Dr Eng. Jan Pająk - index of topics with links to web pages
(bilingual, in English For English version click on this flag and Polish Dla polskiej wersji kliknij na ta flage)
12 December 2012

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Free energy

Telekinetic cell

Sonic boiler


Zero pollution cars


Telekinesis Free Zone





Concept of Dipolar Gravity




Moral laws


Proof of soul

Time vehicles




Oscillatory Chamber

Military use of magnocraft


New Zealand

New Zealand attractions

Evidence of UFO activities

UFO photographs


Bandits amongst us





Demolition of hall in Katowice


26th day









Formal proof for the existence of UFOs



About God

Proof for the existence of God

God's methods

The Bible

Free will


About me (Dr Eng. Jan Pajak)

Old "about me"

My job search

Aleksander Możajski

Pigs from Chinese zodiac

Pigs Photos


Tropical fruit

Fruit folklore


Evolution of humans


Greek keyboard

Russian keyboard

Solving Rubik's cube 3x3=9

Solving Rubik's cube 4x4=16




Battle of Milicz

St. Andrea Bobola

Village Stawczyk


Wszewilki of tomorrow



1964 class of Ms Hass in Milicz

TUWr graduates 1970

Lectures 1999

Lectures 2001

Lectures 2004

Lectures 2007

Better humanity

Party of totalizm

Party of totalizm statute

FAQ - questions




Index of content with links

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(Po polsku na tej witrynie:)


Skorowidz ZIP

Darmowa energia

Telekinetyczne ogniwo

Grzałka soniczna


Samochody bez spalin


Strefa wolna od telekinezy


Trzęsienia ziemi



Koncept Dipolarnej Grawitacji




Prawa moralne


Dowód na duszę

Wehikuły czasu




Komora oscylacyjna

Militarne użycie magnokraftu


Nowa Zelandia

Atrakcje Nowej Zelandii

Dowody działań UFO na Ziemi

Fotografie UFO


Bandyci wśród nas




Lawiny ziemne

Zburzenie hali w Katowicach


26ty dzień









Formalny dowód na istnienie UFO



O Bogu naukowo

Dowód na istnienie Boga

Metody Boga


Wolna wola


O mnie (dr inż. Jan Pająk)

Starsze "o mnie"

Poszukuję pracy

Aleksander Możajski

Świnka z chińskiego zodiaku

Zdjęcia ozdobnych świnek

Radości po 60-tce



Owoce tropiku

Owoce w folklorze

Książka kucharska

Ewolucja ludzi


Grecka klawiatura

Rosyjska klawiatura

Rozwiązanie kostki Rubika 3x3=9

Rozwiązanie kostki Rubika 4x4=16




Bitwa o Milicz

Św. Andrzej Bobola

Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Miliczu

Klasa Pani Hass z LO Milicz

Absolwenci 1970

Nasz rok

Wykłady 1999

Wykłady 2001

Wykłady 2004

Wykłady 2007

Wieś Stawczyk


Zwiedzaj Wszewilki i Milicz

Wszewilki jutra

Zlot "Wszewilki-2007"

Unieważniony Zjazd "2007"

Poprzedni Zlot "2006"

Raport Zlotu "2006"



Lepsza ludzkość

Partia totalizmu

Statut partii totalizmu

FAQ - częste pytania





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Moralische Gesetze


Über mich

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Énergie libre


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Energia libera


Leggi morali


Circa me

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Here is the list of all web pages which should be available at this address (i.e. from this server), arranged by language (in 8 languages). It represents a more frequently updated version of "Menu 1". Choose below the page that interests you by dragging scroll bars, then click on this web page to run it:

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Here is the list of addresses of all totaliztic web sites that still worked at the date of the most recent update of this web page. At each of these addresses should be available all totaliztic web pages listed in "Menu 1" or "Menu 2", including also their different language versions (i.e. versions in languages: Polish, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Greek or Russian.) Thus firstly select the address which you wish to open by dragging scroll bars in small window below, then click on this address to run it. When opens the web page which represents this address, then choose from its "Manu 1" or "Menu 2" the web page which interests you and click on it to view that page:

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(The above list can also be displayed from "Menu 1" by clicking Menu 4.)

"Index of topics" is needed for my web pages, together with "(green) links" which would allow to find fast and to run the descriptions for topics that one seeks. After all, until 2011 I developed over 300 different web pages, that address over 120 different subject areas - each subject area being presented in at least two languages (i.e. English and Polish) while sometimes in as many as 6 languages. All these web pages discuss various subjects from points of view of the new so-called "totaliztic science" - and are unique products of my research, knowledge, life philosophy (totalizm), and creative mind. Unfortunately, objective and fair presentation of views and findings of the "totaliztic science" - which are presented and explained on my web pages and in my monographs, so-far cannot be found in practically any other publication available on the Earth (although there are already numerous "critique" writings which compete with each other in "spitting" at results of research carried-out according to canons of this new “totaliztic science”). Therefore, in order to ease for readers the finding of presentations, explanations and descriptions of whatever interests them - prepared from "a priori" approach to research implemented by the new "totaliztic science", and also in order to present an exact review of topics described on my web pages and in my monographs, I developed this "index of topics" page with (green) links to web pages which present topics already researched totaliztically. I wish you the fruitful use of it "for the mutual good of all people".

Part #A: Introductory information of this web page:


#A1. How to use this web page:

       "Part #B" of this "index of topics" contains an alphabetic list of "topics" and "keywords" or "definitions" to issues discussed on subsequent web pages that I am authorising. To each of these I tried to assign a brief description. After the symbol => are also provided (green) links to these my web pages which discuss a given topic, together with #items on these web pages in which this topic is presented.
       In order to find items on my web pages which describe a topic in which the reader is interested, the best way is to describe this topic with a few "keywords" that most exactly characterise it, then search in the "index of topics" from "Part #B" of this web page for (green) links with keywords that correspond best to whatever the reader is seeking. It is also worth to remember that the "Internet Explorer" in the menu called "Edit" includes the command "Find (on This Page)". This command makes easier finding in the index below keywords and web pages which one is seeking. I highly recommend the use of this "Find" command, as it is extremely useful and beneficial when searching through "keywords" and links of this index web page.
       I place a great emphasis on making sure that every server of totalizm contains all web pages, or links to all web pages, that I developed so-far. But, as every human, I sometime make mistakes. Furthermore, web pages, web sites, and servers of totalizm are sometimes out of order, while everything that concerns "totalizm" is also intensely sabotaged (according to the action of so-called "curse of inventors"). Therefore, sometimes may happen, that a few amongst links from this "index of topics" may NOT work on a given server (web site). In such cases I would recommend to shift to another server (web site) listed in "Menu 3", while over there try to run again a given (the same) link to the topic which interests the reader at a given moment in time.

Part #B: Index of topics and (green) links:

Notice: because this web page is a translation from the Polish-language version of it, while I try to maintain here exactly the same order of keywords and links as the order that appears in the Polish version of this web page, subsequent keywords here cannot be arranged in an alphabetic order - as this is the case in the Polish version of this web page. (In the Polish language given keywords have different spellings and also the order of words in sentences is different.)

