.
When such a culture of lies is once imposed
onto our lives through such supposedly "innocent"
lying repeated everyday by people of authority
and by institutions of social responsibility, then
this human lying is gradually leaking to practically
every area of our lives, staring from sciences
(see the web page
evolution.htm - about evolution),
through industry and inventions (see the web page
boiler.htm - about revolutionary invention of electrical boiler),
and finishing on politics (see the web page
humanity.htm - about the better humanity).
So in the final result, as a civilisation we earn
whatever we just see around ourselves, means
we earn rampaging immorality, social injustice,
exploitation, oppression, unemployment, hunger,
tormenting, wars, illnesses, plagues, unhappiness,
uncertainty of tomorrow, etc., etc.
From the above situation stems the goal of this
web page. Namely, let us begin to not only see
the truth, but also let us openly say the truth.
In turn, it is most easy to begin seeing and
saying the truth when this truth concerns something
that is NOT too painful for us, for example when
it concerns a special kind of clouds that have a
technological origins. Therefore, the description
of just such clouds formed technologically
by UFO vehicles is the main goal of this web page.
The Ticino photograph which reveals a typical appearance of "clouds" that hide UFO vehicles inside - means how this web page was started:
Everything started around
1989. Together with a team of UFO investigators from Dunedin in
New Zealand, we organized a research expedition to an area which
was continually troubled by UFOs. This area lies at the site of
so-called "china-stones" fallout from the UFO explosion near
Tapanui -
described comprehensively in a separate monograph
It was located not far from the New Zealand township Roxburgh.
At this area a huge paddock was covered with hundreds of
UFO landing sites. UFO vehicles also lifted into air over there,
and transported slightly uphill, a huge china-stone that weighted
several tons. So when all of us was documenting and filming
marks left on the ground over there by a fleet of UFOs, our
attention was directed at a strange cloud that was hovering
exactly above our heads. It looked like a spherical complex
of two UFOs formed from white steam. This cloud was even
captured on a video by our camera operator (unfortunately,
none of us has taken a photograph of it). It hovered later above
our heads during the entire period of our investigations of this
area, means for several hours. All other clouds drifted with
the wind to other places and changed their shapes. But this
extraordinary cloud hovered motionlessly in one spot as if
it was "anchored" to the ground. It also did not change its shape
and all the time maintained the same appearance and size.
When finally we returned to our cars and drove back to Dunedin,
this cloud started to move with us. It accompanied us the
entire path to Dunedin (around 140 km), drifting parallel
to us above the left side of the road along which we were
driving. What even more interesting, the direction in which
it moved collided with the direction of drifting of other clouds.
In this particular research expedition around 20 people were
participating. None of us even for a moment suspected,
that it could be anything else than a cloud. Even when it
started to move and "drifted" with us to Dunedin, no-one
changed this view. I remember, that we even commented
in our car, that probably on various heights different directions
of winds must prevail, so that one of these winds by a chance
moved it in the same direction that we travelled. No-one of
us was considering the fact, that all this time the "cloud"
maintained the same shape and size, looking like a
spherical complex of UFOs, nor the fact that the road
from Roxburgh to Dunedin changes the direction into
a shape of the "L" letter, and that this strange cloud
changed the direction of flight together with this road.
At the time when
I observed this "cloud", I had some unexplained conviction
that it was nothing else but a cloud with shapes accidentally
slightly more regular than other clouds. Probably for this
reason I have NOT taken a photograph of it, in spite that all
the time I had a camera in my hands ready for shooting.
(Or, perhaps, this "cloud" telepathically ordered me to
NOT photograph it - as this UFO vehicles do and as I described
this in subsection VB4.1.1 from volume 17 of my older
monograph [1/4].)
However later, my memory of a strange behaviour of this
"cloud" with the elapse of time started to induce in me a suspicion
that perhaps it was something more than just a cloud. It was
because of that suspicion, that my curiosity was raised by a
photograph of "clouds-UFOs" which soon afterwards by a
chance show to me one UFO investigator. (I am
showing here this photograph on "Fig. #A2".) This UFO
investigator was named Helen Loepfe. She lived in
Waikuaiti, New Zealand (i.e. not far from Dunedin). She
received this photograph from one of her friends. It was
taken in Switzerland, in the vicinity of Ticino. It is connected
with a quite interesting case concerning a UFO abduction
to a huge UFO vehicle which was hidden inside of one of
these clouds. Unfortunately, now I am unable to find my
notes with the description of this case. In turn, because of
the elapse of many years since the time when I was familiarized
with this UFO abduction, I do not remember all details.
However, even without describing here the
extraordinary events that were connected with taking the
photograph shown here as "Fig. #A2", still one fact is absolutely
certain. Namely clouds shown on this photograph were hiding
UFO vehicles inside.
The talk with Helen
Loepfe and the history of this unusual photograph shown here as
"Fig. #A2" caused a breakthrough in my thinking. It realized to me,
that this extraordinary "cloud" which together with a team of
UFO investigators we observed in Roxburgh, was not a cloud
at all. It was a UFO vehicle which in some technological manner
generated around itself a cloud of vapours that looked like a
cloud, in order to hide from our sight in this cloud. So this unusual
"drift" of that "cloud" to Dunedin together with us, also was NOT a
coincidental correspondence of the direction of wind with the
direction of our travel. It was an intentional travel of that UFO with
us to Dunedin, most probably in order to check in which exactly
homes we live, so that UFOnauts could later give to us a "special
treatment". (Due to an extraordinary "coincident", all participants
of that particular research expedition were later severely
"disadvantaged by life". They were persecuted by illnesses,
deaths, shooting of a crazy gunman, disintegrations of
families, divorces, unemployment, mental disorders, etc.
Starting from that particular expedition, life of practically
every participant of it had no more a normal or a typical
Starting from that time,
I began to seek intentionally in skies and to observe these extraordinary
clouds with UFO shapes. During years that elapsed since, I managed
to find and to observe several of them. Unfortunately, always then
I had no camera with me. Means, always previously - until one "more
lucky" case which I described in item #C1 below.
Fig. #A2: A photograph of clouds which for sure hide UFO vehicles inside.
A friend of Helen Loepfe took this photograph in Ticino, Switzerland.
(Click on the above photograph in order to see it enlarged.)
"Clouds" captured on the above photograph for sure were formed
technologically by UFO vehicles in order to hide these vehicles
inside. Into a UFO vehicle hidden in one of these "clouds" a
citizen of Ticino was abducted by UFOnauts. The above
photograph originally was published in a Polish treatise
copies of which are disseminated free of charge via the
internet web pages listed in
"Menu 4".
In that treatise [4c] the photograph was described in subsection
B7.8. (Reasons for which evil UFOnauts so thoroughly hide their
UFO vehicles from human sight, are explained in a separate web
page named
"26th day".)
* * *
Notice that you can see the enlargement
of each photograph from this web site, simply by clicking on this photograph.
Most of the Internet browsers that you may use, allow also to
each illustration to your own computer, and then look at it, reduce or enlarge
the size of it, or print it with your own graphical software.
Part #B:
Let us define more unambiguously the subject of this web page:
What are these "cloud-UFOs":
By the term a "cloud-UFO" this web page
understands a different kind of clouds which
is NOT formed naturally through the release
of laws of physics or mechanisms of nature,
but is formed technically with the use of
propelling devices of advanced vehicles
popularly called the "UFO vehicles".
How "cloud UFOs" (also "fogs" and "rains") are generated by UFO vehicles:
The principle of technical generation of fogs
and clouds by UFO vehicles is described
more comprehensively in several monographs
on totalizm - for examples of such descriptions
see subsections LB2 and H5.4 from volumes
(respectively) 10 and 4 of my newest
monograph [1/5],
or at least subsection H5.4 from volume 4 of
monograph [8e/2] "Totalizm".
Part #C:
My personal experiences with "cloud-UFOs":
A "cloud-UFO" above Wellington, New Zealand:
Around Friday, 18 March 2005,
the city of Wellington - means the capitol of New Zealand, started to be
troubled by very strange fog. It was thick like milk. It was hanging
over Wellington near to the ground, forming a thick and motionless
layer several hundred meters high. In spite that rather strong winds
were blowing in Wellington at that time, this cloud of fog would not move
nor lift. Only periodically it disappeared for a brief period of time (I
believe that UFOnauts had then a brake in their activities), in order
to fall soon on this city again. It lasted above Wellington stubbornly
for almost a week of time. It lifted itself only on Wednesday afternoon,
on 23 March 2005. During the time it lasted, it paralyzed completely
the communication of Wellington with the rest of country, making
car traffic extremely difficult and causing that for several days airplane
flights to Wellington airport needed to be cancelled. The disturbances
caused by this fog are described in numerous articles that appeared
at that time in New Zealand newspapers. (As an example see the
article "Fog set to hang around" published in a New Zealand newspaper
"The Dominion Post"
issue dated on Tuesday, 22 March 2005, page 1.)
I personally suspected that
this extraordinary fog is NOT of a natural origin. My believe was that it
was caused technologically by UFOnauts, who was completing then
in Wellington some activities on the surface of the ground. With the
use of this fog UFOnauts hide their presence over there for several
days. After all, I knew already then about other cases when UFO
vehicles formed similar fogs in order to hide their presence and
activities. (An example of such cases is the event described in subsection
VB4.5.1 from volume 17 of my older monograph [1/4]. Namely, in 1915,
in Gallipoli (Turkey), a UFO induced a powerful fog, into which an
entire company of soldiers marched in sight of numerous witnesses,
in order to be never seen again. This company was known as the
"Sandringham Company".) I also already knew the principle of
fogs formation by UFOs. I described this principle in subsections
LB2 and H5.4 from volumes (correspondingly) 10 and 4 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
So when this extraordinary fog paralyzed the city of Wellington,
I kept my eyes and ears open. I wanted to find a proof, that it was
caused technologically by a UFO. And in fact this proof appeared in
front of me.
When one day this
extraordinary fog started to lift (probably because UFOnauts had a
next break in their activities), I was just sitting in my office in front of
a computer. The window which I have by my desk overlooks Wellington.
So periodically I was lifting my eyes from the computer screen in order
to see through the window how this fog is lifting. Soon after 3 p.m. the
fog disappeared almost completely. Only small patches of it stuck
to buildings of the Wellington city. But above Wellington still a thick
layer of clouds prevailed, which looked approximately like clouds
from "Fig. #D1" below. When a subsequent time I looked more
carefully at these clouds, I noticed in them a familiar shape of a
"cloud-UFO", that I already knew from my earlier observations.
I have not noticed what exact time it was then, but for sure it
was still long before 4 pm. Before this point of time I did not
analyze carefully a part of the sky in which this "cloud" was located.
(After all, earlier the sky was concealed by the dense fog.) So I am
not able to say when exactly this "cloud" arrived to that place. Before
I spotted this "cloud", it could already hover in this place for many
hours, or perhaps even for several days. The interesting thing is,
that it hovered approximately above the place, where the New
Zealand Parliament is located, which was just in session. Could
it be possible that UFOnauts were interested in this session?
