"Stawczyk" is an extraordinary village. It supposedly
exists, but cannot be found on maps nor on lists of
Polish settlements. So practically it does NOT exist.
But I was born in it. Means that in spite of non-existence,
this village exerts its influence onto the world. It affects
us on the same principle as the Polish snake "gniewosz"
described in item #F2 of this web page - which
alters the speed of elapse of time to be able to
move unnoticed, or as these famous creatures
described in item #E1 below, means as e.g. "Yeti" from
Himalaya, "intestine worms" from the Gobi desert in
Mongolia, "Nessie" monster from the Scottish lake
Loch Ness, "dragon" from the lake Cini in Malaysia,
"serpent" from the lake Tver near Moscow in Russia,
"Mkole-Mbembe" or "elephant killer" from the
"Lake Tele" in northern part of Congo, American
"thunder birds", the New Zealand giant lizard
"taniwha", huge "centipedes" from Brazil, and
other life forms which according to science do
NOT exist, but yet exert their influence on the
humanity. Such an "existing non-existence" of Stawczyk
causes in turn that it is NOT only a village which
is impossible to find on maps. It is also a symbol.
Means a symbol of what is invisible or ignored,
but still exerting its influence. This web page is
about the village Stawczyk. Thus it is also about
everything that is invisible or ignored, although
it exerts an influence. All explanations of this web
page are carried out on the example of this highly
symbolic village called "Stawczyk".
Part #A:
Introductory information about this web page:
What is this "Stawczyk":
"Stawczyk" is the name assigned to a small
village from the northern part of Lower-Silesian
Voivodeship in Poland. Stawczyk is located
around 2 kilometres to north-east from a
small Lower-Silesian township in Poland called
However, between Stawczyk and Milicz
flows a small river called "Barycz" - which
is visible both on maps and on the satellite
photo indicated in item #H2 of this web page.
Thus, if someone tries to reach Stawczyk
from Milicz, then is forced to take an indirect
route through the only road bridge in the
area, then move through the suburb of
Milicz called "Krotoszyńska", finally to
pass through the village "Wszewilki".
The distance of Stawczyk from Milicz
along this circular route equals to around
3 kilometres. In the historic sense Stawczyk
is an extremely old village. Probably it is
one amongst oldest villages of Poland
that still exist. Only that previously it was
a part of another equally old village which
presently is known under the name
Regarding the country to which it belongs, then
since times when countries crystallised in the
Europe, the area of present Stawczyk belonged
to Poland. But in 1741 it was annexed by then
kingdom of Prussia (later Germany) - together
with the most of Silesia. It belonged to Germany
until 1945. When the Second World War finished,
in the consequence of that war, in 1945 Stawczyk
returned to the original motherland - i.e. to Poland.
Thus currently it is again a Polish village.
I, means the author of this web page (see the
photograph from "Fig. #H1" below), was born
in Stawczyk and I lived the first 18 years of my
life in there. In my later life I was visiting Stawczyk
as frequently as I could - after all this is my
native village. Furthermore, several generations
of my ancestors on the distaff side originate
from the vicinity of Stawczyk - for more details
see item #B2 on the separate web page
about me (Dr Jan Pajak - autobiographical note).
Thus I consider myself to be a person sufficiently
competent to be able to describe this village. This
web page presents my descriptions.
What are goals of this web page:
The main goal of this web page is to explain
in simple words several strange and mysterious
phenomena and paradoxes which we encounter
in our everyday lives. These explanations are
to be carried out with use of the example of
Stawczyk village, which probably is one amongst
most strange villages of Poland.
This web page describes also the village of Stawczyk,
means the miniature although historically the oldest
part of the village to which it is adjusted and which
is called "Wszewilki". Presently the village Stawczyk
usually is officially named with the double word
"Wszewilki-Stawczyk". However, notice that in
past this oldest part of Wszewilki was called differently,
namely "Stawczyk", earlier "Wszewilki", still earlier
"Cegielnia", while at the very beginning (i.e. before
1945) "Neu-Steffitz", etc.
Part #B:
Each traveler has his starting point from which he
set out into the world - for me it was Stawczyk:
Why Stawczyk village is so important to me that to its description I dedicate this web page:
My fascination with the village Stawczyk stems
from the simple fact, that I was born in that village -
as this is explained in more detail on the web page
and thus that I spent in Stawczyk the most important
part of my life on getting to know its mysteries.
It was in the vicinity of the village Stawczyk that
I personally watched occurrences of a significant
proportion of the miracles which then I described
in item #F3 from the web page named
It was also in Stawczyk that I noted the first principles
which govern over lives of humans, as well as noted
the most important manifestations of human behaviors
that with the elapse of time allowed me to form the
foundations for a completely new philosophy of life,
which many years later I named
Part #C:
Moral symbolism of the village Stawczyk - means the village which originates from persecutions, exists as a symbol of persecutions, and provides illustration for consequences of persecutions:
How "moral laws" cause that "persecutors also persecute themselves":
The philosophy called
discovered that independently from known
laws of physics, the lives of people are also
governed by a different kind of laws called
moral laws. Actually the existence
of moral laws could be deduced from
religions. After all, if these is "justice-loving"
then even a child is able to deduce that this
God must reward and punish all people according
to exactly the same set of principles. Thus, such
strict and always the same set of principles,
according to which God repetitively rewards
or punishes the actions of people, is constituting
"moral laws". Of course, if moral laws are defined
solely as principles of rewarding and punishing
used by God, then the existence and the operation
of these laws would be noticed and acknowledged
only by these people who already learned and
recognise the
extensive body of scientific evidence which confirms the existence of God.
In turn, for example so-called "atheists", would
reject all attempts to define and to obey moral
laws. For this reason, the
philosophy of totalizm,
and also the reversal of it, means the so-called
philosophy of parasitism,
define "moral laws" in a fully secular manner.
After all, moral laws can be easily defined in
a secular manner, because it turns out that
in the physical world exists and acts a kind
of invisible field, similar to the gravity field.
By totalizm this invisible field is called the
"moral field". This field causes, that similarly
like climbing uphill in the "gravity field" requires
putting an effort into this climbing, also
doing anything that is moral, this field makes
difficult and effort-requiring. (E.g. consider
how much effort requires e.g. telling a truth.)
So, due to the existence of this invisible "moral field"
doing anything that is moral requires the contribution
of effort, while doing anything that is immoral
is easy, pleasant, and effortless. In other words,
climbing uphill in the "moral field" changes our
labour into a special kind of potential energy
called the "moral energy" or "zwow", while sliding
down in this "moral field" dissipates this moral energy
from us. In turn from physics we know, that wherever
there is some kind of a field, and some sort of
energy, there must also exist appropriate laws
which rule over the action of this field and the
transfer of this energy. From this particular knowledge
of physics stems the "secular definition of moral laws".
This definition states that "moral laws are laws
which control the transfer of moral energy and
the action of moral field". Due to the formulation
of such secular definition of moral laws, atheists
are also able to accept the existence and work
of these laws. After all, this definition concentrates
exclusively on outcomes of the action of moral laws.
In turn these outcomes can be noticed even by
Moral laws work in a rather extraordinary manner.
If we would like to summarise their action in one
sentence, then we could state that moral
laws restore justice and reward morality
while punishing immorality. This means, that
if for example someone does something immoral,
e.g. persecutes innocent, then these "moral laws"
are swinging into action and restore the justice. But these
laws do NOT restore the justice in the same manner
as people would do it (e.g. through breaking hands
which do the immoral things). These laws have their
own, highly discreet and subtle, methods of action.
For example, instead of breaking hands which harmed
someone, they may cause the bankruptcy of the owner
of these hands, and thus bring through this bankruptcy
the hunger and sufferings which are equal to suffering
inflicted through spreading a given injustice. Or they
cause that the owner of these hands is abandoned
by wife and children, and thus he must suffer living
alone. Or they cause that someone whom this person
loves a lot is going to die. Etc., etc.
One amongst methods of action of moral laws causes
that persecutions always turn a full circle and hit
back the persecutors. In English there is even a
proverb expressing this law, which states that "Curses,
like chickens, always come back home to roost". This
method of action of moral laws is clearly visible if someone
traces the fate of the village Stawczyk described here.
Namely, as this becomes clear from descriptions that
follow, Stawczyk was always persecuted and oppressed
by authorities which are located in the nearby
Therefore "moral laws" worked in such a manner that
outcomes of these persecutions and oppression of
Stawczyk make a full circle and hit back into Milicz.
How this happens, I am going to explain this in
descriptions that follow.
The history of village "Stawczyk": origins from persecutions, continuous experiencing persecutions, illustration of long-term consequences of persecution:
Stawczyk is the village which constitutes a
symbol of unjustified, although continuous
persecutions. After all, this village originates
from persecutions. Furthermore, this village
was persecuted for the entire period of its
existence to-date - even until today. What
the most shocking, in the meantime changed
the country to which Stawczyk belongs, and
also changed the ideology and system of that
country. But persecutions of Stawczyk still
persist. Everyone can notice this persecution -
if is to look around in Stawczyk, and if then compares
the state and situation of Stawczyk with the
state and situation of the nearby village Wszewilki -
which is separated from Stawczyk just by
the width of two rails. After all, the comparison
of Wszewilki and Stawczyk look like a comparison
of proverbial "prince and beggar" - in spite
that in past these two settlements were just parts of the
same village. For example, through Wszewilki
leads a well paved road. In turn all main roads
of Stawczyk are still dust roads in which wheels
(and legs) submerge into sand until axels (and
ankles). Wszewilki have a footpath. Stawczyk has
only sides of dirt roads overgrown with weeds.
Wszewilki have running water from waterworks,
and some houses even have city gas. Stawczyk still
depends on wells and still has no gas. Wszewilki
have a bus stop and a bus connection with Milicz.
Inhabitants of Stawczyk must push pedals when
push-biking to Milicz. Etc., etc. There are numerous
further such cases of neglects and subtle forms of
persecutions, but this web page is NOT the
right forum to pinpoint these.
Knowing about the action of "moral laws" described
in previous item #C1, and being aware that all
persecutions of Stawczyk to-date always originate
from the administrative authorities located in the
nearby town of
it is worth to learn the mechanism with the use
of which the persecutions of Stawczyk are making
a full circle and hit back into the town Milicz. In order to
learn this, we need to learn firstly the strange history
of Stawczyk.
The evidence of persecution of the village Stawczyk,
proofs of which are still visible until today, started
around 1875. Until that year of 1875 the village
"Stawczyk" was a part of the neighbourly village
Means, until 1875 the village Stawczyk was an
eastern half of Wszewilki. In these old times all
farmhouses of Stawczyk were located closer to
the old central square of historic Wszewilki than
at present is located in relation to this central square
the majority of present farmhouses of the village
Wszewilki. In other words, Stawczyk is the better
carrier of the historic traditions of Wszewilki, than
the carrier of these traditions is present village of
Wszewilki. Because of the closeness of Stawczyk
to central square of historic Wszewilki, until the
year 1875 the history of the village "Stawczyk" was
simultaneously the history of the village Wszewilki.
In turn the history of the village Wszewilki the reader
can learn from a separate web page named
Unfortunately, in 1875 the histories of both these
villages separated from each other. Namely, in
1875 was constructed the railway line which led from
Milicz to Krotoszyn and then further to Gniezno -
along the old so-called Amber Route (a
section of this "Amber Route" in past used to run
through the present village Stawczyk). In turn
someone who designed this railway line, utilised
it as a handy tool of destruction aimed at the
former village Wszewilki. Namely, this someone
intentionally so deviated the course of that railway
line, that it turned towards west from the straight
line which it supposed to follow, and it trotted through
the miniature central square of the previous village
Wszewilki. Thus, under the excuse of building this
railway line, an old Catholic Church of Wszewilki
(illustrated on the photograph from the web page
was dismantled, and also dismantled were numerous
public buildings of Wszewilki which hosted the local
industry - and thus which decided about the significance
and the wealth of this village (such as an old hotel,
grain storage, bakery, and a slaughter house). Of
course, until today this intentional deviation of the
railways line towards west, soon after it departed from
the railways station in Milicz, is clearly visible on maps
of Wszewilki, and on the satellite photograph of that
village indicated in item #H2 of this web page. On
these maps and the satellite photograph is also clearly
visible, that immediately after trotting through the
historic central square of the old village Wszewilki,
and after destroying the industry of that village, the
railway line is turning again towards the east, thus
returning at the course which originally it supposed
to follow. If it follow this course all the time, then
it would NOT trot through the central square of the
old village Wszewilki. (The fact, that this trotting
was actually an intentional one and it was viciously
pre-planned, is confirmed by the visible evidence
that if this turning of the railway line was carried out
slightly earlier towards the south, then the railway
would go just by the edge of the town Milicz. However,
in reality the railway station of Milicz is distant
from the town of Milicz by around 2 kilometres.
In turn such a large distance of railway from the
town makes the arrival to the railway station very
complicated and discourages the use of railway.)
Whomever maliciously trotted the central square
of old Wszewilki with the railway line, was NOT
stopping on this act. In addition to the cutting
old Wszewilki into two parts, this someone also
administratively renamed this part of old Wszewilki
which was cut off from the rest of the village by
the new railway line. Thus, starting from then,
this "cut off" part of Wszewilki was renamed with a
different than Wszewilki name of Neu-Steffitz.
Until today it has a different than Wszewilki name -
at present carrying the name "Stawczyk". In this way
the trotting of the central square of old village Wszewilki
with the railway line, become a point in time in
which clearly visible persecutions of Stawczyk have
started, and after which the history of the village-martyr
named "Stawczyk" was separated from the history
of former village Wszewilki.
The mysterious, although well hidden, persecutions
of Stawczyk did NOT finish with the administrative
separation of it from the former village Wszewilki,
but were stubbornly continued even until now.
For example, in the area of present village Stawczyk
(or more precisely on the area of present sport
field of the village Stawczyk) before 1875 organised
were yearly "horse markets" which were famous
throughout the entire Europe. To these horse
markets used to come horse traders from many
even very distant countries. About these markets
I am writing, amongst others, in item #B2 of the
separate web page
about myself (Dr Jan Pajak - autobiographical note).
But around 1890 someone in Milicz decided
administratively to shift this famous horse trading
market from its previous location on the area
of present Stawczyk, into a new location just
by the Milicz town - near the slaughter house
of Milicz. Of course, after shifting the trading
market into a different place, a message spread
throughout the world that Wszewilki do NOT
organise horse trading markets any more. So
horse traders ceased to come to these trading
markets - and in this way diminished the long
tradition of these famous horse markets that lasted
for many previous centuries. Unfortunately, the
taking away from Stawczyk this famous horse
trading scheme was only one amongst numerous
manifestations of this secretive and continuous
persecution. Other manifestations included,
amongst others, the suffocation and forcing
the bankruptcy of the old watermill of Stawczyk,
assigning a name "Neu-Steffitz" to Stawczyk -
instead of the name "Neu-Ziegelscheune" (the
name "Ziegelscheune" is the German name for
then "Wszewilki" - for the correct translation into
German of names of present Polish settlements
see the web page
Within this many centuries long persecution of
Stawczyk, this village did NOT receive even a
permanent name. Administratively it is considered
to be a village that is separate from Wszewilki.
But in practice it has NO a name on its own that
would be accepted by locals. For example, soon
after cutting it off from the former "Ziegelscheune"
(i.e. "Wszewilki"), Germans called it "Neu-Steffitz".
But soon after the liberation it was called "Cegielnia" -
which means a "brick factory" in Polish
(while Wszewilki were then named "Wszewilki").
Thus initially in my birth certificate was written
that I was born in a "Cegielnia" (means in a
"brick factory"). But when (because of this
misleading name "Cegielnia" - i.e. a "brick
factory"), by a mistake to Stawczyk started
to arrive lorries which intended to take bricks
from the "brick factory" located in the nearby
village Stawiec, the name of the village Stawczyk
was changed again into Wszewilki. Thus, my
birth certificates from times of my applications
for university studies started to state that I was
born in Wszewilki. Under the name of "Wszewilki"
the village Stawczyk existed until the end of time
when I lived in it. But around 1964, when I shifted
to the city
the name of this mini-village was changed
again into "Stawczyk". This caused
another lot of confusions, as instead to it,
people landed in a nearby village named "Stawiec" -
and vice versa. Finally, around 1985 someone
dropped into an idea to name this village with
a double names of "Wszewilki-Stawczyk". Under
this inconvenient double name the village Stawczyk
officially exists until today. However, no-one
wishes to use this double name, as it is rather
inconvenient. Therefore the majority of local
people still refer to it under the name of "Stawczyk"
or "Wszewilki". I would suggest that one day
it is named either "Pająkowo" (in order to honour,
amongst others, my Polish origins from this
small village), or named "Pajakville" (in order
to create a bridge between the place of my
birth and the English-speaking New Zealand -
which represents my later citizenship,
traditions, and culture.) After all, the name
"Pająkowo" would finish all problems to-date.
It not only would cut off any further confusion
and would perfectly harmonise with the name
"Wszewilki" for the village from which Stawczyk
originates, but it would also give to Stawczyk
an unique allegoric symbolism. Furthermore,
everything indicates that the fate clearly extends
the present confusion with the name of this
village, until the time when the present Stawczyk
could be named "Pająkowo".
The role of Stawczyk in the controlling of "chi" energy circulation - and thus
in opening or closing the access to significance, prosperity, and happiness for
and for surrounding settlements:
In item #C1 of this web page I described
a kind of intelligent energy which by the
philosophy of totalizm
is called the "moral energy" or the "zwow" energy.
("zwow" is an abbreviation from the Polish
expression "zasób wolnej woli" which
means the "energy of free will"). Chinese
call this energy with the name of "chi",
while Japanese call it "reiki". This energy
has the attribute that for people, institutions,
settlements, or countries, which have a lot
of it, it brings happiness, good feelings,
prosperity, influence, etc.