2 sciences: atheistic (orthodox) and totaliztic => totalizm.htm/#A2.6, tornado.htm/#B1, telekinetics.htm/#C1
3 explanation to every God's action => tornado.htm/#K1 & #C2, landslips.htm/#B2, day26.htm/#C2 & #K2
9 killed by UFOs on the "Pass of Diatlov", Ural, 1959 => text_1_5.htm/UB3 vol. 16, evidence.htm/#E2
a priori => totalizm.htm/#A2.6, tornado.htm/#B1, telekinetics.htm/#C1, god_exists.htm/#F1, tekst_1_5.htm/H10
"a priori" contra "a posteriori" approach to research of reality => totalizm.htm/#A2.6, text_1_5.htm/H10 vol. 4
absolute truth exists but is impossible to unambiguous expressing => prawda_uk.htm/#B4
graduates of my year 1964 from the class of Ms Hass in Lyceum of General Education in Milicz => klasa_uk.htm, lo.htm
graduates of my year 1970 at Mechanical Engineering in the Technical University of Wrocław => rok_uk.htm, pw.htm
absurd of scientific claims that the universe "originates from nothing" => will.htm/#E1, bible.htm/#C12
absurd of scientific proposals for principles of "time travel" => fe_cell.htm/#K1
address and contacts to the author of these web pages (Dr Eng. Jan Pająk) => pajak_jan_uk.htm/#L3
aerodynamics claims that bumblebees should not fly => cooking.htm/#C2, god_exists.htm/#H2, bible.htm/#F1
"aggressors" loose every war => bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm/Fig. #A1, #I2, morals.htm/#C5.2, changelings.htm/#B1
Aleksander Możajski (Алекса́ндр Ф. Можа́йский) = builder of the world's first airplane => see Możajski Aleksander
anonymous & discrete way of God's actions => tapanui.htm/#H1
Antichrist = God's "simulation" of an evil creature with supernatural powers => antichrist.htm
Antichrist as a "bodily representation of God" => antichrist.htm/#F4 and #F5
Ark of the Covenant = ancient version of the "Oscillatory Chamber" => telekinesis.htm/#M1 eco_cars.htm/#D3
Arnold Kenneth = the first UFO sighting - 24 June 1947 => will.htm/#F2, text_1_5.htm/P2.4.1 & P5.1 vol. 14
arrogant promise to build two new atomic reactors in Japan => seismograph.htm/#C7
artefact from Singapore = descriptions of false "Zhang Heng Seismograph" => artefact.htm
"Apollo" program = landing of people on the Moon => immortality.htm/#K2 & #A3
attacks of UFOs on people => evidence.htm/#E2, newzealand.htm/#E3, text_1_5.htm/UB3 vol. 16
"atheistic orthodox science" => totalizm.htm/#A2.6, tornado.htm/#B1, pajak_jan_uk.htm/#J2, text_1_5.htm/H10
atomic catastrophe in Fukushima is at least 4 times larger than Chernobyl => telekinetics.htm/#M1.1
Auckland - destructive tornado of 3rd May 2011 => tornado.htm/#H5, day26.htm/#I3
autobiography (full) of the author of these web pages (Dr Eng. Jan Pająk) => pajak_jan_uk.htm/#B1
autobiography (shortened) of the author of these web pages (Dr Eng. Jan Pająk) => jan_pajak.htm/#1
authorization of the Bible by God Himself => see Bible and evidence of the authorisation by God
Badylak, Dr Stephen (invented "pixie dust") => bible.htm/#F2(15b)
baobab from the island of Penang, Malaysia => cooking.htm/#C2, stawczyk_uk.htm/#F4.4
bandit behaviours of UFOnauts' simulations => bandits.htm
"Telekinetic Cell" = "Telekinetic Battery" => fe_cell.htm, telekinetics.htm/#G1 & #D1, text_1_5.htm/LA
non-medical "self-healing" of own pains through the "reversal of own beliefs" => healing.htm/#G2
healthy and safe food and meals => cooking.htm
"white-headed" - in churches of Korea => korea.htm/"Fig. #3b"
Bible = description of true history of the universe => will.htm/#E1
Bible = confirmation for researchers but no free solutions for lazy people => god_proof.htm/#H3, immortality.htm/#D5.2
Bible guarantees a protection from cataclysms of the place of living of "10 righteous" => quake.htm/#G1
Bible and the evidence of the Bible's authorisation by God => bible.htm
Bible and totalizm teach how to live "righteously" ("morally") => quake.htm/#G1(Re.1), mozajski_uk.htm/#B2.1
Bible orders punishing (disciplining) children with rods => will.htm/#B5.1, rok_uk.htm/#E4, quake.htm/#G1
Bible orders at least 2 witnesses for judging => bible.htm/#C5, tornado.htm/#B1
Bible warns about the death penalty for "unjust" (even if they are "religious") => seismograph.htm/#A1 & #B5
Bible confirms the principle of time vehicles that is based on DNA => immortality.htm/#B4 & #D5 to #D5.2
Bible confirms that God shifts back every person to years of youth several times => immortality.htm/#B4.1
Bible curses those people that ... => quake.htm/#G1, seismograph.htm/#B5
Bible explains the creation of visible from invisible (i.e. matter from counter-matter) => bible.htm/#C12
Bible and homosexuals => quake.htm/#G1, plague.htm/#B1, mozajski_uk.htm/#B2.1, morals.htm/#C5.5
"bio-acupuncture" (use of blade of grass to prevent colds after rains) => healing.htm/#E1
battle for "Milicz" in final days of 2nd World's War (report of an eye-witness) => bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm/#C1
flash of death (beam of EM waves emitted at the moment of death) => soul_proof.htm/#E2, god_proof.htm/#F2
bombarding of New Zealand by pooh of UFOnauts => evidence.htm/#A2 & #B8
bombarding of future victims of earthquakes by offers of building warning devices => seismograph.htm/#I1
God defines "justice" (and thus also "morality") as obeying His commandments => totalizm.htm/#A1, morals.htm/#B5
God definitely exists and this fact is formally proven => god_proof.htm/#G2, god.htm/#B3
God (and physical world) are only around 6000 years old => will.htm/#B7, evolution.htm/#A2, text_1_5.htm/NA1.3 vol. 12
God is investigated by research of "totaliztic science" and philosophy of totalizm => god.htm, text_1_5.htm/I3.3.4 vol. 5
God is a self-aware natural program residing in the "counter-matter" => god_proof.htm/#C2
God punishes passive towards sins like contributors these sins => seismograph.htm/#C7, parasitism.htm/#B1 & #B4
God punishes with death "unjust" ("immoral") people => seismograph.htm/#A1 & #B5
God punishes with death religious people who behave "unjustly" ("immorally") => seismograph.htm/#A1 & #B5
God punishes for "immorality", not for "atheism" or too-low "religiousness" => seismograph.htm/#A1 & #B5
God 'rewards' by saving from experiencing 'punishments' => mozajski_uk.htm/#B2.1
God commands to discipline children with rods => will.htm/#B5.1, quake.htm/#G1(Ad.1), morals.htm/#J2.4
God "nourishes itself" with knowledge => will.htm/#B4
God self-evolved from the initial "chaos" of the universe => will.htm/#E1, text_1_5.htm/A1.1 vol. 1
God avoids confirmations of 'prophecies' to NOT generate 'prophets' => seismograph.htm/#C5(3.14) & #C6
God uses "self-regulatory" mechanisms of punishing => mozajski_uk.htm/#B3 & #B4.4, seismograph.htm/#C7 & #I1
God-Monkey (i.e. "Hanuman" in Hinduism, "Si Jin Hung" in Buddhism, "Sun Wukong" in Taoism) => god.htm/Fig. #B2a
lack of 'competition' or 'opposition' causes the growth of deviations and degenerations => god_exists.htm/#F1.1 & #F3
lack in churches people that are unhealthily obese => god_proof.htm/#F2
Britten John and his motorbike and muscle powered aircraft => newzealand_visit.htm/#H1.4
guns: pepesha, Suomi M-31 SMG, RKM Browning, Schmeisser, Mauser, Kalashnikov => bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm/#E2
"Occam's razor" ("entities should be multiplied over absolute necessity") => god_exists.htm/#F1 & #F2
"chaos" in initial universe as the force which self-evolved God => will.htm/#E1
character of people revealed by their anatomy => day26.htm/#M1, changelings.htm/#M1
"chimera DNA" = genetics in a child different than in the mother => soul_proof.htm/#C6, prawda_uk.htm/#C1
Christchurch - the outcome of ignoring self-defence from cataclysms => quake.htm/#P5.1, seismograph.htm/#C5.1
"bodily representations of God" or "embodiments of God" => see "deity"
Corby Schapelle from Australia => predators.htm/#E5, changelings.htm/#I1
miracle - rain living fishes => milicz_uk.htm/Fig. #D24, god_proof.htm/#H2, wszewilki_uk.htm/Fig. #F2, tornado.htm/#K3
"miracles" which occurred in my presence => god_proof.htm/#H2
miraculous turning back of figure in Christchurch cathedral => quake.htm/#P6
"miraculous birds" which lay "golden eggs" = inventors => free_energy.htm/#H2
miraculous healing in Warszawa in church from Święta Lipka => timevehicle.htm/#D6.1, god_proof.htm/#H2
cicadas in Korea => korea.htm/"Fig. #10b"
cyclone Nargis from Burma (3 and 4 May 2008) combined of two counter-rotating cyclones => katrina.htm/#E2
black magician "Sapieha" => sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm/#G1
"time", work of time => immortality.htm/#C1
time black hole = life in the "imprisoned immortality" without nirvana => timevehicle.htm/#C9
"man is shooting, but bullets are carried by the devil" (Polish proverb) => changelings.htm/#B1, karma.htm/#B6
"four-propulsor UFO vehicles" (UFO with four propulsors) => explain.htm/#G1
whether God keep promises which He announced in the Bible => day26.htm/#I3, healing.htm/#G2
whether our illnesses are healed by medicines, or by God => healing.htm/#A2
whether UFOs and UFOnauts are "God's simulations" => text_1_5.htm/OD5 & QB1 vol. 13 & 15, evidence.htm/#A2
cleansing-provocation at Technical University of Wrocław, 1 May 1968 => text_1_5.htm/A18 vol. 1, wroclaw_uk.htm/#F2
"free energy" - generating devices => free_energy.htm, fe_cell.htm, telekinetics.htm, eco_cars.htm
Darwin's "survival of the fittest" => changelings.htm/#B1, bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm/#E3, will.htm/#G1
Davey Peter Daysh - sonic boiler => boiler.htm, newzealand_visit.htm/#H1.5 & #H2, free_energy.htm/#E1
"Deer Cave" evaporated by UFOs near Mulu, Borneo => text_1_5.htm/V5.3.1 vol. 17
definition of "morality" (according to totalizm) => totalizm.htm/#A1, morals.htm/#B5
definition of "discovery" => text_1_5.htm/last subsection in V5.3.1 vol. 17
definition of "morality" in the world ruled by God => totalizm.htm/#A1, changelings.htm/#P1
"deity" means "bodily representation of God" or "God's embodiment" => newzealand_visit.htm/#D1, antichrist.htm/#F4
dolphins and whales as human ancestors => evolution.htm/#F2
"depression" and sick scepticism = signs of "parasitism" => parasitism.htm/#E1, totalizm.htm/#D10
mental depression - healing => nirvana.htm/#C6, parasitism.htm/#E1.
mental depression - causing suicides => will.htm/#G4
Diesel Rudolf - inventor of Diesel engine => mozajski_uk.htm/#H4, newzealand_visit.htm/#H1, eco_cars.htm/#G2
why atheisms build knowledge and technology but destroy morality => will.htm/#C4, bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm/#J3
why God doesn't hit with lightning => soul_proof.htm/#B2, changelings.htm/#D2, tornado.htm/#C1, antichrist.htm/#C1
why God prefers-protects communities/people which increase knowledge of others => seismograph.htm/#B7 & #B7.2
why God created women as significantly less perfect than men => antichrist.htm/#B2
why God created people (to pursue knowledge) => will.htm/#B2, text_1_5.htm/A3 & A3.1 vol. 1
why God tolerates suffering, harms and death => god_exists.htm/#C1 & #C2
why God "simulates" UFOs & UFOnauts => text_1_5.htm/QB2 & QB3 vol. 15, evidence.htm/#A2
why the lack of "competition" corrupts => god_exists.htm/#F1, telekinetics.htm/#M1.3, god_proof.htm/#A4
why national attributes of Poles encourage the action of the "curse of inventors" => mozajski_uk.htm/#I1
why Second Jesus cannot disclose and introduce himself, even if he is here => prophecies.htm/#G3
why our fate during youth depends on what we do as adults => totalizm.htm/#A2.5, god_exists.htm/#D1
why "good wives always have bad husbands, while good husbands always have bad wives" => god_proof.htm/#A4
why I use the abbreviation "JP3" on Google discussion forums => faq.htm/#E2.1
why women are more imperfect than men (plus evidence in support of this fact) => antichrist.htm/#B2
why coconuts never fall on heads of people => fruit.htm/#C1 & #D1, god_proof.htm/#F2
why "the end of world" will NOT happen in 2012 nor for further several thousands of years => quake.htm/#N1
why "bones of dinosaurs" prove that dinosaurs did NOT exist => god_exists.htm/#H2, #F2, #E1, stawczyk_uk.htm/#D3
why people are imperfect => antichrist.htm/#B2, text_1_5.htm/A3.1 vol. 1, parasitism.htm/wstęp, changelings.htm/#D1
why we have a duty to fight evil representations of God => antichrist.htm/#F5,
why we must pray exclusively to God => antichrist.htm/#F5, malbork_uk.htm/#D1
why week has 7 days in the entire world => pigs.htm/#C4, newzealand_visit.htm/#D5
why life of humans is composed of 2 cycles, each 60 years long => pigs.htm/#C8
why "doing nothing and lying on back-side" is immoral => god_exists.htm/#E3, totalizm.htm/#A2.1
why "nuclear world war" will never occur => bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm/#J2 & #J4, quake.htm/#N2
why we should know about God, not just believe in Him => bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm/#J3
why religions and atheistic sciences know almost nothing about God Himself (about God Father) => healing.htm/#A2
why the increase of faith in God destroys technological progress but increases morality => will.htm/#C3 & #A2,
why changes in human knowledge take "U" shape => pigs.htm/#C9
why good of many prevails over good of individuals => prawda_uk.htm/#C6
good husband = bad wife, bad husband = good wife (Chinese proverb) => god_proof.htm/#A4, antichrist.htm/#B2
"dole" = benefit for unemployed => prawda_uk.htm/#C6, pajak_jan_uk.htm/#B1
Domała Andrzej (the late) - abducted to UFOs from Nea planet => tekst_3b.htm, text_1_5.htm/UB2 vol. 16
founding accomplishment and philosophical foundations of the new "totaliztic science" => god_exists.htm/#F1.1, #F2
"riding a tiger" = impossible to ride - because falling, impossible to stop - because being killed => rok_uk.htm/#E1 - (1)
scientific evidence of special treatment of Petone in New Zealand by God => petone.htm/#I3, day26.htm/#I3
empirical proof that time is like a program that runs in jumps (discretely) => immortality.htm/#D1 & #D2
formal proof for software nature of the "program of life and fate" from DNA => immortality.htm/#D7, text_1_5.htm/M1.6
formal proof that soul enters body at the first breath => soul_proof.htm/#C6, text_1_5.htm/JD12.5.1 vol. 7
formal proof that "God authorised the Bible" => bible.htm/#B1, text_1_5.htm/M7.1 vol. 11
formal proof that "God exists" (with method of mathematical logic) => god_proof.htm/#G2, text_1_5.htm/I3.3.4 vol. 5
formal proof that "God created the first pair of humans" => evolution.htm/#B8, text_1_5.htm/NF9 vol. 12
formal proof that "people have souls" => soul_proof.htm/#G2, nirvana.htm/#C1.1, text_1_5.htm/I5.2.1
formal proof that "counter-world exists" => dipolar_gravity.htm/#D3, text_1_5.htm/H1.1.4 vol. 4
formal proof with "method of matching attributes" that UFOs exist objectively => ufo_proof.htm/#C, text_1_5.htm/P2
formal proof with "method of matching attributes" that "we live in world created & ruled by God" => changelings.htm/#B3
Second Jesus in Christchurch => prophecies.htm/#G2, quake.htm/#P5 & #P5.1
human soul = indestructible program from memory of "counter-matter" => soul_proof.htm/#C1 & #C2