Pity that I do not know way to learn what kind of law the parliament
was passing at that time. I continued my work, from time to time
looking at this "cloud-UFO". At the height that it hovered a powerful
wind must prevail. This is because all other clouds drifted fast with
this wind. But this one cloud stood exactly in the same spot all the
time, as if it was "anchored". However, the wind kept disturbing quite
fast its almost ideal discoidal shape. After it was disturbed it looked
untidy - as it is shown in photograph from "Fig. #C1". So every several
minutes this "cloud" went through a cyclical transformation. From
a disturbed and irregular, it rearranged itself into a perfectly discoidal
with a smooth surface. When at 5 p.m. the time had come to finish
my work and to go home, almost all other clouds from this thick layer that
initially was extending above Wellington, were already moved beyond
the horizon. Only several small clouds were still left above Wellington,
plus this rhythmically renewing itself discoidal "cloud-UFO". After I
returned home I immediately grabbed my photo-camera in order to
photograph this "cloud". Unfortunately, other buildings of Petone
disallowed me to see it. So I needed to walk around a half of kilometre
from my flat into shores of the Wellington harbour, where nothing was standing
between me and the "cloud". I photographed the "cloud" from over there.
As it turned out, the photo of it was the last on my film. (I had no a
replacement film - UFOnauts visibly always have a "luck" in avoiding
being well photographed.) So in spite that I intended to photograph
this "cloud-UFO" in several subsequent stages of the cyclical transformation,
I had no film. Thus I only observed what happens next. After further
around 15 minutes, during which the "cloud-UFO" was undergoing
several further transformations of self-renewal of its shape, the "cloud"
did NOT renew its subsequent disturbing by wind and gradually diminished.
In the place where it stood "anchored" for over 2 hours, then appeared
a blue, clear sky. Here is how looks this only photograph of the
extraordinary "cloud-UFO" from Wellington, which I managed to take
that afternoon:
Fig. #C1: The centre of this photograph shows a "cloud-UFO" which I observed
for over 2 hours as it hovered above Wellington - the capitol of New Zealand.
I (i.e. Dr Jan Pająk) photographed it myself in March 2005. This cloud for sure
hid a UFO vehicle inside. It demonstrated almost all behaviours which are
described in item #G1 below. What is most interesting, that this UFO appears to
hover right above the building of the New Zealand Parliament, which was in
session at that time. It would be interesting to know, what kind of law was passed
in the Parliament that particular afternoon.
(Click on the above photograph in order to see it enlarged.)
The city of Wellington (i.e. the capitol of New Zealand) is visible below this "cloud-UFO".
It is captured in view from shores of the sea harbour that extends from the centre of Wellington,
up to the suburb of this city - i.e. the settlement named Petone in which I currently live.
Between buildings in the centre of Wellington (located under this "cloud"), especially
in the right side of Wellington, non-dispersed remains of this extraordinary dense fog
are still visible. This fog was formed technologically by UFOs and it troubled the city for almost
a week of time. In the left lower corner of the photograph still the rest of this thick layer of clouds
is visible. At the time of my first sighting of the "cloud-UFO", that thick layer of clouds prevailed
along the entire sky above Wellington and Petone, means from the horizon to the horizon.
The "cloud-UFO" captured on this photograph initially was just only one out of numerous
clouds from that thick layer. During over 2 hours of time when I carried out my observations
of the "cloud" shown here, the thick layer of clouds was pushed by wind beyond the horizon.
Simultaneously, the "cloud-UFO" captured on the above photograph was hovering all the time
in one and the same place, as if it was "anchored". Also, in spite that all other clouds from that
thick layer continually changed their shape and size, this "cloud-UFO" kept almost unchanged
shape and always was approximately the same size. Because the powerful wind continually
tried to disperse it, every now and again it renewed its original, UFO-shaped appearance,
returned the initial smoothness of the surface, and returned to the same, original size. In fact,
the above photograph captured this "cloud" in almost the last phase of the dispersion by wind.
Soon afterwards it was undergoing through a next transformation that returned it to the
original, UFO-like shape and to smooth outlines of the surface. On the above photograph
it is shown in almost the most disturbed state which it reached always just before a cyclical
renewal of its UFO-like shape. In around 15 minutes after taking the above photograph (which
turned out to be the last photo on my film), and after undergoing several further cycles of
dispersion by wind and returning to the original UFO-like shape and smooth surface, the
"cloud-UFO" captured on the above photograph rapidly diminished into nothingness, still
without moving from the spot in which it hovered for so long.
* * *
At this point it is worth to realize,
that such a huge UFO vehicle hovering above a capitol of a country in a cloud
formed technologically, is introducing to people a number of dangers and
threats. The most scary out of these threats is the fact, that we really
do not know what type of sabotage this UFO vehicle carries out during the
time when it hides inside of that cloud. After all, it can telepathically
force selected people to undertake specific decisions or actions, which
are contradictive to interests of humanity and interests of a given country.
It may just carry out abductions of people into vast interiors of this space
vehicle, where these people are subjected to various forms of biological
exploitation, robbery of their sperm and ovule, hypnotic pre-programming
of their views and actions, etc. - for details see the web page
available through
"Menu 4",
or see subsection OC1 from volume 13 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
This UFO may also remotely induce deadly cancers in selected inhabitants
of a given city, by using on them the murderous "device for inducing cancer",
which UFOnauts have in their disposal, and which is described in details
in subsections K5.2 and V5.3.3 from volumes (respectively) 9 and 17 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
Of course, the threats introduced by such a UFO vehicle hidden in a cloud
do not limit themselves to these listed above. After all, we must remember
that at any time into such a cloud may fly a passenger airliner which just
passes above the city. In such a case this airliner would simply disintegrate
into pieces. In turn, the fault for this disintegration would again be blamed
by hypnotically manipulated "experts" onto supposed "whirls of the clear air"
described in subsection V7 from volume 12 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
(After all, in the present intellectual climate of a blind condemnation of everyone who
says anything about UFOs, no "expert" would risk loosing his job by revealing
that a given airliner disintegrated because of a collision with a UFO -
even if evidence for such a collision would be obvious and visible to
everyone - as an example see the web page
"26th day",
which presents equally obvious evidence that tsunami of 26th December 2004
was caused by UFOs.) We must also remember, that the sole capability of UFOs
for mass production of fog is a serious threat to people as well. After all -
as this was demonstrated by a UFO vehicle captured on the above photograph
"Fig. #C1" several hours before that photo was taken, if such a UFO vehicle
descends close to a city, and initiates the generation of large quantities
of fog, then in such supposedly "natural" manner just on its own it is able
to sabotage the entire communication and entire activities of that city.
* * *
The intriguing aspect of the above photograph
is also, that relatively close to the point from
which it was taken, I have found one amongst
these famous in the entire world
plastic ducks adrift in ocean currents.
My internet research suggest, that the duck
which I have found drifted to the beach in
Petone from as far as eastern coasts of the
USA - for information about its fate see the
caption under "Fig. #M1" from the web page
telekinetics.htm -
that illustrates and describes the appearance
and identifying marks of that duck. For this
reason, that duck provides an illustrative evidence
that radioactive pollution from the explosions
of nuclear reactors in Fukushima, Japan, also
with the elapse of time are to spread around the
entire world, harming these inhabitants of practically
every country, which practice the
punishable by God,
highly immoral
philosophy of parasitism -
as I am trying to warn about this in items #C7,
#I1 and #B5 of the web page named
My sighting of a ring-shaped inception of a "cloud-UFO" above Wellington, New Zealand:
In less than two weeks after the date
of taking the above photograph, most probably I had an opportunity to observe
how UFOs form just such a "cloud-UFO". That particular day I went for a walk
along the same beach from which I photographed the cloud from "Fig. #C1".
I still had freshly in my memory this photographing, so I carefully looked
at the sky above Wellington in the area where this cloud hovered the other
day. It was a cloudy day and the entire sky looked as if was covered with
a kind of grey screen. The bottom surface of this screen was smooth and
it was impossible to distinguish on it any contours of individual clouds.
Rapidly, near the same area in which the other day this cloud that I
photographed was hovering, means significantly below this grey screen,
a ring-shaped cloud appeared of a perfectly white colour. It had an ideally
round shape. It looked almost like a silver wedding ring, only that it was
made of white water vapours instead of metal. The appearance of it was
rather abrupt. It resembled to me a game of forming a circle from smoke
by cigarette smokers.
Simply initially was nothing in that place, then seconds later there was
already a snow-white cloud shaped like a ring. Only that this ring was not
a solid one, but it was composed out of over 20 segments of identical size
and shape, that were mutually separated with small spaces in between them.
I thought that each one of these segments must be formed by a separate
side propulsor of this UFO, and that I should count how many of them is there -
so that I could determine what type of the vehicle is generating them. But
before I managed to begin my counting, the entire volume of space surrounded
with this ring, rapidly filled up itself with white water vapour. Thus it
formed a solid, disk-shaped cloud, which was very similar to the cloud shown
in "Fig. #C1". All this happened very fast. From the moment when this first ring
appeared, until the moment when a complete discoidal cloud was hovering on
the sky, only around 20 seconds elapsed. Interesting in this cloud was the
snow-white colour of it. This colour somehow stunned and collided with the
surroundings. After all, above this snow-white, discoidal cloud, a whole
screen of grey, non-transparent clouds was spread. So the logic was
suggesting, that this newly formed cloud should also have a grey colour,
similar to that from the grey screen above it. But it was completely white.
At the moment when it formed itself into a complete disc of a "cloud-UFO"
- almost identical to the one captured on "Fig. #C1", I though that just to
be sure I will watch it for the next around 15 minutes, before I turn back
home to find my photo-camera. I knew that if during next 15 minutes of
observation this cloud does not change its discoidal shape, then this
will mean that it is a cloud formed technologically by a UFO, not a
natural cloud. But it looked as if this "cloud" read my thoughts. After
a short while it started to dissolve into nothingness, in order to completely
disappear from the view in a few seconds. The manner and the speed with which
it disappeared were identical as these observed earlier on the cloud
from "Fig. #C1". The complete transformation, means from the moment when
the first white ring appeared on the sky, to the moment when the final
discoidal cloud disappeared completely from the view, lasted very shortly
- I estimate that in total only around 1 minute. Because of such a fast
appearance and disappearance of that cloud, at that stage I was not
absolutely sure that whatever I was observing was in fact a formation
of a technological cloud by a UFO vehicle. But several attributes of
that phenomenon suggests, that most probably what I observed then was
in fact a formation of a "cloud-UFO" - only that immediately after forming
this cloud UFOnauts decided to fly in another place. One out of such
attributes was the fact, that this cloud appeared in almost the same
place in which I previously photographed the "cloud-UFO" from "Fig. #C1".
Such a repetitive appearance of it in the same place is consistent
with habits of UFOnauts - as we know them. From other UFO observations
we know, that if UFOnauts are interested in some object on the ground,
they keep arriving in the same place for relatively long periods of time.
Another such attribute was the fact, that the entire process of formation
and subsequent diminishing of this cloud happened so fast. Normally clouds
need many minutes for such a process, not just seconds - as this was the
case with the cloud that I observed.
That this was in fact an observation
of a "cloud-UFO" in making, was confirmed just several days later. It happened
on Tuesday, 5 April 2004. In morning that day the weather above Wellington was
perfect - one could NOT see even a single cloud on the entire sky. After I
arrived to work I had a look through window and again I noted the familiar
discoidal shape of a "cloud-UFO" that hovered high in the sky above the
building of Parliament. But that day I had classes with my students from
9 a.m. until 12 noon. And as usually my photo-camera was left at home.