This is why individual people who accumulate
a lot of this energy are experiencing the so-called
In turn these ones who have a chronic lack of
the moral energy are experiencing depression, troubles,
disasters, and at the end are self-destructing
themselves (e.g. by committing suicides).
Ancient Chinese developed a kind of folk
wisdom or art, which teaches people how to increase
their happiness and prosperity through the accumulation,
increase, and management of their "chi" energy.
This knowledge of ancient Chinese about principles
of controlling the flow of "chi" energy is known
in the present world under the name of
"Feng Shui".
After years of ignoring this knowledge, not long
ago in China occurred a return to a common
utilisation of it in practically almost every area
of life. In cases of e.g. settlements
or geographical areas, the best method for
increasing the amount of "chi" energy
accumulated and contained in it, is to cause
this energy to circulate locally. In turn, through
the accumulating large amounts of "chi" energy,
given settlements or geographical areas increase
their prosperity, significance, happiness of their
inhabitants, etc.
If someone analyses the history of old Milicz and
Wszewilki that is described on web sites about
the town of
and about the village of
then he or she is to notice that until 1875 (i.e.
until the time when an open persecution of present
Stawczyk was initiated), Milicz had so perfectly
designed system of roads, that they intercepted
the "chi" energy which was flowing through this
town, and then directed this energy into a local
circulation. The outcome of this was, that until
1875, Milicz and Wszewilki remained highly happy
and prosperous human settlements. In those times
Milicz was connected with present Stawczyk by two
roads of the ancient so called "Amber Route". One of these
roads went from Milicz towards east along the river
Barycz, until it reached the old bridge over Barycz
that in past was located by the ancient watermill
from present Stawczyk. Then the road passed to
the present Stawczyk and further through Pomorsko
to Gniezno and Gdańsk. But near the hotel from old
central square in Wszewilki, this road was linked
briefly with another road from Sulmierzyce which
passed through the present Stawczyk and Wszewilki
and went back to Milicz. In this way the "chi" energy
which arrived to Milicz, was intercepted by the loop
of these circularly running roads and remained
trapped in the circulation around the town of Milicz.
Unfortunately, that highly beneficial for Milicz,
Stawczyk, and Wszewilki ancient course of roads
was destroyed in 1875 through the construction of
the railroad and consequently the demolition of the
watermill of Stawczyk with its old road bridge
through the river Barycz. In the result, after 1875,
all roads started to exclusively "lead out" of Milicz,
without causing the return of "chi" energy nor
making this energy to circulate locally. The result
was that Milicz and settlements which surrounded
it soon lost their previous significance, prosperity,
and happiness of their inhabitants. This state lasts
even today.
In items #B1 to #B3 of a separate web page named
I suggest to build an asphalted road, which similarly
like that destroyed section of the ancient "Amber Route"
would connect the present Stawczyk with Sławoszewice,
and then to run a circular city bus "8" (i.e. "eight")
along that road. This road and bus would restore
the closed circulation of "chi" energy that existed
in these areas in times of the "Amber Route". In
turn such a restoration of the closed circulation
of "chi" energy, according to the knowledge of
"Feng Shui",
would restore the significance, prosperity, and
happiness to these old settlements.
From what at present we all can witness in Stawczyk,
the authorities from Milicz completely ignore my
suggestions regarding this circular road and bus
"8" (i.e. "eight"). Probably they consider these to
just be "superstitions" - not the "knowledge" which
works in the real life (in spite that the return in
communistic China to implementation in everyday
life principles of old knowledge of "Feng Shui",
just during a few years transformed China from
a country about which in past people just used to
joke, into a real world's superpower). But from what
is explained in next item #C4, it appears that this
ignoring of my suggestions is NOT going to last
forever. At some point of time in the future, this
circular road from Stawczyk to Sławoszewice will
be build, while the circular city bus "8" (i.e. "eight") -
which I am postulating so intensely, in fact will be
run along that road. This in turn is to cause, that in
the future a new period is going to start, in which
significance, prosperity, and happiness are going
to return not only to Stawczyk, but also to Milicz and
to all other surrounding settlements. What interests me
now, is whether the authorities from Milicz are going
to put away for the later date the construction of this
road, and thus also put away the restoration of prosperity
and happiness to their town, or rather they soon roll
up their sleeves and begin the practical implementation
of this breakthrough endeavour.
Stawczyk of the future - means my visit in Stawczyk probably in the year 2222:
These readers which know the subject of my
scientific research know jolly well that I maintain
a kind of "friendship" with these who already
have in their disposal so-called
time vehicles
(i.e. vehicles to the building of which I try to
convince humans already since 1985 - for
details see the web page
It seems that for my birthday of 2009 I was
granted quite an extraordinary gift - i.e. the
trip to Stawczyk of the future. Unfortunately,
fascinated by what I saw in there, I forgotten
to ask about the date to which I was shifted.
But I believe that it was quite a lot of years to
the future. After all, I watch the evolution of the
appearance of Stawczyk for over 60 years -
and so-far I did NOT notice a drastic change
in the appearance of architecture and buildings
of that village. On the other hand, during my
trip to Stawczyk of the future all houses of that
village were different than at present (e.g. their
material of walls appeared like a kind of "smoky
glass" or plastics - which at present we can see
only in some more expensive cars). Thus, I later
analysed my trip from the point of view when I
would take Jan Pajak to Stawczyk of the future -
if I knew exactly his likes, habits, knowledge,
and intentions - as well as these attributes were
known to my "guide" from that futuristic trip to
Stawczyk. Such an analysis led me to
the conclusion that probably I was in Stawczyk
of the future in summer of 2222 - because this
particular year would have for me a special significance
and also it would fit well to changes which I noticed
then during my visit in Stawczyk. As I managed
to notice this during my visit, Stawczyk become
in the future an important, prosperous, and happy
place on the Earth. It will also be quite an important
cultural centre and recreational area. It appears to
me that the cultural and recreational significance
of Stawczyk will exceed then even the significance
of Milicz (i.e. Milicz will maintain then its significance
as a centre of administration, living quarters, and
merchant area, but Stawczyk takes over from Milicz
several other vital functions). Stawczyk already will
be by then connected with Sławoszewice, Milicz, and
Karłów, via this circular city bus "8" (i.e. "eight") -
to the introduction of which bus I am lobbying so
intensely. Also, from what I noticed then in Stawczyk,
in the future it becomes an immensely fashionable
and luxurious place of living. Probably a section of
the real-estate, and a villa in Stawczyk, will be then
worth a fortune (presently such a real-estate section,
or a house, one can buy in Stawczyk quite inexpensively).
My trip to Stawczyk of the future is described in
items #J1 to #J3 from the separate web page named
The moral message which the above history of the village Stawczyk tries to realise to us:
Unfortunately for the entire our civilisation,
increasingly more people believe in the
erroneous claims of some scientists,
repeating after Darwin like parrots, that
people are slightly higher evolved animals.
In the result, increasingly more people behave
themselves like animals. For example, instead
of seeing a good neighbour in every other
human being, they see only a competitor
to sparse resources, and see a threat to their
own domination. Instead of working together
with other people towards a common prosperity
and happiness, they prefer to rather rob others
from whatever they may need. Instead of helping
each other in reaching "where our eyes cannot reach",
they prefer to push down their neighbours and
dig holes under them. Etc., etc. Such principles
of animal behaviour perhaps would yield a desired
outcomes in some other universe in which there is NO
But in our universe exists
who loves justice and who through the creation and appropriate
upbringing of humans is determined to accomplish His
superior goals. In turn such justice-loving God does
NOT leave unpunished the animal-like behaviours
of people. Therefore God established the so-called
"moral field", "moral energy" and "moral laws" described by the
philosophy of totalizm.
In turn these ones, through appropriate mechanisms
of action, punish animal-like behaviours, reward
moral acting, and give to people the required moral lessons.
The history of village Stawczyk described before,
illustrates the content of one amongst these moral
laws, illustrates the mechanism due to which these
laws work, and also hints a simple manner in which
people can utilise the knowledge of this law and mechanism
to lift the level of their own prosperity and happiness.
The moral laws the work of which is well illustrated
by the history of the village Stawczyk described
here, is the so-called "Boomerang Principle".
In general it states that "whatever you sent out
from you, the same is going to return to you like
a boomerang". In relation to the fate of village
Stawczyk, the work of this moral law is best expressed
by various proverbs, for example by the Polish proverb
"he who digs holes under other people, is also going to fall
into these holes" (in Polish: "kto pod kimś dołki kopie
ten sam w nie wpada"), the English "curses, like
chickens, always come back home to roost", the
Chinese "he who gives out bows should expect
an arrow", or the Japanese "God which deserted given
people is God which knows". The action of this
moral law is also illustrated quite well by the long-term
outcomes of the persecution of Stawczyk by authorities
located in the nearby town Milicz. After all, the
history of Stawczyk illustrated that every single
case of this persecution makes a large circle
and hits back into Milicz - thus making worse,
amongst others, also the situation of these
authorities which instigated this prosecution. For example,
the trotting by the railway line a Catholic church that
once stood on the border of present Stawczyk
and Wszewilki, has NOT caused the change of
religion of inhabitants of Stawczyk, making them
to become protestants, but rather the opposite,
the protestant church in Milicz with the elapse
of time was turned into the present
Catholic church of St. Andrea Bobola.
The bankruptcy of old watermill of Stawczyk has
NOT brought the wealth to the new electric mill
which also later bankrupted. The shifting to Milicz
the yearly horse market caused that this market
diminished completely. The destruction of circular
section of the "Amber Route" and the old hotel of
Wszewilki-Stawczyk, caused that presently passers-by
skip through Milicz without stopping in these
places. The use of railway line for trotting the central
square of Wszewilki-Stawczyk caused that because
of the significant distance to the station of this railway,
it is unsuitable for the use as a means of public
transport - thus currently this line is already
bankrupting for the lack of passengers. Etc., etc.
The history of village Stawczyk illustrates also the
mechanism of work of the "Boomerang Principle"
in relationship to the humans settlements. This mechanism
utilises the ancient Chinese knowledge about the
action of so-called "Feng Shui" and about the role
of intelligent "chi" energy. In turn the knowledge
of this mechanism allows to reverse the destruction
to-date that resulted from the persecution of the
village Stawczyk, and to restore the prosperity,
growth, good fortune, and happiness to Stawczyk,
Milicz, and to several other nearby settlements.
This reversal requires only to rebuild the destroyed
section of the "Amber Route", and to run a circular
city bus "8" (i.e. "eight") along this rebuild section
of the ancient route. The rest is to be carried out
by moral laws and by the good will of people aware
of the work of these laws.
Of course, independently from the history of the
village Stawczyk, the action of the same moral
"Boomerang Principle" is also perfectly illustrated
by a whole array of historic events. For example,
it can be seen in history of the Second World War,
or in the fragment of this war taking the form of the
battle for Milicz.
Thus, if instead of trying to rob surrounding nations
by force, Hitler's Germany rather formed with these
nations a "circle of mutual cooperation and development" -
similar to the present Common Market, then all nations
would benefit from this, while the prosperity and influence
of Germans would NOT need to be destroyed. The
action of the "Boomerang Principle" can also be seen
from e.g. the history of the world's economic depression
from years 2008-2009. After all, if instead of robbing
their banks from funds that these banks had (by
paying to themselves astronomical premiums),
managers of these banks rather helped their
countrymen, this economic crisis would never eventuate.
The action of this moral laws is also visible from
the history of persecution to which mindless people
subjected ideas for the development of which I devoted
my own life. For example, if instead of spitting at,
scoffing, pushing down, and ignoring the progressive
ideas which I am promoting, people started to support
these ideas and assist me in implementing them, then
we all would benefit from this support. After all, only
just by implementing e.g. my so-called
time vehicles,
this would give to everyone a chance for the
immortality and for living forever.
After all, the "moral laws" NOT only hit these ones who
persecute others, but also reward these ones who form
circles (and digits "eight") of mutual supporting each
other and cooperation for the good of all interested people.
At the end of this section I would like to encourage
once again to learn the history of the village Stawczyk
and to learn moral messages which this extraordinary
village tries to pass to us. After all, Stawczyk is a very
special village which does NOT have an equivalent in
the entire world. God clearly prepared carefully the
village Stawczyk, to prepare for the world and to support
with its own example, the highly moral and progressive
philosophy of totalizm
and the eye-opening
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
Practically everything in the village Stawczyk has
something to reveal to us, passes to us a moral
message, inspires in us a correct action, etc., etc.
This is why the highly meaningful fate of this extraordinary
village Stawczyk, independently from this web page,
is also described on several further web pages, for
example on web pages named
wszewilki_milicz.htm (this web page is available only in Polish), or on
Part #D:
The village Stawczyk is a symbol of indefiniteness and administrative confusion:
Paradoxes and confusion that results from numerous changes of name for the village Stawczyk:
In Hinduism one amongst deities of the "Holy Trinity"
is god Brahma (creator) who, amongst others,
is portrayed as a being with four faces. This his
existence as a single being - which however is
able to think, see and do many things at the same
time, supposed to symbolise the so-called
"multiprocessing" capability of God, which
capability is described in more details in item
#C6 (3) of the separate web page named
If scientists whom do NOT know about the history
of Stawczyk analyse legal documents concerning
my person, or any other person born in this village,
then such scientists would come to the conclusion
that we are four-faced - just like this god Brahma
from Hinduism. After all, from these documents
would emerge that we were born in several different
villages at the same time. For example, on the basis
of various documents which I have, I can prove
formally that I was born simultaneously in following
villages: (1) Cegielnia, (2) Stawczyk, (3) Wszewilki,
(4) Wszewilki-Stawczyk. Probably it could also be
possible to prove, that I was born in the former
village (5) Neu-Steffitz.
This means that in the legal sense I am a person
which actually was born in as many as in 4 different
villages simultaneously. So we could argue that I
represent 4 different people contained in one person.
Thus really, if we consider the matter logically, I could
be a similar symbol like this god with four faces from
Of course, I am NOT at all the only person in the
world, with the place of birth of which are connected
such legal paradoxes and confusions. Practically
all people born in Stawczyk are in the same situation.
And I know that in this village were born numerous
people whom I used to know quite well. Also all people
born in any other place which kept changing the
name are in exactly the same situation.
Paradoxes and confusions which affect all people
born in Stawczyk extend their validity at a whole
array of different areas. Let us indicate here at
least the most vital out of these areas:
1. The law and legal matters. Each time when
someone amongst us fills up some form of an official
document, e.g. application for the identity card or
passport, then at the end of this document is provided
a clause stating something along lines that "I confirm
that all details provided above are correct". In turn one
amongst these "details provided above" almost always
is the "place of birth". But when someone was born in
Stawczyk, or in any other place which frequently
changed the name, then no matter what this someone
would write in this field "place of birth", it is going to be
both a "legal truth" as well as a "legal untruth". Thus
well paid lawyers, depending on the need, could prove
in the court, that a given person acted legally or
illegally. This in turn in critical situations can lead
to abuses and legal problems which were unintentionally
created by these people who changed the name of
Stawczyk (or any other name).
2. Science and the postulate of ambiguity. In
present science is known the "postulate of ambiguity"
which best representation is so-called
cat of Schrödinger.
This postulate supposed to apply to only elementary
particles. But if we consider the problem of place of
birth of people born in Stawczyk (or other frequently
renamed places), the "postulate of ambiguity" relates
also to everyday life. In other words,
these ones who changed the name of Stawczyk so
many times, caused also that the ambiguity of science
is extending currently to the entire rest of everyday
2. History and philosophy. A problem with whatever
is ignored or not documented - as it is the case with
the village Stawczyk described here, depend on the
fact that in a historical sense it does NOT exist. After
all, with such non-documented qualities is like with a
tree from the philosophical paradox. (This tree, although
existed in the centre of bush, was fell down when there
was NO witnesses nor TV camera. Thus present philosophy,
science, nor history, are able to determine for sure
whether this tree ever existed at all. The philosophical
paradox of such a fallen tree is discussed in item #B5
on the separate web page
Paradoxes of the village Stawczyk are just symbols of reality around us in which everything
remains indefinite and ambiguous in spite that present scientists insist otherwise:
"From the point of view of philosophy and history every change of name is a non-sexual form
of rape in which these ones who make the change are gaining a temporary pleasure and
satisfaction through forcing other people to use the new name that they are just imposing."
If we consider various consequences of several
changes of name of the village Stawczyk, then
it turns out that these are very serious. This
is because they introduce an array of complications,
costs, and legal ambiguities to lives of all people
who are affected by them. So practically these
representatives of the authorities from Milicz,
who are responsible for causing all these paradoxes
and confusions, should wear penitent's garb
and go for a long pilgrimage to receive a
forgiveness for their sins.
Of course, authorities from Milicz are NOT the
only ones who should carry out such a pilgrimage.
It turns out that in a similar pilgrimage should go
a lot of important people from our civilisation.
After all, the continual change of names seems
to be the most favourite occupation of all these
ones who hold a power. Actually, it may appear
that the major activity of the "profession of
politicians" is to change names. After all, these
names can be changed easily, do not require
too much thinking, and are appearing in practically
every area. In turn the ones who suffer after
names are changed, are these other people,
NOT the ones who changed them. For example,
we all remember the mass change of names that
carried in themselves words "Stalin" or "Lenin"
in former countries of the Warsaw Pact. But
nothing is able to bit the number of changes of
names in New Zealand. The point is that after
New Zealand was discovered and colonised
by European settlers, almost all names were
of the English origins. But lately the power
over there gradually is taken by local Maoris.
Thus they change rapidly a lot of names
into the Maori ones. What even more confusing,
because various tribes of Maoris use their own
version of the language, even names which
already are of the Maori origins, form time to
time someone changes into a slightly different.