souls enter bodies when umbilical cords are breaking => soul_proof.htm/#C6, faq.htm/#E2, text_1_5.htm/JD12.5 vol. 7
"twelve immortals" = Buddhist deities (Lohans) => immortality.htm/Fig. #B1c
children of rich people grow into misfits and egoists => god_proof.htm/#A3, mozajski_uk.htm/#I4
"ten righteous" (protect from cataclysms) => mozajski_uk.htm/#B4.1, day26.htm/#I3, totalizm.htm/#A2.3
Einstein and errors of his "theory of relativity" => quake.htm/#P6.1
"effect of leaf ghost" = showing "spirits" => telekinesis.htm/#F3, text_7_2.htm/C9
"telekinetic effect" = reversal of friction => free_energy.htm/#B2, boiler.htm/#B1, fe_cell.htm/#B2
"Tapanui explosion" = explosion of a stack "time vehicles" over New Zealand => tapanui.htm, tekst_5_4.htm
UFO explosions => tapanui.htm, text_1_5.htm/V5.2 vol. 17
experiment that gives weightless to human body => soul_proof.htm/#E7.2, telekinesis.htm/#M1
elliptical (and mysterious) windows in heaven over Petone => petone.htm/#I3(15) and Fig. #I3
energy of positive thinking => quake.htm/#J1
energy "yang" (male - heating) and "yin" (female - cooling) => fruit.htm/#B2, god.htm/#B7
energies (from India) "sattva", "tamas" and "rajas" => fruit.htm/#B4, wszewilki_uk.htm/#M2
"Enigma" => see Polish geniuses - Gwido Langer = deciphered German "Enigma"
evolution of God => god_proof.htm/#C2
evolution - facts => evolution.htm
fabrications of photographs of Jan Pająk => god_proof.htm/Fig. #J3, totalizm.htm/#I3
fabrications of UFO photographs = devaluation of authentic UFO photographs => memorial.htm, evidence.htm/Fig. #L1
"true immortality" = accomplished by bending "timespace" => immortality.htm/#J4
festival of lime flowers and carp in Milicz => milicz_uk.htm/#D33
"feminism" = female version of "parasitism" => morals.htm/#J2.2.1
"feng shui" => malbork_uk.htm/#H1, wroclaw_uk.htm/#D19, wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm/#B1 & #B6, milicz_uk.htm/#D26
film "All the King's Men" (Sandringham Company) => cloud_ufo_pl.htm/#F2
film "Changeling" (a changeling) => changelings.htm/#E1
film "Fires in the sky" (Travis Walton, UFO) => bandits_pl.htm/#D4, evidence_pl.htm/#B3, tekst_1_5.htm/V5.4 z tomu 17
film "Galaxy Quest" (cannibalism of weaker) => newzealand_visit_pl.htm/#K1
film "Groundhog Day" (time travel) => timevehicle_pl.htm/#D8.1, boiler_pl.htm/#E1, parasitism_pl.htm/#G8
film "Gwiezdne Wojny" (Yeti relative) => aliens_pl.htm/#H1
film "Omen" (dissapearance of bodies) => changelings_pl.htm/#E1
film "Piers Morgan On Dubai" (believers in cancer get cancer) => healing_pl.htm/#G2
film "The Magic Box" (o Williamie Friese-Greene - inventor of movie camera) => fe_cell_pl.htm/#K3(3)
film "The Wizard of Oz" (bad witch) => aliens_pl.htm/#C3
film "Wild China" (bamboo that die simultaneously) => god_proof_pl.htm/#F3
philosophy of "totalizm" = everyday philosophy of obedience to "moral laws" => totalizm.htm, tekst_8_2.htm
philosophy of "parasitism" = everyday philosophy of breaking "moral laws" => parasitism.htm,
formal scientific proof on the ... => see formal proof that "..."
formation of motionless "matter" from spinning whirls of "counter-matter" => dipolar_gravity.htm/#A1, tornado.htm/#K3
photograph of Monkey-God => god.htm/Fig. #B2a, text_1_5.htm/vol. 12 Fig. N1
"Kirlian photography" => mozajski_uk.htm/#I3
photograph of "lotus" flower from Korea => hosta.htm/"Fig. #15"
photographs of shooting-execution of Korean patriots => bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm/Fig. #I3
photographs of human aura => soul_proof.htm/Fig. #E1a to Fig. #E2b
photographs (authentic) UFO => explain.htm
photographs (authentic) UFOnauts => aliens.htm
photographs of tanks T34 (Russian), Sherman M4 (USA) and Valentine V (UK) => bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm/#E1.1-#E1.4
photographs of Hindu god "Murugan" or "Subramanya" => immortality.htm/Fig. #B1ab, parasitism.htm/Fig. #1
photographs of Jan Pająk (author) => pajak_jan_uk.htm, stawczyk_uk.htm, klasa_uk.htm, rok_uk.htm, tapanui.htm/#14
photographs of "Oscillatory Chambers" from UFOs => ufo.htm/Fig. #B7
photograph of a "lotus" flower from Korea => hosta.htm,
photographs of UFO landing sites => evidence.htm/Fig. #B1, explain.htm/Fig. #D7 & #D8, text_1_5.htm/V in vol. 17
photographs of "ornamental pigs from Chinese (birth) animal zodiac" => pigs_taken.htm, pigs.htm
photographs of ornamental flowers called "hosta", native to Korea => hosta.htm
photographs "of time travellers" (i.e. people from future that visit past) => immortality.htm/#D6.1
photographs of lonely baobab from Penang island in Malaysia => cooking.htm/#C2, stawczyk_uk.htm/#F4.4
photographs of "time vehicle" (UFO shifting back in time) => immortality.htm/Fig. #G1a-d, explain.htm/Fig. #F2a
Friese-Greene, William (inventor of movie camera) => fe_cell.htm/#K3(3), eco_cars.htm/#G2
Gates Bill of Microsoft (why fallout from studies) => god_exists.htm/#F3, tornado.htm/#C6
human giants from New Zealand (Te Kahui Tipua) => tapanui.htm/#F1, newzealand.htm/#I2
giant creatures of New Zealand => tapanui.htm/#F1, newzealand.htm/#I2
giant super-bird "moa" from New Zealand => tapanui.htm/Fig. #9ab
Giordano Daniela (Miss Italy) - recipient of the gift of "telepathic pyramid" => text_7_2.htm, 7_tekst.htm
Greek alphabet (and its coding for web pages) => keyboard_gr.htm
Graf Haupfman Nietzke von Kolande (mayor of Wrocław) => wroclaw_uk.htm/Fig. #D9, bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm/#G1
griffin (chupacabra) = composite of lion + eagle => newzealand.htm/#E8, wszewilki_uk.htm/#H1, stawczyk_uk.htm/#F3
"Davey's heater" = generator of "free thermal energy" => free_energy.htm/#E1 to #E7
Hass Helena (the late), my teacher of geography and history in LO Milicz => lo.htm, klasa_uk.htm
Trojan Helen from ancient Greece => predators.htm/#E5, changelings.htm/#I1
hysteria of crowds as reversal of nirvana = mass hysteria => nirvana.htm/#C5
Holt Harold (head of Australia) "disappearing" permanently on 19.XII.1967 => changelings.htm/#F1
hurricane Katrina => katrina.htm, predators.htm/#13
hurricanes => hurricane.htm, parasitism.htm/#A2
ignorance of science regarding procreation and pollination of baobabs => cooking.htm/#C2, stawczyk_uk.htm/#F4.4
"influenz-maschine" = "Thesta-Distatica" => text_1_5.htm/LA2.3 vol. 10, telekinetics.htm, free_energy.htm/#D1-7
" Inca walls" created by God => god_proof.htm/#I4, god_exists.htm/#H1
"intelligence" in people (in God's definition) as ability to generate new knowledge => tornado.htm/#C6
intensity of stream of teaching information (holds back cataclysms) => quake.htm/#K1 & #H3
"internet mob" = thoughtless killers at rational discussions => mozajski_uk.htm/#I1, immortality.htm/#M3
"spark emerges from Poland" - prophecy => prophecies.htm/#E1, text_1_5.htm/W5 vol. 18
how much Poland and New Zealand loose through persecution of native creators => mozajski_uk.htm/#I2, #B5
how activities of Jesus today would be illegal and punishable by law => prophecies.htm/#G3
how "changelings" illustrate to us consequences of human immorality => changelings.htm
how to transform "crystal radios" into "telekinetic cells" => fe_cell.htm/#H3
how radioactivity in foods kill us secretly => cooking.htm/#F1
how to defend ourselves when a death looks us straight into eyes => will.htm/#G7
how to defend against nastiness of UFOnauts => text_1_5.htm/QB4 & V8.6 vol. 15 & 17, evidence.htm/#A2
how to prepare ourselves to pandemics or cataclysms (e.g. "earthquakes") => plague.htm/#G1 to #G2
how to get answers from university professors without payments => god_exists.htm/#H1, pajak_jan_uk.htm/#L3
how to prevent earthquakes, tsunamis, and other cataclysms => totalizm.htm/#A2.3, day26.htm/#S1
which evidence confirms the age of God (around 6000 years) => text_1_5.htm/vol. 1 subsections A10 & A10.1
what are consequences of "simulations" of UFOs and UFOnauts => text_1_5.htm/QB3 vol. 15, evidence.htm/#A2
what are moral differences of word with God and word without God => totalizm.htm/#A1, bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm/#J1
"extraction glow" = sign of "telekinetic motion" => telekinesis.htm/#E1, dipolar_gravity.htm/#B3, Fig. #1
De Broglie Louis and his "symmetry of nature" => god_proof.htm/#E2(5), bible.htm/#F1, text_1_5.htm/H6.1 vol. 4
"Deer Cave" from UFOs in Borneo => magnocraft.htm/#G4, text_1_5.htm/V5.3.1 vol. 17
"Jin Cave" in Korea - drilled by UFOs => korea.htm/#H1 & "Fig. #11"
nuclear third world war never will occur => quake.htm/#N2, bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm/#J2 & #J4
"monogamy" and its disadvantages => morals.htm/#J2.2.2
Jesus as the "bodily representation of God" ("God's embodiment") => antichrist.htm/#F4, newzealand_visit.htm/#D1
Jodko-Narkiewicz Jakub = creator of "Kirlian photography" => mozajski_uk.htm/#I3
plastic duckling that drifted from the USA to New Zealand => telekinetics.htm/Fig. #M1, cloud_ufo.htm/Fig. #C1
"canon of ambiguity" = everything that God does must be ambiguous => will.htm/#C2, god.htm/#B9
"canon of indefiniteness" ("ambiguity") => text_1_5.htm/JB7.4, day26.htm/#O1, changelings.htm/#D2
mason from Cielcza near Jarocin that split stones with naked hand => soul_proof.htm/#E7
ceramic stones from Tapanui => tapanui.htm/#D3
stone from Atiamuri, New Zealand = wonders by itself => newzealand.htm/#D1
"punishment" from God is everything unpleasant that effacts us => mozajski_uk.htm/#B2.1
punishment of homosexuals confirmed by the Bible => antichrist.htm/#B4, quake.htm/#G1, mozajski_uk.htm/#B2.1
punishment of children with rods - in schools of my youth, years 1950-60 => wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm/#K1
punishment of children by rods - in present world => will.htm/#B5.1, newzealand_visit.htm/#G2, morals.htm/#N3
punishment of children by rods - ordered by the Bible => will.htm/#B5.1, soul_proof.htm/#K2, mozajski_uk.htm/#I4
punishment of children with rods - recommended by totalizm => text_1_5.htm/vol. 7 subsection JD2
punishment of immoral countries with "inventive impotency" => boiler.htm/#D1, fe_cell.htm/#K3, eco_cars.htm/#G1
cardinal design error in Japanese nuclear reactors (supply by gravity) => seismograph.htm/#C7(1)
karma => karma.htm
karma of Wrocław (bad karma) => wroclaw_uk.htm/#F2
cataclysms- hurricanes => see hurricanes
cataclysms - tornadoes => see tornadoes
cataclysms - earthquakes => see earthquakes
cataclysms - tsunamis => see tsunamis
cataclysms of Wrocław => wroclaw_uk.htm/#E2 & #B1
cataclysms which threaten the township of Petone and their origins => petone.htm/#C2 and #C3
nuclear catastrophes in Three Mile Island (USA), Chernobyl (Ukraine) & Fukushima (Japan) => telekinetics.htm/#M1
katipo = venomous spider of New Zealand => newzealand.htm/#K1.6
Katowice = collapse of hall => katowice.htm
every NZ worker producing cigarettes causes deaths of 15 people => petone.htm/Fig. #I3b, day26.htm/Fig. #I3b
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald => bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm/#J5
who or what we people are = in 99% - natural programs => nirvana.htm/#C1, soul_proof.htm/#C1
"kim-chi" (sauerkraut from Chinese cabbage) which slims and heals the population of Korea => korea.htm/#B1
"kiwi" fruits ("Chinese gooseberry") => fruit.htm/#I2, #D3 & #D5, seismograph.htm/#C5
"kiwi" bird (symbol of New Zealanders and New Zealand) => text_5_4.htm/#C7.1, newzealand_visit.htm/#G2
woman is a copy versus an extension of man => will.htm/#G4, changelings.htm/#B1, antichrist.htm/#B2
Columbus Christopher = son of Vladislav 3rd Jagiełło - Varna => mozajski_uk.htm/#I4
"mosquitoes" = why God created them => quake.htm/#F2, parasitism.htm/#C3 (10), god_proof.htm/#A4
"mosquitoes" = healing their bites => fruit.htm/#F5
"Oscillatory Chamber" = accumulator of energy => tapanui.htm/#J1, eco_cars.htm/#D2
"Oscillatory Chamber" = propulsor to stars => oscillatory_chamber.htm, propulsion.htm/#D1, text_1_5.htm/F
"Oscillatory Chamber" of the first generation = used to propell "Magnocrafts" and "UFOs" => oscillatory_chamber.htm
"Oscillatory Chamber" of third generation = capable of shifting time back => immortality.htm/#C2
company of soldiers (Sandringham Company) abducted to UFOs => cloud_ufo.htm/#C1, text_1_5.htm/V6(#18) vol. 17
"Concept of Dipolar Gravity" (KDG) = theory of everything => dipolar_gravity.htm
Concept of Dipolar Gravity and religions => prawda_uk.htm/#C6
Concept of Dipolar Gravity - like a ladder over a wall of ignorance => wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm/#J5, malbork_uk.htm/#B2
Concept of Dipolar Gravity explains how to live "here" and "now" => rok_uk.htm/#F1, totalizm.htm/#A2.1
end of medicines which heal - begin of medicines which make addicts => healing.htm/#G2
"end of world" = why it is NOT going to happen in 2012 => quake.htm/#N1
South Korea = my full professorship => korea.htm
benefits from "a priori" approach in "totaliztic science" => tornado.htm/#C3
benefits from practicing totalizm" => text_1_5.htm/JF vol. 8, changelings.htm/#P2
aliens = God's "simulations" of extraterrestrial humanoids => aliens.htm
bones of dinosaurs, fabrications => prawda_uk.htm/#C1-#C4, evolution.htm, stawczyk_uk.htm/#D3, god_exists.htm/#H2
churches, crosses, temples, mosques saved from cataclysms => seismograph.htm/#B2, #C5 (5), landslips.htm/#H4
church of St. Andrea Bobola in Milicz = history, fate and curiosities => sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm
church of St. Anna in Karłów near Milicz = history, fate and curiosities => sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm/#C4
church in "Wszewilki" and "Stawczyk" => sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm/#C5, wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm/#F1, Fig. #2 & #J1
Schrödinger's cat (NO-witnesses=unknown) => bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm/#B5, stawczyk_uk.htm/#D1, soul_proof.htm/#E1
steeling my car Ford Laser and refusal to pay me insurance by AMI => jan_pajak.htm/#4
blood and pumping power of heart contra resistance of hair-sized veins => god_proof.htm/#E2, bible.htm/#F1
cow called by its name gives more milk and is happier => wszewilki_uk.htm/#I5
sand-fly, mustyk = blood sucking and painful fly from New Zealand => petone.htm/#B3
"crusaders" and their castle in "Malbork" = mysteries and curiosities => malbork_uk.htm
book "The Secret Police and Lech Wałęsa" => pajak_jan_uk.htm/#B1, wroclaw_uk.htm/#F2, text_1_5.htm/A18 vol. 1
"corn" as component of almost every kind of supermarket foods => stawczyk_uk.htm/#D3 (1)
cult of Virgin Mary = against God's request => morals.htm/#G1, malbork_uk.htm/#D1, sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm/#D5
cumulative explosive charge (penetrates shields) => day26.htm/#D4
"kuramina" = medicine for everything => healing.htm/#F5 & #H1, healing_kuramina.htm
he who wastes food or fruits, one day will be lacking this food => prophecies.htm/#I2, fruit.htm/#D5
UFO landing sites => explain.htm/#D7 to #D8, ufo_proof.htm/#C6 & #E1, text_1_5.htm/V5.1 vol. 17
healing diarrhoea with soup from tapioca roots or from tapioca starch => fruit.htm/#J1, healing.htm/#B1
healing of hangovers with petai fruits => fruit.htm/#F5