So all that I could do at that stage was to have a good look at this "cloud",
and then I needed to go for my classes. During both breaks in classes
I purposely approached windows that pointed towards Wellington, to check
whether this "cloud-UFO" still hovers above the Parliament. All the time it
hovered in exactly the same spot and in exactly the same shape. When my
classes finished around 12 in noon, I returned fast to my office. Over
there I checked again whether the "cloud" still hovers in the same place.
It hovered unchanged in exactly the same place where I saw it since shortly
before 9 a.m. Because it was just time for my lunch, I decided to switch
my computer off, and to go home in order to take my photo-camera,
and photograph this "cloud-UFO". The process of switching computer
off lasted just several seconds. After
I switched it off, I looked again in the window. The "cloud" was NOT
there any more. It disappeared literally in several seconds, when I was
turned towards my computer. (Previously it was hovering in exactly
the same place for over 3 hours.) This abrupt disappearance of it confirmed
conclusively, that this my previous sighting of a rapid appearance and
a rapid disappearance of a discoidal cloud, was in fact an observation
of the technological formation of a cloud by a UFO vehicle.
Part #D:
Photographs of "cloud UFOs" posted to me by readers of this web page:
On 23 March 2005, one of readers of my
monographs, who used the pseudonym
universalis - email:,
send me the following photograph of a cloud, about which
he claims, that he discovered a UFO vehicle hiding in it.
Because the shape of the cloud send by him to me in fact
does correspond to shapes of "cloud-UFOs" that I know of,
I decided to publish his photograph on this web page.
Here is how this photo looks like:
Fig. #D1: A photograph of a cloud, the shape of which corresponds
to shapes of clouds formed technologically by UFOs in order to
hide inside of them from the human sight.
(Click on the selected photograph in order to see it enlarged.)
This photograph was send to me by a reader known as
universalis - email:
To the left an entire original of this photograph is shown.
On the right side, a copy of this photo is shown on which
the exact spot is marked in which, according to
a UFO vehicle was hiding.
When I asked the person
who took this photograph about place and circumstances of taking
it, I received the following explanation - in my translation from
his email (in Polish):
"it was taken in Argentina by one member
of our unofficial club of UFO fans. We discovered that for unknown
reasons UFOs prefer to visit tropical areas, especially both
Americas. My colleague was led to the place of this photograph
by a local guide, who said that very frequently in these regions
flying saucers can be seen, which tend to damage crops. As one
may see from this photograph, this field was scorched during a
landing of a flying saucer."
Hanging "fir-tree" configuration formed from "cloud-UFOs":
Another interesting photograph of a "cloud-UFO"
posted to me for interpretation, is shown below as "Fig. #D2". Unfortunately, I received it without
details of the author who took it. So I am unable to ask about circumstances of taking it.
Thus for the time being I am showing it here without providing details of the origin of it.
However, I would like to reassure the viewers, that in my searches I had many opportunities
to observe strangely behaving "cloud-UFOs" (unfortunately, almost always I had no
photo-camera handy in such situations). In a large proportion of these observations,
clouds that hide UFOs inside displayed shapes very close to the shape that is illustrated
below in "Fig. #D2".
Fig. #D2: Here is a photograph of a
"cloud-UFO" in the shape of the configuration of UFOs
which in monograph [1/5] is called a "fir-tree" complex.
(Click on the above photograph in order to see it enlarged.)
Only that on the above photograph this configuration hovers in the "hanging position",
instead of the "standing position" in which usually we see the forest fir-trees.
Detailed descriptions of such "fir-tree" configuration are provided in subsection
G3.5 from volume 3 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
In turn principles on which such a configuration is formed,
are illustrated in Figures G8 (2) and P11 from my newest
monograph [1/5].
Polish photographs of a "cloud UFO" in the shape of a ring:
On 9 March 2009 I received an email from
another reader of this web page, who photographed
still one more "cloud-UFO" - this time in the
shape of a ring. Because his email explains
practically everything, below I am repeating
it in its entirety (just only after translating it
myself into English) - together with two
photographs of the Polish ring-shaped
"cloud-UFOs" that were enclosed with this
email. To facilitate the fast reading of
the email, the most evidential part of it -
which describes circumstances of taking
both photographs, is
framed in blue lines.
The only thing that I should add to descriptions
of Mr JG, is that I myself also saw in New Zealand
a ring-shaped "cloud-UFO" of the appearance
and attributes almost identical to his cloud -
i.e. the one that is described and illustrated
below. For descriptions of my sighting of just
such ring-shaped "cloud-UFO" see item #C2
* * *
Good day,
I am enclosing two photographs with this email.
Please do not publish my email address. For
purposes of identification I agree to publish my
initials - JG, I also added these initials onto both
photographs. Herewith I agree that Jan Pajak
uses both these photographs, and text provided
below, without payment for the non-commercial
research purposes and scientific publications and
for adding these materials to his own works with
mentioning the author (JG). This my agreement
is valid forever.
I am the author of these photographs. They
were taken in 2003 or 2004 in Lublin (Poland).
I remember the phenomenon itself, and I
am going to describe it below. Unfortunately,
I have a lack of memory as to where I took
these photographs (i.e. I completely forgotten
where I took them). But this can be established
on the basis of buildings visible in the background.
Photographs probably were taken from the driving
car (although I am NOT sure of this) while I was
the passenger of this car. Photographs show two
frames of the same phenomenon and probably were
taken from two different spots not far from each other.
Photographs were taken with the camera build-into
the handphone Nokia 7650 and I am presenting them
in the original (unfortunately not very good) quality -
but just such were capabilities of this camera.
The phenomenon was visible with the naked eye
and visually it was more spectacular than on the
photographs. Here is my first impression and
later conclusions.
Notice: in spite that the sighted figure according
to principles of geometry is NOT a ring, I am
going to call this phenomenon a ring, as I suspect
that the initial geometrical form of it was a ring (before
the trail in the shape of a ring started to diminish
and become an arch).
a) The ring was positioned (in my subjective
feeling at the moment of my sighting) noticeably
lower than the condensation trails of jet airplanes.
In my opinion the ring was stationary (meaning
it would not move).
b) In its composition the ring resembled a condensation
trail from jet airplane - but it was composed like from
huge number of small clouds which formed a ring with
smooth edges. But jet airplanes do not fly in circles.
c) In the vicinity of the sighting area there is no
airport for jet airplanes so no such airplane could
circle in there. The city of Lublin does NOT have
a real airport yet, although such an airport is just
being planned.
d) In the city of Lublin there are no air-shows.
Even if these would take place that day, still
they would NOT be organised above the densely
populated area, but rather somewhere beyond
the city over farmland, which surrounds Lublin.
e) From the Earth this "ring" looked to me circular,
not elliptical as it seems to be on the photograph.
The lower this ring was formed, the more elliptical
it should appear for the witness who sees it under
an angle from the level of the ground.
f) When I first saw this phenomenon, the ring
was already unclosed one (i.e. had a break in it -
so from the point of view of geometry it was just
an arch of a circle) and as time elapsed the trail
g) The diminishing of the trail looked similarly like
diminishing of the condensation trail of a jet airplane -
"clouds" disappeared in the air as time elapsed, and
their thickness become lesser.
h) It is worth to add that at the moment of taking
the photos, with naked eye was visible much more
than on the photograph - the "ring" was more closed
one (i.e. the arch sighted was much longer) but because
of low quality the camera apparently did not capture this.
In the place where the ring disappears, with naked eye
still was visible a thinner strip of "clouds", thus I am sure
that initially this figure was a closed ring.
i) What interesting, probably this trail disappeared
on both ends simultaneously - as time elapsed,
instead of just from one end as this would take
place in airplane trails (although I am not absolutely
sure of this, as a lot of time elapsed). I consider
this to be quite a significant detail as even if the
ring would be formed by an airplane flying in
circles, this trail should diminish only at one end
of it (this thicker one), similarly like the condensation
trail of airplanes diminishes first from the end where
the airplane arrived first. If the phenomenon that I
observed originated from a jet engine then two airplanes
would need to start from the same point and then
meet in a common point on the "opposite" end
of the ring.
j) The photograph with a street lamp visible was taken
earlier, while the photo with a traffic sign - later.
They were taken in a gap probably around teen
seconds. Unfortunately the camera did not write
so-called EXIF and thus the exact establishing the
time elapsed between photographs is not possible.
But it is possible to carry out a simulation in order
to check how much time is necessary to drive
such a distance by a car - if the exact spot can
be established.
k) When I was close to finishing the sighting,
only a half of ring was still visible, the trail
was quickly diminishing. My time of sighting
amounted to around a minute. I deduce from
this, that the entire phenomenon could be visible
maximum 2 to 3 minutes.
Up until now I found no rational explanation
for this phenomenon. Never before, nor
never later, I saw something similar.
Kind regards, JG
Fig. #D3: Two photographs of a cloud shaped
like a ring taken by JG. My own sighting of almost identical
ring-shaped "cloud-UFO" like that above is described in
item #C2 of this web page.
(Click on the selected photograph in order to see it enlarged.)
Polish photographs of a "cloud UFO" very similar to the "cloud UFO" photographed above the parliament of New Zealand:
In May 2009 another reader posted to me
next photographs of a "cloud UFO" photographed
above Poland. Below, in "Fig. #D4" I am
showing these photographs. This cloud manifested
a shocking similarity to the cloud which I
photographed myself above the building
of New Zealand parliament, and then show
in "Fig. #C1" from the beginning of this web
page. Here is how this particular Polish reader
describes his sighting and photographing
of that extraordinary cloud - quoted are
sections from his emails.:
Several days ago by a "coincident" I managed to
take two clear photographs of a non-typical "cloud".
These photographs were taken with a handphone
camera which has one amongst the best (in
handphones) integrated digital cameras. Furthermore,
this camera was stolen from me by a thief already
a next day. When I realised that the handphone
was stolen, I started to chase the thief, but strangely
he disappeared into the thin air behind a house
corner. A couple of days later I recognised the
thief in a Police database - but the investigation
seems to last forever. Fortunately I managed to
copy the photographs from the handphone the
same day as I took them.
The evolution of the "cloud" I was watching for
only around several, or perhaps ten minutes, as
this was the all time that I waited on the tram-stop
for the tramway in which I am going to work everyday.
The weather that day was, as I remember it, windless,
thus clouds, in the short-term would NOT move
in a noticeable manner along the sky. When I
was returning from the work, around 8 hours after
taking these photographs, of course the "cloud"
that I photographed earlier was NOT there anymore,
nor any other cloud captured on the photograph.
Please take a notice of following points:
almost an ideally fluent transition of the tone
(gradient) that results from varying density of
the water vapours at edges of the "cloud", please
compare edges of the cloud generated technically
with edges of a natural cloud that existed below it -
which edges are clearly distinguishable.
the "cloud" is located in a highly unnatural manner,
this looks as if it intentionally tried to hide itself
behind another cloud, from potential onlookers
on the Earth,
the "cloud" was located in the straight line, in a
distance not greater than several hundred meters
from my flat, and it was located on the side at which
windows of my flat are directed, i.e. thus by looking
through any window in my flat I would see it for sure,
the theft of my handphone looked like work of
a professional. If NOT the fact that I realised
about it a few seconds too late, I would catch the
thief for sure, but to my surprise the thief still
managed to escape in spite that I was nearing
to him while running only around 20 meters
behind him - he disappeared from my sight
only at the moment of turning sideways in place
where I live and thus which I know perfectly; i.e.
when I emerged from behind the corner of a building
the thief already was not there. It is also significant
that the handphone was stolen from me in a distance
of around twenty meters from the place in which
I took photographs discussed here, as well as not far
from the house in which I live.