For example, at the time of writing this web page
in New Zealand was almost a civil unrest regarding
the Maori name for the city of Wanganui -
about which a heated debate was carried out
whether it supposed to be written as "Wanganui"
or as "Whanganui" - e.g. see the article "Wanganui
debate boils into h-rage" from page A2 of the
New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Saturday, September 19, 2009.
(It is worth to notice, that before the arrival of
Europeans to New Zealand, Maoris did NOT
know writing, and did NOT have a written alphabet.
Thus, the spelling of Maori words was then non-existent.
Also, before the arrival of European settlers, the city
of Wanganui did NOT exist. )
Such configurations of the "moral field" can also be found, in which
confusion caused by changes of name can fulfil a constructive role:
philosophy of totalizm
teaches us, that depending on the course of local
so-called "moral field", every human action can
either be a "moral action" - because it lifts us uphill
in this moral field, or be an "immoral action" - as
it pushes us down of the moral field. This vital
finding of the philosophy of totalizm is applicable
also to confusion which amongst people induces
a change of a name.
For this reason, such a course of the "moral field"
can also be found, in which confusion caused by
changes of name can fulfil a constructive role.
An example is the situation, when changes realise
to people that we really live in the "software organised"
universe which is full of unknown quantities and ambiguities.
This is because in fact every matter which
we take under a microscope turns out to be ambiguous,
full of doubts, confusions, and question marks.
Thus, the situation with the place of birth of people originating
from Stawczyk described here, is just a small droplet
in a huge ocean of such ambiguous situations. Let us review
now various frequently encountered matters which
also are similarly ambiguous, unclear, and full of
1. Origins and components of present food products.
If we visit a supermarket in any amongst rich Western
countries, e.g. USA, England, etc., then on shelves we
can see thousands of food products. But when we take
these products under a microscope, then it turns out that
all of them in fact originate just from "corn", and all of them
contain in themselves exclusively components of "corn".
Corn is not only the major component of so-called "cornflakes"
eaten for breakfast, and the component of flour from
which later various breads and cakes are baked, but
it also is added to various other food products. Corn
is also the almost only component of fodder fed to
beasts, pigs, and chicken in these countries. Thus,
e.g. meats such as beef, pork, poultry, etc., sold in
these countries, are also versions of processed corn.
Similarly, processed corn are e.g. fishes, butter, or
milk products. Also are mushrooms, spirits, and content
of tins. Etc., etc. No wonder that inhabitants of these
countries that eat exclusively corn processed in various
ways are increasingly more ill, allergic, while their
bodies are increasingly fatter although weaker and
more degenerated. After all, their organisms receive
in food only these components which are present
in corn. In turn other required components these people
are lacking chronically. It is good that there are some
countries in which beasts and pigs are still fed in a
traditional manner - instead of receiving an industrial
fodder which is produced almost exclusively out of corn.
2. The reality of the "principle of cause and effect".
The present human science is based on an "unwritten
assumption" that in our universe everything is ruled by
laws of nature and everything obeys the "principle of
cause and effect". However, if one analyses the matter
thoroughly, it would be so only in the case if
God does NOT exist.
This is because when God does exist (as this
is documented in items #B1 to #B3 from the web page
this God is able to create whatever He wishes, without
looking whether it obeys the "principle of cause and
effect". For example, when creating the Earth, this
God could create also bones of dinosaurs embedded
into it, although dinosaurs could NOT exist on the
Earth at all - for details see items #C1 to #C3 from
a separate web page
or see the entire web page named
3. Discrete (jumping) nature of time. Most of
us (people) still believes that time is continuous
(like flowing water) and that time "flows" smoothly.
On the other hand analyses of the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
prove that time is discrete and elapses in short jumps.
Such a jumping character of time is confirmed, amongst
others, by the experiment which everyone can carry
out in his or her own time, and which is described
in items #D1 and #D2 of a separate web page named
In turn the discrete (jumping) elapse of time allows the
construction of so-called
time vehicles.
4. Manifestations of God. We used to believe that
God is a version of man - only that He has more powerful
capabilities and knowledge than people do have. However,
as this is described in item #C2 of a separate web page
God actually is a kind of huge, natural, computer program.
Only that by knowing how to create living creatures and people,
this God-program sometimes creates temporally beings
similar to people, to the minds of which He later links
His own mind. In this way in past God could show
Himself to people in the form of a man. (Because
God can carry out millions of actions at the same time,
sometimes in past He appeared in front of people in
the form of not just a single, but many human-like beings
at the same time - thus forming the "deities" of Hinduism
or "gods" from ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome.)
5. The identity of statements of all religions of the
world. As this is scientifically documented in
item #C6 from the web page
all religions of the world state exactly the same -
only that with different words. This means, that
the knowledge contained in all religions of the world
is consistent with each other, i.e. it either repeats
what is stated by the knowledge of other religions,
or strengthens it, or extends it, etc. Also each
religion of the world complements and extends
with various further details, the knowledge spread
by other religions of the world - e.g. regarding the
origins of the universe, God, the creation of physical
world and people, etc. This in turn means, that
all religions of the world must be given to people
by always the same and the only existing God.
Only that depending on the culture and traditions
of a given nation, while giving a religion to this
nation, God formulated this religion in the manner
that is most appropriate for this nation - so that it
corresponds to attributes, circumstances, and
needs of people whom this religion is to serve.
* * *
Of course, there is a vital mechanism which causes,
that on many different ways, amongst others with the
use of examples in style of the village Stawczyk,
God tries to bring the attention of people, that in
the physical world everything remains ambiguous
and indefinite. This mechanism is explained more
comprehensively in the next part #E of this web
Part #E:
Indefinites of our physical world, that manifest themselves, amongst others, through
the existence of whatever can be seen one time, and remains invisible another times,
represent evidence which confirms the software nature of the reality which surround us:
How the software nature of reality is confirmed by the murderous monsters which
sometimes do exist physically, although the majority of time they remain invisible:
The blood-sucking "griffin" from the vicinity of Stawczyk
and Wszewilki, giant "intestine worms" from the Gobi
desert which digest humans through spitting
burning organic acid at them, the "Nessie"
monster from the Scottish lake Loch Ness,
"dragon" from the lake Cini in Malaysia,
a similar "serpent" from the lake Tver
near Moscow in Russia, "Mkole-Mbembe"
(means "god beast") described also under
the name "elephant killer" from the "Lake Tele"
in northern part of Congo, American "thunder
birds", the New Zealand giant lizard "taniwha",
huge "centipedes" from Brazil of the size of
a large tank, and a whole array of other monsters
that eat people, these are just some amongst
known on the Earth monsters which sometimes
are seen on our planet, but most of time carefully
hide their existence from people. The official
human science in a typical for it manner avoids
researching these monsters and "hides the
head into sand" in their matter. So if NOT a
devotion of numerous hobbyists who seek the
truth, our civilisation would never had knowledge
that such "disappearing monsters" do exist at all.
Fortunately, apart from paid scientists, there
are also people who altruistically seek truth.
These are them that provide us with the existing
documentation regarding the activities of such
extraordinary monsters. A long list (together with
brief descriptions) of such "disappearing monsters"
is provided in subsection V5.4 from volume 16 of older
monograph [1/5].
If we thoroughly analyse what are differences between
the above "disappearing monsters" and monsters
which are already well recognised by human science
(of the type: crocodiles, lions, tigers, or giant squids -
described in item #C3 and on "Fig. #I4" from the web page
then conclusions are shocking. It turns out that such
"disappearing monsters" display a "software nature",
while the monsters already known to the human
science display a "hardware nature".
The difference between "monsters of a hardware
nature" and "monsters of a software nature" is
such as e.g. the difference between a real machine
which works and can be reproduced physically,
and a film or a working machine displayed on the
screen of a television set or a computer. Namely,
in order a real machine existed and worked, it
must fulfil hundreds of requirements. For example,
the principle of operation of it must be possible to implement,
it must be constructed in the manner which obeys
all "laws of physics", it must be supplied into energy
or motion, etc., etc. In turn in order just a film of
some machine shown on the screen of a television
set or computer could make an impression that this
machine does exist and works, the number of
requirements to be fulfilled drops down to almost
zero. Thus practically almost every idea of a machine
can be shown in a software manner on a computer
screen, even if this machine does NOT have slightest
chances to work in a real world. This is why pictures
"generated in a software manner" for present movies
are able to show even the most strange looking
machines and even the most improbably acting
monsters. The "disappearing monsters" described
in this item are just like such "computer generated"
pictures of working machines. In order these monsters
could show themselves to people, their bodies do
NOT need to obey any "laws of physics", these
monsters do NOT need to be able to multiply, nor
feed, etc., etc. Bodies of these "disappearing monsters"
are formed in a software manner just temporally (i.e.
are temporally "simulated") from the "liquid computer"
described under the name of "counter-matter"
in the manner explained, amongst others, in items
#I2 and #I4 of the totaliztic web page
or in item #K1 of the totaliztic web page named
Thus, bodies of these monsters are like a more advanced
equivalent of pictures generated in a software manner
on screens of present computers.
If one analyses the matter thoroughly, then
immediately it becomes obvious why
"simulates" the abovementioned monsters and
then confronts with them people. After all, in
order to continually increase their knowledge,
people need inspiration and motivation. So by
showing to people such temporary "simulated"
illusive monsters, God inspires people to searches,
seeking, and creative thinking. In fact - as this
is explained more comprehensively in item #F1
of the web page named
God "simulates" evidence for the existence of
practically everything that someone believes
strongly enough to undertake active actions
based on this believe. And so, for these
people who strongly believe in UFOs God
"simulates" sightings of UFO vehicles and UFOnauts,
for these people who strongly believe in ghosts,
demons, or poltergeists, God "simulates" encounters
with ghosts, demons, or poltergeists, for these
ones who strongly believe in fairies God "simulates"
encounters with fairies, for those who strongly
believe in Yeti or in monsters, God "simulates"
encounters with Yeti or monsters (for descriptions
of Yeti sightings - see item #E6 on the web page named
etc., etc. In the result, people who encounter such
"simulated" evidence of the temporary existence
of something into what they strongly believe, begin
to research a given matter, start discussions about
it with others, take effort to report it to the authorities,
etc., etc. In this manner human knowledge continually
receives motivation and inspiration to always raise.
After all, as this is explained in item #B2 of the totaliztic
web page named
the reason and goal for which God created people
was the increase of knowledge.
Not far from the village Stawczyk, in the area of
so-called "second dam" (in Polish - "drugiej tamy")
frequently is seen one amongst these "disappearing
monsters". By these who saw it, the appearance of
it is described as a "griffin" - means it was a "composite
animal" similar to a small lion supplied with wings - for
details see items #H1 and #F2 from the web page
As a teenager I had a doubtful honour of meeting
a similar "griffin" - only that in a slightly different
place than this "second dam". The "griffin" which
I encountered in fact attacked me and even wounded.
My encounter with this blood-sucking "griffin" is
described in subsection R4.2 from volume 15 of
monograph [1/5]
and repeated here in item #F5 below on this web page.
It took me around 45 years of life before I realise
that my "griffin" in reality was a "software monster",
not the real "hardware animal". For example, only a
short time before preparation of this web page I
realised that a "griffin" (means a kind of a lion supplied
into wings, able to slow down the elapse of time, and
feeding on blood of its victims) almost for sure would
NOT prove itself in a real life and would need to either
extinct voluntarily, or become destroyed by God.
This is because such a monster would have a
disproportionably large advantage over its victims.
So the nature would be unable to regulate its numbers,
nor would give other animals an equal chance in
confrontations with its attacks.
How the software nature of reality is confirmed by these humanoid creatures
of the "Yeti" type which various people see, but typically they remain invisible:
Independently from the "monsters displaying
a software nature" described above, on the
Earth relatively frequently are also seen
"software humanoid creatures". To their kind
belong for example these fury "Yeti" witnessed
in practically almost every continent by numerous
witnesses whose evidence is the same reliable
as it would be in courts in which it would decide
about the life or death of accused.
(Examples of the appearance of these "Yeti"
can be called with mouse clicks from their images
available in item #E6 of the web page
Furthermore, to such software humanoid creatures
belong, amongst others, these "dwarfs" seen frequently,
amongst others, also in Stawczyk and Wszewilki -
for details see item #H2 from the web page
while for image see the photograph from "Fig. #F2"
of the web page
Also to the category of these software creatures
belong so-called "nightmares", "deuces",
"printers' imps" and present UFOnauts shown,
amongst others, in "Fig. #5" of the web page
On the Earth is seen a vast number of such
software humanoid creatures. They sometimes
are seen by highly reliable witnesses, and occasionally
even photographed or filmed. But because of
their "software nature" and because of the ability
to show themselves or to disappear at any wish -
which results from their software nature, present
official science is unable to confirm the existence
of these creatures. This impossibility to unambiguously
document their existence is still another proof that
confirms their "software nature" and that reveals
the "software simulation" nature of their appearance
on the Earth - as this is explained in item #F7 from
the web page
or item #D2 from the web page
What is difference between the "software nature" of the reality
around us and the "hardware nature" of this reality:
The development of computer games illustrated
to everyone that whatever cannot be implemented
physically in the form of working hardware, still
can easily be implemented in a software manner
in the form of a picture on a computer screen.
For example, with the use of software on computer
screens can easily be formed pictures of working
machines which in the real life would NOT work
because they break some laws of physics, can
be formed pictures of rotating mechanisms which
in a real life would break laws of geometry, or
can be designed pictures of animals or vegetation
which in real world could NOT keep themselves alive.
The above description of differences between
impossible to implementation "hardware creations",
and possible to be illustrated "software pictures",
applies also to the reality which surrounds us.
(Note that these "software pictures" portrait
physical structures or principles of operation
which are completely absurd.) Namely, in order
something could exist physically in the hardware
form, it must fulfil a whole range of strict requirements.
For example, it must work according to "laws of nature",
it must be real, it must be useful and needed for
something, it must be able to sustain its existence
(e.g. must multiply or could be reproduced, manufactured,
or repaired), it must display attributes which are
competitive to attributes of other similar creations,
etc., etc. On the other hand, for something to be
able to exist in the temporary "software form", it
does NOT need to fulfil practically any requirements.
It is enough that it is able to be illustrated in the form
of some picture, and already then it can exist as
a software creation.
The reason why I am explaining all the above, is
that on the basis of the evidence which I am indicating
here, it can be proven that all creations and creatures
described in previous items #E1 and #E2 of this
part, in fact are software creations and creatures,
NOT hardware ones. Means, they exist only temporally
like software pictures, but they do NOT exist as a
real, tangible, hardware existences of the same type
as e.g. people, lions, or crocodiles. Evidence for
this their exclusively software existence are attributes
and behaviours of these monsters and beings, which
I described in appropriate items of this part of the
web page.
What it means that the reality which surrounds us displays the "software nature" that is revealed by th
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
NOT the "hardware nature" which is promoted by the official human science to-date:
The official human science tells us all that
the reality around us has exclusively the
"hardware nature". Means that everything
what surrounds us exists in a permanent
manner and can be touched, split, tasted,
etc. In turn principles and laws which govern
over this everything are permanently
"hardwired" into this hardware.
But the young
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
proves something completely different. Namely,
it proves that everything that surrounds us has
a software character. This is because the basic
component of everything are natural programs
which form everything from a kind of "liquid
computer" called the "counter-matter". Description
how such natural programs formed the entire
our physical world, is provided in item #C3 from
the totaliztic web page named
In turn the descriptions how such natural programs
formed the entire human being is provided in
item #C1 of the totaliztic web page named
The reason why us people do NOT notice this
software nature of the reality around us, is that
this reality was intentionally pre-programmed
in such a manner as if it has a hardware (i.e.
permanent) nature. But the true nature of this supposedly
"hardware (i.e. permanent) reality" is simulated
in a software manner. In turn the body of evidence
described on this web page, which reveals the
existence of monsters and beings of decisively
software nature, provides a scientific confirmation
that our reality in fact does have the "software character" -
as this is explained to us by the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
means NOT the "hardware character" - as the official
human science tries to persuade this into us.
The reason for which the official human science
so-far has NOT realise that the reality around us
has the true "software character", is that in the
present time the majority of creatures and objects
around us is simulated in a software manner so
that it looks as if it has a "hardware nature". But
from time to time selected people have opportunity
to see creatures or objects which have just such
a "software nature". To the category of such
temporally creatures or objects with the purely
software nature belong, amongst others, all
monsters and beings described in items #E1
and #E2 above.
In old times were formed on the Earth numerous
other beings and monsters which had such a
software character. For example, to their kind
belonged human giants such as "Hercules", or
"Maui" of New Zealand Maoris, various monsters
of the kind of "Hydra" or "Harpies", all ancient
gods, and many more.
The confirmation on evidence, that the reality
around us is actually of the "software character",
is indescribably important for the view of the world,
philosophy, and morality of people. After all, this
confirmation proves simultaneously, that everything
that scientifically states the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
is true. And so, the truth is that
God does exist,
the truth is that God created men, and the truth
is that there is such a thing as the "counter-world" and
immortal human soul,
etc., etc. It is worth to notice, that in spite
these statements of the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity
coincide with whatever for a long time religions are
telling us, the statements have a completely different
from religions character. This is because they are
supported with verifiable scientific evidence, they result
logically from laws of the nature and from principles of
operation of the universe, and they appeal to our
knowledge and logical thinking, NOT to our feelings
and believes. In this way they allow us to begin
"knowing" about the existence of God, counter-world,
creation, souls, etc., instead of just "believing" in
their existence. (After all, we are aware that it is
always possible to cease "believing", but we never
cease to "know".)
The inspirational role of all software creations, puzzles, confusions, situation of Stawczyk, etc.:
If we consider the matter thoroughly, then
everything which is extraordinary, and with
which people are confronted, including into
this number also software creations, is shown
to us for an important reason. It supposed to
inspire us to creative searches and open for
us new horizons.