healing of muscle pains with India's "tumeric" => healing.htm/#D1
healing of prolonged cough with tropical jackfruit also called nangka => fruit.htm/#H3, malbork_uk.htm/#F3
healing with traditional methods => healing.htm
healing of tropical illness "dengue" => fruit.htm/#E1, plague.htm/#B1, healing.htm/#B3
healing of white blood cells in after-cancer "chemotherapy" => fruit.htm/#E1, plague.htm/#B1, healing.htm/#B3
healing of constipation with kiwi fruits => fruit.htm/#I2
healing attributes of fermented foods (kim-chi, manuka honey, miso, wine, cucumbers, cabage) => korea.htm/#B1.1
healing with "silkworm pupa" (diabetes) = substitute to "stem cells" => korea.htm/#B3
legend of Wincenty about the UFO tunnel from Babia Góra => tekst_4b.htm/A, text_1_5.htm/V5.3.2 vol. 17
"medicine for everything" => changelings.htm/#P1, healing.htm/#H1-#H3, fruit.htm/#F1, healing_kuramina.htm
better humanity => humanity.htm
"party levitation" = weightlessness from soul => soul_proof.htm/#E7.2, telekinesis.htm/#M1
levitating tap = puzzle for technically gifted people => korea.htm/#E2, Fig. #6
"lying on one's back" => god_exists.htm/#E3, totalizm.htm/#A2.1, god_proof.htm/#A3, day26.htm/#R1
links to blogs of totalizm => totalizm.htm/#J5, faq.htm/#E3
"the line of the least resistance" => totalizm.htm/#A2.1, rok_uk.htm/#F1, #E3, eco_cars.htm/#G3, wszewilki_uk.htm/#L4
"LO" = Lyceum of General Education No 1 in Milicz => klasa_uk.htm, lo.htm
"logo" of totalizm => totalizm.htm/Fig. #A1 & #I1, tekst_8.htm/H1 vol. 5
London buses with "NO God" advertisement => timevehicle.htm/#A2, cloud_ufo.htm/#H4, will.htm/#E1
killers "simulated" as UFOnauts => predators.htm
cannibalism of New Zealand Maoris => newzealand_visit.htm/#K1
people and resources needed to build the first Magnocraft => text_1_5.htm/M11 vol. 11, magnocraft.htm/#J3
schols of dead fishes => day26.htm/#I1, newzealand.htm/#C5
Mack John, professor => predators.htm/#D5, changelings.htm/#L1
magic - principles of work => sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm/#H1
magic of "walking stone figures" in old India => sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm/#H4
magical making "zombies" (i.e. walking dead) => sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm/#H3
magical stopping rain by "bomoh" from Malaysia => god.htm/#D1
magical "death walkers" from China => sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm/#H2, god.htm/#D1
magical show of "climbing a rope" in old India => sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm/#H5
"magnetic personal propulsion system" => propulsion.htm/#C3, wszewilki_uk.htm/Fig. #H3
Magnocraft and its military applications => military_magnocraft.htm
"Magnocraft" of the first generation with purely magnetic propulsion system => magnocraft.htm
Magnocraft of the second generation also called "telekinetic vehicle" => see "telekinetic vehicles"
Magnocraft of the third generation also called "time vehicle" => see "time vehicles"
"Malbork" and it castle of "Teutonic Knights" = curiosities => malbork_uk.htm
monkey randomly typing a poem on a typewriter => will.htm/#E1, #E1.1
"Manhattan" program = building of atomic bomb => immortality.htm/#K2 & #A3
mass extinctions of various creatures => newzealand.htm/#C5
mass extinction of fishes => newzealand.htm/#C5
mass extinction of bees and a danger of "deaths from hunger" => newzealand.htm/#C5.1, telepathy.htm/#F1
"method of stick and carrot" used by God => god.htm/#D1, changelings.htm/#C1
method of defence from cataclysms => quake.htm/#P5.1, totalizm.htm/#A2.2
method of "awkward fellow" ("reversed logic") => prophecies.htm/#G3, morals.htm/#C3.4
"method of matching attributes" used in formal proving => ufo_proof.htm/#B2
methods of motivating school kids for learning in 1950s (today forbidden) => wszewilki_uk.htm/#K1
methods of cataclysms' prevention (earthquakes, torandoes, floods, etc.) => quake.htm/#A2, #C1, #J1
"Milicz" = the town in which I, i.e. "Jan Pająk" attended the "Lyceum" => milicz_uk.htm, klasa_uk.htm, lo.htm
myths on imperfections of women (e.g. Biblical on "snake, apple and Eve" or Maoris on tears) => see "Pandora's Box"
my publication [10] with the collection of all web pages authored by Dr Jan Pająk => text_10.htm
my philosophies: "Totalizm" => totalizm.htm, god.htm/#A4, day26.htm/#I3, text_1_5.htm/JA to JG vol. 6 to 8
my philosophies: "Parasitism" => parasitism.htm, quake.htm/#G1, text_1_5.htm/O vol. 13
my discoveries: "blue shift" => dipolar_gravity.htm/#D2, totalizm.htm/#A2.6, text_1_5.htm/H10
my discoveries: "red shift" => dipolar_gravity.htm/#D2.1 & #I1, totalizm.htm/#A2.6
my discoveries: "Cyclic Table" (periodic for propulsions) => see below "Cyclic Table"
my theories: "Concept of Dipolar Gravity" => dipolar_gravity.htm, totalizm.htm/#B2, text_1_5.htm/H & I, L, M, N
my theories: "evolutionary power of chaos" => will.htm/#E1, text_1_5.htm/A1.1 & A1.1.1 vol. 1
my lectures: years 1999 to 2004 (IT) => it_1999.htm
my lectures: years 2004 to 2005 (IT) => it_2004.htm
my lectures: year 2001 (Web Development) => it_2001.htm
my lectures: year 2007 (Software Engineering) => it_2007.htm
my inventions: "Oscillatory Chamber" (propulsor and accumulator) => oscillatory_chamber.htm, text_1_5.htm/F
my inventions: "Magnetic Personal Propulsion" => magnocraft.htm/#F3, propulsion.htm/#C3, text_1_5.htm/E
my inventions: "Magnocraft" (magnetic starship) => magnocraft.htm, propulsion.htm/#C1, text_1_5.htm/G
my inventions: "Telepathic Projector" => telepathy.htm/#C4, cloud_ufo.htm/#A2, text_1_5.htm/K5.2 vol. 9
my inventions: "Four-Propulsor Vehicle" => propulsion.htm/#C4, explain.htm/#G2, text_1_5.htm/D
my inventions: "Telekinetic Cell" (free energy) => fe_cell.htm, eco_cars.htm/#E1, text_1_5.htm/LA vol. 10
my inventions: "Telepathic Telescope" => telepathy.htm/#C3, dipolar_gravity.htm/#J1, text_1_5.htm/K5.1
my inventions: "Time Vehicle" (gives "immortality") => immortality.htm, timevehicle.htm, text_1_5.htm/M
"Jesus Bird" ("storm petrel") which walks on the surface of sea => prophecies.htm/#G3, stawczyk_uk.htm/#F4.1.3
"moa" = giant super-bird of New Zealand => tapanui.htm/Fig. #9ab
Moses (horny, 4.84 meter high, from waist look of "angel") => text_1_5.htm/V6 (#12) vol. 17
monograph [1/5] = newest publishing of my entire scientific contribution, 18 vols, 2010 => text_1_5.htm
monograph [1/4] = predecessor of monograph [1/5], in 18 vols., 1998 => tekst_1_4.htm
monograph [1/3] = predecessor of older monograph [1/4], in 9 vols., 1998 => tekst_1_3.htm
monograph [2e] = old publication on the "Oscillatory Chamber", 1994 => text_2e.htm
monograph [5/3] = outcomes of research on the "Tapanui explosion", 1996 => text_5e.htm
monograph [6/2] = old presentation of "free energy" devices", 1993, today chapter LA in [1/5] => text_6e.htm
monograph [8/2] = the philosophy of "totalizm", 8 vols, 2009, today vols 6 to 8 & 13 in [1/5] => text_8_2.htm
monograph [8] = older version of "totalizm", 8 vols, 2003, today vols 6 to 8 & 13 in [1/5] => text_8.htm
monopole on "kiwi" fruits => fruit.htm/#D5, quake.htm/#P5
"monopole on knowledge" of the to-date "atheistic orthodox science" => totalizm.htm/#A2.6, text_1_5.htm/H10 vol. 4
monopoles = immoral institutions => rok_uk.htm/#F1, seismograph.htm/#C5 & #B5, text_1_5.htm/H10 vol. 4
"moral energy" = intelligent energy generated or dissipated by people => totalizm.htm, malbork_uk.htm/#D2 & #E2
"moral field" = similar to gravity action on intellects => totalizm.htm
"moral laws" = set of laws deciding about poutcomes of our actions => totalizm.htm, parasitism.htm
"morality" cannot be confused with "religiousness" (moral does NOT need to be religious) => quake.htm/#A1
"morality" = God's requirements how to live => totalizm.htm/#A1, changelings.htm/#P1, quake.htm/#P5.1
morality of a "group intellect" => mozajski_uk.htm/#B2 to #B4.4, text_1_5.htm/NG6 to NG6.4 vol. 12
morality of an "individual intellect" => mozajski_uk.htm/#B1 to #B3, text_1_5.htm/NG5 to NG5.7 vol. 12
"morality" is the "key to everything" => morals.htm/#B4, totalizm.htm/#A1, changelings.htm/#P1
Możajski Aleksander = builder of the first airplane (Alexandr Fyodorovich Mozhaisky) => mozajski_uk.htm/#C2
Muldoon Robert Sir (exceptionally moral leader) => prawda_uk.htm/#C6, pajak_jan_uk.htm/#B1, landslips.htm/#I1
"Murugan" (always young) "deity" called "Subramanya" => immortality.htm/Fig. #B1ab, parasitism.htm/Fig. #1
"rat catcher" from the village of Cielcza near Jarocin => text_1_5.htm/I5.7.4 in vol. 5, item #1I5.7.4
supernatural death of hooligan from Wszewilki => wszewilki_uk.htm/Fig. #C2a sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm/#G2
supernatural "angel stone" and oak from St Anna near Milicz => milicz_uk.htm/Fig. #D20
supernaturalism of bamboos and palms = synchronise dying => stawczyk_uk.htm/#F4.4, god_proof.htm/#F3
supernaturalism of baobabs = self-healing => god_proof.htm/Fig. #J1, stawczyk_uk.htm/#F4.4
supernaturalism of gum-trees = know Chinese calendar => pigs.htm/#C2
supernaturalism of trees and stones "datuk" from Malaysia = fulfil wishes => malbork_uk.htm/Fig. #D1, ufo.htm/Fig. #G9
supernaturalism of stones = some walk intelligently => newzealand.htm/#D1
supernaturalism of coconuts = "have eyes" => god_proof.htm/#F2, fruit.htm/#C1 & #D1
supernaturalism of mosquitoes = read our minds => stawczyk_uk.htm/intro to "Part #F",
supernaturalism of cats = know when someone dies => stawczyk_uk.htm/intro to "Part #F", text_1_5.htm/subsection I8.1
supernaturalism of bears = detecting edible and poisonous => stawczyk_uk.htm/#F4.1.2
supernaturalism of Polish "grass snakes" = remotely hypnotise frogs => stawczyk_uk.htm/#F2, day26.htm/#E6
supernaturalism of Polish storks = know the future => stawczyk_uk.htm/Part #F, wszewilki_uk.htm/#G2
supernaturalism of Polish "smooth snake" ("gniewosz") = slowing time => stawczyk_uk.htm/#F3, tornado.htm/#K3
supernaturalism of sharks = remotely hypnotise victims (for painless bites) => stawczyk_uk.htm/#F4.1.1
supernaturalism of elephants = finding water => stawczyk_uk.htm/Part #F
supernaturalism of "guardians" from Korea = getting-rid of drifters => malbork_uk.htm/Fig. #D3ab
supernaturalism of rats = know the future (explosions, sinking) => wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm/#J6, day26.htm/#D3
supernaturalism of Borneo totems = do not like to be photographed => malbork_uk.htm/Fig. #D2, newzealand.htm/#D1
supernaturalism of execution axes = after 1000 executions they kill by themselves => malbork_uk.htm/#D2
prise of Senator McCain (300 millions $) for invention similar to the "Oscillatory Chamber" => eco_cars.htm/#D2
God's "rewards" and "punishments" for moral or immoral life => text_1_5.htm/NG5.1.1 vol. 12, mozajski_uk.htm/#B2.1
most smelly dishes (durian, mutton-bird) => fruit.htm/#G1, #G1.3 newzealand_visit.htm/#K3 to #K4.4
frequently asked questions => faq.htm
worst epidemics (illnesses, plagues, pandemics) recent around 30 years => plague.htm/#B1
"sex addiction" => newzealand_visit.htm/#D1 and "Fig. #D1", bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm/#J5
magnetic propulsion systems => propulsion.htm/#H5
National Human Treasures of Poland => mozajski_uk.htm/#C4
"totaliztic science" (competition for old science) => totalizm.htm/#A2.6, telekinetics.htm/#C1, god_exists.htm/#F1
"scientific inquisition" and "witch hunting" in present times => tapanui.htm/#K7, god_exists.htm/#F3
nothing has only advantages or only drawbacks (everything has both) => cooking_pl.htm/#B1, skorowidz.htm/#C1
"there is NO God" ads on London buses => timevehicle.htm/#A2, quake.htm/#P5, mozajski_uk.htm/#I4
imperfection of women => antichrist.htm/#B2
"non-existing existence" = "imprisoned immortality" without nirvana => immortality.htm/#H5, timevehicle.htm/#C8
incompetence of present science in research of uncooperative intelligences (e.g. UFOs or God) => ufo_proof.htm/#B1
"immorally" = along "the line of the least resistance" => wszewilki_uk.htm/#L4, plague.htm/#G2
"immortality" = means the awareness of living for infinitively long time => immortality.htm
moral immortality accomplished by repetitive shifting back in time => immortality.htm/#B3
immoral immortality accomplished with medical methods => immortality.htm/#B2
contradiction of sucking of water by waterspouts to present physical knowledge => tornado.htm/#K1
Nineveh (penitent immorality) => quake.htm/#G1, morals.htm/#C5.3, #H6, antichrist.htm/#J1, #E1
nirvana = super-happiness induced by moral work => nirvana.htm
nirvana as a ticket to years of youth => immortality.htm/#I1, mozajski_uk.htm/#B4.2
resonance nirvana at the Technical University of Wrocław => nirvana.htm/#C3
Nobel Alfred (Swedish inventor of dynamite) => mozajski_uk.htm/Fig. #H1
Nosbocaj (Miss) - New Zealand UFO abductee => text_1_5.htm/UB1 vol. 16
New Zealand curiosities => newzealand.htm, newzealand_visit.htm
New Zealand - repetitive delays of retirement age => faq.htm/#C3, god_proof.htm/#A4, job.htm/#A2
New Zealand - only around 32% unemployed receives "dole" benefit => prawda_uk.htm/#C6, pajak_jan_uk.htm/#B1
Dayak's divine revelation regarding Second Jesus => prophecies.htm/#G1
defence of individual people from misfortunes and cataclysms => tapanui.htm/#H5, totalizm.htm/#A2.2
defence of "group intellects" against cataclysms => totalizm.htm/#A2.3, seismograph.htm/#B6 & #C5.1
defence from "curse of inventors" => mozajski_uk.htm/#H4, eco_cars.htm/#H3
landslides, landslips, mudslides = catastrophes => landslips.htm
slimming and healing capabilities of Korean "kim-chi" => korea.htm/#B1
evaporation of WTC in New York by UFOs => wtc.htm, text_1_5.htm/V8.1 vol. 17
responsibility of scientists for dissemination of knowledge => cooking.htm/#C2
"reversal of own beliefs" => healing.htm/Part #G, totalizm.htm/#A2.2
"company's awkward fellows" (illustrate "how to NOT do something") => quake.htm/#K1, morals.htm/#C3.4
victims of the "curse of inventors" => eco_cars.htm/#G2, fe_cell.htm/#K3, boiler.htm/#D1 & #F1
official and scientific persecutions of Christians in present times => petone.htm/#A2
"telekinetic cell" = simplest generator of "free energy" => fe_cell.htm, free_energy.htm/#C1 to #C7
human giants, colossuses, etc., from New Zealand => see human giants, giant creatures of New Zealand, etc.
"orb" in shape og golden egg from "Krzywa Rzeka" on Babia Góra => tekst_4b.htm/C3, D1 & C1
"orb" which I saw in Petone, New Zealand, 2006 => explain.htm/#I3
"orb" which I saw near Szklarska Poręba, 1964 => tekst_4b.htm/D1
"orbs" = spheres of light => newzealand.htm/#E3.2, rok_uk.htm/"photo 4", text_1_5.htm/V5.6 vol. 17
"orbs" and "rods" = crewless UFOs => explain.htm/#I1 to #I3, evidence.htm/#C4, landslips.htm/#G1
"orbs" in shapes of golden sphere from "Haurakei Gulf" in New Zealand => tekst_4b.htm/D1, newzealand.htm/#E3
"orbs" ("Naga Fireballs") of "Mekong" river near "Phon Phisai" temple in Thailand and Laos => newzealand.htm/#E3.1
ornamental pigs from Chinese animal zodiac => pigs.htm
Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright = recognised as builders of the first airplane => see Wright Orville and Wilbur
warning about approaching earthquakes => seismograph.htm/#I1