On the other hand, I copied photographs into my
computer a day earlier, so the theft of the handphone
only makes impossible taking further photographs
in similarly unexpected situations.
Thus, the message should say approximately as
follows: "you were deprived the tool with the use
of which you acted against our interests and you
potentially could act again in the future - if we would
NOT remove this tool from you".
Fig. #D4ab: Photographs of a "cloud UFO"
taken in Poland above the city Łódź with a
photo-camera from handphone. This photo
was taken and made available for showing
here by Mr.
Bartłomiej Kotlewski - email:
The captured cloud shown a multilevel similarity
with the clod from "Fig. #C1" which was photographed
by myself in New Zealand above the Parliament
buildings from Wellington.
(Click on the selected photograph in order to see it enlarged.)
Fig. #D4a (left):
The first amongst two takings of this cloud.
Fig. #D4b (right):
The second taking of the same cloud photographed
a minute later.
Part #E:
"Cloud UFOs" are a global phenomenon and a global problem:
What other people noted about "cloud-UFOs":
Although only the
"Theory of the Magnocraft" created theoretical foundations for
explaining puzzles of the "cloud-UFOs", many people on various
occasions for a long time noticed, that there is a connection of
some sort between clouds and UFOs. Even if these people did
not mature yet for an open admitting that UFOnauts technologically
create clouds in order to hide UFO vehicles inside of them, still
they managed to accumulate a vast body of interesting observations
about these technologically formed "cloud-UFOs". They also have
taken a lot of photographs. So let us now summarize here the most
vital information that are already available in Internet on this subject.
Here they are:
(a) A "cloud-UFO"
forces president Bush to hide inside of an underground bunker.
On Friday, 29 April 2005, British
The Guardian,
published an article entitled "Incoming cloud forces Bush into safe
bunker". This article for a long time could be found on the internet
web page,12271,1472905,00.html.
It stated that a dense cloud that flew with the speed of a helicopter
in the direction of White House, on 28 April 2005 caused an alarm
forcing the President's guard to move him into the underground
bunker, and placing into a shooting readiness the anti-aircraft
cannons on roofs of buildings from the neighbourhood of the White
House. It was the first such case after the famous 11 September
2001, when the President was forced by someone/something to
evacuate to the bunker. (Notoriously, as this was the case in
September 11 - see the web page
also this time it was again a UFO vehicle which was the original
source of the problem.) The UFO-cloud materialized around 30 km
south from Washington. On radar screens it appeared as a solid
object which repetitively was shown on the radar and then rapidly
kept disappearing. So it was suspected that the cloud could hide
a camouflaged attack on the White House, similar to the attack of
11 September 2001.
A similar information
about this "cloud-UFO" was also repeated in an article available on the
Unfortunately, none of these articles provided photographs of this
extraordinary cloud.
According to the "Theory of the Magnocraft", this cloud was appearing
on radar screens as a solid object, because it contained a UFO vehicle
inside which was flying in the "state of telekinetic flickering". This vehicle
every now and again changed the level of its visibility from being completely
invisible to people, into becoming temporally fully material. In times when
the UFO vehicle which hide in that cloud assumed the complete material
state, the radar detected its trajectory directed towards the White House
and initiated an alarm. More about the "state of telekinetic flickering" in which
this UFO carried out its flight towards the White House is explained in subsection
LC3 from volume 10 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
Between us, it becomes extremely intriguing why
in April and May of 2005 UFO vehicles displayed this
continuous interest in centres of power of subsequent countries.
After all, as this is explained in item #C1 above, at that time similar
"cloud-UFOs" hanged relatively frequent above governmental buildings
and parliament of New Zealand.
Highly interesting in all this
matter of raising an alarm in the White House by a "cloud", is that this was
the first such serious alarm since the famous 11 September 2001 - means
since the date when UFOnauts evaporated
buildings in New York and attacked the Pentagon. However, on 11 May 2005,
means just several days after publishing the above description on this web
page, unexpectedly almost an identical alarm was caused by a small
aeroplane, the pilot of which supposedly "got lost" above Washington D.C.
(Taking under consideration, that this "getting lost" again occurred in a
highly meaningful date of 11th, it is easy to deduce that also this time
UFOnauts were hiding behind it, and used it to subtly pass their message.)
For me personally this second alarm looks like "diverting the attention" type
of reaction of UFOnauts to their previous "error" of causing an alarm by a
"cloud" which pointed the attention of society at the fact that UFO vehicles
are able to hide inside of clouds. This is because the meaning of this second
alarm lies in interest of UFOnauts as it conveys the information of the type
"see, an alarm in the White House is nothing unusual". The article about this
second alarm of 11 May 2005, is published, amongst others, on web pages politics/11cnd-plane.html? 8bl=& pagewanted = print and stories/2005/ 05/11/national/ main694514.shtml.
(b) A "cloud-UFO"
troubles a group of hikers. In June 2002 a group of American hikers
went to First Creek of Red Rock. In the return trip they noticed this
discoidal cloud which continually kept changing its highly regular,
discoidal shape. At one time it looked like a single disk, while at
other times it appeared to be a pile of two, and also three, separate
disks placed one on the top of other. These transformations lasted
for around 20 minutes, then the cloud rapidly disappeared. After
reaching the car which was parked not far from this cloud, the group
discovered that the car has difficulty with ignition. When they finally
managed to start it, on the return trip home the car several times
interrupted the proper operation. After the second interruption it
refused completely to ignite again - so they were forced to push it
to a nearest petrol station and ignite it there from an accumulator
of another car. After driving a part of further way, they noticed another
cloud similar to the previous one. When they photographed it, their
car rapidly stopped. A next day in workshop it turned out that the car
had burned alternator and completely exhausted battery. The description
of the entire their encounter with this cloud (in English), together with
colour photographs of that "cloud-UFO" that chased them so stubbornly,
in May 2005 were presented on the web page
The phenomenon of changes in the number of disks that constituted
this cloud, that was observed and photographed by the group, in fact
represented the coupling and decoupling of further vehicles to the
"flying cigar" of UFO vehicles that already hovered in that spot. (An
example of such a cigar is shown in Figures G1(c), G6/1, and G7
from my newest
monograph [1/5].)
Problems with the ignition of their car resulted
from the fact that the UFO vehicles which hide inside of this cloud
operated in the so-called "magnetic whirl mode of operation" that
chocks the electric circuitry. In turn the fact that the cloud initially
disappeared and then appeared again, suggests that UFO vehicles
which hide inside of it harboured some dirty intentions towards this
particular group of people. (On the basis of information which I am
providing in item #G1(e) below, I personally suspect the entire this
group was then abducted into the UFO, only that after the abduction
their memory was thoroughly erased. After all, during a hiking through
an unpopulated area, that they just carried out, it is quite easy to loose
the track of time and also it is easy to be abducted into a UFO without
realizing what actually has happened.)
(c) Evidential
significance of photographs of "cloud-UFOs" available in Internet.
In the completely disclosed form, UFO vehicles extremely rarely allow
to be seen and photographed by people. After all, if someone sees
and photographs a metallic UFO vehicle, then there is no doubt
that whatever is seen actually is an extraterrestrial space vehicle.
While UFOnauts at all costs try to make impossible for humanity
to realize the fact that Earth is secretly occupied by these morally
decadent cosmic creatures. But a completely different matter is
with UFO vehicles hiding inside of clouds. Most surely UFOnauts
believe that people are too stupid and too preoccupied with their
"down to Earth" activities, to notice these unusually looking and
behaving clouds. Therefore, after hiding their UFO vehicles in
such technologically generated clouds, UFOnauts behave completely
unrestricted and do not avoid being noticed nor photographed. This
is the reason why until now in Internet there is a huge number of
photographs of such "cloud-UFOs" made available. In turn the
availability of these photographs provides UFO researchers with
a significant body of evidence, which may be subjected to various analyses
and interpretations. After all, the general appearance and behaviour
of these "clouds-UFOs" discloses to us the appearance and behaviours
of UFO vehicles that hide inside of them. In turn phenomena that are
observed on these "cloud-UFOs" provide us with a perfect evidence
for deducing technical capabilities of UFOs, their principles of operation,
and phenomena which these vehicles are able to induce. For example,
from these photographs of "clouds-UFOs" available in the Internet one can
deduce and confirm shapes of individual UFO vehicles, types of
coupling which these vehicles form most frequently, habits and behaviours
of UFOnauts, objects of their interests, and many more vital information
about our cosmic occupants. All these information patiently awaits in
Internet for people with open minds, who will bring it to the daylight
and publish it for the benefit and knowledge of other people.
Investigators who wish
to analyze, extract or interpret data coded into photographs of such "cloud-UFOs",
already now have in their disposal extremely rich empirical evidence.
This evidence can be easily found and viewed with the use of present
"search engines". For example, the "search engine" named "Alta Vista"
is able to find and show to them entire galleries of photographs of
various "cloud-UFOs" displayed in Internet. On order to view an
example of just such a gallery of photographs of "cloud-UFOs",
it is enough to click on the link to "Alta Vista" provided below,
which was prepared on 2nd May 2005 (I do hope that it is still
going to work correctly until today):
Of course, after finding photographs of "cloud-UFOs" that interest us,
still we need to subject them into analyses and interpretations which
are to bring to the light the information coded into them. Amongst a
large number of possible subjects of such analyses and interpretations,
the most basic one is to determine the type of UFO vehicles which
hide in a given cloud-UFO, and also determine a type of coupling
that these UFO vehicles use to cling to each other. How to accomplish
this, we can explain on an example of the "cloud-UFO" of rather
meaningful shapes, that originally was displayed on the web page,
while here is shown on Figure "Fig. #E1" below. Types of UFO vehicles
which hide inside of this cloud are disclosed by comparison of the
shape of this cloud with shapes of individual types of UFOs shown
in drawings from Figure G19 in volume 3 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
As the comparison reveals, this special "cloud-UFO" hides inside one
UFO vehicle type K7, and one UFO vehicle of type K6. (Please notice
from subsections G4 to G4.7 in volume 3 of my newest
monograph [1/5],
that the exact shape of subsequent types of UFO vehicles is strictly defined
by a set of mathematical equations that result from the principle of
operation of their propulsion systems. So if one knows this shape,
then is also able to determine the type of the UFO vehicle that is
just seeing. For a UFO type K7 this external shape is shown in
Figures G10, G17(c), G19, G39 in my newest
monograph [1/5].
Furthermore, an approximate appearance (drawn from the memory of abductee)
of either this UFO type K7, or a UFO of slightly bigger type K8, is
shown in Figure 12 from the Polish treatise [3b]. In turn the exact
shape of a UFO vehicle type K6 is shown in Figures G7, G17(b),
G19, G24, G25, G39 of my newest
monograph [1/5].)
Both these UFO vehicles are mutually coupled with each other in a flying configuration named
"zigzag". (The general appearance of such a "zigzag", but formed from
two vehicles type K6, is shown in Figure G11(b) from my newest
monograph [1/5].
It is also described in subsection G3.1.4 from volume 3 of
my newest
monograph [1/5].)
Fig. #E1: An example of a "cloud-UFO" with very meaningful shape
which is almost identical to the shape of a large UFO vehicle type
K7 coupled into a "zigzag" configuration with a half of its size UFO
vehicle type K6.
(Click on the above photograph in order to see it enlarged.)