The inspirational task of these software creations
is qualifying them to the same category as the village
Stawczyk. This is because when we consider this
thoroughly, then it becomes clear that the extraordinary
fate of the village Stawczyk is as it is just for the
inspirational reason. Namely, it supposed to inspire
people to new directions in thinking and in acting.
As everyone can realise this, both the village
of Stawczyk as well as these software creations
described in items #E1 and #E2, prove themselves
perfectly well in this inspirational role.
Part #F:
Polish snakes with supernatural abilities:
Yes, true!. Similarly like some people can
levitate, while others have the gift of prophesising,
also some animals have supernatural capabilities.
Only that their supernatural abilities are just
known to folklore, while present scientists typically
deny the existence of these features. This is
because the present official science pretends
and misleadingly claims that nothing supernatural
exist at all, and that everything that the
universe demonstrates to us can be explained
by already known laws of physics. As an
example of supernatural capabilities of
animals let us consider the Polish bird called
"bocian" (i.e. stork). The Polish folklore claims
that storks have the gift of seeing the future -
means clairvoyance. Therefore they never make
their nests on buildings which are to be hit by
lightning bolts or are to be burned down. This is why
in old times every owner of a new home encouraged
storks to make nests on the roof - in spite that
later these storks kept bringing to home various
vermin - including alive adders. After all, the stork nest
on the roof was an equivalent of present insurance -
means a guarantee that a given house is safe
(i.e. that it is never going to be hit by a lighting
nor is to burn down). The knowledge of future,
clairvoyance, and the capability to predict
the approaching death, have ordinary cats.
Especially well this capability was demonstrated
by the cat named "Oscar" - described in subsection
I8.1 from volume 5 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
Cats also see the invisible - e.g. UFOnauts acting
in our flat in the invisible for our eyes so-called
state of telekinetic flickering.
In July 2010, in the entire world become very popular
the octopus called "Paul" from the aquarium "Sea Life"
in the German town "Oberhausen". This octopus accomplished
100% correctness in predicting outcomes of football
matches for the "Fifa" World Cup trophy, which were
played in the South Africa in the first half of July 2010.
Descriptions how it carried out its predictions of matches'
outcomes are contained in the article "Spanish transfer
offer for Paul the tentacled tipster", from page A22 of
New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post Weekend,
issue dated on Saturday, July 17, 2010. In turn a
photograph of this clairvoyant octopus are shown
in the article "Tentacled tipster gets his trophy" from
page B2 of New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Wednesday, July 14, 2010. For its
correct predictions, the octopus was rewarded with
delicacies, to its aquarium a replica of the world's
Fifa trophy (the original of which is made of solid
gold) was inserted, while the National Aquarium
in Spain, for the team of footballers of which
country the octopus correctly predicted the win
of the trophy, formally approached Germany to
let have it for a while for a VIP treatment. The octopus
was not the only German animal with supernatural
capabilities. Around 1906 was widely known in Germany
a horse named "Hans", which was able to count, solve
complex logical problems, and which also knew the
future. A brief description of this horse and other
animal geniuses - including also the photograph of
abovementioned octopus "Paul", was presented in
the article "Prescient Paul and his psychic
pals" from page A7 of New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Tuesday, July 13, 2010. Wild
elephants are known to the African folklore from their
water-divining capabilities. Similarly like water-diviners,
in times of the drought elephants can find shallow
water-veins and dig out water to extinguish their
thirst. The majority of domesticated animals, including
pigs and cows, knows exactly when their owners
take them to the slaughter house and cry of sorrow -
for pigs this is described on the web page
Many animals, and even insects, have telepathic
capabilities. For example ordinary mosquitoes are able
to read our thoughts when we decide to hunt them down.
Thus, if they are not preoccupied with sucking our
blood, then they run and hide in panic. Skulls of some
carnivorous animals are formed in the shape of telepathic
resonance chambers that make for them easier to
listen to feelings of pain and discomfort in animals
which they hunt. This is why skulls of many carnivores
(e.g. "cheetah") have the shape and size of animals
which they hunt - for more information see subsection
H7.1 in volume 4 of my newest
monograph [1/5].
Many creatures, including some fish, frogs, dogs,
and horses, are able to sense an approaching
earthquake many days in advance - as this is
described on the totaliztic web page
Almost every animal instinctively knows which
herbs are helpful for their health problems. Thus,
in case of illnesses, animals always choose and
eat the correct herbs which are the most helpful
for their indispositions. I saw in person when my
cat named "Teecee" (described and shown,
amongst others, on the web page
troubled with stomach problems jumped from the
flat and then from a wide range of grasses that
grow under the window started to choose and
eat a herb which I know of from my family home
in Stawczyk under the Polish folklore name "koci ogon"
(i.e. officially named "krwawnik" in Polish, means
"Achillea filipendula YALLOW") - which, of course,
I never gave to my cat. I know stomach healing
properties of this herb, because it was used by
my mother in every case when her chicken,
or other animals, had some stomach problems.
My own knowledge, that this particular herb
heals stomach indispositions, I brought from my
family home in Stawczyk - but from where exactly
the same knowledge drew my New Zealand cat
Teecee? Especially that this herb is NOT native
to New Zealand and it appeared in there only because
first European settlers brought it with themselves
to that country. Further examples of supernatural
capabilities of animals could be multiplied infinitively.
Below in this part of the web page I am describing
two most easily verifiable examples of supernatural
capabilities of Polish snakes.
Why scientists deny that Polish snakes are capable of supernatural actions:
"In order all have equal chances, God needed to give the most to serpents."
The theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity (KDG)
defines the term
"supernatural" as "everything that in its actions
utilises laws, principles, and capabilities offered
only by so-called 'counter-world' and not available
for the 'physical world' in which we live". Therefore
examples of "supernatural actions" include not only
miracles (described e.g. in item #H2 from the web page
but also the utilisation of "telepathy" and the
"capability to change the speed of elapse of
time". Because present official science still
have difficulties with accepting the findings
of "KDG", our scientists still do NOT know
that such supernatural actions as use of
"telepathy" or "alterations of time", are physically
possible at all. In turn, it is commonly known
that if someone has no idea that something
does exist, then this someone does NOT see
it - even if it parades in front of the nose.
No wonder, that in spite Polish folklore
discovered a long ago that some Polish snakes
have supernatural capabilities, and in spite
that this folklore describes these supernatural
capabilities to everyone who is listening to folk
stories, still our scientists ignore these capabilities
and officially deny their existence.
Supernatural capabilities are also ignored in spite
that the "KDG" explained to us scientifically the
mechanism of supernatural phenomena and indicated
a whole array of experimental evidence which can
prove to everyone that supernatural phenomena can
be released. (To examples of such experimental
evidence which confirms the possibility of technical
release of supernatural phenomena, belong, amongst
others: (1) the so-called "Zhang Heng
seismograph" working on principles of telepathic
waves and described e.g. in item #E4 of the web page
(2) the so called "party levitation" experiment
described in item #E7.2 of the web page
soul_proof.htm -
which confirms that telekinesis can be released
in a software manner by human souls, and (3)
the experiment described in item #D1 of the web page
immortality.htm -
which proves empirically the software (pulsating)
nature of time and the possibility of shifting time back.)
I will not elaborate here that the supernatural capabilities
of snakes are also indirectly confirmed by the
So in order to realise to the readers, that the
omnipotent God
supplied snakes into various supernatural
capabilities which still remain unknown to
present scientists, I am going to present
here two empirical sightings, which illustrate
these capabilities in Polish snakes. These
sightings really took place, thus are an
objective evidence that whatever they reveal
is actually true.
The Polish snake named
(i.e. the "grass snake") from Stawczyk near Milicz, which
was able to telepathically order a frog to jump into its jaws:
As a teenager I had an unique chance to
see with my own eyes a "telepathic attack"
of an ordinary Polish "grass snake" at a large
grass frog. I carried out this sighting on the
field of my parents, which was located in the
village Stawczyk described here. All that the
grass snake did during this attack, was to
open its jaws and intensely look the frog into
eyes. In turn the frog was fighting against
resistance of its own body and on its own
was gradually proceeding into the jaws in
several short jumps. Here is how this my
sighting of the "telepathic attack of the grass
snake" is described in subsection R4.2 from
volume 15 of my my newest
monograph [1/5].
When I started my observation, the frog was
distant by around a half of meter from the mouth
of the grass snake. The concentration of the
snake was so intense, that it did not notice my
approach and continued its "telepathic attack".
Because of this I was able to see exactly the
entire event. In turn the frog behaved in the
manner that is unexplainable on the basis of
an old "concept of monopolar gravity". (As it
is known, this old concept denies the existence
of telepathy and makes impossible explanation
of it.) Giving the loud croaking of terror, which
by the way brought my attention to the entire
event, the frog was strongly holding back the
forward movement with the front legs. But the
back legs of this frog were making rhythmic
jumps. These jumps gradually led the unfortunate
frog straight into the mouth of the snake. Even
when the front of the frog already went into the
mouth of the snake, back legs still kept jumping
rhythmically thus helping the snake to swallow it
easier. So the grass snake only needed to make
the effort of swallowing it. After I saw this
extraordinary event, of course I asked Wincenty
(Vincent) about the entire event (Wincenty is also
mentioned in subsections V2.3.2 and V2.4 of my newest
monograph [1/5]).
He was a walking encyclopaedia of folklore
knowledge. Wincenty confirmed, that grass snakes
remotely hypnotise their victims, so that they do
not need to catch them physically, but these victims
get to snakes' mouths on their own.
Because such telepathic capabilities of ordinary
Polish grass snakes still remain unknown to
present official science, at this point I have an
appeal to readers. Namely, if the reader saw
in person a similar "telepathic attack" of a snake
at a frog, or if they know someone who witnessed
such an attack, then I would ask to describe for
me the entire sighting, while I am going to consider
publishing it here.
On Sunday 16 October 2011, at 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm,
I watched an Australian television programme entitled
"Getaway" broadcasted in New Zealand television
on the channel called "Prime". In this programme
was shown, amongst others, hunting of a tropical
snake-constrictor named "anaconda" living in
central part of both Americas. I was especially
moved in this programme when a commenting lady
from Australia stood just in front of the caught
several meters long alive anaconda and started
to describe the appearance of its head while
looking into eyes of this snake. At that moment
a local guide quickly interrupted her talk and
explained to her that one should NOT look into
eyes of this snake, because is going to be hypnotised
by it. So it appears that not only in Poland unofficially
are known hypnotising capabilities of non-venomous
snakes, but these capabilities are also well known
amongst local people of Central Americas. As a
creator of the new science which in item #C1 of
the web page named
is called the "totaliztic science", for me personally
it is very interesting how much time must still elapse,
before official human science also is to admit,
that some snakes are capable of remote (telepathic)
hypnotizing of their victims.
The Polish snake named
from Cielcza near Jarocin, which is able to alter the speed of elapse of time
in such a way that people are unable to notice its existence:
The old Polish folklore is telling stories
about supernatural capabilities of another
snake found only in Poland, which by the
Polish folklore is called "gniewosz" (this
name means "the angry one"). The English
name for similar snakes living outside of
Poland is the "Smooth snake", while their
Latin name is "Coronella austriaca". In
Poland this "gniewosz" sometimes is also
called "miedzianka". However "miedzianka"
is an incorrect name, because it is
officially attributed to a snake which lives
in America and which in English is called
"Copper head". In spite that relatives of
"gniewosz" live in almost the entire Europe,
the rare specie which I am describing
here almost does NOT live anywhere
else apart from forests of Poland. Therefore,
to not spread confusion, in this item I
am going to rather call this snake with
the folklore Polish name "gniewosz"
(i.e. "the angry one").
My analysis of the supernatural capabilities
of the Polish specie of this extraordinary snake
"gniewosz" led me to a conclusion that it is
capable of "altering the speed of elapse of time".
It means that the Polish "gniewosz" is able with its body
to do what on the web page
is explained that it will be possible to accomplish
by people only after the so-called "time vehicles"
are build. This is because "gniewosz" is capable
to slow down for himself the elapse of time,
so that for people who watch it (for whom the time
still elapses with the normal speed) its movements
become just almost instant, while the snake becomes
invisible to our eyes. This is why, in spite that
the snake "gniewosz" still lives in Polish forests,
in fact people almost are unable to see it. The
existing descriptions of this snake emphasize
its supposed huge rarity - in reality caused by
its ability to become so fast that is almost invisible.
The rarity of this snake stems from almost all
publications on its subject - that the reader can
verify through e.g. writing the key word
gniewosz into
Areas in which lucky people can meet this
extraordinary snake include forests not far from the
village named "Cielcza" -
located around 4 km to north from the city Jarocin
of the Polish province "Wielkopolska". In the
school-year 1957/1958 I lived in Cielcza at 17 Leśna
Street - it was over there that I was accidentally
almost shot dead, as it is described in item #B1
of my autobiographical web page
about me (Dr Jan Pajak),
and also in item #H2 of my web page
It somehow happened that the person in whose
reliable reports I trust a lot saw
the snake "gniewosz" in forests not far from the
village Cielcza. Although he does NOT believe
in the "supernatural" capabilities of this snake
(able to "alter the speed of elapse of time"),
such capabilities are hitting our eyes in his
report from the encounter with the snake.
Here is how he described his encounter with
this extraordinary snake:
The snake which I saw near Cielcza was "gniewosz" -
very rare specie and almost unseen now. Never
before, nor never after, I met such a snake. It was
during the occupation around 1944 (the exact date
I do NOT remember). I was around 6, perhaps 8
years old. I went mushrooming with my grandmother,
mother, or one of my brothers. Interestingly, that
I do NOT remember details, but perfectly remember
how this snake looked like (perhaps that I was
scared a lot and this caused that the scene so
much etched into my memory, that today, after
some 66 years, I see it all in my mind - as if it
happened just a while ago). I do NOT remember
also whether we collected a lot of mushrooms,
but I presume that - yes, in this young forest
composed of small pines and birches always
were mushrooms: we called these mushrooms
with their folklore names of Cossacks (i.e.
"Clavaria corollaides"), black-smiths, hens,
butter-mushrooms (i.e. "Boletus luteus"), and
others. This young forest was perhaps around
1 square kilometre, while around it was larger
forest composed of pines, birches, and mixtures of other trees.
And then walking in this young forest, in which
were small clearings - I unexpectedly saw a snake,
which jumped out of somewhere, perhaps scared
equally like myself. The snake was a dark-brown
colour, perhaps with the tinge of bronze turning
into red - and speeding with fast zigzags disappeared
in some grasses and bushes. I stood petrified for
a moment and even do not remember whether the
person that accompanied me saw it too. What I was
shocked by was the speed with which this snake
moved, and its colour. Myself, being a boy who lived
near forests of Cielcza, was perfectly familiar with
the appearance of snakes that used to live in there:
grass snakes, adders, and similar to snakes slowworms.
Grass snakes could be met in our garden - not far
from our home. There was a lot of adders in the
forest. But this one was none of such snakes.
For the entire further life I was thinking, what kind
of snake was this one, and after starting to study
literature - I come to the conclusion that it must
be "gniewosz" (rare, almost not encountered kind
of snake). It was slightly similar to a slowworm,
but longer and slimmer. Its length I estimate at some
40 to 60 cm. In turn slowworms are only around
30, perhaps 40 cm. From the slowworm also differed
by the speed by which it moved. It moved extremely
fast. In turn slowworms make an impression of very
lazy and move rather slow. This encounter inspired
me later to study literature and thanks to this I know
quite well these snakes. I also saw the "snake of
Aesculapius", however not in our country, but in
Yugoslav in 1966 near the city of Dubrovnik. That
snake is also large and thick and look very scary.
Fortunately, it is harmless and has no venom.
The forest in which I saw this snake was located
near the village Cielcza in the distance of around
1 – 1.5 km to south from Cząszczew and around
1 km to the west from the Poznań railway. Today,
after 66 years, this place may look completely
different. Where was a young forest - a large forest
can grow now, while where was a large forest - a young
one can be now. The fact is, however, that around
66 years ago in there lived an extraordinary snake,
which can be a natural curiosity and an interesting
indicator for scientists.
The snake "gniewosz" is not the only creature whose
attributes indicate that it is able to alter the speed
of elapse of time. Another such a creature is the
mysterious "chupacabra" (about which I believe
that it is a different, because present, name for the
creature which we known under the ancient name
of "griffin"). As a teenager I was attacked and even
wounded by such a griffin. During its attack I just
felt this capability of griffins ("chupacabras") to
slow-down the speed of elapse of time. Descriptions
of this attack of griffin on myself are provided in
subsection R4.2 from volume 15 of my newest
monograph [1/5]
and repeated in item #F5 below on this web page. In
turn sightings of griffins, some of these not far from the
village Stawczyk, are described in item #H1 of the web page
and in item #E8 of the web page
The manner on which "gniewosz" manipulate on
time, in 1980s was illustrated by the magician
named David Copperfield. He recorded then a
documentary film in which he shows his walk
through the Great Wall of China. In turn as we
know from research on abductions of people
to UFOs, the walk through walls in the so-called
state of telekinetic flickering
is linked to a serious problem. Namely, inside of
the wall the person passing through it has no air
to breathe. So in order to not suffocate, the wall
must be passed quite fast. But if the magician
David Copperfield went fast through the Great
Wall of China, his documentary film would loose
its spectacular impact. Therefore, in order to
still be able to walk through the wall quite fast,
but simultaneously show this on the film in a
slow motion, David Copperfield changed the
speed of the elapse of his time. Namely, when
for him inside of the wall just seconds were passing,
for those filming him outside of the wall entire
minutes went by. (Notice here, however, that
the Polish snake "gniewosz" does exactly opposite
to what David Copperfield did - namely, when
for the snake minutes are passing, for other
creatures, and for people nearby, just only seconds
are passing). In turn, to demonstrate also this
slowing down the speed of the elapse of time,
David Copperfield attached electrodes to his chest -
so that his pulse was monitored and illustrated
on the film. Thus, it can be seen on the film how
after his entering the wall his pulse slows down
parallel to the slowing down the speed of the
elapse of his time, in the centre of the wall
amounting to just one heartbeat every tens of
seconds. Thus, the readers who wish to see
the filmed illustration how a Polish snake
"gniewosz" changes the speed of the elapse
of its time, should look at this film from the
walk of David Copperfield through the Great
Wall of China.