Pacific fruits and philosophy of their eating => fruit.htm
Pająk Jan, Dr Eng. = the author of these web pages => pajak_jan_uk.htm, totalizm.htm/#J2, malbork_uk.htm/#B1
Pająk Jan, Dr Eng. - short version of the autobiography => jan_pajak.htm
Pająk Jan, Dr Eng. (professorship in Poland) => fe_cell.htm/#K3 (2), god_exists.htm/#F3 (5), mozajski_uk.htm/#D3
"Pani Twardowska" by Adam Mickiewicz => changelings.htm/#E1, wszewilki_uk.htm/#H3, newzealand_visit.htm/#D1
Pańszczyk Kazimierz - researcher of UFO tunnels and mysteries of "Babia Góra" => tekst_4b.htm/G
grandfather paradox from 'science fiction' books => timevehicle.htm/#C3
parallel realities paradox from 'science fiction' books => timevehicle.htm/#C3
"paradox of believers" = fall-down of knowledge but increase of morality => will.htm/#C3 & #A2, evil.htm/#F2
paradox of multiple existence from 'science fiction' books => timevehicle.htm/#C3
paradoxes described in 'science fiction' books => timevehicle.htm/#C3
political party of totalizm => partia_totalizmu.htm
"parasitism" => see the philosophy of "parasitism"
passive reply of events distant in time => timevehicle.htm/#C12
passiveness towards immorality (how it is punished) => quake.htm/#E1, parasitism.htm/#B4
"pavlova" = i.e. sweet cake of eggs white from New Zealand and Australia => mozajski_uk.htm/Fig. #D2
Pavlova (Matveievna) Anna (12/2/1881 - 23/1/1931) = taught how to bake "pavlova" => mozajski_uk.htm/Fig. #D2
flee-catcher from Żywiec = obedience of telepathic commands by flees => text_1_5.htm/I5.4 vol. 5, item #3I5.4
flees => evolution.htm/#N1, parasitism.htm/#C3
Pearse Richard William, the first airplane in New Zealand => mozajski_uk.htm/#D1, newzealand_visit.htm/#H1.1,
"perpetual motion" => free_energy.htm/#A2, #B1.2, boiler.htm/#A2, #B1, telekinetics.htm/#I1, fe_cell.htm/#B1
Petone protected from cataclysms by "10 righteous" => day26.htm/#I3 & #I1, petone.htm/#I3, quake.htm/#P5.1
Pied Piper of Hamelin = "rat catcher" => text_1_5.htm/I5.4 vol. 5, item #3I5.4, korea.htm/"Fig. #11"
"telepathic pyramid" => telepathy.htm/#E1, free_energy.htm/#C1, text_7_2.htm, 7_tekst.htm
plague of pandemics => plague.htm
paid education in New Zealand and England is like "riding a tiger" => rok_uk.htm/#E1 - (1)
"changelings" = "simulations" of UFOnauts pretending to be people => changelings.htm/#E1
depression, feeling of paralyse, etc., emanated from New Zealand => nirvana.htm/#F2, newzealand_visit.htm/#E1
"a posteriori" approach of the "atheistic orthodox science" (from effects to cause) => totalizm.htm/#A2.6
"a priori" approach of the "totaliztic science" (from cause to effects) => totalizm.htm/#A2.6, text_1_5.htm/H10 vol. 4
appearance of past fauna in present times (waves of "timespace") => tapanui.htm/#F2
generation of "Midases in reverse" => tapanui.htm/#K5 & #K6
"moral field" = similar to gravity action at intentions => rok_uk.htm/#F1
Technical University of Wrocław and wasted chance for building the Magnocraft => magnocraft.htm/#J1
Technical University of Wrocław, best in world, 1960-80 => rok_uk.htm/#E1, wroclaw_uk.htm/#B1, magnocraft.htm/#J2
Polish geniuses - Aleksander Możajski = builder of the first airplane => mozajski_uk.htm/#C2
Polish geniuses - Gwido Langer = decoded German "Enigma" => mozajski_uk.htm/#I5
Polish geniuses - Jakub Jodko-Narkiewicz = invented "Kirlian photography" => mozajski_uk.htm/#I3
Polish geniuses - Christopher Columbus (Krzysztod Kolumb) = discovered America => see Christopher Columbus
Polish geniuses - Mikołaj Kopernik (who stopped Sun and moved the Earth) => milicz_uk.htm/Fig. #D19
progress is impossible without learning truth => totalizm.htm/#F1, morals.htm/#K1
"monsters" (griffin, Nessie, serpent, Mkole-Mbembe, taniwha, etc.) => stawczyk_uk.htm/#E1, totalizm.htm/#A2.2
"rising from graves" = backdating "time vehicles" => immortality.htm/#H6, timevehicle.htm/#C10
origins of the universe => will.htm/#E1, text_1_5.htm/A1-A6 vol. 1
delaying cataclysms with intensive streams of teaching information => seismograph.htm/#B7 & #B7.2
stopping cataclysms by "10 righteous" => seismograph.htm/#B6 & #C5.1, day26.htm/#G2 & #I3
stopping cataclysms by practicing "totalizm" => seismograph.htm/#B6 & #C5.1, day26.htm/#G1
"dead" eyes of UFOnauts "simulations" => evidence.htm/#A2, changelings.htm/#M2
job for me = requirements that should fulfil the post that I am seeking (i.e. Dr Eng. Jan Pająk) => job.htm
"moral laws" => morals.htm/#C4.4, totalizm.htm/#B3, parasitism.htm/#B2, stawczyk_uk.htm/#C1
truth and its 'thorny way' => prawda_uk.htm
truth as manifestation of love => totalizm.htm/#F1, morals.htm/#K1
truth cannot be hidden, but can be camouflaged => telekinetics.htm/#M1.3
"true immortality" = formed by bending "timespace" => immortality.htm/#J1
true knowledge ("research from the position of God") => changelings.htm/#B1, totalizm.htm/#A2.6, parasitism.htm/intro
true experts work silently and humbly => wszewilki_uk.htm/#D2
"true progress" (as a reversal of "false progress") => eco_cars.htm/#G4
"Boomerang Principle" self-punishing immoral "group intellects" => petone.htm/#A2
"Boomerang Principle" self-punishing immoral individual people => mozajski_uk.htm/#B3
"anti-smacking law" from New Zealand => will.htm/#B5.1, parasitism.htm/#B4, morals.htm/#C5.6 & #J2.4
"law of a highway through sea" => totalizm.htm/#A2.4
problems with food and feeding people => cooking.htm
"program of life and fate" = contained in DNA, executes our path through time => seismograph.htm/#C2
"counter-matter" = substance from counter-world like a liquid computer => dipolar_gravity.htm/#A1, #A2
"counter-world" = other world existing parallel to ours => dipolar_gravity.htm/#A2
curse of investigators of "bones of dinosaurs" => god_exists.htm/#H2
curse of UFO researchers => god_exists.htm/#H2, evidence.htm/#J3
"curse of inventors" => mozajski_uk.htm/#B4.4 & #H1, newzealand_visit.htm/#H1 to #H2, eco_cars.htm/#H1
silence or lying is the manifestation of hostility => totalizm.htm/#F1
prophecy (warning) about Madonna of Teutonic Knights from Malbork => malbork_uk.htm/#C1 to #F5
old Polish prophecies => prophecies.htm/#H5
dead walkers from China and the nature of UFOnauts bodies (like from rubber) => evidence.htm/#A2
abortions according to totalizm => soul_proof.htm/#C6, faq.htm/#E2, text_1_5.htm/JD12.5 vol. 7
"timespace" => dipolar_gravity.htm/#G4, timevehicle.htm/#B2.1, seismograph.htm/#C2
"blue shift" of light from stars stretched by gravity => dipolar_gravity.htm/#D2
"red shift" of light from stars condensed by gravity => dipolar_gravity.htm/#D1, #D2, #D2.1
predictions of Christchurch earthquake of 20 March 2011 which fulfilled => quake.htm/#P6
"survival of most moral/fittest" => changelings.htm/#B1, bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm/#E3, will.htm/#G1
example of work of "perpetual motion" => telekinetics.htm/#B2, pajak_jan_uk.htm/#G2
"cases" which saved my life => seismograph.htm/#B5 Ad. #3, fe_cell.htm/#K3 (4), god_proof.htm/#H2
proverb "giving fish feeds for a day, teaching fishing - feeds for a lifetime" => day26.htm/#R2
"pursue of knowledge" goal of creation of mankind => tornado.htm/#B4, #C1, healing.htm/#C2, wroclaw_uk.htm/#F1
bees killed by our handphones - "conspiracy of silence" => telepathy.htm/#F1, newzealand.htm/#C5.1
"bird Jesus" ("storm petrel") which walks on surface of sea => prophecies.htm/#G3, stawczyk_uk.htm/#F4.1.3
bird "moa" (giant) from New Zealand => tapanui.htm/Fig. #9ab
birds (dead) falling from sky => newzealand.htm/#C5
publication [10] => text_10.htm
"Pandora's Box" => newzealand_visit.htm/#D1, antichrist.htm/#B2
"crystal radios" - how to build them => fe_cell.htm/#H2
radioactive wild pigs from Germany => cooking.htm/#F2
radioactivity in women's milk => god_exists.htm/#F3
atomic reactors with a fault like 'bombs awaiting to explode' => telekinetics.htm/#M1, seismograph.htm/#C7(1)
religion = collection of confirmations for seekers, but not ready-make solutions for lazy and ignorant => will.htm/#E1
"religiousness" does NOT mean "morality" (religious person can be immoral) => quake.htm/#A1
resonating fishes (killed by vibrations of earthquakes) => day26.htm/#D4
Richard William Pearse => see Pearse Richard William
horns of Alexander Great (Macedonian) and Biblical Moses => text_1_5.htm/V6 (#12) vol. 17
Romulus (from Ancient Rome) as a "changeling" => changelings.htm/#F1
Russian alphabet (its coding for web pages) => all_in_one.htm, keyboard_ru.htm
indiscipline, hooliganism and uselessness of New Zealand youth => god_proof.htm/#A4, will.htm/#B5.1
Rutherford Ernst (creator of present model of atom) => fe_cell.htm/#K3
dead fishes washed out on shores => newzealand.htm/#C5
poisonous fishes => newzealand.htm/#K1.5
sabotage of web pages by "simulations" of UFOnauts => sabotages.htm
"Saddle Hill" near Dunedin - in which a UFO resides => newzealand.htm/#F2, telekinetics.htm/"Fig. #E1"
"Salamis" = immoral city in Cyprus destroyed by "tsunami" => tapanui.htm/#H3, text_1_5.htm/V5.2 vol. 17
pollution-free cars (eco cars), e.g. "on water" => eco_cars.htm
cars on water => eco_cars.htm, free_energy.htm/#G1 to #G3.
self-evolution of God => god_proof.htm/#C2
self-destructive SMS and emails => predators.htm/#E12, changelings.htm/#I1
self-regulatory moral mechanisms => mozajski_uk.htm/#B3.1
"self-healing" through "reversal of own beliefs" => healing.htm/#G2
self-released "placebo" for healing pains, illnesses, infertility, overweight, addictions, etc. => healing.htm/#G2
self-aware computers - their evolution from the "chaos" of self-learning nets => will.htm/#E1.1
self-aware natural program of "counter-world" called God => god.htm/#A3
"Sandringham Company" at Gallipoli, Turkey, 1915 => cloud_ufo.htm/#C1, #F2, text_1_5.htm/UB3 vol. 16
scene of rape of Maori women by 3+1 fingered tribesmen of "Uenuku" => newzealand_visit.htm/#D1 and Fig. #D1
Scenario of atomic catastrophe in Japan resulting from "design errors in reactors" => telekinetics.htm/#M1.1
"Seismograph of Zhang Heng" = > see Zhang Heng Seismograph
filmed ghost-rocked over Los Angeles, USA => will.htm/#F2
filmed proof (video), that time travel is possible => immortality.htm/#D6
"Siva" = father of Hindu "deity" called "Subramanya" => see "Murugan"
treasures from undergrounds of Malbork => malbork_uk.htm/#I3
treasures from undergrounds of Milicz => sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm/#F3
treasure from tower in Strzelin => wroclaw_uk.htm/#D12
treasures from Wrocław => wroclaw_uk.htm/#D12
treasures from the village Wszewilki and Stawczyk => wszewilki_uk.htm/#D3, Fig. #C2a
"complaints" that proceed cataclysms (God's punishments) => seismograph.htm/#B5(ad 2) & #B7
Skłodowska-Curie Maria discoverer of radioactivity and radium => mozajski_uk.htm/Fig. #H1
"skorowidz-links" (index) means alphabetic list of topics in given text => skorowidz_links.htm
links to my posts in Google discussion forums => faq.htm/#E2
"dragons" => sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm/Fig. #5b, seismograph.htm, bible.htm/#E1, totalizm.htm/#E6
"dragons" as oldest interpretations of UFOs => text_1_5.htm/V1 (D4) vol. 17
burning of village "Saladare" in Ethiopia by UFOs, 1970 => text_1_5.htm/P2.7 vol. 14, evidence.htm/#E2
Sodom and Gomorrah (punished for immorality) => tapanui.htm/#H1, #H2, morals.htm/#C5.3, antichrist.htm/#B4
social evil of homosexuals => antichrist.htm/#B4
slowed water waves in outlet of Amazon river ("pororoca", "Silver Dragon", etc.) => dipolar_gravity.htm/#D2
contradiction of work of waterspouts and tornadoes to present physical knowledge => tornado.htm/#K1
Stalin Joseph (cause for his inability to distinguish good from evil) => god_exists.htm/#F3
state of telekinetic flickering = making UFOnauts invisible => dipolar_gravity.htm/#C1
"spinsters' behaviours" (deviations/degenerations from lack of competition/opposition) => god_exists.htm/#F1.1 & #F3
"Stawczyk" means small village by "Wszewilki" = fate and curiosities => stawczyk_uk.htm
Stawczyk - appearance in distant past => wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm/J1 to #J3, stawczyk_uk.htm/#C4
airships "simulated" over New Zealand => will.htm/#F2, text_1_5.htm/OD5 vol. 13
stiuk = artificial stone of Madonna in Malbork => malbork_uk.htm/#C1, Fig. #C1b, Fig. #C2, #C4
downing of Columbia by "simulations" of UFOnauts => shuttle.htm text_1_5.htm/V8.2 vol. 17
telekinesis-free zone on Antipodes => tfz.htm
"cut - shaved" = saying and poem by A. Mickiewicz "Golono, Strzyżono" => milicz_uk.htm/#D10
"well of unfaithful wives" from the Czocha castle => milicz_uk.htm/#D10
creation = standard procedure of creation => newzealand_visit.htm/#D1 to #D5
creation of first people by God => god_proof.htm/#C4, newzealand_visit.htm/#D1 & #D3
creation of physical world by God => god_proof.htm/#C3
"Subramanya" = second son of "Siva" => see "Murugan"
"super-bacteria" self-healing with a placebo effect => healing.htm/#G2.2, telekinetics.htm/#M2, plague.htm/#B1
drying sausages during Chinese Lunar New Year => pigs.htm/#C2
nipple of female UFOnaut (like of rubber) => evidence.htm/#A2, text_1_5.htm/JG9.4 & JG9.5 vol. 8
God's "simulations" means "acts of temporary creations" => day26.htm/#K1, evolution.htm/#A5, #J1 & #K1
synchronous movements of UFOnauts => antichrist.htm/#F5, sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm/Fig. #4c
evilness - origins => evil.htm
"rat catchers" = supernatural commanding rats => malbork_uk.htm/Fig. #G2e, korea.htm/Fig. #11,
Szewczyk Wiesław (Mgr) - co-author of treatise [7b] => tekst_7b.htm/F
knife called "kris" (must be 'fed') => text_1_5.htm/vol. 5 subsection I4.1.1 item #6C
blind, uncritical and passive belief in claims of religions is anti-productive => morals.htm/#C4.4, will.htm/#C3
"death from hunger" of humanity => telepathy.htm/#F1, newzealand.htm/#C5.1, prophecies.htm/#H2
"hunger death" in medieval "hunger tower" from Paczków => milicz_uk.htm/"Fig. #D6(b)", wroclaw_uk.htm/#D7
death in young age as consequence of the deafness to whispers of conscience => god_exists.htm/#D3
sleeping giant (giant sculpture from Coromandel in NZ) => god_proof.htm/#B2, newzealand_visit.htm/#I2
"world without God" would operate on different principles than "world ruled by God" => fe_cell.htm/#K1, healing.htm/#A2
"world without God" would look differently => prawda_uk.htm/#C3, fe_cell.htm/#K1, quake.htm/#C2
"world ruled by God" can be recognised => changelings.htm/#B1 to #B4, healing.htm/#A2, fe_cell.htm/#K1
"extraction glow" also called "extraction light" => telekinesis.htm/#E1, free_energy.htm/"Fig. #I1"
"world's nuclear war" = why it is NOT going to occur => quake.htm/#N2, bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm/#J1 to #J4
holy substances and their attributes => bible.htm/#F2
"Cyclic Table" => propulsion.htm/#B1, magnocraft.htm/#A2, antichrist.htm/#B1, text_1_5.htm/B1 vol. 2
"Mendeleyev Table" => propulsion.htm/#B1, magnocraft.htm/#A1, antichrist.htm/#B1, text_1_5.htm/B vol. 2
"telekinetics" = science about applications of telekinesis => telekinetics.htm
telekinesis and its applications => telekinesis.htm, free_energy.htm/#I2, #I3, #B2
telekinetising => dipolar_gravity.htm/#F2