In May 2005 the photograph of this cloud together with the description
of it was available on the web page
It was taken on 19 June 2001. The shape of it very closely
resembles the shape of a UFO vehicle type K7 flying in a
standing position. Under the side propulsor below the right
half of this large UFO type K7, a half smaller UFO vehicle
type K6 oriented in a hanging position is coupled. The water steam
that is technologically generated by this smaller UFO vehicle
type K6, has slightly different physical parameters from the
water steam generated by the larger UFO vehicle type K7.
Therefore the rays of sunlight that shines on these two kinds
of steam, produces two different shades of the pink colour.
This in turn allows to distinguish which cloud of water vapours
is generated by which of two UFO vehicles. Notice also that a
thin layer of water vapours that hides both these UFO vehicles
from the sight of people, was slightly deformed by the wind.
Thus the shape of this "cloud-UFO" is slightly disturbed in
comparison to true shapes of both UFO vehicles that hide
inside of it.
Part #F:
UFO vehicles which hide inside of "cloud UFOs" are dangerous for people:
"Cloud-UFOs" are lurking dangers as on command from UFOnauts they can unleash murderous tornados:
If someone observes
typical "cloud-UFOs", then these appear as if they are completely
harmless. Just unimposing, regular, usually chalk-white clouds.
However, as I explained this on a separate web page which in
"Menu 2" is marked
in these clouds a deadly danger is stalking. On commands
from UFOnauts which control these UFO vehicles, such
"cloud-UFOs" can quickly transform into deadly tornados.
Then from innocently looking clouds they turn into roaring
monsters which destroy and kill everything onto which
UFOnauts direct them.
The principle
on which such innocently looking "cloud-UFOs" transform into
deadly tornados is explained in details on a separate web page
But in order to summarise here, at least very briefly, the descriptions
provided over there, this principle boils down to intercepting by
a UFO hidden in such a cloud, the nearest "low-pressure whirl
of counter-matter". (What are these "whirls of counter-matter"
is explained in subsections H4.2 and LB1 from volumes
(respectively) 4 and 10 of my newest
monograph [1/5].)
These low-pressure whirls of counter-matter could be compared
to huge loops formed from an extraordinary substance which are
spinning in a separate world, and which are penetrating through our
planet. (More illustratively they could be compared to colossal
snakes made of counter-matter, which spin around the axis of
rotation that runs along their own spine cords, while they bite
with their jaws ends of their own tails thus forming single closed
loops with their spinning bodies.) In the areas where these
spinning loops of counter-matter penetrate through Earth's
atmosphere, they intercept particles of the air, thus forming huge
circulations of the air. On weather maps shown in our TV these
circulations are illustrated as circular winds that rotate around low pressure
areas which prevail in their centres. An interesting attribute of these huge
low-pressure whirls of counter-matter, is that they can be intercepted
by magnetic circuits of a large UFO vehicle, and then narrowed down
to just several (or a hundred) meters. In case of just such narrowing
down of a low-pressure whirl, the normally slow moving air
that is propelled by this whirl accelerates significantly and receives
huge velocities and power. In the result, this UFO vehicle (or
a Magnocraft) which intercepted and narrowed down a given
low-pressure whirl, forms a "technological tornado" from it.
The tornado is then directed onto a building which the crew
of this UFO vehicle wishes to destroy. Of course, people who
witness this tornado are unaware that it is NOT natural at all,
but that it was formed technically by a UFO vehicle. After all,
the UFO vehicle which generated it is hiding from people inside
of a "cloud-UFO" from which this tornado emerges. So through
creating such technological tornados UFOnauts are able to secretly
destroy any object on Earth, while people have no clue what really
hits them. Unless people manage to learn how to distinguish
such technological tornados formed by UFO vehicles, from natural
tornados. This is because such tornados formed by UFOs must
display a whole array of attributes, which have no rights to appear
in natural tornados. These attributes result either from characteristics
and principles of operation of UFO vehicles which control them,
or from phenomena utilised by UFO vehicles for generating such
technical tornados. For example, these tornados always must have
a "funnel" the appearance of which depends on the magnetic pole
directed towards Earth in the main propulsor of the UFO vehicle
which created them, they always emerge from a low-flying
"cloud-UFO", always on their "funnels" characteristic offshoots
shaped into "membranes" appear, also always their behaviour
is "intelligent". The complete list and explanation of attributes
which characterise these tornados induced technologically by
UFO vehicles is presented on a separate web page named
I personally know for
a long time these tornados formed by UFOs. I described them already in
various publications of totalizm. Unfortunately, so-far I had no photographs
which I could present in Internet to illustrate their attributes and behaviours.
By a fortunate coincidence, such photographs finally were forwarded to me.
One series of them illustrates a tornado that was formed by a UFO on 16
May 2005, near the township Bunbury in Western Australia (i.e. around
50 kilometres south from Perth). Attributes of this tornado coincided with
characteristics of tornados induced technologically by a huge UFO vehicle
that was flying in a "hanging position". For example, the trajectory of this
tornado by a "strange coincidence" was passing "intelligently" along the
densely populated and well developed areas of the Western Australia.
The "funnel" of this tornado was looking like the one formed by the outlet
from the "N" pole of the UFO main propulsor directed towards the ground,
and had characteristic "membranes" which are formed during a hanging
orientation of the UFO vehicle which formed them. (In Australia the
single UFOs which are flying in a "hanging position" always direct
towards Earth the "N" magnetic pole of their main propulsor.) In turn
the cloud which generated this tornado had a UFO-shaped,
bulging-downward dome, which is consistent with the hanging
orientation of the UFO vehicle which generated this tornado.
Below I present for viewing both, photographs
of this tornado generated by a UFO, as well as
explanations what these photographs show. After all,
they provide us with a rational knowledge about one more destructive
and hidden use of UFO vehicles against humanity. As such, these
photographs give us to hands a learning tool which may initiate
an effective self-defence of humanity against these hidden attacks
of UFOnauts. These photographs and explanations are addressed
to all people with open minds, who wish to know "what really is
going on around them", which intend to watch atrocities committed
on Earth by morally decadent UFOnauts, and which intend to undertake
self-defence against attacks of these evil aliens. So now I suggest to
firstly look at these highly evidential photographs shown below as
"Fig. #F1", then I recommend to shift onto a different web page named
where one can learn detailed interpretations of these photographs
and also learn attributes of tornados generated technologically by
UFOs. On this separate web page one can also verify via personal
analysis the message and information which I am trying to forward
and illustrate with the use of these photographs.
Fig. #F1a, b, c, and d: Here are four photographs of the same tornado
formed technically by a large UFO vehicle, which ravaged the town of
Bunbury in Western Australia on Monday, 16 may 2005. The detailed
explanation of principles on which "cloud-UFOs" generate such
murderous tornados, as well as descriptions of attributes which
characterize such tornados induced technically by UFO vehicles,
are presented on a separate web page named
Analyses carried out on that separate web page reveal, that the
above tornado was induced technically by a huge UFO vehicle,
most probably of a K10 type, which was flying in a "hanging
position" with the "N" magnetic pole of the main propulsor directed
toward the ground. Therefore the above photographs represent
a highly illustrative evidence which reveals that many tornados are
formed by such unique "cloud-UFOs", means by clouds the
behaviours and shapes of which coincide with those of UFO vehicles.
In order to see more clearly each of the above photographs, it is
suggested to click on it to make it enlarged.
The tornado captured on the above photographs caused huge destruction.
Many "strategic" objects were affected by it. In May 2005 articles which
mention it were placed at the following Internet addresses australia/wa/ bunbury/200505/ s1369342.htm and story/ 0,10117,15302795-26618,00.html.
I should complement
the above with the information, that a cloud looking very similar to the
above one, most probably also hiding a UFO vehicle type K10 flying
in the "hanging position" with the "N" magnetic pole of the main propulsor
directed towards the ground, generated in New Zealand a tornado
which looked almost identical to the above one. This New Zealand
tornado also had a short, transparent, and jagged "funnel", which
was spinning in the "clockwise" direction. In Thursday, 10 March 2005
it attacked and destroyed a part of the New Zealand township
Graymouth. An amateur film of this tornado from Graymouth was later
broadcasted in all TV news of New Zealand. (Unfortunately, it is not
known to me that a photograph of it was published anywhere - although
the description of the same tornado was published in New Zealand
newspapers, e.g. see the article "Rumble, a flash, then it struck" from
page 1 of the New Zealand newspaper
"The Dominion Post",
issue dated on Friday, 11 March 2005.)
Numerous people are abducted, or even taken forever, by discoidal "cloud-UFOs":
The case of abduction of a Swiss citizen to a
described in item #A2 of this web page, is not
the only such a case known to us, when people
were abducted (and frequently even taken forever)
to the UFO vehicle which in order to hide from
people surrounded itself by a cloud of technically
created vapours. A most widely known such
a case concerns the disappearance of an
entire company of soldiers. It was the so-called
"Sandringham Company". It disappeared
in Gallipoli (Turkey) in 1915. In sight of numerous
witnesses it marched straight into a cloud of yellow
fog, to never be seen again. This "Sandringham
Company" was an elite military force formed from
workers and servants of the private residence of
the English king. It means it was composed of
people who after the First World War would have
a significant influence on the politics of the British
Empire. So the most clearly UFOnauts did NOT
want that these disillusioned about the war people
had any political influence in England. The unusual
history of this company - together with clumsy efforts
to explain rationally their mysterious disappearance,
was presented in the British TV documentary drama
(film) entitled "All the King's Men". (This documentary
film was broadcasted in New Zealand in channel 1
of TVNZ, on 23/4/00, at 20:15 to 22:05.) The fate of
it I also reported in subsection VB4.5.1 from volume
17 of my older
monograph [1/4].
It is worth to mention, that soon after the war, at the
personal intervention of the Queen of England, in
Turkey an investigation was conducted in order
to determine what actually had happen with this
entire company of soldiers. It was suspected that
Turks took them all for prisoners of war (after all,
they disappeared without firing even a single shot).
But Turks had NOT know anything about the fate
of this company. Most clearly UFOnauts abducted these soldiers
for good. Although during this investigation an unique
watch (a personal gift from the king) was found, which
belonged to one of officers of this company. But it is
known that in order to mislead people, UFOnauts
have the custom of fabricating this type of "evidence"
in areas where they committed their crimes - as this
is explained in descriptions of methods of their cunning
activities on Earth, provided in chapter VB from
volume 17 of my older
monograph [1/4].
Thus, most probably this watch was intentionally
dropped again to Earth by UFOnauts in order
to confuse again the inquisitive people who carried
out this investigation.
The case of this famous disappearance of the entire
company of soldiers was described in the book
by Viktor Farkas, entitled "Unexplained phenomena" -
1988. This book reports the exact course of the abduction
of this company of soldiers by a UFO vehicle which
surrounded itself with a cloud formed technically.
This course was observed by 22 soldiers from the third
platoon of the field company no 1 of the New Zealand
expedition corpse, from the trenches on the post
"Rhododendron", around 2,5 km to south-west from
the Hill 60 in Gallipoli.
Other examples of people abducted by UFOs
forever are described in item #C4 of the web page about
bandits amongst us.
Part #G:
"Cloud-UFOs" should be researched, not ignored:
Let us summarize attributes of "cloud-UFOs" described on this web page:
Such "cloud-UFOs" created technologically,
the purpose of which is to hide UFO vehicles inside, are displaying a whole array of
interesting attributes. Our knowledge of these attributes is vital, because it allows us
to distinguish such "cloud-UFOs" from ordinary clouds of natural origins. During my
observations of these technological "cloud-UFOs" to-date, I already managed to establish
some of their attributes. I am listing below these attributes, which are already known
to me:
(a) UFO-like shape.