In the snake "gniewosz" practically everything
confirms its "supernatural" capabilities. As an
example, let us consider here its Polish folklore
name - "gniewosz" (i.e. "the angry one"). It results
from a simple fact that in spite of NOT having venom,
this snake still does not escape when threatened,
but has the courage to confront all other creatures -
including humans. Thus, during encounters
with people it sometimes pounces at them, bites,
hisses angrily, and spits at them with a smelly
secretion. No other creature of nature would
behave that way if it is NOT sure that it has a
"secret weapon" - with the assistance of which
it is able to always take control over the situation.
(This "secret weapon" of the snake "gniewosz" -
which gives to him such a confidence, is just the
ability to "alter the speed of time", and resulting
from this, the capability to escape, when needed,
from practically every enemy.) Another fact which
confirms its "supernatural" capabilities is the
appearance and the colour of its males. Polish
species of this snake have bright, almost red,
visible at large distances colour, similar to
a colour of well-polished rod made of pure
copper. In nature such a bright warning colour
have only creatures that are either venomous, or
poisonous, and thus which other creatures must
be afraid of. On the other hand the "gniewosz"
has no venom nor poison. So if it does NOT have
its "secret weapon" in the form of "controlling
the time" in its disposal, then by being practically
defenceless towards its enemies, it would be
seen by them at large distances and unable to
avoid being eaten. Simultaneously, it would also
be unable to unnoticeably surprise its own victims.
Thus, without the ability to "alter the elapse of time"
it would NOT be able to survive in the nature, in
which being well seen typically means the death
either from enemies, or from hunger. In other words,
its bright colours and visibility at large distances also
emphasise its "supernatural" capabilities. Finally
lets us consider its diet. Apart from extremely
fast lizards and rodents, the snake "gniewosz"
sometimes attacks and eats snakes - including
venomous adders. In turn adders are rather fast
and deadly. Thus, without the ability to "alter the
speed of time", the defenceless "gniewosz" would
have no chance with them and would rather be
eaten by them.
The snake "gniewosz" with the supernatural
capabilities described in this item, lives only
on the area of Poland. Outside of Poland
only its relatives live who either lost their
capabilities to change the speed of the elapse
of time, or never had such capabilities, and
thus who survive only because they keep their
colours rather grey and well camouflaging - instead
of bright and visible at large distances. So in spite
that scientists qualify the Polish "gniewosz"
to the same specie as related to it snakes of
"Coronella austriaca" from the rest of Europe,
the Polish "gniewosz" is decisively different
specie and should rather be named "Coronella
polonica". In the typical for Poland colours,
decisively Polish temperament, and also unknown
in its relatives supernatural capabilities, it appears
only on the area of Poland. Thus, scientific qualifying
the Polish "gniewosz" to species of "Coronella
austriaca", in my opinion is slightly similar to
qualifying "horses" to the same species as
I know that about the "supernatural" capabilities
of the snake "gniewosz" the Polish folklore knows
a lot of stories and examples. I do NOT want to
repeat these here, because when these originate
from me, then enemies of my findings and publications
usually impertinently attack these and deny. Therefore
herewith I just have an appeal to readers. Namely,
should they hear such folklore claims or stories
about extraordinary capabilities of the snake
"gniewosz", or any other snake, then I would
be grateful if they could share these with me,
while I would consider publishing these here.
Similarly, if any reader also saw somewhere the
snake "gniewosz", or saw any other extraordinary
creature, then I would appreciate describing it for
me. My internet addresses under which I can be
reached are provided near the end of the web page
about me (Dr Jan Pajak).
Apart from snakes, also many other creatures display various supernatural capabilities:
As I draw this to the attention of the reader
in the introduction to this part of the web page,
Polish snakes are NOT the only creatures
which have supernatural capabilities. Let us
list here and briefly describe other God's
creatures which already are known to me
that also have various supernatural capabilities.
Supernatural capabilities of various wild animals:
There are numerous wild animals, about
which I already know that they display various
supernatural capabilities. In this item I am
describing these such animals, the supernatural
capabilities of which I am able to document
with some verifiable evidence already at this
stage of my research. So here they are.
Sharks and their supernatural capabilities:
Sharks (or at least for sure some species of
sharks) have the supernatural ability to hypnotise
their victims and to suppress the pain, so that
bites of sharks are NOT felt by the victims.
Sharks display also various other supernatural
attributes, for example they never fall ill.
I live in New Zealand, the shores of which, as well
as shores of nearby Australia, are regularly patrolled
by sharks that attack people. So I had numerous
opportunities to encounter reports of people who survived
attacks of sharks. A shocking detail which emerges
from all these reports, which motivated me to do the
research although it is completely overlooked and
ignored by other scientists, is that in spite of nasty
wounds, the bitten people never feel any pain both
at the moment of attack, as well as some time afterwards.
Most clearly sharks remotely "hypnotise" their
victims, and make these victims to NOT feel the
pain. (As we know it from the findings of the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
hypnosis is the skill that requires mastery of the
phenomena of counter-world, and thus it belongs
to the supernatural phenomena.) For many years
I was encountering numerous reports from just
such painless attacks of sharks. Unfortunately,
initially I did NOT record details of these reports.
Only starting from February 2010 I initiated to
document on this web page these amongst such
cases, which clearly reported in newspapers or
television, that victims of shark attacks did NOT
feel any pain during the bite. (After all, I am forced
to rely exclusively on reports from newspapers and
television, because for the trips and for personal
interviews of researched victims I do not have funds
for reasons explained on my autobiographical web page
So here are descriptions of such clearly documented
in mass media cases when the sharks attacks
were noticed to be painless, which I encountered
after I started to document here these in February 2010:
(1) An example of shark attack at 14 years old girl
in which was clearly noticed this lack of pain at
the moment of bite, is described in two newspaper
articles, namely in the article [1#F4.1.1]
"Bitten teenager got off lightly - shark expert"
from page A2 of the newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Wednesday, February 3, 2010,
and in the article [2#F4.1.1] "Shark 'just defending
itself' after being trodden on" from page A3 of
New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post
issue dated on Wednesday, February 3, 2010.
Both these articles describe the attack of a 1.5 metre
long shark from the species of "broad-nosed sevenfill
shark" on 14 years old girl named Lydia at the "Oreti"
beach near Invercargill in New Zealand. The girl felt
nothing during the attack. That she was bitten she
realised only from blood that appeared in the water.
(2) In the article [3#F4.1.1] "Shark-bite victim
flown to Auckland for surgery", from page A7 of newspaper
The New Zealand Herald,
issue dated on Tuesday, September 7, 2010,
another report from a victim of the shark's attack
is provided, i.e. published is the report of the Danish
tourist named Jensen. This victim also noted clearly,
and later passed it to the journalist who wrote the
article, that he did NOT feel any pain when the
shark almost bite his foot off. The powerful bite
of the shark this Danish tourist felt only as a strong
pulling. He suspected that he just hit a coral and
kept swimming. Only when he tried to enter the
boat he noticed with a shock that his foot is almost
(3) On Monday, 11 October 2010, at 8:00
to 8:30 pm, on channel 3 of New Zealand television
was broadcasted another part from the Australian
documentary series entitled "Your Worst Animal
Nightmares". On that day documented was the attack
of the "Great White" shark on the Australian spear
fishing diver named Rodney Fox, that took place
near Adelaide in 1960s. During the attack, razor-sharp
teeth of shark took from the victim parts of the chest
and belly, so that lungs and intestines become fully
exposed. Yet the victim noticed it clearly, that during
the bite, as well as during next around 10 minutes,
he did NOT feel any pain. The bite of the shark he
felt just as a strong pull. Only around 10 minutes later,
when he was already on a boat being carried to shore,
the pain started to break through the hypnotic blockade.
The victim described that this arrival of the pain had
a wavy character. Namely, initially the pain was not
continuous, but started to break through in waves and
then diminished. Only significant time later this remote
hypnosis of the shark diminished completely, while the
pain assumed the continuous character. What even
more interesting, that remote hypnosis of the shark
ceased to work when the victim was placed on the
operation table and was anaesthetically made sleep.
This sleep removed the state of hypnosis and the
victim rapidly awaken in the middle of operation, so that
surgeons actually operated on him while he felt everything -
but he was too weak and too bloodless to protest. (It is a
fact well known from experiments with hypnosis, that
hypnotising is able to dominate over the action of
drugs. Thus, that case of awaking of the victim during
the operation is an additional evidence which confirms
that the lack of pain during bites of sharks is caused
due to the remote hypnotising of victims, not due to
any other factors.)
(4) In the article [4#F4.1.1] "Mr
Unlucky adds shark attack to roster of mishaps",
from page B2 of New Zealand newspaper
The Dominion Post,
issue dated on Friday, August 9, 2013, is described
one amongst mishaps of an unlucky person, who
swimming in a shallow water unexpectedly sensed
some teeth penetrating his leg, then he saw a shark
swimming away with a piece of his leg in jaws.
Although this article does NOT emphasize specifically
that the unlucky person did NOT feel pain during that
shark's bite, the manner in which he describes his
sensations suggests that in fact he did NOT feel a
pain, but only noticed painless effects of action of
shark's teeth on his own leg.
* * *
It is worth to notice that present scientists sitting
in their armchairs on tops of their "ivory towers"
invent various "rational explanations" for this
supernatural capability of sharks to so hypnotise
remotely the victims that they do not feel a pain.
For example, that "adrenaline" suppresses the
pain, or that the victim is "too excited" to listen
to the senses, etc. But if these scientists even
a bit listed to their so-called "common sense",
then they would notice how unreal and ridiculous
these explanations sound. Thus the necessary
turned out to be my personal courage, my devotion
to search for truth, and my advanced knowledge
which results from the creation of the
theory of everything
called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity,
to clearly and openly disclose for the first time
in the history of the Earth's science, that sharks
really do display these supernatural capabilities -
in this number the ability to remotely hypnotise
their victims so that these victims do NOT feel
sharks' bites.
Bears and their supernatural capabilities:
On Tuesday, 4 May 2010, at 9:35 to 10:45,
on the channel "Prime" of New Zealand television,
was broadcasted a British documentary film of 2008,
entitled "Bearman". This films documented discoveries
of a Canadian researcher of black bears from New
Hampshire, which accomplished an extraordinary
capability to communicate with wild bears. His name
is Ben Kilham. He lives in a log-cabin in the middle
of forests surrounded by these bears. One amongst
his discoveries documented on the film which intrigued
me the most, was revealing that black bears always
test just before eating which vegetation and berries
are edible and which poisonous (i.e. they do NOT
keep a "database" of edible and inedible products
in their memory - like people do). As it turns out,
every black bear (and perhaps also every other bear),
even if it is brought up by people and never had
an opportunity to learn from own parents what is
edible and what is poisonous, is able to fast establish
whether something can be eaten, or is poisonous.
For this, a bear simply takes it to the snout, and for
a short while presses with the tongue to its upper
palate while moving its head. After a while the bear
already knows whether it is edible. On the basis of
this discovery, Ben Kilham deduced that bears must
have some kind of taste organ in their upper palate,
which allows them for a fast establishing whether
something is edible, through pressing it to this
organ. He even named this organ with his own
name. Unfortunately, veterinary research of bears
disclosed, that their upper palate does NOT hide
any taste organ. Thus the only explanation how it
is possible that bears can establish the edibility
of whatever they take to their mouth, while simultaneously
they do NOT have a taste organ which would allow
them this establishing, is that they use some kind
of "counter-organ" similar to the human
so called "conscience" (i.e. of the kind of counter-organs
described in subsection I5.3 from volume 5 of my newest
monograph [1/5]).
It is that counter-organ, which on principle almost
identical to the one used by present radiesthesia
aided with divining pendulums, prompts bears whether
is edible or not whatever they just have in their snouts.
In this prompting the counter-organ of bears behaves
very similar like the human "conscience" behaves.
Only that instead of prompting whether is moral or
immoral whatever they are just doing, it prompts
them whether it is edible or not. In this way the
counter-organ gives to bears the supernatural
capability to recognise fast the edibility of everything
for which bears have appetites.
Supernatural "bird Jesus" which walks on the surface of churning seas:
"To wake-up complacent scientists every now and again God does something that contradicts scientific knowledge."
In seas near New Zealand recently a bird
was "resurrected" from 150 years long extinction.
This extraordinary bird displays a supernatural
ability to walk on the surface of sea. It officially
is called "storm petrel". But because of its
capability to walk on water, it also carries
a nickname of the "bird Jesus". It is a size
of a typical sea gull. A brief description of
it could be found in 2011 in the article from
the New Zealand newspaper "Sunday Star
Times" - published also in internet at the address
In turn a later article which revealed, that in
spite of intense searches by scientists from
several institutions, the location of nesting
of "Jesus birds" could NOT be discovered,
appeared under the title "In search of the
elusive petrel" from page A20 of the New
Zealand newspaper
Weekend Herald,
issue dated on Saturday, January 14, 2012.
When I prepared this description at the beginning
of October 2011, photographs of this bird could
also be viewed in the internet to learn how
it looks-like. For example, a relatively good
photograph of it was then shown as photo
16 from the web page with the address
In turn a video which illustrated how this bird
was caught into a net (which video represented
a news item from the evening news on channel
3 of television New Zealand on 25 September
2011), was available at
Unfortunately, at the time when I prepared this
description, in internet still could NOT be found
even a single video which would show how this
bird actually walks over the surface of sea -
although I know that such videos already do
exist, as I saw one of these.
Of course, the walking over surfaces of seas
in the vicinity of New Zealand is extremely difficult.
This is because surfaces of seas are in there
almost continually churning and covered with
sizable waves. Thus, for such a small bird, walking
over such waving and churning surfaces of
seas is almost the same difficult, as for people
would be walking over a rubble of huge
moving boulders, or over a pile of rolling
huge logs. No wonder, that in order to
maintain a balance on such uneven and
constantly moving surfaces, the "bird Jesus"
must repetitively balance itself with wings -
similarly like "line walkers" continually
balance themselves with fans or umbrellas
when walking high in midair along a rope.
However, this need to balance the equilibrium
with wings provides present "atheistic orthodox
scientists" with an excellent excuse to deny
any supernatural attributes of this bird. Of
course, this denial of scientists is NOT based
on any solid empirical research, but just on
speculations and on theoretical assumption
that "no bird can walk on water". Thus,
scientists disseminate explanations amongst
naive people, which after being translated into
a common language, state something along
the line that this bird in fact only hovers above
water due to the power of its wings (this
practically means that according to opinion
of scientists the acrobatic and extremely
difficult "walking on water" the bird practices
only to be able to have fun seeing the surprise
which this induces in people who watch it).
After all, according to the knowledge
of present official science, "walking on water"
contradicts in the same way the known-today
laws of physics, as this is also done by e.g.
"flights of bumblebees" - described in item
#E2 of the web page named
(According to claims of some experts from aerodynamics,
supposedly bumblebees have no right to fly -
good that bumblebees do not attend lectures
of aerodynamics and do not know about this
claim of official science.) But in spite of these
reassurances of scientists, that the "bird Jesus"
only hovers above the water with power of its
wings, while its legs only skilfully "imitate"
walking over a sea surface, even a brief looking
at "walks" of this bird reveals to us something
completely opposite. Namely, if someone carefully
watches a film that show how this bird really
behaves, then becomes obvious, that in fact
it truly walks along a surface of sea, while
relatively rare movements of its wings are
used just to balance its position on continually
waving sea surface.
"Bird Jesus" has also several further attributes
which should puzzle and induce reflections. For example,
it was "resurrected" like Jesus. After all, officially
it was "extinct" for the last around 150 years.
Also it lives (and walks on water) in the vicinity
of New Zealand - means the country to which
in a supernatural manner was revealed the
arrival of Second Jesus - as it is described
more comprehensively in items #G2 and #G3
of the web page named
From the state of the "extinction" it was
"resurrected" only in times when the New
Zealand's city named Christchurch definitively
"refused to accept" revealed earlier visit
from Second Jesus, and even started a
kind of "war with God" - outcomes of which
are described in items #C5 to #C6 of the
web page named
Various premises seem to indicate, that since
inhabitants of Christchurch refused to
accept the divinely revealed arrival of
Second Jesus, God sent to them "bird
Jesus" - the arrival of which they have no means
to reject or stop. For more comprehensive justification
and for description of premises which suggest
that just this was the reason for the "resurrection"
of this "bird Jesus", see item #G3 on the web page named
Animals already mentioned in "part #F" of this web page:
Because in the introduction to this "part #F" of the web
page I already described several animals with supernatural
capabilities, I will NOT repeat here these descriptions.
Creatures supernaturally "simulated":
"In the physical world works an iron principle, that all deep beliefs of every person are always
confirmed by strange coincidental events, traces, or sightings shown privately only to this person."
(Summary of item #A2.2 from the web page
The majority of creatures which we know e.g.
from zoology textbooks exists in a permanent
manner - similarly like people do. But independently
from these, selected people currently encounter
on the Earth completely different category of
creatures, which do NOT exist permanently,
but are temporary simulated each time when
someone amongst people is to be confronted
with them. What are such "temporary simulations"
is explained more comprehensively in item
#K1 from the web page
In turn important reasons why such "temporary
simulations" appear on the Earth are explained
e.g. in items #L2 and #L4 from the web page named
or in item #G4 from the web page named
Let us describe now examples of just such
creatures that are "simulated" in a supernatural
way, means creatures which supposedly do
exist (because people occasionally see them
and also because they leave physical traces
of their existence), but simultaneously do NOT
exist permanently (in the way e.g. people exist
1. Griffins (chupacabra). In subsection R4.2
from volume 15 of my newest
monograph [1/5],
is described a case when I myself was attacked
and wounded by a "griffin" (chupacabra). I repeated
these descriptions in item #F5 below. Shockingly,
in spite of significant wounds, I did NOT feel any
pain. Most clearly also these creatures have an
ability to hypnotically eliminate pain - as this is
done by sharks.