telepathy = similar to sounds vibrations of "counter-matter" => telepathy.htm
telepathic hypnotising of frogs by Polish grass snakes => stawczyk_uk.htm/#F2, telepathy.htm/#F1
"Theory of Magnocrafts" and explanations of UFOs => wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm/#J5, telekinesis.htm/#I3
"Theory of Superbeings" by Adam Wiśniewski (who used the pseudo-name "Snerg") => see Wiśniewski
"Theory of Big Bang" => cooking.htm/#C2, god_exists.htm/#F2 & #I1, bible.htm/#C12
"tree removers" who escalate corrosion and destruction of New Zealand => landslips.htm/#I1
execution axe (after 1000 executions it kills by itself) => malbork_uk.htm/#D2, text_1_5.htm/#5I7 & JA2.4 vol. 5 & 6
"tornadoes" and their technical generation by UFOs => tornado.htm, telekinesis.htm/Fig. #K2
tornado in Auckland, New Zealand => tornado.htm/#H5 & #G2
tornado in Wrocław => tornado.htm/#H3, wroclaw_uk.htm/#E2
water tornado in Sydney, Australia => tornado.htm/#G2
"totalizm" => see philosophy of "totalizm"
"totaliztic science" contra "atheistic orthodox science" => totalizm.htm/#A2.6, text_1_5.htm/H10 vol. 4
totaliztic salute (greetings of people who practice totalizm) => partia_totalizmu.htm/#B5.1
treatise [3b] (in Polish only) = about abductions to "simulations" spaceships of evil UFOnauts => tekst_3b.htm
treatise [4b] (in Polish only) = "Tunele NOL spod Babiej Góry", 1998 = about "UFO tunel" from Poland => tekst_4b.htm
treatise [4c] (in Polish only) about interpretations of authentic photographs of UFOs, 2002 => tekst_4c.htm
treatise [7] = "Fate of one pyramid", 1995 = about a humanoid from stars who gaive us a pyramid => 7_text.htm
treatise [7/2] = "Pyramid of thoughts", 1999 = about "telepathic pyramid" for interstellar communication => text_7_2.htm
treatise [7b] (in Polish only) = about device which reveals invisible UFOnauts and UFOs, 1998 => tekst_7b.htm
"curare" (origins, production, use) => healing.htm/#F1, fruit.htm/Fig. #D3, it_2007.htm/Fig. #1
poisonous vegetation and other dangers of New Zealand => newzealand.htm/#K1
poisonous juice from banana tree (uses) => fruit.htm/Fig. #D3,
final "disappearances" = "UFO abductions" (Patrick Fisk, Harold Holt, etc.) => bandits.htm/#D4, text_1_5.htm/V6(#18)
earthquakes => quake.htm, seismograph.htm, day26.htm
earthquake in China (12 May 2008) => katrina.htm/#E3
earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand => seismograph.htm/#C5 to #C6 & #I1
earthquake in Haiti => seismograph.htm/#C3
earthquake in Japan => seismograph.htm/#C7 & #I1
earthquake in Poland and England => seismograph.htm/#I1
bumblebee (according to aerodynamics it should not fly) => cooking.htm/#C2, god_exists.htm/#H2, god_proof.htm/#E2
three well documented explanations for "cataclysms" => tapanui.htm/#I1, tornado.htm/#C2, landslips.htm/#B2 & #J1
tsunami = cataclysmic sea waves => day26.htm
tsunami on Indian Ocean (Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Thailand) => day26.htm/#D1 to #D7
tsunami of a gigantic power and height which supposed to hit New Zealand => telekinetics.htm/#M1.2
tsunami in Japan => seismograph.htm/#C7 & #I1, telekinetics.htm/#M1, day26.htm/#F5
tsunami in Chile => day26.htm/#F3
tsunami in Samoa => day26.htm/#F2
tsunami in Wellington on 23 January 1855 (3 meters high) => day26.htm/#I1
tsunami in West Sumatra => day26.htm/#F4
tunnel from tomb of Murgrave in Milicz => sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm/#G3
tunnel UFO called Deer Cave in Borneo => magnocraft.htm/#G4, text_1_5.htm/V5.3.1 vol. 17
medieval tunnels and cellars under Milicz => milicz_uk.htm/#D4, #D5, #D28, sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm/#F3
tunnels and cellars under Nogat river of medieval Malbork => malbork_uk.htm/#I2
UFO tunnels (glossy, smooth, straight) => ufo_proof.htm/Fig. #C9, newzealand.htm/#F1, korea.htm/#H1
UFO tunnels under Babia Góra => evidence.htm/#B5, sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm/#F3, tekst_4b.htm
UFO tunnels under Łysica (Łysa Góra) => evidence.htm/#B5, newzealand.htm/#F1
UFO tunnels under Sobótka => evidence.htm/#B5, malbork_uk.htm/#G1, newzealand.htm/#F1
Turner Karla, Dr => changelings.htm/#L1
only God Father knows dates and times when something vital is to happen => quake.htm/#N1
tyrants/despots - result of deviations/degeneration and lack of competition/opposition => god_exists.htm/#F1.1 & #F3
resolution: UFOs = Magnocrafts => timevehicle.htm/#D2, ufo_proof.htm/#D2, explain.htm/#J2, antichrist.htm/#G6
"UFO" means God's "simulations" of starships => ufo.htm, ufo_proof.htm, explain.htm, evidence.htm
UFO-clouds = clouds that hide UFOs inside => cloud_ufo.htm
UFOs working as "time vehicles" => immortality.htm/#D4
bending of "timespace" = a way of travelling in time => immortality.htm/#J2
revealing a truth is manifestation of love => totalizm.htm/#F1, morals.htm/#K1
making 9-segment Rubik cube => rubik.htm
making 16-segment Rubik cube => rubik_16.htm
"Uenuku", his tribesmen, and their "sex addiction" => newzealand_visit.htm/#D1 and Fig. #D1
confirmations in the Bible, that time vehicles can be build => immortality.htm/#D5
"Privacy Act" => humanity.htm/#G2, nirvana.htm/#G1, tapanui.htm/#H1, bandits.htm/#G2
killing people by wasps => wszewilki_uk.htm/#L4
killing bees by handphones => telepathy.htm/#F1, newzealand.htm/#C5.1, tornado.htm/#K3
"imprisoned immortality" from repetitive returning to years of youth => immortality.htm/#H1, timevehicle.htm/#C7
healing infertility with herbal "kuramina" => healing.htm/#F5
healing diarrhoea with soup of tapioca => healing.htm/#B1, fruit.htm/#J1
healing sorethroat with hot solution of salt => healing.htm/#D2
healing muscle pain with tumeric cocktail => healing.htm/#D1
healing diabetes with silkworm pupa => korea.htm/#B3, healing.htm/#F6
healing persistent cough with fruits of nangka (jackfruit) => malbork_uk.htm/#F3, fruit.htm/#H3, healing.htm/#B2
healing ("self-healing") of our pains through "reversal of beliefs" => healing.htm/#G2
healing constipation with kiwi fruits (or gooseberries) => fruit.htm/#I2
vimana = ancient "Magnocrafts" => eco_cars.htm/#D3, evolution.htm/#J2, newzealand_visit.htm/#D6
Watt, James (invented steam engine) => propulsion.htm/#B1
"God's embodiments" or "bodily representations of God" => see "deity", or => god.htm/#B6, healing.htm/#A2
"time vehicle" means Magnocraft of the third generation => timevehicle.htm
"telekinetic vehicle" means Magnocraft of the second generation => magnocraft.htm/#I2
entering of souls to bodies at the time of breaking umbilical cord => soul_proof.htm/#C6, text_1_5.htm/JD12.5 vol. 7
verification by the new "totaliztic science" of the truth of statements from the Bible => petone.htm/#A3
Whisson, Max (invented windmill which extracts water from the air) => wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm/#C4.2
"faith plus totalizm" = culture and tradition plus knowledge of God => totalizm.htm/#G2, god.htm/#J4, bible.htm/#F4
"eternal happiness" = "imprisoned immortality" conditioned by nirvana => immortality.htm/#H2
eternally rotating flywheel ("perpetual motion") => free_energy.htm/#F1 to #F6, pajak_jan_uk.htm/#G2
"everlasting hell" = "imprisoned immortality" without nirvana => immortality.htm/#H3
multilevel thinking of God (like a multiprocessor computer) => prawda_uk.htm/#C6, seismograph.htm/#B7
"polygamy" and its advantages => morals.htm/#J2.2.2
poem "medicine called 'kuramina' " = jocose => healing_kuramina.htm, healing.htm/#H1, fruit.htm/#F1
poem about totalizm and artistic creativity about totalizm => totalizm.htm/#I2
poem "radości po 60-tce" = humorous, anonymous author => po_60_tce.htm
prison Abu Ghraib near Baghdad => changelings.htm/#H1 & #I1
Wincenty and his "star in toilet" that produced "Angels Hair" => text_1_5.htm/V5.4 vol. 17
Wincenty about hypnotising of frogs by Polish grass snakes => text_1_5.htm/R4.2 vol. 15, stawczyk_uk.htm/#F2
Wiśniewski and his "Theory of Superbeings" => will.htm/#B4, antichrist.htm/#B1, text_1_5.htm/A3.2 vol. 1, NF5 vol. 12
"Veneta", "Vineta", "Wineta" = immoral city on the Baltic sea => tapanui.htm/#G2, #H2, petone.htm/Introduction
Wingquist Sven (Swedish inventor of ball bearings) => mozajski.htm/Fig. #H1
Wiśniewski and his "Theory of Superior Beings" => will.htm/#B4, antichrist.htm/#B1, text_1_5.htm/A3.2 vol 1, NF5 vol 12
vision of Maori prophet about the destruction of Wellington => day26.htm/#I3
vision of Poland in times when totalizm will prevail => katowice.htm/#10
Władysław 3rd Jagiełło - Varnenian (king of Poland, son Władysław 2nd Jagiełło) => see Christofis Columbus
war of Christchurch against God => prophecies.htm/#G2
Napoleon army - how it destroyed walls of Wrocław and Milicz => wroclaw_uk.htm/#C2 & #D11
Polish army - "awkward fellows" (illustrate "how NOT do something") => quake.htm/#K1, morals.htm/#C3.4
Polish army - tradition of sappers 'stand under a bridge when the first tank rolls over it' => jan_pajak.htm/#7
Polish army - the use of weed coffee to prevent illness after being caught by rain => healing.htm/#E1
Polish-Latvian army - supernatural destruction by hostile towards Poland figure from Malbork => malbork_uk.htm/#C3
army marauders which murdered autochthons and robbed Wszewilki soon after the war => wszewilki_uk.htm/#M1
"free will" in action and interpretation => will.htm/#B1 & #C2, soul_proof.htm/#B2, changelings.htm/#D2
Wolski Jan (the late), four-propulsor UFO abduction (1978-5-10) => text_1_5.htm/Q1 vol. 15, milicz_uk.htm/Fig. #D21(a)
Wright Orville and Wilbur = recognised builders of the first airplane => mozajski_uk.htm/#E1
"Wrocław" means the city in which I, "Jan Pająk", studied = curiosities => wroclaw_uk.htm
Wrocław and its bad karma => wroclaw_uk.htm/#F2
Wrocław - tornado of 16 May 2008 => tornado.htm/#H3, wroclaw_uk.htm/#E2
Wróbel Adam - co-author of treatise [4c] => tekst_4c.htm/H
competition of Jan Pająk with cows and sheep of New Zealand => newzealand.htm/Introduction
"Wszewilki" and "Stawczyk" = fate and curiosities => wszewilki_uk.htm, wszewilki_jutra_uk.htm
"all in one" = screen calculator for Engineering calculations and for languages => all_in_one.htm
bring up children like steel is hardened => will.htm/#B5.1, god_proof.htm/#A4
list of illnesses, plagues, and epidemics which attack the humanity since AIDS of 1980 => plague.htm/#B1
mass extinction of various creatures => newzealand.htm/#C5
extinction of bees and "death by starvation" of the humanity => newzealand.htm/#C5.1, telepathy.htm/#F1
"inventive impotency" of nations => quake.htm/#H4, free_energy.htm/#H1, mozajski_uk.htm/#B4.4 & #H2
imagine what we would do if we are God => evidence.htm/introduction
poisoning of wasps and other creatures in New Zealand => wszewilki_uk.htm/#L4
guidelines of "totalizm" for most beneficial acting in everyday life => totalizm.htm/#A2, rok_uk.htm/#F1
"Yeti" (also: succubae, evils, pixies, etc.) => newzealand.htm/#E6, stawczyk_uk.htm/#E2 & #D3, totalizm.htm/#A2.2
"Yeti", "Snowman", "Almas"; "Big Foot", "Sasquatch", "Oh-mah-ah"; "Maroero" => text_1_5.htm/V6 (#6a) vol. 17
killed by UFOs on "Cholat Siahl" ("Death Mountain"), Ural, 1959 => text_1_5.htm/UB3 vol. 16, evidence.htm/#E2
abduction of "Sandringham Company" to UFOs in 1915 => text_1_5.htm/UB3 vol. 16, cloud_ufo.htm/#F2
behaviour of professional scientists in the field of inventiveness => boiler.htm/#A2, eco_cars.htm/#A2
ban on homosexuals => morals.htm/#C5.5, quake.htm/#G1, plague.htm/#B1, mozajski_uk.htm/#B2.1
advantages and benefits of learning about "curse of inventors" => free_energy.htm/#H4
walled up alive in medieval times => wroclaw_uk.htm/#D7, malbork_uk.htm/#I1, milicz_uk.htm/#D6
pollination of baobabs => cooking.htm/#C2, stawczyk_uk.htm/#F4.4, tornado.htm/#K3
infestations: flees, mites, louses, bed bugs, etc. = signs of "parasitism" => parasitism.htm/#C3
principles of operation of "time vehicle" => immortality.htm/#A2, text_1_5.htm/M1.1 vol. 11
principle of the "survival of most moral" => changelings.htm/#B1, bitwa_o_milicz_uk.htm/#E3, will.htm/#G1
my drastic change of views on UFOs, UFOnauts and "changelings" (of 2007) => changelings.htm/#A2
principles, laws and regularities that rule over our everyday life => totalizm.htm/#A2, rok_uk.htm/#F1
embarrassment (feeling "imposed from above") => changelings.htm/#C2
remotely controlled killing of granddad => timevehicle.htm/#C3.1
pictures, photos, photographs, etc. => see photographs
photos of human aura - see photographs of human aura => soul_proof.htm/Fig. #E1a to Fig. #E2b
photos of ornamental pigs => pigs_taken.htm
Zhang Heng Seismograph for remote detection of earthquakes => seismograph.htm, mozajski_uk.htm/Fig. #G1
phenomena contradictive to official knowledge and science to-date => tornado.htm/#K3
breaking of "monopole for knowledge" of official science => totalizm.htm/#A2.6, telekinetics.htm/#C1, tornado.htm/#K3
bad valley Rimutaka with Wainuiomata => day26.htm/#I3, newzealand.htm/#K1.9
"golden eggs" = creative contribution of inventors and discoverers => free_energy.htm/#H2
golden egg ("orb") from "Krzywa Rzeka" on the Babia Góra => tekst_4b.htm/C3, D1 & C1
"golden fleece" (gold spread over the surface of the Earth) => tapanui.htm/under "Fig. #5"
magnetised gold = nuggets of magnetised metal with attributes of gold => tapanui.htm/#E3
golden "orb" floating in a steam near Szklarska Poręba => tekst_4b.htm/D1
"golden horn" from "Wesele" by Wyspiański => immortality.htm/#K3, jan_pajak.htm/#8
gold-glowing "orbs" from "Haurakei Gulf" in New Zealand => tekst_4b.htm/D1, newzealand.htm/#E3
"conspiracy of silence" of scientists over extinction of bees => telepathy.htm/#F1, newzealand.htm/#C5.1
disappearance of the sculpture of "She-devil-UFOnaut' (signs and miracles) => sw_andrzej_bobola_uk.htm/Fig. #4
destruction of immoral city of "Salamis" from Cyprus=> tapanui.htm/#H3, text_1_5.htm/V5.2 vol. 17
destruction of immoral city of "Saeftinghe" in Netherlands => tapanui.htm/#H4
destruction of immoral city of "Wineta" (Vineta) near Świnoujście => tapanui.htm/#H2, text_1_5.htm/V5.2 vol. 17
obligations of builders of the Dr Pajak's inventions => fe_cell.htm/#H1
complete uselessness of the "earthquakes early warning system" => seismograph.htm/#C7
communication of incoming "earthquake" by fishes => day26.htm/#D7
communication of incoming "earthquake" by frogs and toads => day26.htm/#D7 & #E6
link between inoculation for measles and so-called autism in children => tapanui.htm/#K7
link between health and "morality" => changelings.htm/#P1, totalizm.htm/#D8 & #D10
degenerations-deviations of present science = monopole and the lack of competition-opposition => god_exists.htm/#F3
sources of radioactivity in our food => cooking.htm/#F1 to #F4
sorce replication of web pages => replicate.htm
"frog rain" (rain of alive frogs) => god_proof.htm/#H2
female Sheikh (i.e. Oriental Princess), means my wife => jan_pajak.htm/#8
"ginseng" root = healing root from Korea => korea.htm/#G2 & "Fig. #9", healing.htm/#F2 & #F2.1
"eternal life" = repeated forever "imprisoned immortality" => immortality.htm/#H4
"we live in the world ruled by omnipotent God" => changelings.htm/#B1 to #B3