The shape of "cloud-UFOs" is defined by principles of their technological
formation. In turn this principle depends on giving to magnetic circuits of
a UFO such frequency of vibrations, that particles of water vapours present
in the air fall into resonance and form droplets of fog - for details see subsection
LB2 from volume 10 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
For this reason, "clouds-UFOs" always assume the shape of magnetic circuits
that are wrapped around UFO vehicles. In turn these magnetic circuits approximately
correspond to shapes of UFOs themselves, only that are more rounded than
sharp corners of UFO shells, and simultaneously deprived of all concaves.
The shape of magnetic circuits of UFOs forms the so-called "ionic picture of
a whirl", which is described in details in subsection G7.3 from volume 3 of
my newest
monograph [1/5],
and which sometimes on UFO photographs are taken for
shapes of UFOs' surfaces. (As an example of such "ionic picture of a whirl"
captured on a photograph, see Figure P20 from volume 14 of my newest
monograph [1/5].)
Because of the above reasons, the thick "clouds" that are formed technologically
by UFO vehicles in order to hide these vehicles inside, always assume shapes
approximately similar to shapes of UFOs that hide inside of them.
(b') The ability to maintain the same
shape, size, and consistency for many hours. Because the shape of "cloud-UFOs"
is defined technically by the shape of magnetic circuits of the UFO vehicles that hide
inside of these "clouds", this shape does NOT change with the elapse of time. So,
if there is no wind in a given time, or just only a very weak wind blows, the shape
of such a "cloud-UFO" looks as if it is "frozen", i.e. it does not change at all with the
elapse of time. Thus such "clouds-UFOs" keep exactly the same, unchanged
shape for many hours, means practically for the entire time in which UFO vehicles
hide inside of them. Even if these clouds change their motionless hovering into
a flight, still their shape, size, nor consistency does not change. This ability of
"clouds-UFOs" to maintain unchanged shapes for many hours, distinguishes
them decisively from natural clouds, which in normal circumstances continually
change their shape and consistency.
(b") The ability to cyclically
regenerate the original shape, size, and consistency, if a strong wind tries to
blow apart such a "cloud-UFO". In case when a strong wind tries to
disperse these "clouds-UFOs", they display an extraordinary ability for
undergoing a cyclical transformation which always brings to them their
original shape, size, and consistency. Description of the case, when during
over 2 hours I observed just such continuous cyclical transformations of a
"cloud-UFO", is provided in item #C1 above. The "cloud-UFO" that I observed
then went through such transformation that renewed its shape repetitively
every several minutes.
(c') The ability to hover
motionlessly above the same spot for many hours. As it is known from
everyday observations, the majority of natural clouds always slowly drift
with winds. In turn "cloud-UFOs" described here show the tendency to
hover exactly above the same spot for many hours, as if they are
anchored in there.
(c") The ability to intentionally
float in directions which may collide with the direction of the wind.
In one case of my observation of such a "cloud-UFO", described in item
#A2 above, the UFO vehicle hiding inside of this cloud apparently observed
our research team. So when participants of this team sat into cars
and drove back to Dunedin, the "cloud-UFO" flown together with us.
It travelled parallel with us with the same speed as our cars (i.e. in open
areas with the speed of around 100 km/h, while in human settlements
with the speed of around 50 km/h). The direction of motion of this cloud
was slanted at least 90 degrees in relationship to the direction of (not
too strong) wind which drifted other clouds in a different direction. During
the flight this "cloud-UFO" still maintained its original shape, size, and
thick consistency.
(d') The physical uniqueness
of water vapours that form these "cloud-UFOs". The principle on which UFO
vehicles form clouds that later hide them, differs from the principle on which
natural clouds are formed. (I.e. the water vapours formed technologically
around UFO vehicles is condensed due to a magnetic resonance, not due to
the existence of "seeds".) In turn, this difference in physical properties of vapours
of these clouds, is the source of a whole range of their unique attributes. For
example, these "cloud-UFOs" almost always have slightly a different shade of
the colour than natural clouds that surround them. Furthermore, subsequent
parts of these clouds may mutually differ amongst themselves by a shade, if
they are generated by UFO vehicles of different types in which magnetic fields
have distinct resonance characteristics (this difference in shades is perfectly
illustrated on photograph from "Fig. #E1".)
(d") The ability to disappear
from the view within just around 20 seconds. Water droplets that are
formed by UFO vehicles in order to generate technological clouds for hiding
purposes, also seem to be several times more volatile than droplets of water
from natural clouds. (Perhaps this too is caused by the fact that they are
formed without "seeds" and kept in the state of visible vapours exclusively
due to resonance of magnetic fields.) Therefore, if a UFO vehicle ceases
to maintain the permanency of these droplets with the use of its magnetic
field, a given "cloud-UFO" disperses from our view completely within
just around 20 seconds. In turn natural sizeable clouds require at least several
minutes in order to disperse completely. This practically means, that in
one moment of time we may look at some area of the sky and see a sizeable
"cloud-UFO" in there. (Of course, we may not be aware at that point in time
that there is a UFO vehicle hiding inside of that cloud.) Then we may look
for a brief while into a different direction and when we again look at the
same spot, there will be no even a slightest trace of this previous cloud.
So if one day we notice such a rapidly disappearing cloud than this
means that we just saw a "cloud-UFO" described on this web page.
(e) The ability to perform
a function of the sky "transition port". One or two UFO vehicles of a
large type, which hide in just such motionlessly hovering "cloud-UFO",
can constitute a kind of sky "transfer port" for a whole fleet of other UFO
vehicles. In last days of April 2005 I had an opportunity to witness myself
for about an hour the operation of just such a "port for transfer of loads"
that hovered motionlessly high in the sky above Wellington in New Zealand
(as it usually happens when the fate gives me an opportunity to watch UFOs,
I had no camera with me). Subsequent UFO vehicles of this "port" surrounded
with white clouds, were hovering one exactly above the other, in a mutual
distance of around 1/3rd of their diameter. Most probably they were magnetically
coupled together into a configuration which in subsection G3.1.3 from
volume 3 of my newest
monograph [1/5],
is described under the name of "detached
configuration". In the first moment when I spotted them, there were 4
such "cloud-UFOs". They looked like a kind of four-stepped ladder or stairs
formed from four crescent-shaped clouds of identical shape, size, and
chalk-white colour. After around 5 minutes, one (the highest) out of these
white crescents rapidly disappeared. Then another (lowest) also disappeared.
So remained only two identical crescent-shaped clouds separated from each
other with a wide free space. Then it turned out that these two formed a kind
of "dock" for this motionlessly hanging sky "port", to both sides of which every
now and again further UFO vehicles were docking in order to fly away again
after around further 10 minutes. And so, after around 5 minutes to these two
clouds again arrived another white crescent, and soon later still another.
So again there were 4 of them. After around 10 minutes firstly disappeared
one of the arrived, later another one. Then alternately kept arriving to, and
depart from, both ends of these two central vehicles further UFOs. It looked
exactly like these two central vehicles mutually coupled into a "detached
configuration" constituted a kind of busy, sky port, to both ends of which
every now and again further identical UFO vehicles were arriving, only
to depart after a fast reloading their content. After they departed, next UFOs
were arriving to take their places, and so on. I personally believe, although
I am not able to prove this, that the UFOs that kept arriving and depart
after only around 10 minutes, were transporting people abducted to these
UFOs from the Wellington region. This is because only the reloading of
one or several people to (or from) these two motionless "plants processing
human sperm and ovule" could be carried out in such a brief time of around
10 minutes, for which each of the newly arriving vehicles stopped in this sky
port. Interesting was also that in the sky not one but two such "processing
spaceship" hovered continually - as I believe one of them extracted sperm
from males abducted to it, while another one extracted ovules from females
abducted to it. The entire spectacle described above finished for me after
around an hour of watching, when a layer of thick natural clouds that
floated much below this "transfer port" with the elapse of time hide it
from my sight completely. So I was not able to watch further activities
of it. Several days later from the case described in item #E1(b) I learned
that such "cloud-UFOs" linked together like "steps of a ladder" rather
frequently are observed while they carry out the function of such "sky
transfer port" for people abducted to them. In such cases one or two
motionlessly hovering UFO vehicles hidden inside of clouds that mask
their presence, are performing the function of the "processing plant for
human sperm and ovule", while the remaining UFO vehicles repetitively
deliver to this processing plant, and then take back from it, people that
they abduct from the area above which they hover.
* * *
All "cloud-UFOs" which I observed
in my life, or about which I heard from other investigators, always demonstrated
the presence of at least one attribute from each above classes (a), (b) and (c),
and in some cases they also demonstrated attributes (d) and/or (e). In turn
the presence of such attributes in a cloud, quite conclusively indicates, that
this cloud could NOT be formed in a natural manner, but must be formed
and controlled technologically.
Notice that to me
(i.e. the author of this web page) are NOT known all circumstances
of taking subsequent photographs shown here. So in not all cases
I am able to give my full guarantee, that all clouds shown here in
fact were formed by UFOs and contain in themselves UFO vehicles.
However, in spite that I am not able to give such a guarantee, still
I make sure that every single one out of photographs indicated here
in fact shows the shape about which from my empirical observations
I know for sure that it corresponds exactly to shapes of "clouds-UFOs".
Thus, all examples of clouds shown here relatively well illustrate how
these "clouds-UFOs" do look like in reality. Of course, if I know evidence
which supports our certainty that a given cloud was actually formed
technologically by a UFO vehicle, than I am providing here this
It is worth to complement
the above with the information, that the formation of technological clouds is
not the only method with the assistance of which UFOnauts hide their UFO
vehicles from the sight of people. Other equally frequent method of such hiding
of UFO vehicles is "parking" them inside of underground caves. This other
method of hiding UFO vehicles underground, is described in more details
on separate web pages , i.e. on a web page about
and on a different web page about the Polish city of
Part #H:
The problem of "authenticity" of UFO photographs and recommended by the
method of solving this problem:
The "authenticity" of UFO photographs and sightings represents a serious problem, because UFOs are favourite subjects of scams, falsifications, fabrications, jokes, etc.:
Because UFO vehicles are so illusive and
so stubbornly hide from people their
continuous activities on the Earth, with the
elapse of time UFO become the favourite
subject of fabrications, falsifications, jokes,
cheating, hoaxes, etc., for swindlers of all
kinds. After all, these swindlers know jolly
well, that because of the illusiveness of UFOs
there is a very small chance that their hoaxes
are ever discovered. On the separate web page
memorial.htm - about methods with which UFOnauts themselves undermine the evidential value of authentic photographs of UFOs,
is illustrated how difficult and how serious is
this problem of detecting scams and determining
the authenticity of UFO photographs. So each
time when someone is carrying out research
on UFO sightings or UFO photographs, it is
necessary to address simultaneously the problem
of authenticity of photographs or input data for
the research. Below I am going to describe the
method which I use for addressing the matter
of authenticity of UFO photographs.
The method of confirming the "authenticity" of UFO photographs and sightings is explained in the
Bible authorised by God Himself:
In item #C5 of the totaliztic web page
bible.htm - about the Bible authorised by God Himself,
is described an excellent method of gathering
relatively true information from input data
which typically may contain various lies,
errors, deviations, or intentional misleading.