2. Creatures already described in part #F of this
web page (of the kind of "Nessie" or "Yeti").
Because in items #E1 and #E2 of this web page,
and also in item #E6 of the web page
already several creatures "simulated" in a supernatural
manner are described, I am NOT going to repeat
here these descriptions.
3. UFOnauts. Intelligent UFOnauts (and also their
UFO vehicles) also belong to this category of creatures
(and technical devices) temporary simulated in a supernatural
manner for a creative inspiration of humans. More
information on this subject can be found in items
#M1 and #M2 of the web page
4. Dinosaurs. Contrary to whatever present
scientists claim so stubbornly, the so-called "dinosaurs"
are another example of extremely wise and far-sighted
God's "simulations". But because the topic of reasons
and consequences of the "simulations" by God of bones
of supposedly extinct "dinosaurs" is very extensive and
requires a thorough presentation, for reviewing it I invite
the reader to item #H2 of a separate web page named
(A partial discussion of this topic is also contained in
(2) from item #D3 above on this web page.)
5. Bodily representations of God. To the creatures
"simulated" in a supernatural manner belong also so-called
"bodily representations of God" - which best description
is provided in items #D1 to #D3 of the web page
(Examples described in there carry names "Tane"
and "Uenuku" - although the humanity knows a huge
number of further examples of such "bodily representations
of God".)
* * *
Creatures simulated in a supernatural manner
described above are encountered on the Earth
still even at present. But much more of this
kind of creatures were simulated in old times.
For example, they included all monsters that
are described in Greek and Roman mythology,
and also all so-called "composite animals"
(so named because present scientists believe
that they were created in imaginations of
ancient people through piecing together body
parts of several animals - e.g. body of lion with
wings of an eagle), such as "sphinxes", "pegasus",
"unicorns", or seen also in present times "griffins".
Supernatural capabilities of various domesticated animals:
Opposite to wild animals, amongst which all
individuals from given species show almost
the same level of their supernatural capabilities,
domesticated animals are like people. Means,
some amongst them have various capabilities,
while other do NOT have at all - although they
belong to the same species. In this way e.g.
the cat named "Oscar" become famous in
the entire world because it can sense when
someone is about to die. But other cats do
NOT have the same capability. Examples of
descriptions of supernatural capabilities in
domesticated animals are provided in subsection
I8.1 from volume 5 of three monographs, namely
[1/5], and
Supernatural capabilities of various vegetation:
What is even more strange, various vegetation
also displays supernatural capabilities.
Let us indicate here these cases amongst
vegetation, about supernatural capabilities
of which I managed to learn so-far. Here these are:
1. Coconuts. Coconut palms are considered
to be "holy trees". They grow even on small sandy
islands where there is no fresh (drinking) water.
They satisfy all needs of humans. Every part of
coconut palms is useful. Coconuts have this supernatural
capability that they never fall on heads of people
that walk under palms which bear these nuts. This
supernatural capability of coconuts is widely known
in countries which plant coconut palms. There is
even a saying over there, that "coconuts have eyes".
More on this extraordinary capability of coconuts
is explained in item #D1 from the totaliztic web page
and also in 14 from item #F2 of the totaliztic web page
2. Palms. Palms display a number of supernatural
attributes - e.g. coconut palms are able to satisfy all
human needs (for more details see item #D1 on the
web page named
Probably this is the reason why in past palms were
considered to be "holy vegetation".
Until today in the Catholic Church the "Palm Sunday"
is celebrated. For example, some species of palms
synchronise precisely their blooming and dying. To
this group belong, amongst others, the palm called
"Talipot Palm", and also an ordinary "oil palm" from
which margarine is produced on an industrial scale
(photographs and descriptions of both these palms,
including a photograph of a synchronically died out
forest of oil palms, are provided in item #F3 from
the totaliztic web page named
god_proof.htm -
click on this green link to see a section of just such a synchronically died out palm plantation).
3. Baobabs of Madagascar and their mysteries.
On the island of Madagascar trees of "baobabs" were
created by God. With the elapse of time these trees
spread also to nearby Africa and Australia. Local
people of Madagascar call these baobabs "Trees of Life"
and consider them to be holy trees. Baobabs belong to these
sparse trees in the world, which are able to satisfy all
human needs (other such holy trees are "coconut palms"
described previously). Practically every part of baobabs
is useful for people. Their seeds are tasty and nutritious,
eaten both raw and roasted. Seeds are the source of proteins,
oil and C vitamin. They are also excellent kinds of food
for long journeys, as the pulp of the seeds does not rot
contained within the tough outer case. From seeds
is also produced a tasty drink, ready for drinking both
instantly, or after fermentation into alcohol. The seed pods
have tough woody casings with velvety coverings. These
coverings can be scraped off to create pod artworks.
Leaves and roots are used as medicines on gastric
and chest pains. Bark can be weaved into ropes, baskets,
and clothing, and also is used for making waterproof hats
and even musical instruments. Sap is used for glue. Trunks
store water, while one large baobab can accumulate
even up to 120,000 litres of water. The wood of baobab is
soft, fibrous and wet. So it suffices to scratch or drill a bit of this
wood and squeeze water from fibres to satisfy the thirst in
a dry season. Dry pulp from this wood is used for an easy
making of paper. What most strange, if for getting some
baobab fibres the tree trunk is deprived of the bark, the
tree heels fast itself and the bark grows back on the
wounded area. In this way e.g. a large hollow can be
gradually drilled in a baobab trunk, while the interior
of this hollow will soon be covered with a new bark while
the tree will continue to live. This allows to form human
homes and shelters inside large and still living baobabs.
Moreover, artistically inclined sculptors can shape on
external surfaces of baobabs various figures of animals
and humans, while these figures soon are covered with
bark and look as if they appeared naturally. Probably
just in this manner an artist from the USA saw in
Madagascar such a sculptured baobab, then after the
return to his country he make a fortune on the idea
of creating a similar "tree of life" in the "Animal Kingdom"
from Disney-Land located in Epcot Centre from Orlando,
Florida. (Such a plastic reproduction from the USA,
which illustrates carving capabilities of baobabs, is
shown as "Fig. #J1" from the totaliztic web page named
god_proof.htm -
click on this green link to see that American plastic "tree of life".)
Baobabs live thousands of years, thus probably some
of them exist still until now since the time of creation.
In turn their trunks grow to huge sizes. No wonder
that local people treat them with uppermost respect
as absolute holiness.
Another supernatural attribute of baobabs is documented
by a large, single (female) baobab, over 140 years
old, which grows on the Malaysian island of Penang -
see a photograph of it shown below in "Fig. #F1ab".
One can find this baobab in the middle of a rondo
especially build over there to protect it on the junction
of three streets named "Jalan Macalister", "Jalan
Residensi" and "Jalan Pangkor". About this baobab
from the Malaysian island of Penang a lot of legends
and funny stories is told, e.g. that it was brought
to Penang and planted in there by a strange traveller
with capabilities of the famous "magician" named
David Copperfield, or that when it rapidly releases
the excess of water accumulated in its tissues
then local people believe a miracle happens and
pray to it (supposedly then their prayers are even
answered). But the most mysterious attribute of
that lonely baobab from the Malaysian island of
Penang is, that in spite of blooming generously,
it never produces fruits from which its descendants
could grow. In the result, until today it has NOT
produced a descendant in Malaysia. This its inability
to multiply is also documenting the ignorance
of present scientists. Namely, present "atheistic
orthodox scientists" complacent in their armchairs
(as they are described in items #F1 to #F3 from
a separate web page named
and also reminded in item #D3 of this web page),
nonchalantly express unverified opinion, that in
order to pollinate baobabs it suffices that fruit bats
feed at night on their flowers. However, on the
island of Penang live tropical fruit bats and for
sure many of them feed on flowers of the discussed
baobab. But still this baobab remains not pollinated
and still it does NOT produce fruits capable of
generating new trees. In other words, similarly
as this is the case with humans, in order to
produce descendants, probably are necessary
at least two unrelated baobab trees - which mutually
for each other perform functions of a husband
and wife (i.e. perform male and female functions).
So in this matter, baobabs clearly are similar to
trees of Malaysian "durian" fruit (i.e. the fruit
described in item #G1 of the web page named
fruit.htm) -
which also can multiply and produce fruits only
if close to each other grow at least two mutually
unrelated durian trees. So when a next time we
read ignorant claims of present "atheistic orthodox
scientists" on the subject of pollination of baobabs
by tropical fruit bats, it is worth to have in memory
this lonely female baobab tree from Penang,
which produces flowers and which is visited
by fruit bats, but because there is no male
tree around to fertilise these flowers, thus,
unfortunately, even after over 140 years of
flowering it still failed to produce fruits -
thus until today it remains in Malaysia
without having its own descendants.
Photographs and descriptions of this lonely baobab
from the Malaysian island of Penang, which baobab
illustratively documents the ignorance of present
official science in even so elementary matters as
pollination and procreation of trees so well known
to all of us, are also presented in item #C2 of the
web page named
4. Bamboo. Some species of bamboo also
precisely synchronise their blooming and dying. An
example of just such specie of bamboo is described
in item #F3 from the totaliztic web page
5. Gum trees. Trees from which people draw
latex to produce rubber, are topical leaf-bearing trees.
Opposite to leaf-bearing trees of e.g. Europe, tropical
trees typically almost never loose their leafs and
are green almost the entire year through. But the
gum trees loose leafs exactly for the period of two
weeks surrounding the Chinese Lunar New Year -
means exactly for the duration of time when Chinese
workers employed on plantations of rubber-trees
wish to have a free time to be able to celebrate the
incoming New Year. In turn when these trees
have no leafs, they do not produce "latex" and
thus they must NOT be cut to retrieve their soap.
(Apart from the around two weeks when these
trees remain leafless, firstly for additional around
a week they loose their leafs, and later for around
another week they grow new leafs. Thus in total
the latex cannot be drawn from them for around
a month of time.) In this way the Chinese workers
who typically are employed on rubber-plantations
receive free time and can celebrate their New
Lunar Year without any obstacles. For this reason
in Chinese folklore a belief is deeply etched, that
God intentionally so designed gum trees that these
trees enable plantation workers to celebrate New
Years. But what intrigues me most, is that Chinese
New Lunar Years are moveable holidays and in every
year they occur at a different date - for dates of
these New Years in subsequent years see item
#B5 on the totaliztic web page
For example, in the year 1972 it was on 16th January,
while in the year 1985 - on 20th February (means
in mutual distances from each other in excess of
time when the gum trees remain leafless). In spite
of this, the gum trees still in some supernatural
way knew exactly when this Chinese New Year
is to occur, and they always loose their leafs
exactly at the time when the Chinese wish to
have a free time to carry out their celebrations.
The Chinese New Year hides also several further
mysteries. For example, it is also in the duration
of this New Year that the air on the entire Earth
has a higher ability to absorb moisture than in
the remaining part of the year. Hence, the folklore
of Chinese claims that the reason for these different
properties of the air during the Chinese New Year,
is that God designated this period especially for
the preparation by Chinese their favourite dry
sausages. Therefore God gives then the air this
special capability to dry out - so that the dry
sausages produced during that period are
especially dry and uniquely tasty.
This supernatural knowledge of gum trees when
exactly the Chinese New Year is coming, and
thus when they supposed to shade their leafs,
is also discussed in item #C2 from the totaliztic
web page
Fig. #F1ab: Unexplained scientific
puzzle and a symbol of supernatural mysteries
- means a lonely "baobab" from the
Malaysian island of Penang. It is a "living proof"
that the "atheistic orthodox science" to-date
disseminates a lot of rubbish on a significant
number of topics that it researches. The point
is, that the above baobab meets all requirements
which according to the "atheistic orthodox science"
to-date must be fulfilled for a baobab to produce
fruits and to multiply. But in spite of it, this particular
baobab neither produces fruits nor multiplies
(although it blooms almost continually). This in
turn means, that baobabs still hide a lot of mysteries
and supernatural attributes, which real explaining
must await until the time when the humanity firstly
establishes officially a new "totaliztic science" (i.e.
the science which is NOT afraid to explain mysteries) -
as this is described in item #C1 on the web page named
(Click on the selected photograph to see it enlarged.)
Fig. #F1a (left):
A photograph of the entire baobab tree. Notice
the information plate visible as it extends on the
left side of the photograph, above the fence which
surrounds the tree. In July 2011 this plate stated,
quote: "This tree, a native of Abyssinia, was
planted in 1871 by Captain Speedy, a soldier of
fortune. Baobabs are low spreading trees, flowers
pendulous and white. Fruits hairy, oblong of
about 30 cm. It can live up to 2,000 years. The
fat bottle-shaped trunks become hollow as the
trees age, some can hold as much as 5,000
litres of water. The natives of Africa used them
as storage chambers. Many African chiefs
were buried in the hollowed trunks of such
trees. Baobab trees are rich in pulp suitable
for use in paper industry.") As usually it is
the case with official information, in July 2011
this plate stated whatever is obvious and known
to almost everyone, but avoided mentioning of
whatever in this baobab is the most important.
Fig. #F1b (right):
A flower (around 20 cm in length) photographed
on 27 July 2011 on the baobab described here
from the Malaysian island of Penang. The presence
of this flower proves, that if baobabs really are
pollinated at nights by "fruit bats" - as naively
claims it the "atheistic orthodox science" to-date,
then this lonely baobab from the island of Penang
would have fruits and it would NOT exist in Malaysia
for so many years without producing any descendants.
Unfortunately, as usually, orthodox scientists "tell rubbish" on this
subject and, as usually, probably it turns necessary
that the new "totaliztic science" carries out factual
research to explain how baobabs really multiply.
Here is the repetition of descriptions of the griffin's (gryphon's) attack
(chupacabra) on myself, copied from subsection R4.2 in volume 15 of my
monograph [1/5]:
In order NOT to force the reader to search for
the description of the griffin's (gryphon's) appearance,
the course of its attack on me, and the results
of my later discoveries and findings regarding
this monster - which attack I experienced as a
17-year-old boy, below I am repeating these
descriptions from subsection R4.2 in volume 15 my
monograph [1/5]:
It was one Saturday in August 1963. On the occasion of summer vacation in Poland I was earning some money by organising sport festivals and village dancing. A next dancing I was just organising in a small village, the name of which I am unable to find out from distant New Zealand - so I will provide this name sometimes in the future. This village lied westward from a township Cieszkow. In turn Cieszkow is located around 10 kilometres north from Milicz. The meeting of a local organising committee which was preparing this dancing extended until around 1 at night. So to Wszewilki near Milicz in which I then lived I had to return alone on my bicycle very late at night. Just before my departure, one member of the organising committee, half-seriously warned me: now you must return through wilderness by this road on which haunts. When you are near the top of that hill, be careful. A devil taking the shape of a dog sometimes was seen there. At that time I was a perfect product of materialistic eduction and I did not believe in any devils, especially if these looked like dogs. So I replied courageously with some joke of the type, that a devil would be very helpful in organising our dancing, so if I meet it I try to catch it. While riding my bicycle in the direction of that hill, I was thinking with amusement about these superstitious people, who probably met some homeless dog and immediately took it for a devil. So with these thoughts I defined my internal attitude. If I was to meet something similar to a dog, without a doubt I was to believe it was a dog.
Either there was no moon at all, or it was covered with clouds, because the night was pitch dark. The road by which I needed to drive was a gravel one and in a part it lead through a wilderness. The more hard path led on the right side of that road. I could ride a bike on this path. While pedalling along this path, in the indicated point of the road I really noticed in light of my bicycle's dynamo a creature that lied on my path. It looked like a black, solid-build dog. I started to look with interest at this creature, in order to see why local people take this dog for a "devil". It was completely black. Only the large and strongly glowing eyes were burning red colour. I explained the unusual glowing of these eyes by reflection of the light from my dynamo in the bicycle. The size and proportions of the solid body it exactly corresponded to a large breed of dogs, which officially are called "rottweiler". But I get to know this breed only in New Zealand. I never met a dog of the "rottweiler" breed in Poland. But the creature had a different snout from a typical dog. It resembled me a snout of a camel. On a top of head it also had a clearly visible protrusion, which I took for a freshly grown bump. Along the entire back a kind of a long flap or a standing mane, slightly similar to an erected comb that is kept on heads of so-called "punks". But I was not surprised by it, because some owners of dogs trim them in very unusual manner. Around a neck a flap of like a skin was noticeably protruding, which presently I suspect that could be an edge of the wings folded tightly along the back. It had no tail. But had four muscly legs, placed like in all dogs that lie on tummy in a readiness to get up. This "dog" lied exactly on the path that I needed to pass and did not look that it intends to give me a way. The position of it resembled to me a dog that intends to play with someone. It kept all four legs on the ground in readiness to pounce. The head was protruding forward and slightly lifted above the ground, like in a goose that prepares itself to attack. But the mouth was closed and did not show any teeth. Its front lips were positioned in a tube in a cute grimace similar to lips of a child that prepares itself for a kiss. Actually this "devil" looked very innocent and friendly. It was like preparing itself for a play. It did not look hostile. Only that these penetrating eyes were sinking through the brain and unpleasantly tingling somewhere at the end of spine cord. If my teachers see mein that moment, they would be very proud of the level of my implementation of their philosophy of teaching. I was an excellent example of the blind belief which they impregnated in school, that everything that exists in the universe i already described in scholarly textbooks.