Part #C: Notations and conventions used here:


#C1. All web pages and publications of totalizm are composed of small sections (items), each one of which can be read separately:

       In present times people are bombarded with excess of information. So in order to eliminate this overwhelming of readers, all totaliztic web pages and publications are designed in a special manner. Namely, totaliztic web pages and publications are so written that any their part (item) can be read and understand in separation from other parts (items) and without the necessity to read these other parts (items). Of course, for these people who wish to extend information contained in a give part (item), always are provided further links or indicated further publications, which allow them extend and deepen the knowledge of a given topic
       Unfortunately, numerous limitations of the physical world mean that every real solution has its own advantages and disadvantages (i.e. nothing in the physical world has only advanatages or only drawbacks, or is only good or only bad). Thus, while creating this advantage of totaliztic web pages and publications, that they can be read in small portions (items), simultaneously I created also their disadvantage, namely that "some information must be in them repeated briefly". So I appeal to be understanding in this matter. After all, it does NOT result from my lack of awareness of the existence of this problem, but from the need to make possible reading my publications in small portions due to present situation of the world "overflowing with excess of information". After all, we all know that brief repetition of information which we already learned we always can skip during reading. On the other hand, descriptions or publications which are too long, we usually abandon completely.

#C2. How due to "aliases" one can fast find and access most searched for totaliztic web pages:

       Until December 2012 this item provided a set of "aliases" to most popular totaliztic web pages. This is because they allowed more easy and faster opening of these web pages. For example, instead remembering and writing a complicated address of a totaliztic blog, readers could simply type the alias "blog.zs.pl" into the addressing window of their internet explorer, and the blog of totalizm would open itself. Unfortunately, in December 2012 I noticed, that the aliasing service "zs.pl" (which I used so-far) ceased to exist. Thus, until the time when I find some other easy to use aliasing service, and provide below the list of aliases to most popular totaliztic web pages, the further use of aliases for my web pages I am forced to suspend and call off.

#C3. Publication [10] with compendium of all web pages authored by Dr Eng. Jan Pająk:

       I should add, that just is being developed the publication marked [10], which, when finished, will contain printouts of all my web pages referred on this index-links web page.

#C4. Conventions used during composing this "index of topics":

- every line from "part #B" above contains a description of one "topic" (keyword) from this index
- length of every line is designed for the "Medium" (average) "text size"
- order of links in each line corresponds to the recommended order of reading about a given "topic"
- in each line I tried to place the most vital keywords near the beginning of the line
- surnames of people from this index are listed before their Christian names
- with the colour green are marked links to web pages that I am authorising
- in order to shift to a linked web page it suffices to "click" (with mouse) on such a green link
- almost every totaliztic web site (server) contains all my web pages, or links to all my web pages
- names of web pages in green links are their "physical names"
- with the symbol # are marked items on linked web pages in which given topics are elaborated

Part #D: Final information of this web page:


#D1. Emails and contact details to the author of this web page:

       Current email addresses to the author of this web page, i.e. officially to Dr Eng. Jan Pajak while courteously to Prof. Dr Eng. Jan Pajak, at which readers can post possible comments, inquiries, or replies to questions which I ask on my web pages, are provided on the web page about me (Dr Eng. Jan Pajak). That page also provides other commonly used contact details to the author.
       The author's right for the use of courteous title of "Professor" stems from the custom that "with professors is like with generals", namely when someone is once a professor, than he or she courteously remains a professor forever. In turn the author of this web page was a professor at 4 different universities, i.e. at 3 of them, from 1 September 1992 untill 31 October 1998, as an "Associate Professor" from English-based educational system, while on one university as a (Full) "Professor" (since 1 March 2007 till 31 December 2007 - means at the last place of employment in his professional life).
       However, please notice that because of my rather chronic lack of time, I reluctantly reply to emails which contain JUST time consuming requests, while simultaneously they document a complete ignorance of their author in the topic area which I am researching. Therefore, if the reader sends a request to me, I suggest to let me know somehow that he or she actually went through the trouble of reading my web pages and learning what these pages try to say.

#D2. Copyrights © 2012 by Dr Jan Pajak:

       Copyrights © 2012 by Dr Jan Pajak. All rights reserved. This web page is a report from outcomes of research of the author - only that is written in a popular language (so that it can be understood by readers with non-scientific orientation). Ideas presented on this web page (and also in other publications by the author) are unique for the author’s research, and thus from the same angle these ideas were NOT presented by any other researcher. As such, this web page presents ideas which are the intellectual property of the author. Therefore, the content of this web page is the subject to the same laws of intellectual ownership as every other scientific publication. Especially the author reserves for himself the credit-rights for the scientific discoveries and inventions described on this web page. Therefore, the author reserves that during repeating any idea presented on this web page (i.e. any theory, principle, deduction, interpretation, device, evidence, proof, etc.), the repeating person gives a full credit to the author of this web page, through clearly explaining that the author of a given idea is Dr Jan Pajak, through indicating the internet address of this web page under which this idea was published, and through mentioning the date of most recent update of this web page (i.e. the date indicated below).
* * *
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Date of starting this page: 7 December 2010
Date of the most recent update of this page: 12 December 2012
(Check in "Menu 3" whether there is even a more recent update!)