This method of determining the truth recommended
by the Bible states that "on the confirmation
of two or three witnesses shall every matter
be established.". In other words, the Bible
recommends that all our actions we should always
base on the information which is certified NOT
just by a single source, but at least by two sources
of information that are independent from each
other, while whenever possible, even by three
or more such sources.
How I use practically the biblical method of confirming the "authenticity" of UFO photographs and UFO sightings:
Because I myself carry out a lot of UFO
research, in my investigations I always
apply to them the biblical method of
determining the truth described above.
But because I was unaware that this
method is recommended by the Bible,
in my UFO research I developed myself
the same method independently of the
Bible, and I did it in two different versions
of its use. The first use of my own version
of the same method which I developed
independently from the Bible, boils down
to gathering and to researching possibly
the largest number of UFO photographs
and descriptions that originate from entirely
different sources, and which all confirm
exactly the same truth. After all, when
the number of these UFO photographs
and descriptions is very large, then even
if later turns out that one amongst these
photographs or descriptions was falsified,
still a given truth is confirmed by further
amongst these photographs and descriptions
which were NOT falsified. A best example
of the use of this first version of the biblical
method of establishing the truth is my
formal scientific proof for the existence
of UFOs which in its entirety was published
in subsection P2 from volume 14 of my my newest
monograph [1/5],
while briefly it is summarised on the web page
Another version of the previously explained
biblical method of finding the truth, which I
developed independently from the Bible a long
time before I learned that this method is also
described in the Bible, is the use of just only
one UFO photograph, but with the simultaneous
confirmation of the truth of whatever this photograph
captured with the aid of data that originate from
several other sources (i.e. from several other "witnesses").
For example, if any detailed mode of operation
of a UFO vehicle was captured only on a single
known to me photograph of a UFO, then this
same mode of operation I am trying to confirm
additionally through verifying (1) whether the
theory of the vehicle of my invention called the "Magnocraft"
allows this mode of operation to be generated by the
propulsion systems of magnetic vehicles, and also
the same mode of UFO operation I try to confirm
through finding (2) a report of some eye witness
who saw with his own eyes a given phenomenon
that is captured on the photograph. Examples of
the use of this second version of biblical method
described here, is illustrated on the web pages
explain.htm and
When shown here photographs of "cloud UFOs"
are concerned, the authenticity of each one of
them was verified with the use of this second
version of my method - described also in the
Bible. Namely, although in my own case I
have no access to appropriate laboratory
and equipment which could allow me to verify
whether a given photograph is really authentic,
still each one amongst photographs of "cloud
UFOs" shown on this web page fulfils the following
conditions: (1) I myself witnesses with my own
eyes the formation of a "cloud UFO" similar to
the one captured on a given photograph and
I myself confirmed through the analysis of my
own sighting that this "cloud" displays attributes
which arte typical for technically generated clouds
which hide UFO vehicles inside; (2) a section of the
"theory of Magnocraft"
confirms that a given shape of the "cloud UFO" (or
a given destruction inflicted by the landing of a UFO
on a crop field) can in fact be caused by UFO
vehicles which use the UFO propulsion system.
Due to subjecting all UFO photographs that are
publish on any web page of totalizm, including
this web page, to the verifications described
above, the following statement applies to each
one amongst these photographs: even if the
author of any UFO photographs published on
web pages of totalizm committed some undetectable
fabrication and intentionally captured on his photo
something completely different than a UFO vehicle,
then still the general shapes and phenomena which
are registered on this photograph are also formed
by UFO vehicles in a real life. Therefore, even
if later it is to turn out that a given photograph captured
something different than a UFO vehicle, still this
photograph simultaneously constitutes a visual illustration
for a specific phenomenon and specific shape which
also is formed, amongst others, by UFO vehicles.
Uses of the above biblical method of finding the truth in disciplines
other than just UFO research - e.g. for finding whether God does exist:
The method of finding the truth explained
above, which is described in the Bible and
which was also developed independently
by myself, is equally effective in all possible
applications - not just only in relation to UFO
sightings and to UFO photographs.
In order to illustrate this high effectiveness,
let us now demonstrate the use of it for another
commonly appearing case, when in everyday
life we need to choose between two mutually
contradictive opinions. Most frequently met
such a case, are claims of atheists that "God
does NOT exist", and opposite to these claims
of believers that "God does exist". When we
hear such mutually contradictive opinions,
out of which only one can represent a truth,
of course each one of us would like to know
which one of them agrees with the truth. A good
example of one amongst such claims is described
in item #A2 (part 8) of the web page
timevehicle.htm - about time, time vehicles, and about principles of shifting back in time.
As is explained in there, a well-known scientist,
Professor Richard Dawkins from the Oxford
University, contributed his private finances
for placing on city busses from London the
following advertisement: "There's probably
no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your
life". Let us omit here any considerations
regarding the moral appropriateness of such
advertisement, which encourages that instead
of imposing on one's life the requirements of
leading morally correct behaviours and practicing
love of other humans, it rather suggests to
gorge in pleasures and enjoy life according
to the principle "riot your life out - there is
no hell". In this item of the web page let us
consider how much such an advertisement
on busses misses the truth - after the merit
of it is verified with the biblical method
described before.
As it is explained on several web pages of totalizm,
e.g. see item #D1 of the web page
for very vital reasons God hides from people
the fact of His existence. But in order to instigate
a human curiosity and research, God simultaneously
provides people with well hidden numerous items
of evidence and many confirmations, which all
prove that in reality God does exist. Unfortunately,
many people cease their inquisitiveness on
realising that God does NOT manifest to them
openly the fact of His existence. These people
are fast deriving to a hasty conclusion that
God does NOT exist. What even worse, these
people frequently try to impose their hasty
views onto others. Because there is quite a
few such people who fail to carry out their
own searches for God, while all of them act in
almost an identical manner, from the point of view
of logic all of them represent a single "group
witness" the view of which can be expressed
by the general claim that "God does not exist".
On the other hand, we have a lot different people
who are not satisfied with realising that God
did NOT show Himself to them. These people
seek God actively. Many amongst them encounter
various evidence for the existence of God, and with
the elapse of time they become sure that God does
exist. These other people represent a different
"group witness" which confirms that, after all,
"God does exist". Furthermore, each independent
category of evidence which certifies for the
existence of God, also represents another
"witness" that confirms the truth that "God
does exist". So let us now list at least several
examples of such different "witnesses", each
one amongst which confirms the existence of
God, and each one of which contradicts views
of these people who claim that God does not
(1) If we ask the opinion of a large number
of believers, then probably almost each one of
them is to express the opinion that the advertisement
of Professor Dawkins misses the truth because
God really does exist. After all, each believer in
one or the other way have found his or her personal
proof that God does exist. In turn, according to
research presented in item #F2 of the web page
and also in item #D1 of the web page
in God believes over 90% of people.
(2) If we check archives of numerous
religious institutions that exist on the Earth, for
example archives of the Catholic church, then
it turns out that each religion noticed thousands
of different items of evidence for the existence of God,
for example thousands of so-called miracles
which could occur only then when God does
exist. An example of the miracle which I saw
with my own eyes is described, amongst others,
in subsection I3.5 from volumes 5 of
monograph [1/4] and
monograph [1/5].
In turn an array of other events from my own life,
which also could be qualified as "miracles", is
described in item #H2 of the web page named
(3) Several formal scientific proofs for
the existence of God were already developed.
Four such formal proofs are presented in subsections
I3.1 to I3.4 from volumes 5 of
monograph [1/5] and
monograph [8/2].
In turn briefly these proofs are described in
item #B3 of the web page
god.htm - with scientific answers of the secular philosophy of totalizm to basic questions about God.
(4) Identified was already a huge pool
of scientific evidence for the existence of God.
Only a small fraction of this ocean of evidence
is described on the web page
(5) The scientific
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
revealed, that there is a place in the universe in
which God lives and in which people are unable
to detect Him. This place is called the "counter-world".
The same "theory of everything" indicates the natural
mechanism which caused the self-evolution of God.
This mechanism is described in items #B1 to #B8
of the web page
(6) If God really does NOT exist, then
the entire universe would need to originate from
noting - as the official human science insists with
its "theory of the Big Bang". (According to this
theory, before the Big Bang nothing existed,
means there was no space, no mass, nor no
time. In turn after the Big Bang everything
originated from this nothing, means from noting
comes space, from nothing comes matter,
and from nothing comes time.) But if God
does exist, then God created the visible part
of the universe from the invisible substance
called "counter-matter" - as this is described
in the Bible in verses that are indicated
in item #C12 (part 5) of the web page
bible.htm - about the Bible authorised by God Himself.
Because the science itself teaches us that from
"nothing" has no right originate "something",
this means that God must exist in order to be
able to create the visible part of the universe
from the invisible "counter-matter".
(7) The commonly known principles of
logic clearly reveal to us that God must exist.
Namely, according to logic, God can only (a)
exist, or can (b) not exist. There is no third possibility.
In both cases, namely when (a) God exists,
and when (b) God does not exist, the operation
and phenomena of the universe would clearly
differ from each other in several vital details.
For example, if we consider the operation of
the universe in which God does not exist, then
it turns out that all events in this universe would
have to have exclusively physical character. In
turn if we consider the operation of the universe
in which God exists, then it turns out that would
occur in it both, the physical only events, as
well as events of other characters, e.g. miracles,
spiritual phenomena, supernatural phenomena,
etc. Because it turns out that the universe which
surrounds us in fact demonstrates bot the phenomena,
means physical phenomena as well as phenomena
of other characters, this according to logic excludes
the possibility that God does not exist,
and leaves us with just one alternative - namely
that God does exist (although for vital reasons
God intentionally hides His existence from people).
Notice that numerous examples of phenomena
which have the character different from physical
are described on a number of totalizm web pages.
These include, amongst others, ghosts, miracles,
and other categories of evidence indicated on the
web page
ergonomic attributes of fruits (these attributes
are described in item #D3.1 of the web page
the physical evidence for the discrete (jumping)
elapse of time (described in item #D1 from the web page
the existence of so-called ULT - means the
"universal language of thoughts" in which God
communicates with people, and also in which
people can communicate with animals, vegetation,
UFOnauts, etc. (the ULT is described in item
#B4 from the web page
and many others.
To summarise the above, if we check which one
out of two considered in this item opposite alternatives
expresses the truth, means whether (a) the statement
that "god does exist" that is unanimously confirmed
by all the above "witnesses" and by all the above
"confirming evidence", or (b) whatever states
Professor Dawkins, then according to the recommendations
of the Bible the truth is that "God does exist".
In a similar manner the Biblical method of finding the truth described
above allows also establish e.g. that "we all have immortal souls":
Very similar doubts as the ones about the
existence of God, various people have also
about the fact of the existence of immortal
human souls. Furthermore, in the exactly
the same manner as in the matter of the existence
of God, the biblical method described here allows
us to determine where the truth lies regarding
the existence of immortal soul in people. Only
that these "witnesses", or "confirming evidence"
in the matter of the existence of immortal human
soul are slightly different than the ones which
confirm the existence of God. For example,
a formal proof for the existence of soul is the
proof described in item #C1.1 from the web page
In turn the empirical evidence certifying the existence
of soul can be e.g. the appearance of so-called
"death flash" in the moment of dying of
every living organism. (This "death flash" is described
more comprehensively in item #1H7.3 from subsection
H7.3 in volume 4 of
monograph [1/4],
monograph [1/5] and
monograph [8/2];
while its brief descriptions provides item #F2 (part 8) of the web page
and item #F2 (part 8) of the web page
bible.htm - about the Bible authorised by God Himself.)