I watched this monster with the earlier internal attitude, that it must be a dog. Only that it belongs to an unknown and strangely looking breed. I was not even considering that I am just confronting something completely different, what is not described in scholarly textbooks. In turn with dogs I had a lot of experience, so I knew how to deal with them. This one was not growling and not snarling. Means, it must be in a peaceful mood. So in spite that I confronted an unknown monster - during a deep night and on a complete wilderness, I felt no fear at all. I was not terrified that this monster was sufficiently powerful to tear me apart in a split seconds. Because this "dog" decisively remained on the hard path, I decided to walk around it carefully, so not to trigger its aggressiveness. A soft road disallowed riding bicycle outside of the hard path. So around two meters before I run out this "dog" I stopped in order to walk my bicycle around it. After I stopped, of course the light from my dynamo extinguished itself. An absolute darkness surrounded me. But I still could notice the position of this "dog" by these two red-glowing huge eyes, which penetrated me continually. Making sure that just in case my bicycle all the time was kept between me and this "dog", I stepped carefully to the left side of the gravel road and started to walk my bicycle around the creature. I was not aware then, that close to the left edge of the road a cliff from a deep open cast gravel excavation began, with very steep slopes overgrown with some bushes. So when I was carefully walking around this "dog", rapidly earth tilted under my feet and I started to fall down along a steep slope. I made several somersaults, sometimes rolling over my bicycle, other time painfully feeling the bicycle rolling over me. Finally I stopped on some bush. I still spasmodically gripped my bicycle in hands. Blindly groping my way around I managed to scramble back to the road. The "dog" was not there any more. So I took the bicycle back on the hard path, with a relief confirmed that still it is possible to ride on it, sit on it and pedalled to my home.
In home it turned out that my shirt is completely covered with blood. In addition to scratches, bruises, and tearing of the shirt that are normal for such a fall down, I had also three very deep wounds. Two of them were located parallel to each other and looked as deep pierces made with a thick wire, e.g. barbed wire. They were positioned at my right arm, i.e. from the "dog" side. They appeared in the area and at a height, where on other right hand smallpox vaccination usually is done. The third wound looked like a cut or tearing of the skin with a sharp object or a piece of glass. It was located on a wrist slightly above of the area where a watch would be located is I have it on my right hand. It is surprising, that having such three deep and bleeding wounds, I did not feel a pain, while the existence of these wounds I noted only after the arrival home. Furthermore, the entire my shirt was covered with short sticky feather, with a greyish-blue base and pitch black tops. Because pigeons have this type of feathers that change colour at their length, I come to a conclusion that during my somersaulting I must fall onto some old remains of a pigeon. My unusual state I fast explained to myself with a theory, that the wounds come from a barbed wire fence that I encountered, while feathers originate from falling into a nest of old remains of a pigeon. Both wound on my arm healed quite fast, while the wound on my wrist was septic for a long time and it left a large scar until today.
Soon after the events described here I rode through this road again. But this time during a daylight. So I decided to satisfy my curiosity, and to compare on the spot my theory that I invented to explain the entire event with evidence present in the area. So I searched for the pigeon feathers and for barbed wire. Some kind of feathers I found around 10 meters before the area of my fall down - measuring along the edge of the road. In turn around 30 meters after the area of my fall down - also measuring along the road, I found an old barbed wire fence that run downhill of this slope. But I was unable to explain to myself how I could dip myself into these feathers and fence. After all, I fall vertically down, and then scramble straight upwards. However, the sole fact that there were feathers and barbed wire not far from the area of my fall down I took for a sufficient evidence to rationally explain all mysteries of that night. So I put the matter aside for forgetting. At that stage I did not know, that UFOnauts have the custom of just such manipulating human behaviour and reasoning.
However, this event refused somehow to be forgotten. As if it still awaited resolving, it get stuck somewhere in my memory - probably because of the intervention of the universal intellect. The second meeting with a griffin, but this time with only sculptures and paintings, took place around 1980. At that time I was already twice as old. In the meantime I managed to experience, that the world is full of things, which are not mentioned in scholarly textbooks. Together with my colleagues from the Technical University of Wroclaw, Poland, I was then in city Prague from Czech Republic. For tourist purpose we visited the Prague's Castle. Czech kings were seemingly fascinated with griffins, because in their castle there were numerous sculptures and paintings of these creatures. In spite that they presented griffins artistically and in a stylised form, with a shock and surprise I recognised in these sculptures and paintings the outlines of my extraordinary "dog" from Cieszkow. My colleagues had difficulties with taking me away from these griffins and showing also other attractions of the castle. It was then when one of these collisions between the scientific knowledge and life experience took place. As a scientist I could not understand, how it is, that I met a griffin as a boy, while everyone knows that griffins are non-existing mythical creatures that supposedly live only in human imagination. Also from that time I stated to be interested in griffins, and to read about them and about other similar monsters.
The last missing link in the griffin matter was found in 1997 because of a next favourable "coincidence". One of my New Zealand acquaintances send me the article [1R4.2] in a letter. In this article, amongst others, descriptions of the appearance of chupacabra were published, together with photographs and descriptions of wounds on hands of a person who was attacked by this monster. The appearance of this creature presented in the article, corresponded exactly to my griffins. But the highest shock for me was to discover, that also wounds caused by it were exactly corresponding to wounds that I found on my arm after the meeting with the griffins. On the basis of these wounds I come to conclusion, that at the night in 1963 I was actually attacked by the griffin. Only that because of the temporary hypnotising caused by this monster, I was unaware neither of the attack, nor the pain that accompanied it. Most probably when the monster pounced to suck my blood, the weight of its heavy corpse bit me out from the road and down the slope. (This is because until today I do not know how it happens that while still walking along the road I rapidly started to roll down the slope.) When I was somersaulting downhill the slope with the griffin attached tome and sucking my blood, the bicycle that I spasmodically gripped in my hands probably by accident drag the monster out of me. So slightly bruised, the monster probably flown away to seek other victim. This would explain the absence of the monster on the road, when I scrambled back in there. But feathers removed from this griffin remained on my shirt. (Pity that I ignored them and did not keep for researching.) The wound on my wrist would originate from the central claw of the back paw of the griffin, with which it probably was holding itself by my hand during the attack. Two wounds in my arm were not at all from piercing with a barbed wire, as I believed in this all the time, but from stings with which the monster sucked my blood. Because once removed the griffin do not attack again, I could ride my bicycle alive, completely unaware what I just experienced.
Part #G:
We live in a very strange world:
Not only the nature has its mysteries:
Today's professional scientists tell us that
everything has its explanation based on
physical laws. Meanwhile, many of the rules
and principles of work that shape our lives,
in reality have NO physical explanations.
For example, none of the rules described
in item #C6 from the separate web page named
can be explained on the basis of current
official so-called "atheistic orthodox
science" with its erroneous "a posteriori"
approach to rresearch (i.e. on the basis
of the science which we still in schools
and at universities, and which is more fully
described in items #C1 to #C6 from
the separate web page named
while the only explanation for these
principles is able to provide just the
new "totaliztic science" due
to its "a priori" approach to research.
But this does not stop these officially
unexplained rules from having a huge
impact on the lives of each one of us.
In turn the fact, that in spite of the claims
of the old "atheistic orthodox science",
there still exist these types of officially
unexplained rules and manifestations,
which this professional scientists are
unable to explain, practically means
that our official science contains a very
serious error that for our own good we
should try to eliminated as soon as possible.
The work of the artificially programmed by God, the
reversible "human time" - as the greatest mystery of
humanity explained only in 1985 with the creation of my
Theory of Everything called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity:
The work of the reversible "human time" is so
complicated and so different from what falsely
tell people the old official atheistic science, that
to this day the official science refuses to accept
the discoveries of my
Theory of Everything called the
Concept of Dipolar Gravity.
After all, if the official science accepted my discoveries,
then almost everything that it lies to people would have to cancel
and work out completely from a scratch. So in the situation
of this immense harmfulness of what openly the official
science is lying to people, and thus what irresponsibly
leads mankind to the cleansing and extermination already
in years 2030s of 99.9% of people living currently on Earth,
it is better if the reader himself/herself reads how our
reversible "human time" actually works. (For details of
this rapidly approaching extinction of humanity during
2030s - see my Polish web page named
or see the free, 34-minute long Polish film entitled
Zagłada ludzkości 2030 -
i.e. "Cleansing of humanity in 2030" - which can also
be viewed from the web page named
that compiles all the films in the development of which
I participated in person.) Only after learning about the
work of this reversible "human time", the reader will
understand the great body of evidence already accumulated
and indicated in my publications about: travels of people
in time, about someone's visiting times other than his/her
own, about "deja vu", about the construction and principle
of operation of already existing time vehicles (i.e. UFOs), etc.
The general descriptions of both different times
existing on Earth and in the entire physical world
(i.e. the reversible "human time" and the irreversible
"time of God"), that are resulting from discoveries of
my Theory of Everything, are briefly discussed in the
introduction and in item #G4 from my web page named
while in greater detail they are presented in items
#C3 to #C4.1 from another my web page named
In turn very detailed descriptions of software mechanisms
and systems created by God to control the actual work
of our reversible "human time", the reader will find, among
others, in items #J5 and #J6 from my web page (in English) named
in item #D3 from my Polish web page named
and in item #J2 from my Polish web page named
If the reader also wants to know how groundless, ignorant
and deceitful are the claims of official atheistic science about
the alleged erroneousness of the Bible in dating the age of
mankind, then they should also look for the caption under
"Table #A1" from my web page (in English) named
Part #H:
The geography of village Stawczyk - where it is located and how to find it:
The appearance and descriptions of the village Stawczyk:
The village Stawczyk is very small. It has only
around 20 houses and around 75 inhabitants.
But in spite of such miniature size there are
3 historically important roads which pass through
it. The oldest part of buildings of this village is
located along the old and sandy until today
road, which in past used to lead from the town
Milicz to the village Godnowo and further to
township Sulmierzyce. Furthermore, long ago
a significant number of buildings of this village
was located along still different old and sandy
until today road, which for centuries represented
a section of the famous "Amber Route". But
until today along remains of this "Amber Route"
just a single farmhouse still stays - in past occupied
by my parents and myself. Through Stawczyk passes
also still another, today already asphalted road -
although yet NOT supplied with a pedestrian
footpath. It is the newest road of this village,
because designed and constructed around
1875. Along it stands just around 5 farmhouses.
I have published several web pages in Internet
which describe the village Stawczyk.
Only that previously I described this village
under different names which it also used,
namely under the name "Wszewilki-Stawczyk",
or "Wszewilki" - after all these names are
also different names for Stawczyk. The most
vital part of descriptions of this village readers
can find on the web page named
In addition to this web page, there are several further
web pages topics of which have a direct link to
Stawczyk, and thus which also provide various
details about this village. The most vital amongst
these related web pages include the page named
(unfortunately available only in the Polish language).
In item #8 it describes "walking trails" along and around
the village
Stawczyk (called also Wszewilki-Stawczyk, or Wszewilki).
These "walking trails" make possible the viewing
of various areas and objects of this village, described
here. Other, also related web page about Stawczyk,
have the name
(This one is in two languages, i.e. Polish and English.)
It describes my vision of the future development and
character of Stawczyk (and Wszewilki). One curiosity
of the web page
is that it describes my trip in a "time vehicle" to this
village in the distant future. This trip to Stawczyk in
the distant future is presented in items #J1 to #J3
of the web page
and summarised berifly in item #C4 below.
Fot. #H1 (L1 in [10]):
Myself (i.e. Dr Jan Pajak - the author of this web
page) photographed in Stawczyk together with my
brother Czesław (Chester). I am this skinny young
person without glasses standing by the car "Fiat 126p".
A paradox of this photograph is that this skinny
person shown with the village Stawczyk in the
background (means myself), according to various
official documents, was born is several different
villages at the same time. Means he was born in
villages named: (1) Cegielnia, (2) Wszewilki, (3)
Stawczyk, and (4) Wszewilki-Stawczyk. With some
approximation it can be claimed, that he was also
born in former village named (5) Neu-Steffitz.
However, does it mean that this person in fact,
similarly to the Hindu god "Brahma", exists in four
personalities at the same time? We can imagine
the confusion and shock which a scientist used
to unambiguousness would experience when he would
need to define where this person in fact was born.
Actually our physical world is full of similar paradoxes
and confusions. This web page explains some amongst
them, together with their reasons. (Click on this photograph
if you wish to see it enlarged.)
In the time of taking this photograph I was permanently
living in
Only sometimes I visited my parents which then still
lived in Stawczyk. Thus, the above photograph captures
also the appearance of Stawczyk viewed from the
home of my parents. Just several meters behind the back
of the car Fiat shown on this photograph, a section of
one amongst the oldest merchant trails of the Europe (and the
world) was passing, namely the famous Amber Route.
Unfortunately, until today no many remains survived
from this ancient route.
Of course, this photograph was taken very long
ago (the exact year I do NOT remember). In
the meantime my appearance has changed.
How I look at present it is shown better either
on the photograph from end of the web page
or photographs from the web page
Readers who remember old photography technologies
notice probably that the above photograph was
made in the old technology of so-called "ORWO"
colour. Probably it was one amongst first colour
photographs taken in Stawczyk. The old ORWO
colour differed quite noticeably from the presently
used "Kodak Colour". Another photograph also taken
in the ORWO colour is shown on "Fig. #C2" from the web page
* * *
Notice that you can see the enlargement
of each illustration from this web site. For this, it suffices to click
on this illustration. Furthermore, most of the internet browsers that you may
use, including the popular "Internet Explorer",
allow also to download each illustration
to your own computer, where it can be looked at, reduced or enlarged to the
size that you may want, or printed with your own graphical software.
If one wishes to shift
a given Figure (i.e. a photograph or a drawing) -
means if one wishes to move this Figure into
another part of the screen where e.g. a description
of it is located, and when simultaneously one
wishes to reduce or reconfigure the separate window
in which this illustration is to appear, then one needs
to do as follows: (1) click on this illustration to make
it appear in another new window, (2) make sure
that this new window is set for capability to be
reconfigured and shifting along the screen (for
this one needs to have a look at the middle square
out of the three squares present in the top-right
corner of the screen - this middle square should
contain inside just a single screen-icon, so if there
are two such screen-icons inside of it, then one
needs to click on them to turn them into a single
screen-icon), (3) the "downsize" or "reconfigure"
this another new window (with a given illustration)
through "grabbing" its right-bottom corner with the
mouse and then dragging this corner upwards-left
to receive the required size and configuration of
this different new window (notice that since this
new window is downsized or reconfigured, then
it is to stay this way for all next Figures being
clicked - unless one enlarges or reconfigures
the window again), and then (4) drag this another
new window with the Figure that one wishes to
relocate, to the area of the web page where
one wishes to look at it e.g. because there is
a description related to it (to move the new window
with a Figure, one needs to just grab it with the
mouse by the blue stripe on the top of it and then
drag it to the required place). Notice also that if
one scrolls (with scroll-bars) the text of a page
when one reads it, this another window (with the
illustration) is going to disappear. In order to
return it into the new position on the screen, one
needs to click on its "icon" (i.e. on the "program's
button" from the taskbar) in the lowest part of the
How to find the village Stawczyk:
The village Stawczyk lies around 2 kilometres
as "crow flies" to the north-east from a small
in the south-west part of present Poland. The map
of Stawczyk in 2009 was promised to appear at the address
But when I was checking this address in September
2009, it only shown a photograph of the most representative
and civilised part of the village Stawczyk - i.e. the one which
is located along this newest asphalted road from Milicz
to Sulmierzyce, and thus by which stands the road sign
announcing the village Stawczyk. Therefore, the exact
location of Stawczyk is better to determine from the map
of the present village Wszewilki - which map in 2009 was
available under the address,Wszewilki.html.
On this map of Wszewilki, it is enough to find where Wszewilki
is and where the railway line passes at the eastern side
of Wszewilki - as this railway line separates Stawczyk from
Wszewilki. Stawczyk is located next to Wszewilki, by
the same as Wszewilki main road from Milicz to Sulmierzyce,
only that the buildings of Stawczyk are located behind
the railway line which separates Stawczyk from Wszewilki.
Because on this map also the village Sławoszewice is shown,
as well as the river Barycz and this railway which in past
trotted through the oldest central-square of Wszewilki, the
location of Stawczyk can also be determined from the
location of Sławoszewice in relation to the river Barycz
and to the railway. Namely, Stawczyk lies above (i.e. to the
north) from Sławoszewice, on the other side of the river
Barycz, but at the same side of the railway as Sławoszewice.
The map shows also clearly, that it asks to link Stawczyk
and Sławoszewice with a road, and run a circular city bus
"8" (i.e. "eight") along this road.
Such a bus would link Stawczyk with: Sławoszewice, Milicz,
Karłów, again Milicz, Krotoszyńska street, Wszewilki; and
then it would again return to Stawczyk. The introduction of
this bus-connection suggests the knowledge of Chinese art called
"Feng Shui" -
therefore on the futuristic web page
I am postulating the construction of this road from Stawczyk
to Sławoszewice already since a long time. After all, the
construction of the road from Stawczyk to Sławoszewice
would again close the circulation of "chi" energy which
was open by Germans in 1875. This in turn would cause
the economic revival of the entire this region and the return
of prosperity and good fortune to these areas.
Internet maps of the vicinity of Stawczyk available
in the time of writing this web page (i.e. in 2009)
were rather imprecise. Neither they indicated the
location of Stawczyk, nor indicated farmhouses
of Stawczyk existing along three historically vital
roads (amongst others, the former "Amber Route"
which was passing through Stawczyk). Therefore
much better the configuration and buildings of
Stawczyk is shown on the satellite photograph of Stawczyk
and the vicinity of this village, available at the address,17.286901&spn=0.026010,0.058545&t=k&hl=en.
I pointed this satellite photograph in such a manner
that it shows the entire upper loop of the circular
city bus "8" (i.e. "eight") - the establishing of which I
postulate in items #B1 to #B3 of a separate web page
in order to induce a local circulation of "chi" energy
and thus cause the economical revitalisation of
settlements linked to Stawczyk. Therefore, apart
from buildings of Stawczyk which are visible in
the upper-right corner of this satellite photograph (i.e.
in the north-east part of it), it shows also: Sławoszewice
located on the opposite side of the Barycz river from
Stawczyk, the entire length of the road which links
Sławoszewice and Milicz, the buildings of old town
of Milicz visible on the low-left corner of the photograph
(i.e. in south-west part of it), the Krotoszyńska street
which connects Milicz with Wszewilki, Wszewilki,
and of course the return road to Stawczyk which
runs from Milicz, through Wszewilki, to Stawczyk.
On this photograph also the river Barycz is visible,
and this intentional deviation of the railway line so
aimed that it destroyed the former (historic) town-hall
of Wszewilki. This railway become a border that
separates Wszewilki from Stawczyk.
Still another map of Wszewilki, and thus also a
map of vicinity of the village Stawczyk, one can
see on the web page with the address:
(after clicking on the link calling this web page,
one needs to type the name Wszewilki
into the window "Miejscowość" - i.e. "Village",
and then click onto the button "Pokaż" - i.e.
"Show"). The black line indicates on this map
the course of railway which in 1875 bulldogged
through the miniature central square of Wszewilki.
As one can see from this course, the railway
runs onto Wszewilki riding from east towards
west, then - after tramping through the central
place (square) of this village it turns again from
west towards east. The same railway, as well as
the empty area currently left after the former
central place of this village, can also be viewed
on the much more accurate satellite photograph
of Stawczyk, available from the address indicated
before in this item of the web page. Over there
(i.e. on the satellite photograph) is also clearly
visible the course of the railway line which was
purposely bend towards the former central square
of Wszewilki. Who was so hostile towards Wszewilki,
that designed the route of this railway line so viciously?
Notice also, that all fish ponds which are visible
near Wszewilki, were formed only around 1990
(there were no such ponds over there when the
railway line was constructed). The location of these
ponds was also selected in such a sinister manner,
that the ponds flooded, amongst others, the remains
of 1000 years old watermill which for all these
centuries operated near the present Stawczyk
by the previous riverbed of the Barycz river.
As I noticed this during my visit in Stawczyk of the
future described in item #C4 of this web page,
one day another fish pond is to be build in there,
the banks of which are to reach almost doorsteps
of the present buildings of Stawczyk. However, this
next fish pond is to have a very good impact on
the significance of Stawczyk - probably because
it is going to be constructed already after the circulation
of "chi" energy is closed due to the road that connects
Stawczyk with Sławoszewice and due to running the
circular city bus "8" (i.e. "eight"). This is because the
next pond is to be utilised as a kind of artificial lake
for recreation purposes, turning this way Stawczyk
into a fashionable centre of culture and recreation.
Fig. #H2:
An old German map of Milicz and vicinity - courtesy
(Click on this map to see it enlarged or to shift it in
a different area of the screen.) Because it is so old,
the above scan shows black crossing lines along
the edges where the map was folded. Thus during
viewing the map these two straight black crossing
lines should be treated as if there are non-existing.
On this map is clearly visible the village presently
named "Wszewilki", which in times of drawing this
map carried the German name "Ziegelscheune".
If one enlarges this map, then on the extension of
the main road through "Wszewilki" (i.e. the main road
through "Ziegelscheune") toward the east, one can
see slightly fuzzy writing "Neu-Steffitz" - which
name represents the German name for the present
"Stawczyk". Interestingly, on the above map almost
every house of the former Stawczyk is marked,
including houses which do NOT exist today because
were burned shortly after the war.
In order to be able to see individual houses on the
above map of Milicz and surrounding villages, firstly
one needs to magnify this map to the scale required
by our eyes. This magnifying one needs to initiate
by clicking on the map. This clicking is to open
a separate window which contains just the map
ready to be magnified. Then one needs to click in
this new window onto a small "magnifying glass"
(with a sign + inside) which is to appear at the
bottom of this new window with the map. Then
one needs to place this "magnifying glass" to
the area on the map which one wishes to magnify
and keep clicking there so many times until the
area appears in the required scale of magnification.
Notice that the entire new window with the magnified
map can be enlarged, reduced, or reconfigured,
and also moved to a different area of the screen
(instructions how to do all these are provided under
the first illustration, amongst others, from the following
totaliztic web pages:
If the reader examines carefully this map, then
probably notices on it several shocking irregularities.
For example, probably notices this strange arched
deviation towards the west of the railway line from
Milicz to Krotoszyn. This deviation was intentionally
so selected, that the railway line bulldogged the historic
central-square of the village "Ziegelscheune" (i.e.
present village "Wszewilki") together with the old
church that in past used to stand by this central-square
(this church is illustrated in "Fig. #C5" from the web page
and in "Fig. #2" from the totaliztic web page
Furthermore, this deviated railway line splits the
historic village "Ziegelscheune" (i.e. present "Wszewilki")
into two separate villages, namely into "Ziegelscheune"
(i.e. present "Wszewilki") and "Neu-Steffitz" (i.e.
present "Stawczyk"). What even more shocking,
if such arched bending of the railway line took
place slightly earlier (i.e. slightly more to the south),
then the railway station of Milicz could be constructed
almost just by the town-hall of Milicz (instead being
constructed around 2 kilometres to the east from the
centre of Milicz). This in turn would increase the
usefulness of such railway and would probably
save this railway line from closing down because
of the lack of passengers who prefer to use bus
station of Milicz because it is much closer to the
town centre. Another "irregularity" visible on this
map is the name "Neu-Steffitz" for the present village
"Stawczyk". As we can see it from the map, this name
means a "new village Steffitz" (i.e. like a new version
of the present village "Stawiec"). But this "Neu-Steffitz"
is even more distant from the village "Steffitz" (i.e.
from the present village "Stawiec") than it is distant
from Milicz. Why, therefore, Stawczyk was NOT
called e.g. "Neu-Militsch" (i.e. "new Milicz"), or
"Neu-Ziegelscheune", instead of being called
"Neu-Steffitz"? After all, it is located closer to
Milicz and to Wszewilki then to Stawiec, and
also it has a permanent historical link with Milicz
and with Wszewilki, but not with Stawiec.
Another "irregularity" clearly visible on the map
is that it intentionally ignores to show the entire
course of still then existing and used old "Amber
Route" - which used to lead through the present
village Stawczyk. (This intentionally ignored section
of the "Amber Route" still was used in years of
my youth, i.e. immediately after the Second World
War - then in Stawczyk it was called "the road to
the dam".) The exact course of this "Amber Route"
is described (in Polish only) in item #8.1 of the web page
Still another "irregularity" documented on this map
is that during making it there were NO fish ponds yet
which flooded the old historic water mill of Milicz
and a significant proportion of the old "Amber
Route". (These fish ponds are already shown on
present maps indicated in item #H2 of this web
page, while discussed in items #B2 and #E1 of the web page
and in item #H2 of this web page.)
All the above "irregularities" taken together clearly
document that the present village Stawczyk is
continually subjected to some strange persecution,
described, amongst others, in items #E1 and #E2
of the totaliztic web page
and in items #C4 and #K3 of the totaliztic web page
In the face of existence of the documentation
(such as e.g. the above map) which clearly
confirms the existence of this continual persecution
of the village Stawczyk, it is worth to ask question:
"why and by whom this village is continually troubled
for so long period of time?". Means, whether this
persecution is an expression of the action of so-called
"moral field" - similar to the action of the "curse of
inventors" described in item #G3 of the totaliztic web page
(If so - then what so "morally desirable" this villages does
that it deserves such vicious persecution?) Or else this
persecution is the expression of the existence and activities
of some "evil power" which knows something about Stawczyk
that presently we still do not know?
Other villages also carrying the name "Stawczyk" or names related to it:
At this point in time the name "Stawczyk" is
unique. Means, apart from the village named
Stawczyk that is described on this web page,
NO other place (human settlement) exists in
the entire world which would also have the
same name "Stawczyk".
However, I should mention, that in past (i.e. quite
a long time ago) another village named "Stawczyk"
existed, which was located in a different region
of Poland. This other village Stawczyk was owned
by the knighthood family also named "Stawczyk".
From this family trace their origins a large number
of people who presently have surnames
"Stawczyk" -
for details see item #I1 near the end of this web page.
Unfortunately for all these people, this other knighthood
village was renamed into a different name quite a long
ago. Until today diminished even the memory where
this other village was located. I also do NOT know
when exactly the name of this other Stawczyk was
changed, nor how sounds the present name of this
other village Stawczyk (if any reader has some
information regarding these unknown details, I would
be grateful for letting me know them - so that I could
publish these here).
But versions of village names related to the name
"Stawczyk" are NOT unique at all. For example,
only in Poland are 3 villages named "Stawiec".
One amongst these three is "Stawiec" distant from "Stawczyk" by
only around 3 kilometres. I suspect that it is from
this "Stawiec" that "Stawczyk" received its name.
After all, the name "Stawczyk" means in Polish
a "Small Stawiec" (similarly like in English the
name "duckling" means a "small duck"). On the
other hand, when Germans invented in 1875 the
name for present Stawczyk, they gave to it the
name "Neu-Steffitz" - means a "New Stawiec"
(while the present "Stawiec" was called "Steffitz"
by them).
Independently from Stawiec located around 3 kilometres
to north-west from Stawczyk, in Poland there are
also further two villages called "Stawiec". Another
one of these is a settlement located not far from
the former capital of Teutonic Knights, means from
Administratively it belongs to the County "Nowy Staw",
near Malbork, Pomeranian Voivodeship. Still another
(third) Stawiec is a village in the County "Nowy Dwór Gdański",
Pomeranian Voivodeship (województwo pomorskie).
Part #I:
Origins of the surname "Stawczyk":
Where people named "Stawczyk" come from:
"Everything has its history. Learning this history allows us to understand present situation much better."
In spite that the name of village "Stawczyk" is unique -
as this is explained in item #H3 above on this web page,
everyone who in a search engine writes the word
"Stawczyk" immediately is to discover that there is
a lot of people in the world who have the surname
"Stawczyk". For me this fact was a bit intriguing. Thus,
I decided to find out where exactly the surname
"Stawczyk" comes from. As it turned out, the establishing
this fact is NOT so simple. The only thing that I managed
to determine for sure, is that the surname "Stawczyk"
originates from the knight's village called "Stawczyk" -
which village existed in past in former
Poland. On the subject of link between that village
"Stawczyk" and the surname "Stawczyk" there
exists quite an interesting legend or belief. But
before I describe here this legend (or belief),
firstly I would like to verify and to confirm it.
Therefore, herewith I have an appeal to people
who have the surname "Stawczyk" and who know
where their surname comes from, to share with me
their knowledge.
Everyone needs a knowledge of own "roots" from which he or she originates:
"In order to learn the direction in which we are going in our lives, we need to learn firstly where exactly we come from."
The awareness of the history of surname "Stawczyk"
can be a source for a whole array of spiritual
and moral benefits for people who carry this
surname. After all, the logic indicates that "in
order to learn the direction in which we are
going in our lives, we need to learn firstly
where exactly we come from." In turn it is
known that people who have a good awareness
of own spiritual roots, and moral skeleton,
typically accomplish much higher successes
in their lives than "orphan" people whose
awareness, mentality, and morality carries
attributes of someone completely "lost". In
turn the first step towards finding ones identity
and roots is to determine from where exactly
one originates.
I personally recommend that people with the surname "Stawczyk"
take patronage over the special village "Stawczyk":
Since it is already known for sure, that people
with the surname "Stawczyk" have their spiritual
roots in the village called "Stawczyk", for sentimental
reasons people with such surnames should take
a patronage over the village Stawczyk. After all,
this village, as well as the sense of belonging and the
spirit of these people, both desperately need such a patronage.
Of course, such a patronage is able to bring a lot
of spiritual and moral benefits also to these people
with the surname "Stawczyk". For example, they
begin to have the village with which they can spiritually
identify themselves. The will also have the place
which is to provide them with goal for their summer
expeditions and activities. They are going to have
the village for which their moral support and activities
will turn very helpful. They will also be able to implement
in life the famous statement of the President John
Kennedy, stating that "Do not ask what your country
can do for you, but ask what you can do for your
Part #J:
Summary, and the final information of this web page:
The summary of this web page:
Our universe does NOT contain only what
we can see and touch. In fact, the majority
of the universe is composed of an invisible,
although existing and equally real as what
we can see. One amongst obvious examples
of whatever is NOT described in official publications,
but still exists and exerts its influence, is the
extraordinary village named "Stawczyk" -
described on this web page. This village
represents a symbol and a proof, that
something can exist, but for the majority
of people it remains invisible.
How with the web page named
one can find totaliztic descriptions
of topics in which he is interested:
A whole array of topics equally interesting
as these from the above web page, is also
discussed from the angle that is unique to
the philosophy of totalizm. All these related
topics can be found and identified with the use of
content index
prepared especially to make easier finding
these web pages and topics. The name "index"
means a list of "key words" usually provided
at the end of textbooks, which allows to find
fast the description or the topic in which we
are interested. My web pages also has such
a content "index" - only that it is additionally
supplied in green
which after "clicking" at them with a mouse
immediately open the web page with the topic
that interest the reader. This content "index"
is provided on the web page named
It can be called from the "organising" part of
"Menu 1" of every totaliztic web page. I would
recommend to look at it and to begin using it
systematically - after all it brings closer hundreds
of totaliztic topics which can be of interest to
The blog of totalizm:
It is also worth to check periodically the blog of
totalizm available at addresses:
On this blog many events discussed here are also
explained with additional details written as these
events unveil before our eyes.
of this web page (i.e. Dr Jan Pająk):
I have a pleasure to inform readers of my web
pages, that to commemorate the 70th birthday
of the author of this web page (i.e.
there was produced and published around 35
minutes long film by Dominik Myrcik, which
since May 2016 is available for free viewing in
The film is entitled
"Dr Jan Pająk portfolio"
and it presents graphically most important among
my scientific accomplishments. The English-language
version of this video can be viewed at the address,
or run it from my "videos' playlist" web page named
that I have programmed for "smart" Korean TVs of LG
manufacture, or for PCs (preferably using the "Google Chrome"
search engine). I am inviting readers to view it. The working
green links,
internet addresses, promotional leaflets in three
languages, and complete descriptions of all three
language versions (i.e.
English - see,
German (auf Deutsch) - see, and
Polish (po polsku) - see
of this excellently designed and produced HD and
HQ film, are available on my web page named
portfolio.htm -
which was especially prepared for describing the film.
Current email addresses to the author of
this web page, i.e. officially to
Dr Eng. Jan Pajak
while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak,
at which readers can post possible comments,
opinions, descriptions, or information which in
their opinion I should learn, are provided on the web page named
(for its version in the HTML language), or the web page named
(for the version of the web page "pajak_jan_uk.pdf"
in safe PDF format - which safe PDF versions
of further web pages by the author can also be
downloaded via links from item #B1 of the web page named
The author's right for the use of courteous
title of "Professor" stems from the custom that
"with professors is like with generals", namely
when someone is
once a professor, than he or she courteously
remains a professor forever. In
turn the author of this web page was a professor
at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them,
from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998,
as an "Associate Professor" from English-based
educational system, while on one university as
a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till
31 December 2007 - means at the last place
of employment in his professional life).
However, please notice that because of my
rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly
reply to emails which contain JUST time
consuming requests, while simultaneously
they document a complete ignorance of their
author in the topic area which I am researching.
This web page is also available in the form
of a brochure marked [11], which
is prepared in "PDF" ("Portable Document
Format") - currently considered to be the
most safe amongst all internet formats, as
normally viruses cannot cling to PDF. This
clear brochure is ready both, for printing,
as well as for reading from a computer
screen. It also has all its
green links
still active. Thus, if it is read from the computer
screen connected to internet, then after clicking
onto these green links, the linked web pages
and illustrations will open. Unfortunately, because
the volume of it is around a double of the volume
of web page which this brochure publishes,
the memory limitations on a significant number
of free servers which I use, do NOT allow to
offer it from them (so if it does NOT download
from this address, because it is NOT available
on this server, then you should click onto any
other address from
Menu 3,
and then check whether in there it is available).
In order to open this brochure (and/or download
it to own computer), it suffices to either click on
the following green link
or to open from any totaliztic web site the
PDF file named as in the above green link.
If the reader wishes to check, whether some other
totaliztic web page which he or she just is studying,
is also available in the form of such PDF brochure,
then should check whether it is listed amongst links
from "part #B" of the web page named
This is because links from there indicate all totaliztic
web pages, which are already published as such
brochures from series [11] in PDF format.
I wish you a fruitful reading!
Copyrights © 2018 by Dr Jan Pajak:
Copyrights © 2018 by Dr Jan Pajak. All rights
reserved. This web page is a report from outcomes
of research of the author - only that is written
in a popular language (so that it can be understood
by readers with non-scientific orientation). Ideas
presented on this web page (and also in other
publications by the author) are unique for the
author’s research, and thus from the same
angle these ideas were NOT presented by any
other researcher. As such, this web page presents
ideas which are the intellectual property of the
author. Therefore, the content of this web page
is the subject to the same laws of intellectual
ownership as every other scientific publication.
Especially the author reserves for himself the
credit-rights for the scientific discoveries and
inventions described on this web page. Therefore,
the author reserves that during repeating any
idea presented on this web page (i.e. any theory,
principle, deduction, interpretation, device, evidence,
proof, etc.), the repeating person gives a full credit
to the author of this web page, through clearly
explaining that the author of a given idea is Dr
Jan Pajak, through indicating the internet address
of this web page under which this idea was published,
and through mentioning the date of most recent
update of this web page (i.e. the date indicated below).
* * *
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Date of starting this page: 17 September 2009
Date of the most recent update of this web page: 8 August 2018
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)