Part #I:
Source of power which generates "cloud-UFOs":
Simulations by the universal intellect:
has a serious problem. Here He created the
human civilisation, the major ambition of which
becomes to rob from other humans much
bigger wealth than it is necessary to have
a prosperous lives, and then wasting this
wealth for various forms of debauch - which
the same God from the very beginning
forbade in the
Bible that He authorised.
So what this God supposed to do? Should
He allow that this civilisation deprived of moral
brakes destroys itself? It appears that probably
in the last attempt to save the humanity which
He created, God uses the inspiration and
illustration. Namely, through the use of His
abilities of temporally create whatever people
do NOT know yet - as it is described on the
web page
God simulates numerous manifestations and
devices which illustrate to people that there
is much more to life than accumulation of
wealth, seeking sex, and showing off to others
the powers that one have. For example, with
such temporally simulations God illustrates
and shows that
people can shift time back and thus extend the length of their lives infinitively,
or that
people can build vehicles which are going to carry them to other worlds.
A temporary simulation of God aimed at
intriguing people in what humans do NOT
know yet, are Godly simulations of strange
space vehicles popularly known as
UFO vehicles.
In turn an illustration of technical capabilities
of such UFO vehicles is to simulate phenomena
which these UFO vehicles are able to generate,
such as these "cloud-UFOs" described on this
web page, or e.g.
tornadoes and
described on other web pages of totalizm.
In the matter of simulations created by the
universal intellect (God) there is a number
of burning questions which ask for constructive
answers. For example "why such simulations
are created", "what attributes characterise them",
"how they are completed", etc. Thus, in order to
provide replies to most of questions which stems
from these simulations, on their subject there are
numerous publications of the
philosophy of totalizm.
The most comprehensive one amongst
these is volume 6 of the
monograph [8e/2] "Totalizm".
Other, much shorter such publications, include
"part #D" (i.e. items #D1 to #D7) of the web page
ufo.htm - about UFOnauts,
and also "part #F" (i.e. items #F1 to #F8) of the web page
evil.htm - about origins of all evil on the Earth.
I recommend having a quick look at these publications.
Part #J:
Summary, and the final information of this web page:
The summary of this web page:
In order to maintain the cleanness of the swimming
pools, someone invented the liquid which
after being added to water changes the colour
of water into red - if only someone begins
to secretly piss into the water of this pool.
In the result, these people whom with their
urinating try to secretly dirty pools in which
we swim can be immediately recognised and
punished. Unfortunately, so far no-one invented
a substance which e.g. after being added to
the air would change the colour into red when
someone is lying. In the result, so-far we not
always know who tells the truth and who feeds
us with lies. Perhaps this is even better, as
such a substance would probably cause that
the entire Earth's atmosphere would become
red. Of course, in the present situation when
the significant proportion of people do lie, in
ourselves a doubt is rising whether it is worth to
say the truth. The reply to this doubt is provided
by the
philosophy of totalizm.
This philosophy states that if other people do lie,
then with their lying they dirty only their own,
not ours,
After all, according to so-called "moral laws"
in the result of their own lies they themselves
will fall victims of someone's lies one day. In
turn our karma is defined only by what we do
ourselves. So if we ourselves are going to tell
exclusively truth, our karma is NOT going to
be dirty with lies. In turn the fact, that while telling
truth ourselves, we still are exposed to lies of
other people, has no significance. If we tell
truth, then lies of others are unable to harm
us significantly - even when these other people
are believing that with their lies they managed
to cheat us and hurt us. After all, even if a lie
is directed at us, but the destructive energy
of it is unable to harm us, then from our point
of view it is as if the lie does not exist. Furthermore,
lies of other people can be neutralised in
various ways - for example, in each case
it is enough to obey the recommendations
from the Bible described in the above "part #H"
of this web page, and also in item #C5 of the web page
bible.htm - about the Bible authorised by God Himself -
means, it is enough to believe only in these statements
of others, which arrive to us from at least two sources
that are independent from each other.
There is a proverb "illness recognised is half
cured". As it turns out, almost all problems of
our civilisation stem from the fact that a significant
proportion of people lives in everyday lies.
These lies begin from supposedly innocent
matters, lying jokes, or claims which the
stating person did not check but authoritatively
speaks about it. There examples are already
provided in item #A1 of this web page. They
include denials by the official human science
that UFOs do exist. They incorporate the
claims that God does not exist. To such
supposedly "innocent" lies belong also promises
of politicians that after they are elected they
are going to do what they really do not intend
to do. These supposedly "innocent" lies
have such a consequence, that their destructive
energy gradually accumulates in us and it slowly
destroys our civilisation. In the result our civilisation
already now is mortally ill and if it is not subjected
to "healing" it soon may cease to prevail.
We all are aware of the way on which we could
heal the mortal illness of our civilisation - which
depends on living in continuous lies. Namely,
we first need to realise and openly admit
that as a civilisation we really do live in lies.
Then we need to undertake efforts to finish
for good with this everyday lying. In turn finishing
with the lies requires that, amongst others, we
start see and describe the world as it really is.
The first and almost painless step in this direction
would be to understand, that in spite of lies,
cheating, hoaxes, fabrications, double-standards,
and hysteria of some morally deviated people,
there is also a reliable evidence that UFO vehicles
really do manifest their presence on the Earth.
In turn manifestations of these UFOs include
phenomena described on this web page, and
also on a whole range of other web pages of
totalizm, e.g. on web pages
and several further ones. So undertaking an
open and constructive discussion on the
subject of these UFO manifestations is a
first small step which initiates the path of
humanity towards the less lies, and the
same towards a better future for all of us.
Readers are invited to send further photographs of "cloud-UFOs"
which they took, so that these photographs could be commented and
shown to others:
As this is explained in details on a separate
web page named
26th day
available via "Menu 1" and "Menu 2", the very survival of humanity as a
civilization may depend on the fast increase of our knowledge about UFOs and
about hidden manners of UFOnauts' operation on Earth. Therefore, a fast
increase of this knowledge in fact for us is a matter of "life and death".
In turn one of the best methods of such fast increase of our knowledge on
UFOs, is a mutual exchange of information about these extraterrestrial
vehicles, and also a wide dissemination of photographs of UFOs. Therefore,
herewith I am announcing the following appeal to readers of this web page:
If anyone
notices the cloud in the sky, which has perfectly discoidal shape, then
this someone should firstly photograph this cloud, then observe it for
at least 15 minutes. (It is worth to remember about the main rule of
acting during confrontations with UFOs, which states that first
shoot photographs, only then ask questions. The goal is to capture fast
a UFO on a photograph, before this vehicle has a time to fly away and
deprive us opportunity to take a photograph.) If during these 15 minutes
the cloud does not change drastically the discoidal shape - as typically
this is done by natural clouds, than this means that the photographed
cloud is in fact formed technologically by a UFO vehicle which hides
inside of it. If this cloud undergoes cyclical transformations of partial
dispersing by wind and subsequent returning to the original discoidal
shape - as this is described in item "#G1(b)" above, then it would be also
beneficial to document photographically subsequent stages of the
transformation cycle that it manifests. The scan from photographs that
one takes, together with description of the entire observation, please
sent to me so that they can be published on this web page.
It is also worth to remember,
that this web page was created just to allow such
exchange and dissemination of knowledge about the appearance and behaviours of
UFOs. So instead of wasting opportunities when someone witnesses another such
"cloud-UFO", I am encouraging to photograph this "cloud", to take notice of all
details of its behaviour, and to post me an email with a scan from the photograph
and with a description of observations that accompanied a given photograph - so
that I could publish them on this web page.
My most current email addresses, at which such photographs and descriptions
of "cloud-UFOs" sightings could be posted, are provided on the separate web page
which in "Menu 1" and in
"Menu 2"
is named
"FAQ - questions".
However, while sending me such a
photograph and/or a description, please remember to post them to me anonymously,
means without providing your full/true name and address (i.e. as I explained this on
the web page
"FAQ - frequent questions").
If someone incautiously
reveals to me his personal details, then he/she exposes himself/herself to a
danger, that his/her details become intercepted by UFOnauts who censor
and record my entire email correspondence. In such a case his/her fate
may start to take a similar unfortunate course, as this happened to all
participants of that research expedition to Roxburgh, about which I wrote
in item #A2 of this web page.
Even if someone does not take own photograph of a "cloud-UFO",
it is still worth to return to this web page again, after some time elapses:
It is worth to remember about this web page.
From the definition this page is to be subjected to further improvements and extensions,
as soon as further photographs from readers arrive to my hands. (Or as soon as I take
next photographs of such "clouds-UFOs".) Therefore, after some time, it is worth to visit
this web page again. Perhaps by then it is going to already be extended and improved.
Notice that you also can download to
your own computer a source replica of this web page, as this is explained on web pages
FAQ - questions and
available through "Menu 1" and "Menu 2". (In order to download this source replica,
you just need to click in "Menu 1" on the item
source replica of this page.
Note however, that if after such a click the replica does NOT download, this probably
means that on a given web site this replica could not be offered to interested
users because of memory limits of some sort. In such a case it is advisable to
change the web site by using one of addresses listed in "Menu 4" or "Menu 3",
and then to try to download this replica again from a next web site.)
How with the web page named
one can find totaliztic descriptions
of topics in which he is interested:
A whole array of topics equally interesting
as these from the above web page, is also
discussed from the angle that is unique to
the philosophy of totalizm. All these related
topics can be found and identified with the use of
content index
prepared especially to make easier finding
these web pages and topics. The name "index"
means a list of "key words" usually provided
at the end of textbooks, which allows to find
fast the description or the topic in which we
are interested. My web pages also has such
a content "index" - only that it is additionally
supplied in green
which after "clicking" at them with a mouse
immediately open the web page with the topic
that interest the reader. This content "index"
is provided on the web page named
It can be called from the "organising" part of
"Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would
recommend to look at it and to begin using it
systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds
of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to
Blogs of totalizm:
It is also worth to check periodically the blog of
totalizm available at addresses and
(Notice that all these addresses hold the same
blog with the same content of messages.)
On this blog many matters discussed here are also explained with
additional details written as new events unveil before our eyes.
Emails and contact details to the
of this web page:
Current email addresses to the author of
this web page, i.e. officially to
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak,
at which readers can post possible comments,
inquiries, or replies to questions which I ask on
my web pages, are provided on the web page
about me (Dr Eng. Jan Pajak).
That page also provides other commonly used
contact details to the author.
The author's right for the use of courteous
title of "Professor" stems from the custom that
"with professors is like with generals", namely
when someone is
once a professor, than he or she courteously
remains a professor forever. In
turn the author of this web page was a professor
at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them,
from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998,
as an "Associate Professor" from English-based
educational system, while on one university as
a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till
31 December 2007 - means at the last place
of employment in his professional life).
However, please notice that because of my
rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly
reply to emails which contain JUST time
consuming requests, while simultaneously
they document a complete ignorance of their
author in the topic area which I am researching.
Therefore, if the reader sends a request to me,
I suggest to let me know somehow that he or
she actually went through the trouble of reading
my web pages and learning what these pages
try to say.
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Date of starting this page: 25 March 2005
Date of the latest updating of this web page: 12 December 2012
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)